“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: News media bias

  • Where is the opinion page for Madison conservatives?

    “You are welcome to my opinion.” — William F. Buckley Scrubbing the floors on hands and knees, the indentured servants here at Stately Blaska Manor sang “Praise the Lord” as we read them Friday’s editorial in the Wisconsin State Journal.  Madison WI’s favorite morning daily newspaper has lobbed a juicy spitball at a worthy target:…

  • NY Times readers Blow off Lori’s race scam

    Is this the end of identity politics, Rico? In the last thrilling installment of your favorite blogge, we examined a racist column from the newspaper that foisted The 1619 Project on a weary America. New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow blamed racism most foul for the stunning loss of Lori Lightfoot in Tuesday’s 02-28-23…

  • Not even Fox News believes Trump’s stolen election lie

    But they sacrificed honest reporting to rescue ratings. The Head Groundskeeper did not fall off the tater truck yesterday. We know RITOs (Republicans in Tr•mp Only) will go to their graves believing every lie and excusing every crime in thrall to the Insurrectionist in Chief. Nancy Pelosi held the doors to the Capitol open on J6…

  • Progressives are not in their prime

    How did we ever lose to these guys? Imagine your average Madison alder saying something like this: “Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway isn’t in her prime. Sorry, when a woman is considered to be in her prime is in her 20s, and 30s, and maybe 40s…” But that is what CNN’s Don Lemon said about Nikki…

  • ‘Fake news’ is the real thing

    News media guilty as charged! In the most thorough accounting yet, the Columbia Journalism Review, that liberal-leaning arbiter of news reportage, indicts the mainstream news media for malpractice in taking Hillary Clinton’s bait and running with the Russian Collusion Hoax despite more red flags than a May Day parade.  Result: The US news media has…

  • Madison schools: where sunlight never penetrates

    When will voters demand accountability? As impenetrable as a galactic black hole, the Madison Metropolitan School District guards its secrets. What is the WaPost motto? “Democracy Dies In Darkness.” After being denied access to public records for a year now, our good government allies at Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty are are bringing lawsuit…