“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: News media bias

  • NBC news media is cohesive and aligned

    But then, so is Vladimir Putin’s! On the cable news outlet that employs the race grifter Al Sharpton, Ari Melber Tuesday evening read a memo from his boss at NBC/Universal throwing Ronna McDaniel under the bus. Melber’s mutiny and those of other talent like Rachel Maddow (who hyperventilated on the subject for 29 minutes) defenestrated…

  • Eeek! A Republican at MSNBC?

    Trigger warning! Turmoil is being caused! Honest to God and pray for rain, The Capital Times once printed an editorial cartoon drawn by that bolshevik Mike Konopacki lampooning one of its own newspaper reporters: BLASKA!  By that point in his so-called career, Blaska had abjured objectivity. He had seen too many of his colleagues literally…

  • When they say it is not a quota

    … you can be certain it is a quota! Most of our news media went Woke about the time Lil’ Abner disappeared from the comic pages. Before Alec Baldwin, Budweiser, Disney, the public schools, the Democrat(ic) party, Madison WI, and the entire state of California became politically correct, the news media endeavored to prove it was…

  • Court protects right NOT to speak

    Free speech trumps identity politics! Let’s say you are a gay website designer and an intolerant right-wing homophobe wants you to design his hate group’s website.  WELL, GO AHEAD AND SAY IT! (Sigh. I am a gay website designer and an intolerant right-wing homophobe wants me to design his hate group website, blah blah blah!…

  • An unbiased source of truth?

    What is THAT? Any news executive who fires Don Lemon, John Harwood, and Brian Stelter, and demotes Jim Acosta, is serious about even-handed journalism. Good journalism is what got the CEO of CNN fired. The news addicts at the Policy Werkes flip between the cable news shows, Fox, CNN, and yes, MSNBC, and occasionally, PBS.…

  • America just got healthier!

    Tucker Carlson out at Fox;Don Lemon out at CNN! Blaska’s Bottom Line: Both were dishonest hucksters. Does it get any shorter or sweeter than that?