“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


NBC news media is cohesive and aligned

But then, so is Vladimir Putin’s!

On the cable news outlet that employs the race grifter Al Sharpton, Ari Melber Tuesday evening read a memo from his boss at NBC/Universal throwing Ronna McDaniel under the bus. Melber’s mutiny and those of other talent like Rachel Maddow (who hyperventilated on the subject for 29 minutes) defenestrated the former Republican National Committee chair from a promised job as a political commentator. Melber then segued into his next segment, promising that former Obama attorney general Eric Holder would join him on-camera. Back to business as usual!

“No organization, particularly a newsroom, can succeed unless it is cohesive and aligned.” 
—  NBC/Universal News Group chairman.

So much for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the Woke news channel’s self-policing faculty lounge. Cohesion and alignment is the order of the day. This is the same MSNBC that bit hard on Hillary’s Russian collusion hoax. Ms. Maddow was visibly verklempt when the Mueller report blew that story line all to hell. The cable channel still gives Adam Schiff more exposure than the strippers at Tony Soprano’s Bada Bing Club. 

Ms McDaniel’s tenure as token Republican at the NBC/Universal stable, therefore, lasted not much longer than the UW Badgers in the NCAA basketball tournament. Her sin was election denialism — a trait that makes Democrats twitch when discussing Gore v. Bush 2000. The irony, of course, is that Trump replaced McDaniel as chair of the Republican National Committee with relatives from his own crime family.

Which freed our Ronna to finally speak the truth. Yes, the January 6 insurrectionists deserve prison. Yes, Joe Biden won election “fair and square.” Those simple truths hit at the heart of the MAGA message. McDaniel explained in her NBC Face the Nation interview Sunday 03-24-24:

“When you’re the RNC chair, you — you kind of take one for the whole team, right? Now I get to be a little bit more myself.”

The Werkes believes there are many more high-placed Republicans afeared of being their intelligent, conscience-stricken selves but, for schist and giggles, we turn the tables:

How many times have Ari Melber & Co.taken one for the team”? Suppressed a random journalistic impulse in favor of toeing the progressive party line? Niccolle Wallace once worked for George W. Would she ask Rep. Jamaal Bowman if his high school had fire alarms? And endure all that hissing and finger snapping? We think not!

Lawrence O’Donnell worked for Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who blew the whistle on the welfare trap. When will O’Donnell be a little bit more himself and question why the demolition workers at the fallen Baltimore bridge should rescue Grievance Study majors from their college debt? Republicans elected Joe Scarborough to Congress. Might he ask Biden surrogates why so late to the party on border security? And risk the Biden administration refusing your phone calls?

Rachel Maddow could demand of Congressman Schiff why he lied about the “incontrovertible evidence” he claimed of Russian collusion. But then she was a willing dupe, a useful idiot. She bought into the lie, now she owns it.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: When Joy Reid asks the un-Reverend Sharpton when he’ll apologize for the Tawana Brawley hoax, it will be the twelfth of never. Because the NBC news talent is too cohesive and aligned to permit such heresy! Journalism, it now appears, is a team sport.

Are they as afraid of their audience as Fox News is of theirs?

9 responses to “NBC news media is cohesive and aligned”

  1. brynstane

    They needed to offload her to make room for a new commentator who truly reflects conservative Republican thinking. Welcome, Mitt(ens) Romney!!


  2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    In THEIR democracy, Lefty’s convinced there’s no room for wide spread difference of opinion; c’mon, we have always been at war with Eastasia, after all, am I right?

    NBC’s Compulsive Democrat Liars Erupt in Indignation Over the Hiring of a Republican Liar

    Journalism, it now appears, is a team sport.

    To their credit, Bari Weiss, Michael Cieply, Glenn Greenwald, Andrew Sullivan, and a few other brave souls hit the Transfer Portal!

    The Gotch


    1. Mike

      Using the word “talent” to describe the hysterical clowns on main stream media is an insult to people who really do have talent. So much for “defending democracy” which in their “minds” means cancelling opposing views and opinions.


    2. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      “No room for wide spread difference of opinion,” like what the righties did to Liz Cheney? Vos being recalled for saying Biden won? Why do you think so many repubs are “retiring”? Just listen to Greene, Gaetz and Boebert for an hour. Everyone wants to pick a side instead of fixing the problem. Just listen to trump for a few minutes and you will get the picture.


    3. kevinw111657

      The Gotch neglects to mention the venerable Matt Tiabbi in his list of reporters who insist on pursuit of truth, and have hit the transfer portal. (In journalism, it should be known as the Principle Portal.) In a just world, Tiabbi should win a Pulitzer for his exposition of Big Tech/Big Government censorship. Alas, today’s media world is rarely just.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

        Right you are, and thanks; The Gotch was thinking about the Rolling Stone while pondering which ethically honorable luminaries he’d omitted.

        Principle Portal…dig it!

        The Gotch


        1. kevinw111657

          Speaking of Matt Taibbi (correct spelling), he, too, noticed the MSNBC debacle. He was not favorably impressed.

          Read this for a chuckle..



  3. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    From the bedrock Conservative HuffBLOWMSNBC Almost Entirely Dominated By Opinion: Pew Study

    News Content: FoxNews 45 % MSLSD 15 %
    Opinion Content: FoxNews 55 % MSLSD 85 %.

    Et tu, HuffBLOW?

    Sooo, MSLSD HAS 55 % more Opinion content and a mere 1/3 the News content of FoxNews?

    Why yes…yes…MSLSD DOES have 55 % more Opinion content and a mere 1/3 the News content of FoxNews!

    The Gotch


  4. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    Congrats to Lands. Woman, white, democrat, pro abortion wins in Alabama. 
