“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: News media bias

  • Yes, Picasso, you have to paint Franco’s wedding portrait

    Our theme today: the liberal double standard Does anyone doubt that — had Republicans distributed condoms with the message to, let’s say, prevent another Barack Obama — our news media would be shrieking with indignant 48-point headlines?  Instead, it was the Democrats at their convention over the past weekend in Oshkosh who distributed condoms bearing…

  • Who is the racist now?

    Quiz time on this beautiful summer day to start the Memorial Day weekend. Who is the racist? Is it Rachel Dolezal, the white woman who posed as black and even scored a post as an NAACP official — to the wonderment of her red-haired parents? We thought she had enjoyed her 15 minutes of shame…

  • Liberal news media seeks the elusive Trump voter in dive bars

    Professional journalists’ lack of credibility gave rise to “alt media” Say this for The Capital Times, it provides sand for the Squire’s oyster, from which these pearls flow. Intellectual ferment is welcome at the Stately Manor, if not among our acquaintances on the Left. Paul Fanlund has a column up about the mortal challenge to…