Jim Fenley photo: his dock in N. Wisconsin

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Disadvantaged students need police in our schools the most

“Racial equity” has become the all-purpose justification for dubious educational policies. Equity proponents view “disparate impact”—when the same policies yield different outcomes among demographic groups—as conclusive proof of discrimination. On the education front, “equity” does not seek equal treatment for all students. Instead, it demands statistical equivalence in discipline referrals and suspensions for students of every racial group, regardless of those students’ actual conduct. — from the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal.

A riot broke out at Madison East High School during the lunch period late last September. The fighting was so intense it broke out onto busy East Washington Ave.

The police officer assigned to the school intervened but the mass melee broke into smaller tussles, then quickly coalesced into another free-for all. For a good 30 minutes the fighting continued. So many police responded — 11 more — that police radio traffic throughout the city had to be restricted to emergencies, only. The fracas was quelled only after “numerous citations” and one arrest.

School discipline is no longer about kids passing notes in class.  

A 2016 U.S. Department of Education survey reported that 13.7% of Wisconsin teachers were threatened during the 2011-2012 school year, the third highest rate in nation that year. The same school year, 11.3% of Wisconsin teachers were physically assaulted, the nation’s highest rate.

Undeterred, Madison’s noisy social justice activists want police out of schools (also called Educational Resource Officers, or EROs). Agitators like Freedom Inc., Progressive Dane, Socialist Alternative, and other members of the Black Lives Matter movement decry what they call the school-to-prison pipeline. In so doing, they perpetuate the misbegotten lesson of Ferguson: that police, not crime, is the problem. A receptive Madison school board is listening to them, partly because no one else is speaking.

A school board committee is in the home stretch of kicking police out of Madison’s four high schools. It next meets at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 21 at school district hdq, 545 W Dayton St.

Tell the School Board you support police in schools. 

At bottom, the Madison school board fears the race card.

“When a disproportionate amount of students of color in Madison school district are struggling, school board member Dean Loumos said it is imperative to analyze practices through a racial equity lens.”

Freedom Inc. pickets Madison school headquarters, complete with bullhorns

Like so many, Loumos mistakingly ascribes nefarious causation to undesirable outcomes. True, the famous 2013 Race to Equity report found that schools in Dane County are 15 times more likely to suspend a black student than a white student. But nowhere does the report blame racial discrimination. (In fact, the word “discrimination” is found only once in the lengthy document.) For the Left, everything is identity politics.

Stanford University’s Stanford University’s Thomas Sowell wrote in September 2016:

A big “favor” the Obama administration is offering blacks today is exemption from school behavior rules that have led to a rate of disciplining of black male students that is greater than the rate of disciplining of other categories of students.

Is it impossible that black males misbehave in school more often than Asian females? Or Jewish students? Or others?

Is the only possible reason for the disparities in disciplining rates that the teachers and principals are discriminating against black males? Even when many of these teachers and principals in black neighborhoods are themselves black? But Washington politicians are on the case. It strengthens the political vision that blacks are besieged by racist enemies, from which Democrats are their only protection.

The soft bigotry of low expectations

Creating a separate but unequal standard of conduct hurts at-risk students more than helps them. “They give black youngsters exemptions from behavioral standards,” Sowell warns.

In the Obama administration, “Misguided federal agencies … made it clear that schools with a record of racial or ethnic disparities in disciplinary data could face a federal investigation. Many schools simply stopped expulsions and suspensions.” says Rep. Jeremy Thiesfeldt, a former teacher. “Negative behavior without consequences promotes more negative behavior.”

The Republican from Fond du Lac proposes Assembly Bill 693, the Teacher’s Protection Act, to allow teachers to demand student suspensions and require principals to report violent students to police.

Zulma Franco, East High ERO

No one ever talks about the victims of chaos in our schools: students who want to learn, teachers who want to teach. “For both students and teachers, victimization at school can have lasting effects  [including] truancy,” the authors of the Education Department crime and safety study.

Between 1999 and 2015 more schools added security guards or assigned police officers (from 54% to 70%). At roughly the same time, the federal Education Department found, fewer students age 12 to 18 were victimized by homicide, weapons, drugs, theft, fighting, bullying, etc.

Police are not busting heads

MPD’s quarterly report from its Office of Professional Standards and Internal Affairs records this:

An email was sent by a school employee with recognition for an officer. The email stated she has worked with the officer for several years and has been very impressed with her ability to work with the students even when they are highly agitated. The officer’s approach to one student recently was very calm, reassuring, compassionate and very professional. The officer’s support encouraged the student to go through a very sensitive medical exam later in the week that was necessary for the case. The email continued by stating that they are grateful that the officer is with their school supporting their students.

For what it’s worth, the Common Council’s $372,000 OIR police study concluded police in schools “develop constructive relationships, identify potential issues, and do informal restorative justice programs.”

Tell Rep. Thiesfeldt you support AB 693.

Platinum Subscriber Bonus — Reporter Dan O’Donnell discusses “Blood on the Blackboard.”


70 responses to “Disadvantaged students need police in our schools the most”

  1. Batman

    Watch Shepard Smith for a week.
    Do the same with Tucker Carlson, who regularly debates guests with diametrically opposing viewpoints.
    And then provide two similar examples from CNN, MSNBC.
    Indeed FoxNews is slanted just like the MSM, but at least they feature guests and regulars with opposing viewpoints.


    1. AnonyBob

      I’ve seen Tucker Carlson be a complete bullying ass to interviewees. I’ve never seen Rachel Maddow do that.


      1. Batman

        On the left there is CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, all the award shows, Hollywood, most college campuses, and sometimes ESPN. And on the right there is big bad Fox News that you lefties constantly decry. You lefties will not be happy until every last human has been converted and happily joins the groupthink.
        Be careful what you wish for…


  2. AnonyBob

    That’s the difference between us. Over here On The Left, we view only MSNBC as being fellow travelers. All the networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) are solidly corporate-owned, middlin’ to slightly conservative, and journalistically feckless as they bend over backwards with false equivalencies to present both sides of an issue: “One side claims the world is flat; the other says that’s just crazy. We’ll examine both viewpoints.” CNN is a little trickier to rate, but they use plenty of conservatives on their panels. Don’t know what you’re talking about with ESPN, but I don’t watch it. So to us, the MSM just reflects reality-based general society. And fact-free conspiracy-spewing FOX is just the propaganda network of the GOP. (Shep’s not too unhinged, but seriously: Hannity?)


    1. Batman

      I realize now there is no getting through to you.
      You may literally be incapable of objectivity, but otherwise you seem like a decent fellow.


      1. AnonyBob

        I guess I’d say the same about you.


  3. madisonexpat

    If you live at the North Pole everyone is south of you. ABob lives at the Left Pole.


  4. richard lesiak

    Hilarious; 58 posts. AnonyBob 16. Batman 11. Madison Expat 8. Gotch 7. Bob is kicking your ass Gotch. By the way Dave; how’s that open record request coming?


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @richard lesiak;

      ”Bob is kicking your ass Gotch.”

      Pity your enviably well spent time didn’t allow you to note the fact that @Batman & @madisonexpat are, in your words, kicking my @$$ as well.

      According to your metric, they and The Gotch are, not to put to fine a point on it, kicking YOUR @$$.

      My best sense is your @$$ could be kicked a hundred times without hitting the same place twice, am I right?

      The Gotch


    2. Batman lives

      Your contribution is unsatisfactory.


      1. AnonyBob

        Yeah. He should’ve taken word count into consideration. Gotch for the win, by a mile.


    3. still waiting!


  5. madisonexpat

    Wow, you guys are so competitive.
    Wellington once wrote, ‘I’m sorry for the length of this letter, I did not have time to write you a short one,’

    Liked by 1 person

  6. For school discipline problems, forget the police, change teacher requirements to include martial arts training, teacher school supplies to include bamboo staff, hardwood Bo, kusari. Alternative substitute teachers to be recruited from Military DIs, Marine gunnies and MPs. Religious tolerance for teacher that have/had experience in Catholic schools–and use of yardsticks on discipline problem students. Old Nun Habits optional, rosary beads use optional, hickory stick to seat of problem 10 times for first direct offense optional and Madison Liebural activists can kush mir im Toches. . Duct tape use to keep disruptive students in seats? maybe- would have to give warning and have a parents release form signed- but guess how many parents would sign such a form? – if they didn’t have to pay for duct tape, maybe 65%? Should put in Teasing Alert!– but am I really teasing or suggesting something that will work??


  7. Batman

    Here is another report that just came out yesterday that is similar to the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal report. Another school in Minnesota.

    Inside a Public School Social Justice Factory
    The city of Edina has changed the way it approaches public education, putting social justice above learning. The results will shock you.
    5:05 AM, Feb 01, 2018 | By Katherine Kersten



  8. […] Bottom Line: Disadvantaged students need police in our schools the […]


  9. […] Bottom Line: Disadvantaged students need police in our schools the most. Or would you rather that more students and teachers get […]


  10. […] Squire has elucidated on the phenomenon of disparate impact, wherein identity-blind policies nonetheless result in different outcomes among demographic groups […]

    Liked by 1 person

  11. […] Squire has elucidated on the phenomenon of disparate impact, wherein identity-blind policies nonetheless result in different outcomes among demographic groups […]
