‘The Homecoming’ by N.C. Wyeth

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Tag: Randy Bryce

  • Just BRUTAL!

    Janesville Gazette carves a new one on the Democrats’ great white hope to replace Paul Ryan in Congress “[Randy “the Iron Stache” Bryce’s] background more closely resembles the kind routinely encountered by probation officers, not 1st Congressional District voters.” Bryce’s personal failings are extraordinary, even by today’s crumbling standards for our nation’s leaders. The problem…

  • Randy Bryce’s cop brother is voting Republican

    This is a game changer What is it about Democrats that they demonize the police, want to empty the prisons, and blame everyone but the miscreant? That’s what is driving the police-officer brother of Democrat(ic) candidate Randy “Iron Stache” Bryce to cut a video ad supporting the Republican candidate, Bryan Steil, to succeed House Speaker…

  • The Iron Stache has made some mistakes

    But he takes responsibility, as if he had any other choice Child non-support, drunk driving, driving without a license (three times!), and failure to appear in court. That is the rap sheet on the Iron Stache, ol’ Randy Bryce, unmasked by CNN (of all news sources). Not a Wisconsin news source?  Time for some political…

  • Man in hard hat and mustache plays Comedy Central in Wisconsin’s First District

    You want gimmicks? Randy’s campaign staff is unionized! Pitting mainstream Democrats against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s first congressional district hasn’t worked out so now our acquaintances are casting Hollywood stereotypes in a desperate bid to topple the Speaker. Say Hello to Randy Bryce, the guy in the hardhat and the 1970s porn ′stache. Randy’s candidacy…