“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Send help! We’re without cable!

First-world horror story from Madison WI

We bloviated the other day about kids’ addiction to smart phones and how it’s making them all squirrelly. Would you not know it! Blaska is experiencing delirium tremens because our cable for TV and internet went out at Stately Blaska Manor during Tuesday night’s wind and rain storm 05-21-24. Still out on Day 3.

The outage caused much gnashing of teeth and beating of gums among the indentured servants not observed since the election of Tony Evers. The Lovely Lisa breakfasted at the table with her husband. The two aging love birds actually talked! About the books of the Bible and who decided which books to include. Went outside and gathered up for curbside pickup the many small branches blown down. We lost no big trees, thankfully, although none is as old as that 250-year white oak downed in Madison’s eclectic Bayview neighborhood. (The storm will play havoc with Mayor Satya’s already frayed city budget.) 

Internet is down

Late Wednesday afternoon, the Head Groundskeeper sat out on the driveway admiring his Harley Davidson Softail Slim. Had just returned from the dealership $414 lighter after having the fiendishly inaccessible transmission drain plug hole rebored. (Another expensive lesson for the Do-It-Wrong yourselfer, who cross-threaded the bolt, thereby stripping the threads.) Even the skilled mechanic at Harley Davidson of Madison had to remove the two shock absorbers that lie parallel to the oil pan in order to get at the recalcitrant drain hole. Shade tree mechanic Blaska had no chance!

Writing the motorcycle company out of Milwaukee to put up a skull and crossbones next to the section in the owner’s manual on transmission oil changes. Repent all ye who dare enter here! Writing by snail mail, since our internet is still down.

Being a delightful early evening in late May — and the big flat screen still blank as MTG’s brain — the lovely spouse joined him outside for a repast of bubbly prosecco, olives, cheese and crackers. And more chit chat. Getting to know you, getting to know all about you!

Cable TV and internet remained non compos mentis this very morning, forcing your disconnected bloggeur to tarry longer than usual over our favorite Madison WI morning newspaper. Found himself playing the Jumble word game on the WI State Journal’s diminished comics page. Unscrambled three of the four word combinations but making sense of STGAEK was more difficult than finding that transmission drain plug on a 2016 Harley FLS motorcycle! Uploading this at the Collectivo in downtown Madison WI within sight of the glorious state capitol.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Did we pluck your heartstrings? We take PayPal.

Could  you call the Spectrum cable people again, Sweet Pea? 

9 responses to “Send help! We’re without cable!”

  1. One Eye

    I hear ya… went without coffee yesterday. Oh the humanity. I will not take electricity for granted ever again, or for the next few days anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Have you heard of “fire”?


  2. Bob

    Just wait for “The Green New Deal” to fully kick in and the rolling brown and blackouts. I hope all the young protesters will learn that power outages are going to become more often as we convert to “Net Zero” and the world temperature won’t change. They will just be poorer. I will be looking at the lid chuckling.

    After a pew power outages I bought some rabbit ears so I can get local channels.


    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      You might just move to Texas. Their power grid is perfect; so I’m told. And cheap rates too.


  3. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    All that there Thunder-n-Lightnin’ only supplied 1.15″/2.92cms of rain; still, enough to put us back in surplus.

    Played “Pick-Up Sticks” yesterday morning and filled four (4) barrels.

    Internet and land lines were down late Tuesday until 03:00 p.m. CDT today. The Gotch used yesterday afternoon wisely by planting 12 Tomato, and ten (10) Cukes and their trellises, then repaired to back porch to…um…replenish fluids and listen to the five (5) new wind chimes; with over 20 now it sounds like a pleasantly cacophonous symphony when the wind blows, and blow she did!

    Wrapped up The Gotchberg Organic Gardens and Lefty Conversion Therapy Emporium planting today with a Cherokee Carbon Tomato replacement for a highly anticipated newcomer Pink Berkeley Tie Dye, which was fatally snapped by the unforgiving winds, and 26 Peppers.

    So…back to the porch…it’s 04 o’clock somewhere…hey…it is HERE!

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nemoofthenorth

      We got over 2 inches and our lake is getting a might full (see here live: All the rain and warm has us mowing every 5 days or whenever the lawn puddles get small enough. Mowing a lawn in Forest County? Don’t forget your PFD!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

        our lake is getting a might full

        Funniest thing; The Gitch (AKA Gitche Gumee) was down ~18″/>45cms in the early/mid 20 aughts because of…Global Warming.

        Late 2010s, it was up ~18″/>45cms…same reason.

        From LAST YEAR, it’s down 13″/33cms…and the culprit is…ah, forget it.

        The Gotch


  4. 1.2 inches of moisture at the Experimental Work Farm (and Penal Colony)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      ‘Nother inch/2.54 cms today…thus far…like Manna from Heaven; nothing like the real thing on recently planted seedlings, am I right?

      And the Lightnin’? Fuggeddabouddit!

      The Gotch
