“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


If Portland OR can quit reforming justice, why can’t Madison WI?

Maybe justice doesn’t want to be reformed!

Portland OR, once a caliphate of Antifa, has been mugged by reality. Voters in the Oregon metro region tossed its progressive district attorney this week in favor of a law ’n order guy, endorsed by the police. A former Republican! Portland is the third large West Coast city to quit Crazy, after Seattle and San Francisco.

The unseated incumbent had promised (or should we say “threatened”) to reform the criminal justice system. His successful opponent “campaigned on promises to improve the office’s relationship with police, address the city’s drug crisis and seek more prosecutions.” (Source here.)

Nathan Vasquez’s victory comes amid political upheaval in Oregon as the state grapples with worsening homelessness, a fentanyl crisis and growing public drug use. In April, Oregon effectively ended the state’s groundbreaking three-year decriminalization experiment. 

“I am committed to ending open air drug dealing and drug use …  and to ensuring that victims are the number one priority of my office,” — newly elected D.A. Nathan Vasquez. 

Three Defund Police aldermanic candidates — Jael Currie (middle of bottom row) Juliana Bennett (2nd from upper right), and Nikki Conklin (upper right) were elected a year ago.

 But not metro Madison!

Someone please update whoever is running Dane County these days that “reforming justice” is so passé. Dane County this week filled a position vacant these past two years — paying $160,000/year for someone to lead The Office of Criminal Justice Reform. The six-person shop is budgeted at $1.165 million a year. You want hubris? Dane County is hellbent on reforming justice.

Congratulations to Colleen Clark-Bernhardt. She must have satisfied the first qualification listed in the national search: “Have a strong knowledge and understanding of issues surrounding racial equity and the criminal justice system.”

Four years ago, the City of Madison created a Police Civilian Oversight function. Budgeted at $509,000 annually, it has yet to accomplish so much as posting a rudimentary complaint form. But it has settled its pronouns!

Dane County started reforming justice with a grant from Barack Obama’s administration. He said then: “If you are really concerned about how the criminal justice system treats African Americans, the best way to protest is to vote. Do what they just did in Philadelphia and Boston and elect state attorneys and district attorneys who are looking at issues in a new light.”

 → How much more justice reform can we take? (Read & Weep!)

Blaska’s Bottom Line: progressive prosecutors in St. Louis, Chicago, and Northern Virginia have resigned, been replaced by critics, or lost re-election. Texas and Georgia have enacted laws allowing the removal district attorneys for refusing to prosecute. Progressives are also getting sudden religion on border security.

Is Madison frozen in a time warp?

12 responses to “If Portland OR can quit reforming justice, why can’t Madison WI?”

  1. badgergregfd7eed5aa8

    Mr. Squire, it’s pretty simple. We haven’t experienced enough pain…yet. The cities you mentioned all have.


    1. One Eye

      Perhaps more accurate to say the progressives have not experienced enough pain yet. Put the next Tree Lane type development on Monroe Street and it will happen very quickly. Paul Fanlund is a bellwether.


      1. Mordecai The Red

        Unfortunately, they’re inflicting the same pain on those of us who have known for years that their insane policies don’t work. I don’t live in Madison and never will while a gaggle of leftist Progressive Dane eighth wits run the city council. But I still live within the blast zone of their policies, have felt the effects for years, and am seriously considering fleeing across the county line.


        1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

          Come December our property taxes will likely enter five (5) figure territory; were it not for the unforgiving winters, and the abbreviated growing season, The Gotch would pull up stakes and move to Iron County.

          The Gotch


        2. Mordecai The Red

          My own municipality has actually been decent about holding the line on taxes they control despite a steady influx of left-leaning homeowners. The county is a much different story.

          Given reliable heat and electricity, I could get quite comfortable in the Wisconsin northwoods. Every time I go there, I ask myself why I don’t go there more often.


      2. badgergregfd7eed5aa8

        Right on.


  2. Mike

    Ego is the driving factor for “Progressves.” Those who extol the virtues of these idiotic policies and the greatness of Socialism believe they are smarter than those who tried before and failed and will do things right. They are all too smart to know how really stupid they are.


  3. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Can you imagine the good ol’ U. S. of A. if despicable Lefty worried about inflation, security, safety, peace, prosperity, education, and freedom as much as they do about aborting babies, porous borders, idiot pronouns, biological men menstruating/lactating/giving birth, and allowing big, hairy guys in little girls’ rooms?

    Didn’t think so…

    The Gotch


  4. Cornelius_Gotchberg


    1. brynstane

      Today we celebrate the 4th anniversary of the man (sic) on the left becoming a sober citizen, turning from a life of drug abuse and felonious behavior. No doubt he’ll be voting straight line Democrat from now on too.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Mordecai The Red

      Indeed. The left is great at elevating felonious losers to sainthood for no reason besides that they weren’t white and died or were injured in police custody—George Floyd, Jacob Blake, Michael Brown, Tony Robinson, Eric Garner, Freddie Gray, etc. Focusing on successful people doesn’t satisfy their unquenchable rage addiction.


  5. Bob

    I just hope the people of Madison and Dane County that keep voting these people into office and expecting different results will finally figure it out.
