“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!



Janesville Gazette carves a new one on the Democrats’ great white hope to replace Paul Ryan in Congress

“[Randy “the Iron Stache” Bryce’s] background more closely resembles the kind routinely encountered by probation officers, not 1st Congressional District voters.”

No wonder Randy Bryce calls police ‘terrorists’

Bryce’s personal failings are extraordinary, even by today’s crumbling standards for our nation’s leaders. The problem is not so much Bryce’s past mistakes but that he showed an inability to learn from them. He didn’t rack up merely one OWI in 1998 (plenty of voters can identify with this). He was then picked up three times for driving with a suspended license and was arrested on a warrant for failure to appear.

And lest there be any doubt as to whether Bryce is a “changed man,” the state of Wisconsin placed a lien on Bryce’s property in 2015 for delinquent child-support payments to his ex-wife. Bryce paid off the debt only after announcing his candidacy last year.

His background more closely resembles the kind routinely encountered by probation officers, not 1st Congressional District voters. To attempt to twist his arrest record into a symbol of the everyday working man, as Bryce’s campaign has done, is perhaps one of the most cynical and offensive ploys we’ve ever witnessed. More here.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: We repeat our prediction of earlier today: Republicans nationally will hold the House (barely) and pick up a U.S. Senator or two.


6 responses to “Just BRUTAL!”

  1. Gary L. Kriewald

    What’s especially delicious about Randy’s extensive criminal background is that it clearly shows his contempt for women (and children). So why haven’t the #MeToo harpies descend on his bones and picked them clean? Unlike Justice Kavanaugh, Randy was actually convicted of his crimes rather than just accused. Oh wait, he’s a Democrat running to replace Paul Ryan–one of the most decent men to serve the American people as well as the constituents of his District. Never mind.


    1. richard lesiak

      ummmm; let’s see. ryan lost Janesville. his home-town.


  2. WashCoRepub

    I especially enjoy Bryce’s television advertising, since there is apparently no way for even a professional media crew to make him appear the slightest bit likeable or friendly.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      When you look like a 70s porn star gone to seed, even a professional media crew isn’t going to be of much help.


  3. The Dairy State has it’s own Lefty criminal-running-for-office, just like “Beto” O’Rourke!

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      At least Beto’s old man didn’t kill Kennedy. Am I right?
