Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: Gerrymandering

  • Pro-Hamas Democrats will ‘re-elect’ Trump!

    Price check at City Hall! The City of Madison is now in the grocery business! Sweetened the pot with another $1 million. On top of $4.6 million to purchase ground-floor grocery space on S. Park Street in 2021 and another $2.9 million for improvements last year. Because south Madison is a food desert. No one…

  • Try AOC in a small town!

    Rural Wisconsin is NOT voting for The Squad, John Nichols! Whenever someone begins an argument by saying “there is no question,” be certain their proposition is more questionable than a Nigerian prince’s embargoed millions. Someone has to counter John Nichols and his rank partisanship. We are happy to oblige. Comrade John asserts “there is no question…

  • This time, Democrat(ic) maps!

    Republicans forced to choose ‘least bad’ legislative redistricting Madison homeowners can take down their yard signs reading “This Time, Fair Maps” after Gov. Tony Evers Monday 02-19-24 signed into law new legislative district maps that could tilt the table well to his side of the partisan aisle. We say that because we’re bad losers and…

  • Democrats do NOT want fair maps

    They want their gerrymander! (and their MTV!) Memo to Madison progressives: Don’t toss those yard signs just yet! The ones reading “This Time, Fair Maps.” Wisconsin Republicans did the math and it came out to 4 to 3 against them on the state supreme court. So the majority party bowed to that great hoary beast…

  • The great Oz has spoken!

    Pay more attention to those 4 women in black robes! The Wisconsin Supreme Court wants gadfly Dean Phillips on the Democrats’ presidential primary ballot for April 2 even if Joe Biden’s party does not. And so it shall be. It is the right thing to do — but all that means is that the Head Groundskeeper…

  • No more kissing babies!

    Throw some cheese on them!  It may seem like that know-it-all Blaska has an opinion on everything but sharp-eyed Platinum+ subscribers will notice he has yet to weigh in on European football, the wonder drug Ozempic, or the Oxford comma (which we use here at the Werkes). Herewith are today’s heaping helping of the Head…