Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Madison schools should study root cause of stupidity

Were they just hoping problem would go away?

Now the Madison school board is developing a committee to study school safety. NOW? Today? Five months after a widespread brawl at East high school induced one-third of the student body to shelter at home for safety? Two years after defunding school resource police officers? And all the gun incidents and student beatings since?

Now, today, the Madison school board is going to start a 13-member “student safety and wellness committee.” The overly Woke school board that created this undergraduate fight club will appoint the members, led by school board member Ananda Mirilli. Her day job at the Department of Public Instruction is to inject critical race theory into K-12 curriculum statewide.

This committee will address “the root cause of disengagement and violence in schools.” Maybe the committee can team up with Vice President Kamala Harris who is studying the root cause of illegal immigration. Philosophy Lesson 101: Studying the “root cause” of a thing means the studier has no idea what to do about the problem.

Here’s an idea: Until you find the unicorn at the end of the rainbow, how about stopping the violence in the meantime?

The Mirilli committee will “create districtwide policies.” Madison Metropolitan School District already has more policies than an insurance company.

Blaska, your write-in candidate for Seat on the school board, has yer policy right here: put teachers back in control of their classrooms and principals back in charge of their schools. Return the SROs. You are most welcome!

Spanish class at Madison East high school Monday 03-14-2022. From a parent:  “I guess the dark-haired girl came to the class room because she was mad at her friend with the red hair because she thought she was gossiping about her behind her back. The [male] student teacher broke it up.”

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Expelling the police was only the last step in the Madison public schools war on discipline.

Wanna bet Blaska won’t be invited to the safety committee?


41 responses to “Madison schools should study root cause of stupidity”

  1. David wrote, Here’s an idea: Until you find the unicorn at the end of the rainbow, how about stopping the violence in the meantime?”


    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a FABULOUS campaign slogan!

      Share it far and wide!


      1. I just posted this on Facebook…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I fixed the grammar problem in the first sentence on the Facebook post.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

          Steve; please post responses of what will surely indicate the outpouring of positivity we’ve all come to expect from the Très tolerant Proglibocracy.

          The Gotch

          Liked by 2 people

        3. Typically I don’t get any replies to posts like that one but I’ll consider reposting here if something interesting pops up.

          Liked by 1 person