“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Police issue citations against Freedom Inc. intimidator

ad hoc committee on EROs meets 4 p.m. today (08-08-18)

Consider attending to bear witness!

Hal E. Loo-yah! Official Madison is finally enforcing the law against the social justice warriors who have been blocking city streets and disrupting city, county, and school board governmental meetings for the last several years in their vendetta against the police.

Madison Police today issued two municipal ordinance citations against an employee of Freedom Inc., organizer of the latest of those disruptions. The municipal citations were issued to Freedom Inc. employee Jurie D. Mayo (sic erat scriptum).

One of the citations for disorderly conduct and the second for damage to property. Both occurred during the July 18 meeting of the school board’s ad hoc committee on EROs (Madison police serving in the high schools as educational resource officers).

WI State Journal photo
Police today cited Jurie D Mayo (far left) on 2 charges for her role in swarming a Madison citizen (not shown) who spoke up at a July 18 school board committee meeting for keeping police in our high schools. — from a WI State Journal photo.

[ UPDATE: Mayo is scheduled to appear in Municipal Court at 9:30 a.m. September 11. The violations carry potential fines of $691 on the damage to property and $439 on the disorderly conduct. ]

The disrupters, a changing cast of characters numbering 40 to 50, want Cops Out of Schools, claiming that — as one of them testified July 20: “No matter how or whatever stipulations you put on a police officer going into a school they are going to do what they want to do, what they are trained to do, which is kill black kids.”

Using a tactic known as “swarming” at that meeting, Freedom Inc. youth squad operatives surrounded the mother of a recent West H.S. graduate who was using her smart phone to record harassment directed at David Blaska as this bloggeur was attempting to record the proceedings of that open governmental meeting. (Recounted here.)


As can be seen from that parent’s video, the disrupters falsely accuse her of recording “children” then physically block her before knocking  “forcibly throwing” (according to the police report) her $1,000 smart phone to the floor, cracking the screen. The parent had testified in favor of keeping police in our troubled high schools. She told this blog that one of the committee members rushed down from the stage and escorted her and her teenaged son to the safety of break room in school district headquarters, locking the door behind them for safety. She then telephoned police.

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1. Freedom Inc. thugs swarm the mother of a West High grad
2. Jurie D. Mayo can be seen
3. The mother’s smart phone crashes to the floor 

Police officer Hamp Johnson reports that the mother was “emotionally distressed … with tears welling up in her eyes,” that she felt she had been “attacked and assaulted” and that she had been called a “racist.”

Ad hoc ERO Committee meets today

Ironically, thE ERO committee meets this afternoon (08-08-18) at 4 p.m. at the Doyle administration building, 545 W. Dayton St. We expect the committee will finally make recommendations and that it will recommend keeping police in the four high schools, albeit with more conditions that may or may not be acceptable to Police Chief Koval.

We expect the full Madison Board of Education will consider those reccs at its 6 p.m. Monday, August 27 meeting. We do NOT expect the committee today to entertain comment but the Freedom Inc. disrupters are expected to be there in full force.

Fully consistent with their disinformation campaign, Freedom Inc. accuses the mother of assaulting them (as the following social media post claims). After the chaos of the July 18 meeting, the school district deployed unarmed security guards. Of course, the cadres complain about THAT as well. Say this for them, they are well schooled in playing the victim game!

Freedom youth squad communique



98 responses to “Police issue citations against Freedom Inc. intimidator”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    I hope they give that POS 1000 hours of community RESTORATIVE JUSTICE service!

    Letting youth, parents, and community members have control over school safety.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    While past behavior is no guarantee of future behavior, there’s no better predictor of future behavior.

    Soooooo, let’s take a look see at how parents/community members past behavior lines up.

    Family members have illegally entered Madison HS’s to redress a “dis” (usually manufactured) times too numerous to mention and all Madison Lefties (most, not all) will do is clutch their pearls and repair to the fainting couch.

    I’ve always said that if every Madison HS had a Wally Schoessow, a Milt McPike (RIP) and their female equivalents, most of these problems wouldn’t escalate.

    ~ 30 years while running through JMM grounds, I started to notice a “transition” in the form of increased ”tagging,” or what @AnonyBob, et al, would call Urban Artistic Expression, on edifice walls.

    Has it gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?

    Candid conversations with my former FB coach and other current/former Madison teachers suggest that if parents/community members spent more time being, you know, like, actual parents/community members, these problems would reduce markedly.

    A while back my pal/former Alder Thuy Pham-Remmele recommended parents/community members start paying more attention/spend more time readying their children for school than how…um…intricate their children’s coiffures were, these problems would reduce markedly.

    The cacophony of raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist was absolutely deafening, the irony of Pham-Remmele being both an X-Chromosomal Unit, MMSD teacher, AND a minority could not be heard above the din.

    Why? It didn’t further the VictimHoodie Narrative.

    Heck, if it did, there wouldn’t be anything for @Anonybob, @hankdog/old blady, & @richard lesiak to whine about.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      The talented Ms. Mayo should also be required to take self-funded court-mandated anger-management, diversity/racial sensitivity training classes.

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

    2. richard lesiak

      Wow Qotch, looks like your on a roll today or is it a rant. Once again you post my name in one of your long-winded blabs. Well; as usual, I am declining the free ticket to get on your crazy train. Pounding on your man boobs screaming about how tough you are when you don’t even use your real name is just more of your hot-air. No one cares what you think the penalty should be, that’s for the judge. The antifa movement was formed to oppose fascism and other forms of right-wing ideology. We all know that you personally will never be in danger of being punched by anyone because you never show up to support or protest anything. Sleep off that sugar high your on tell your wife no more donuts.


      1. Batman

        Fanboy richie says:
        “The antifa movement was formed to oppose fascism and other forms of right-wing ideology.”

        And Freedom Inc. is all about free speech.

        P.S. review the video from when Milo Y. was scheduled to talk at Berkley not too long ago.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Once you stop expecting @richard lesiak to make sense, he will start making perfect sense.

          That make…um…sense?

          The Gotch


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        “We all know that you personally will never be in danger of being punched by anyone because you never show up to support or protest anything.”

        Is that a fact.

        I’d recommend that you keep yer gaping piehole shut regarding subjects about which you know less than nothing, but then we’d never hear from youse again…about anything.

        “Sleep off that sugar high your (sic) on tell your wife no more donuts.”

        I stopped eating donuts after I found out what kind of morons they allow to make them.

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          “Morons”? That comment doesn’t surprise me at all. The poor, minorities and immigrants are the largest part of the food service industry and we have all read your lowly opinions about those groups. The people that make and sell donuts are glad you stopped. Your no longer walking into their business and ruining their day with your usual gotchness.


  2. madisonexpat

    And Michael Brown was a gentle giant who robbed a store and attacked a cop and Trayvon Martin was eating Skittles while banging a man’s head on the sidewalk and Tony Robinson yada, yada, yada.
    Black Lies Matter.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dave, not B

    We already have cops out of Chicago. Look how well that is working for the blacks living there. That is what will happen to MPS if these fascists get their way.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Gary L. Kriewald

    “Known white supremacist”? Isn’t that grounds for slander?


  5. Vestuvius Ootman

    Time to start locking up these obnoxious punks! We can even out the “incarceration imbalance” by throwing some of these privileged white snots into jail!!


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Vestuvius Ootman;

      “We can even out the ‘incarceration imbalance’ by throwing some of these privileged white snots into jail!!”

      Huh? Youse get into @richard lesiak’s moldy donuts again?

      Anywho; how should the incarceration of more More MORE EVIL White people be brought about?

      Suspend habeus corpus & due process? Repeal the 4th, 5th, & 6th Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America, or just selectively enforce them?

      Wait a minute.

      I got it; let the EVIL White Community police itself. What could possibly go wrong?

      The Gotch


  6. More costly citations for these feral, public meeting denizens might finally begin to turn the tide back towards an aura of intelligence and civility.


    1. Batman

      The citations are a step in the right direction but when all is said and done the aggrieved Ms. Mayo will receive a participation trophy and no fines paid. This is Madison after all.

      Freedom Inc. should change their name to Antifa Inc.
      They are unethical liars and bullies who make shit up to portray themselves as victims when in fact they’re the victimizers. And because of their history of aggressive disruptive behavior they should expect to be scrutinized at these public forums.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        “Freedom Inc. should change their name to Antifa Inc.”

        Respectfully disagree. IMHO, two completely different subsets.

        FreeDUMB Inc has held their collective hands back and absolutely BEGGED to get pasted, so who am I to refuse that invitation?

        But at least it has the stones to show up to defend, nay encourage, their fact/logic/reality bereft position, and both illegally & unethically make their illegal & unethical case in their own names, in an uncowardly, if monumentally clueless, manner.

        Stupid is what stupid does, am I right?


        Not so much.

        To borrow a quote from someone else:

        “One thing Blacks, Whites, women, men, Muslims, atheists, and Christians all have in common is that there are YouTube videos of them beating the crap out of Antifa.

        “The average Antifa is a pasty, doughy low-testosterone college-aged male who has never done manual labor or been in a fight, but feels confident that maybe he can at least sucker-punch a girl from behind or hit a guy with a bike lock or something, as long as he’s wearing a mask and in a crowd of at least 50 like-minded dorks.

        “Yell ‘boo,’ however, and they all scatter.”

        Heh! Like effin’ cacaroaches when you’s turn on the lights?

        The Gotch


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Bolds added in the quote.

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak

          Today we celebrate Nixon resigning. HAPPY DAY EVERYBODY. Hopefully trump will follow in his footsteps. Hoist one for tricky dick.


        3. Batman

          The Gotch says:
          “But at least it has the stones to show up to defend, nay encourage, their fact/logic/reality bereft position, and both illegally & unethically make their illegal & unethical case IN THEIR OWN NAMES, in an uncowardly, if monumentally clueless, manner.” (caps mine)

          These folks may show up to meetings using their own names but no one signed the social media post in Dave’s OP. Seems cowardly to me.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Two weeks from tomorrow we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Former-Serial-Sexual-Predator-In-Chief admitting on national T.V. that he’s a lyin’ Lefty pervert/scumbag extraordinaire/sexual predator.


          Indeed, I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong. It constituted a critical lapse in judgment and a personal failure on my part for which I am solely and completely responsible.

          Reckon that makes it kind of an Anniversary for Hillarity too, am I right?

          Anywho, another anniversary in the ongoing history of Lefty being Lefty: 10 years ago on 07/22 Lefty pervert/scumbag extraordinaire (forgive the redundancy) Jonathan Edwards was caught by the National Enquirer being a Lefty pervert/scumbag extraordinaire while his wife was dying from cancer.

          Say; wasn’t Johnny Edwards the Lefty VPOTUS candidate in 2004?

          Why yes, yes, I believe that Johnny Edwards WAS the Lefty VPOTUS candidate in 2004!

          Sensing a trend here?

          I am!

          The Gotch


  7. richard lesiak

    “No one signed the social media post” That’s hilarious. Great comment from someone who calls himself batman and is a follower of gotch. More like batdung and Qtip. Talk about cowardly; holy C34p.


  8. madisonexpat

    poor richard, Trump resign? You apparently got slapped silly by his Red Wave this week. He went 5 for 5 on his endorsed candidates. Russians?


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “You apparently got slapped silly by his Red Wave this week.”

      Damn short trip for @richard lesiak to get slapped silly, am I right?

      The Gotch


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        (President Trump) went 5 for 5 on his endorsed candidates.

        C’mon, credit where credit is due; Lefty’s rising star (& @richard lesiak’s democrat Socialist heroine) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was perfect (3 for 3) on her endorsed candidates, too.

        They ALL got pasted!

        Socialist star Ocasio-Cortez strikes out: All endorsed candidates lose Tuesday primaries


        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Two weeks from tomorrow is also PEACH PIE DAY!!! Which people care about more than your post. Since you hate the people that make donuts can we also add your hatred for peach growers and bakers?


        2. richard lesiak

          Picking primaries is important to you? I’m thinking you would be more concerned about Omarosa taping drumpf right under his nose, writing her book and calling him unhinged. Which we all know anyway. White house aides recording the president in his office and no one sees anything? WTF.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          I love peaches and peach growers. Heck, I’m one of ’em; we have a July Elberta Peach Tree in the back yard.

          And there’s only ONE donut making MORON to whom I was referring.

          The Gotch


      2. richard lesiak

        The answer to your question is 23


    2. richard lesiak

      The russians will have to step up bigly to cover the money that the goobers spent to win nothing. 6.5 million to win a special election by .01 to be able to hold a seat for 3 months in which congress only meets for 2 weeks. Red wave? More like red ink. The right is bleeding money. Maybe that traitor rand paul will bring back a check from putin when he returns from his taxpayer funded vacation.


      1. madisonexpat

        No. Still not tired of winning.


      2. The right is bleeding money? At least they have some. Poor Tammy B on TV last night crying about special interest money, but she’ll gladly take some from Mr Soros. Hypocrites all. Rand Paul got beat up by a stalker – think he deserves a break.


  9. madisonexpat

    Well, the Russkis gave Slick Willie $500K for a speech in St. Petersburg, double his usual speaking fee. Wonder what they’d give him now.


    1. richard lesiak

      I see that living in the present is not one of your strong suits.


  10. madisonexpat

    Gee poor richard, I thought only Commies erased history. Maybe when you called me a Commie you were projecting your own predilection.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard lesiak

      I do believe in history. And that it repeats itself. Trump impeachment is coming.


      1. Mike Pence for President!


        1. richard lesiak

          If trump left I would accept that until 2020.


      2. madisonexpat

        You’ll have to win the Senate first. I note your lack of enthusiasm for Blue Wave Baldwin.


  11. AnonyBob

    Splat: red wave? Only in The Orange One’s unhinged mind, and repeated by his cult followers. Sure, a win is a win, no matter how small the spread is. But big picture: to eke out a win in a district that shouldn’t be competitive, a district T.O.O. carried by 11 points? And the #4 GOP Leader almost lost her primary to the Dem (one of those top two vote getter primaries) in another red, red, red district? Frank Bruni put it best – “The Dems aren’t licking their wounds, they’re licking their chops.” Bring on the midterms!
    You don’t see Blaska crowing here, do you?


    1. old baldy

      I provided splat a list of all the folks that are convinced of the russian connection (see different thread). He/she chose not to respond. The only ones that deny the russian interference are t-rump and splat. Shades of 1984.


      1. madisonexpat

        Give me a name O’Badenov. Give me a deed. What did Russia do O’Boris?
        DOJ says zero evidence a single vote was affected.


        1. AnonyBob

          Mueller didn’t indict 13 Russians for nothing.


        2. old baldy

          Let splat do his own homework. He can ask the CIA, DCI, NSA, FBI, maybe even Flynn and Sessions. Oh, wait, even little donnie ! The list is long.


  12. 40% of 2016 turnout by republicans, 88% by Democrats and the Dems still lost. Heroine Ocasio-Cortes supported a bunch of losing candidates, Orange One’s all won. Not seeing the lack of enthusiasm you speak of.


    1. AnonyBob

      Coolkevs, you answer your own question. 40% of 2016 turnout by GOP = lack of enthusiasm. 88% by Dems = enthusiasm. Usually those numbers are reversed in mid term elections. There are a whole lot of districts Trump won by narrower margins than Ohio’s 12th. No one (credible) is predicting the GOP holds the house.


  13. madisonexpat

    ABob, you and the NYT are whistling past the graveyard of your hopes and dreams. Where is the Trump phobia? The buyer’s remorse? The Resistance?
    Same place as the Democratic Party’s affirmative message. Nonexistent
    Blue Wave Baldwin isn’t licking her chops.
    Senator Tammy;
    “Do you regret your vote to reduce taxes?
    “Written any legislation?
    “Do you promise to obstruct the president any time you can?

    I wonder how Obama’s endorsements turned out?


    1. AnonyBob

      Wave goodbye to college educated suburban women.


      1. AnonyBob

        That’s a Blue Wave goodbye…


      2. madisonexpat



        1. AnonyBob

          They used to be a reliable voting bloc for the GOP. Now, they hate Trump. The GOP is losing the suburbs.


  14. madisonexpat

    Mueller damn sure DID indict Russian spies IN RUSSIA for nothing. You can indict a ham sandwich.


    1. AnonyBob

      He doesn’t do anything “for nothing,” delusional Trumpster.


      1. madisonexpat

        OK then let’s count the days before Mueller sends his people (lees Strzok, Page and Ohr) to Russia to interview them. Putin’s amenable.


  15. madisonexpat

    O’Boris, no name, no vote, no crime, nada nothing, zero. You believe in UFO’s don’t you?


    1. old baldy

      Butina, Morgachev, Lukashev, Flynn, Papadopoulous, Sessions, DJTJ, etc. and a cast of thousands.
