Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Police issue citations against Freedom Inc. intimidator

ad hoc committee on EROs meets 4 p.m. today (08-08-18)

Consider attending to bear witness!

Hal E. Loo-yah! Official Madison is finally enforcing the law against the social justice warriors who have been blocking city streets and disrupting city, county, and school board governmental meetings for the last several years in their vendetta against the police.

Madison Police today issued two municipal ordinance citations against an employee of Freedom Inc., organizer of the latest of those disruptions. The municipal citations were issued to Freedom Inc. employee Jurie D. Mayo (sic erat scriptum).

One of the citations for disorderly conduct and the second for damage to property. Both occurred during the July 18 meeting of the school board’s ad hoc committee on EROs (Madison police serving in the high schools as educational resource officers).

WI State Journal photo
Police today cited Jurie D Mayo (far left) on 2 charges for her role in swarming a Madison citizen (not shown) who spoke up at a July 18 school board committee meeting for keeping police in our high schools. — from a WI State Journal photo.

[ UPDATE: Mayo is scheduled to appear in Municipal Court at 9:30 a.m. September 11. The violations carry potential fines of $691 on the damage to property and $439 on the disorderly conduct. ]

The disrupters, a changing cast of characters numbering 40 to 50, want Cops Out of Schools, claiming that — as one of them testified July 20: “No matter how or whatever stipulations you put on a police officer going into a school they are going to do what they want to do, what they are trained to do, which is kill black kids.”

Using a tactic known as “swarming” at that meeting, Freedom Inc. youth squad operatives surrounded the mother of a recent West H.S. graduate who was using her smart phone to record harassment directed at David Blaska as this bloggeur was attempting to record the proceedings of that open governmental meeting. (Recounted here.)


As can be seen from that parent’s video, the disrupters falsely accuse her of recording “children” then physically block her before knocking  “forcibly throwing” (according to the police report) her $1,000 smart phone to the floor, cracking the screen. The parent had testified in favor of keeping police in our troubled high schools. She told this blog that one of the committee members rushed down from the stage and escorted her and her teenaged son to the safety of break room in school district headquarters, locking the door behind them for safety. She then telephoned police.

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1. Freedom Inc. thugs swarm the mother of a West High grad
2. Jurie D. Mayo can be seen
3. The mother’s smart phone crashes to the floor 

Police officer Hamp Johnson reports that the mother was “emotionally distressed … with tears welling up in her eyes,” that she felt she had been “attacked and assaulted” and that she had been called a “racist.”

Ad hoc ERO Committee meets today

Ironically, thE ERO committee meets this afternoon (08-08-18) at 4 p.m. at the Doyle administration building, 545 W. Dayton St. We expect the committee will finally make recommendations and that it will recommend keeping police in the four high schools, albeit with more conditions that may or may not be acceptable to Police Chief Koval.

We expect the full Madison Board of Education will consider those reccs at its 6 p.m. Monday, August 27 meeting. We do NOT expect the committee today to entertain comment but the Freedom Inc. disrupters are expected to be there in full force.

Fully consistent with their disinformation campaign, Freedom Inc. accuses the mother of assaulting them (as the following social media post claims). After the chaos of the July 18 meeting, the school district deployed unarmed security guards. Of course, the cadres complain about THAT as well. Say this for them, they are well schooled in playing the victim game!

Freedom youth squad communique



98 responses to “Police issue citations against Freedom Inc. intimidator”

  1. madisonexpat

    O’Boris state your case. Who colluded, who hacked, who attacked and who interfered?
    To what effect?


    1. richard lesiak

      Omarosa recorded trump in the WH right under their nose and did it several times. Now you want us to believe that the pro spies in russia have nothing on trump. That whole trump crowd is so friggin’ dumb they couldn’t find an apple if it was shoved in their butts.


      1. madisonexpat

        New ACME Catalog is out?
        Meep meep.


        1. richard lesiak

          guess trump did his shopping at ACME online.


    2. madisonexpat

      Still waiting O’ Boris.


      1. richard lesiak

        roger stone


  2. madisonexpat

    ABob at 1:30. Really? The gender gap again? I know its been a hard week for Democrats but Trump has no dependable voting bloc. He has a sales pitch. You know a message. Hillary didn’t and the Dems still don’t. Some silly demographic bauble and off you go back to Pantsuit Nation. Women vote just like everyone else on perceived best interests. The economy, security,,peace and current issues. Progs have a lock on all the folks that want men in the ladies rooms, open borders, personal pronouns, higher taxes, abortion on demand, no citizens owning guns.
    If you wanna cling to that thinking Robby Mook will sell you the analytics and Frank Bruni will tell you the NYT rates them as 94% certain to win.
    Same as last time.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      I believe Hillarity did have a message, one that was two-fold:

      1- I have a vagina.

      2- You’s owe the former-Serial-Sexual-Predator-In-Chief and the former-Serial-Sexual-Predator-In-Chief owes me for being his disgusting enabler.

      Granted, it was a stupid message; but it was enough to hornswoggle those that were so stupid that they thought they were smart.

      If you’s listen real real closely, you’s can still hear it: But, but, but, but, but, but, but, she won the popular vote.

      Think about it; a traitorous, felonious, DeadBrokeAHontas/Faux-Feminista/rape enablin,’ husband accuser destroyin,’ cheatin’ spouse swattin,’ War mongerin,’ Weapons systems approvin,’ valor stealin,’ Nixon supportin,’ American Jobs offshorin,’ Mean YouTube Video denyin,’ NASA Space Program joinin,’ Human Rights violator endorsin,’ Minority Superpredator eliminatin’, Black Children to heel bringin,’ Marine enlistin,’ horrible health hidin,’ declining competence repudiatin,’ records release refusin,’ Four Pinocchio/Pantsuit-on-Fire lyin,’ thievin,’ deceivin,’ criminally insane, incompetent Harpy that no one liked and even fewer people trusted wins the popular vote.

      Only in America!

      @richard lesiak;

      That I’m With Hillarity bumper sticker makes the @$$-end of yer car look fat!

      Which does make sense, am I right?

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        A new day; a new gop indictment.


      2. richard lesiak

        blah blah blah do you need a nap after that? It’s a lot more interesting watching that Texas judge order a plane turned around in mid-air, chew the guts out of a government lawyer and threaten to find Sessions in contempt of court. OR…trump “I hate chain migration, it needs to end now. I will end it.” Mrs trump…”Congrats to my parents who became citizens today.” HUH? BS Am I right?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          ” ‘Congrats to my parents who became citizens today.’ ”

          Yesirree AnonyBob, when yer right, yer right!

          We MUST end all legal immigration immediately and open our borders to lawbreakers that vote democrat for more, More, <b<MORE high quality/quantity free s#!t.

          The free s#!t should include donuts, am I right?

          Did I mention they MUST vote democrat?

          P.S. The I’m With Hillarity hat you wear has the same effect on yer head as the bumper sticker has on yer ’74 Vega hatchback

          The Gotch


      3. Cornelius Gotchberg

        ”Robby Mook will sell you the analytics”

        Heh, good one! But a little harsh on the Mookster, aren’t youse? Not as much as Amie Parnes and Jonathan Allen in their seminal tome Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, but youse get the picture.

        You’d think being responsible for the biggest upset in political history EVAH and going through life with the most eminently punchable face EVAH would be punishment enough.

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Well trump’s old lady had her parents pushed to the front of the line. I guess your support for trump’s end of chain migration was all smoke and mirrors. Am I right? Being in their 70’s I’m sure that they will get plenty of free stuff and never put in a dime. A police escort to be sworn in? Nice to know you helped pay for that.


    2. AnonyBob

      Try to keep up Splat. That’s not my opinion, that’s just how the voting breaks down now. Sorry, it’s reality, not TrumpFakeNews or sales pitch. You may not like it; too bad.


      1. madisonexpat

        No ABob, that’s how the polling breaks down. The polls are frequently wrong but never in doubt.


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg


        I think it’s fair to say that the democrat Party has a message, it’s monumentally disjointed gibberish untethered to anything remotely resembling a fact-based reality, but a message nevertheless.

        Hammering that home is current Flavor-Of-The-Month wide-eyed, empty-headed democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with this little gem:

        “Americans have the sticker shock of health care as it is, and what we’re also not talking about is: WHY AREN’T WE INCORPORATING THE COST OF ALL THE FUNERAL EXPENSES OF THOSE WHO DIE BECAUSE THEY CAN’T AFFORD ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE? That is part of the cost of our system.” (bolds/caps mine)

        Whoa Nellie! That makes her Two-State Solution and unemployment is low because everyone’s working two jobs slobberings seem positively Mensan by comparison.

        There goes you’s bell cow, Lefties! Follow closely.

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Looks like your so scared of Cortez your ready to poop your pants. Not from Wis and not elected (yet), but your focused on her 24/7. Another distraction from really looking into the most corrupt administration in our countries history? Study up on Roger Stone; more interesting and it looks like he’s next in the barrel. Or maybe walker. “I never met this russian woman except for the picture we took together and then when she gave me that check for 250k from her boss.


        2. In other words, quick: talk about someone who’s not on the ballot.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Poor Lefty, Sad Lefty, Eminently ButtHurt Lefty!

          Just call a LOSS a VICTORY and Lefty’ll follow along glassy-eyin’ lock-stepin’ and unquestionin’!

          The Gotch


        4. richard lesiak

          I saw the interview that Cortez had with Cuomo. She handed him his ass. He sat there like tucker carlson seeing a UFO. Dead stare. Mouth shut. Your edited version is another typical example of right wing BS. You want to get your panties in a bunch over a Dem woman; look to Michigan. Rashida Tlaib. Muslim woman and kicking ass.


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “I saw the interview that Cortez had with Cuomo. She handed him his ass.”

          Cuomo is a career Lefty and an Moron Savant, though I repeat myself.

          And your (sic) impressed with A O-C?

          Birds of a feather. But youse wouldn’t give it that much thought, yer just saying what MSLSD told youse to say, am I right?

          And what if she comes along and suggests all donut makers work for the Collective gratis?

          The Gotch


  3. madisonexpat

    “Another such victory and we’ll be undone’.
    Behind the scenes the Lefty Washington Party is saying, ‘We bet the ranch on Trump phobia and lost. Socialism will kill us outside Brooklyn and Berkeley. We’ll need the Third Way Blue Dogs. But we can’t find any.’
    The Righty Washington Party is the Koch Bros. and Paul Rino and they’re happy with the Trumpanomics but yearning for open borders. The folks in fly over country are prospering, happy to be free of Obamacare and fairly stress free as far as politics go.
    Given its a 50/50 country it’ll go to the best sales rep.
    But considering 90% negative coverage and Trump approval ticking upwards, I’m optimistic.


    1. AnonyBob

      You’re like the little boy digging in the manure pile. If it’s that big, he thinks, there must be a pony in there!


  4. madisonexpat

    O’Boris is still out rounding up the usual suspects. Cast of thousands we’re told. Then of course you gotta sort the hackers from the attackers and the interferers. Takes time but I know he’s on it like OJ finding the real killer and Weensteen taking down the NRA.
    Only a matter of time.


  5. Jane Black

    You shouldn’t make horrid articles about children like this. These kids have a right to stand up for what they want because it’s effecting them. It’s so disrespectful for you to write things like this. You don’t know this little girl and you’re making allegations about her. I see nothing but privileged white folks on here judging someone for protecting their own.


    1. What is disrespectful is to grab a smart phone out of a parent’s hands and smash it to the floor. What is disrespectful is to harass and intimidate someone because they hold a different viewpoint on a matter of public policy at a governmental meeting. What is disrespectful is to claim they are a child when they are, in fact, an adult of legal age.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Jane Black;

      “You don’t know this little girl and you’re making allegations about her.” (bolds mine)

      Little girl…LITTLE GIRL???????? You gotta be effin’ kidding me!!!

      First of all, little girls don’t act like ill-kempt thugs assaulting others and causing criminal damage to property

      Second, and far more importantly, you need to get yer vision checked, like, yesterday!

      The Gotch


      1. Jane Black

        Leagal or not. She’s or younger than you all. And that parent was clearly causing harm. But you clearly don’t feel that way. She clearly asked for the kids not to be recorded and she continued to record them put the cameras in their face. Nobody but those two people know what happened. And how is she acting like a ill-Kemp’s thug? For defending what she feels like was right? And talking about a child’s size is very mature. One point for you.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Jane Black;

          “Leagal (sic) or not. She’s or younger than you all.”

          So what, she’s stupider too; what’s yer point?

          “And that parent was clearly causing harm.”

          You are freaking delusional! The only harm that parent was causing was accurately depicting behavior that would damage the narrative of FreeDUMB Inc.

          “She clearly asked for the kids not to be recorded and she continued to record them put the cameras in their face.”

          There were no kids at that meeeting, and she put no camera in anyone’s face; but feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.

          Wait a minute.

          There IS no evidence to the contrary.

          Never mind.

          “Nobody but those two people know what happened.”

          Seriously…SERIOUSLY? Everyone in attendance knows what happened, including the School Board ad hoc committee. One member of the committee (Greg Rossetti, a Madison police officer that understands how mobs operate) didn’t know what was happening so much that he mistakenly helped Wollaeger & her son to safety from what you claim were the children.

          “And how is she acting like a ill-Kemp’s (sic) thug?”

          Please confirm; you believe assault, intimidation, and criminal damage to property**, are enviable behavior for polite members of society.

          To wit: “(In Wisconsin, the) CRIME of malicious destruction of property can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the value or kind of the property at issue. If the property involved was worth more than $250, or was a motor vehicle, the offense is a felony. (bolds/caps mine)

          The cell phone was valued at $1000. Asking youse to do the math would be a fool’s errand.

          Oh, and there’s the small matter of compromising OPEN PUBLIC MEETING attendees right to assemble; THAT’S a violation of one of the protections of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

          “For defending what she feels like was right?”

          That is so monumentally imbecilic, I won’t even summon the stupidity to rebut it.

          “And talking about a child’s size is very mature.”

          An adult comporting themselves like a child doesn’t change the fact that they’re an adult.

          “One point for you.”

          More like: no points for you. Sheesh; were I FreeDUMB Inc., I’d tell youse to quit speaking on my behalf!

          The Gotch


        2. Jane Black wrote, “Leagal or not. She’s or younger than you all. And that parent was clearly causing harm. But you clearly don’t feel that way. She clearly asked for the kids not to be recorded and she continued to record them put the cameras in their face. Nobody but those two people know what happened. And how is she acting like a ill-Kemp’s thug? For defending what she feels like was right? And talking about a child’s size is very mature. One point for you.”

          That paragraph was a whole lot of Communication Malpractice. Try passing your 7th grade English class before you try public writing again.

          Jane Black has earned herself a participation trophy…


          P.S. Miss Jane Black (if that’s your real name), If you’re going to come out and try to debate with with the big boys, you might want to at least consider understanding the English language enough to communicate in a reasonably effective manner; what’s completely obvious to those reading your nonsense is that you are completely unarmed for any kind of intelligent debate. Crawl back into your Jane Black hole of ignorance and stop annoying others with your ridiculous trolling.


        3. Watch her video. It records only one old guy, your unforgivably old and white Squire being harassed by trying to record testimony at a public, governmental meeting.


      2. Not to mention their prodigious use of the F-bomb.


    3. Jane Black wrote, “It’s so disrespectful for you to write things like this.”

      Miss Black, Based on your own words, you don’t have a clue what respect is.

      Jane Black wrote, “I see nothing but privileged white folks on here judging someone for protecting their own.”

      It looks this Jane Black is anti-white racist. Yup Miss Black I just called you a racist, what do you have to say for yourself?


  6. Jane Black

    It’s childish and disrespectful


  7. A dumbass like Jane Black is what I would expect the offspring results to be if Richard Lesiak hooked up with AnonyBob.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AnonyBob

      You are one classy guy, as always.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Batman

        Well bobo you are correct for a change; Zoltar is classy and you must admit his comment is rather insightful. Give credit where credit is due. No need to be ungracious.

        And that’s a wrap!


        1. AnonyBob

          And that’s a fool!


  8. Batman

    Relax bobo.
    Zoltar’s comment was a creative zinger.
    Don’t be such a snowflake.


    1. AnonyBob

      You misunderstood. I’m calling YOU the fool. His comment was rude and crude (and typical). You’re the fool for thinking it was cute. Snowflake.


      1. AnonyBob wrote, “You misunderstood. I’m calling YOU the fool. His comment was rude and crude (and typical). You’re the fool for thinking it was cute. Snowflake.”

        This coming from AnonyBob the open hypocrite that wrote this creative zinger above…

        “You’re like the little boy digging in the manure pile. If it’s that big, he thinks, there must be a pony in there!”

        Please notice that no one, I repeat no one, said anything about your creative zinger above.
        Nope, everyone else acted like reasonable adults took your creative zinger for what it was and moved on, but noooooooooo not you, you had to reveal your character flaws and be petty fool sticking his foot in his mouth again. Who’s the real fool here, AnonyBob?

        I can play this Who’s The Fool game all day AnonyBob but it appears that you’re intellectually unprepared for the next round. Your choice.


      2. AnonyBob,
        I couldn’t help but notice that you haven’t said a single word about Jane Black’s idiotic, near lunacy, comments in this thread? Aren’t you going to try to protect that little snowflake imbecile from the evils of rational thinking?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Zoltar Speaks!;

          “I couldn’t help but notice that you haven’t said a single word about Jane Black’s idiotic, near lunacy, comments in this thread?”

          Why should he, she’s furthering the narrative. It’s painfully clear she’ll vote democrat once she becomes age-eligible. But, according to the reality/fact-challenged Ms. Black, she’s just a little girl (lyin’ eyes be damned), so that won’t be for quite some time.

          “Aren’t you going to try to protect that little snowflake imbecile from the evils of rational thinking?” (bolds mine)

          Cheap shot! THAT’S the job of the race peddlers, Victimhoodie pushers, & the Cultural Marxist purveyors; AKA: the Madison Metropolitan School District.

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

        2. AnonyBob

          As I said, rude and crude (and typical).
