Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: War on Men

  • Obsessed with ‘Equity’ but not voters

    Under furious pursuit, Democrats on the wagon train are throwing dead weight over the side! There comes a time, as life’s movie reel spools to its end, when one exclaims, in the shock of sudden awareness, “My God! What Have I Done?!” as did the colonel played by Alec Guinness in Bridge On the River…

  • Mr. Alderman, prove your innocence!

    Or confirm you’re Woke by taking the word of your accusers! Should “someone with multiple allegations of domestic abuse be in public office?” The alleged abuser is Madison Alder Charles Myadze. That question was posted on social media — that on-line kangaroo court where opinions triumph over facts. Two women accuse Ald. Myadze of “physically…

  • Don’t rush to judgment! He’s a progressive!

    He may be a lech but he’s our lech! This is rich! The super-woke progressives at The Nation are decrying the rush to judgment every time a woman claims sexual harassment. “We cannot flourish as a society if a single accusation out of the blue upends an election overnight and ruins a 30-year career in…

  • Put Blaska on the police oversight board!

    No one is more Diverse! Like his idol Richard Nixon, the head groundskeeper of Blaska Policy Werkes is tanned, rested and ready. (Our phlebitis is under control.) Yes, we are jumping back into the political arena! We’re already going negative! (It’s never too early!) Blaska hereby announces his candidacy for the City of Madison Police…

  • Selling stupid in the better parts of town

    ‘Something of a backlash may be developing’ Is anyone picking up on this? Dane County public health is gunning for Helbach’s coffee (“cofveve?) shop in Middleton for not enforcing the  Covid-19 face mask edict. May yank their food and beverage license. But police kept their distance from the “celebration of life” at Madison’s Garner Park…

  • Smash patriarchy, pig man!

    Apologize for not supporting Warren. ‘A good amount of crying’ Today’s Capital Times should have been bordered in black. Dane County WI’s “Progressive Voice” is mourning the loss of Elizabeth Warren. “Warren supporters in Madison grieve …” reports one of four articles devoted to the lady’s sputtered-out campaign for president. “… There has been a…