Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Mr. Alderman, prove your innocence!

Or confirm you’re Woke by taking the word of your accusers!

Should “someone with multiple allegations of domestic abuse be in public office?” The alleged abuser is Madison Alder Charles Myadze. That question was posted on social media — that on-line kangaroo court where opinions triumph over facts.

Two women accuse Ald. Myadze of “physically and emotionally” abusing them. Those women are Jamie Johnson, married to Myadze from 2001 until 2003, and Michelle McKoy, who said she dated Myadze off and on from 2006 until 2013. This was first reported by the identity-obsessed publication Madison 365. Ald. Myadze denies: 

These allegations are entirely baseless, defamatory, without merit, and made solely for the purpose of tarnishing my reputation, in the hopes of influencing the upcoming elections. I categorically deny any and all these accusations. — Ald. Myadze

 No fact finding wanted

Never mind, say state legislators Kelda Roys, Melissa Agard, and Dianne Hesselbein. The three Democrats went on record today saying Believe All Women. Indeed, Woke awakened to the #MeToo movement. That’s one of the first Woke objections to innocent until proven guilty — womanhood being a foundational class of victims.

The Werkes has no way of knowing the truth. We do know that someone identified only as “Petitioner” on 03-21-24 requested an harassment restraining order against Ald. Myadze. We know also that Judge Stephen Ehlke denied that request. On 03-29-24 the court “denies petition for injunction for [Petitioner’s] failure to meet burden of proof under the statute. Dismissal order signed.” The record does show that 22 years ago, Charles Myadze sued Jamie Johnson for child support. 

We note that Obama guidance to college campuses required the accused to prove their innocence; that injustice has been reversed. Remember that Johnny Depp won $15 million from his ex-wife Amber Heard for defaming him with false allegations of domestic abuse. Still, we must report, that social media question we quoted to open this blog was posed by Armon Myadze.

Mikel, Kendra, Charles, and Armon Myadze
 Ann Walsh Bradley puts down her dukes

Anne Walsh Bradley is retiring. Like a certain recently deceased football player, the WI Supreme Court justice will be more remembered for an act of violence than any accomplishments in their profession. The news media continues to blame Justice David Prosser, slight of build, for defending himself from Justice Bradley’s fists of fury. For a deep dive into the facts, consult retired UW law professor Ann of Althouse. (“There never was a ‘chokehold’ in the Wisconsin Supreme Court.”)

So much for civility in public discourse. The Capital Times headline in the 04-10-24 edition “Like a train wreck, my eyes are drawn to these GOP lackeys.”

The “lackeys” in question being U.S. Reps. Tom Tiffany and Scott Fitzgerald — both duly elected by the people of northern and east-central Wisconsin. Might some Democrat(ic) party lackeys be employed in the news industry?

Blaska’s Bottom Line: As a 33-year dues-paying Republican In Name Only, Blaska assures Second District caucus goers that he is NOT a candidate for delegate to this summer’s Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. To the ten who are vying for the two seats, don’t worry, Blaska won’t endorse any of you.

Of what are YOU accused?

16 responses to “Mr. Alderman, prove your innocence!”

  1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    No fact finding wanted. Is that going to be Gabelman’s slogan when the gop runs him? His latest grift is that unseen evil forces “sabotaged” his Vos recall efforts. No proof just take his word and write him a check. Didn’t trump write a book about that? Add in the usual no comment from staffers and you can close the play book. Grift complete. 


  2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Believe All Women.”***

    ***Unless they’re the myriad women raped by the Former Serial Sexual Predator In Chief, the too_numerous_to_mention victims of serial rapist/perv-groper DementiaJoKe; Tara Reid etc. etc. etc.

    Surely this has nothing to do with Myadze (who is reportedly black) leaving the Lefty Plantation and advocating for public safety and backing the Boys-n-Girls in Blue, yet one’s left to ponder: Whence the race-obsessed Free The 350 to bail a Brother out, am I right?

    Anywho, despicable Lefty reliably forgets the most basic aspect of our legal system (presumed innocence):  SanFranNan (“allegedly” a lawyer) slobbered that The Donald would have the CHANCE to PROVE_HIS_INNOCENCE

    It gets worse.

    Former OJ Juror Thought He Was Guilty But VOTED INNOCENT AS PAYBACK For Rodney King Beating

    Yessiirree! You can always count on despicable Lefty to take the illogical/illiberal Cafeteria Approach to jurisprudence.

    Whenever We Take Away The Liberties Of Those Whom We Hate We Are Opening The Way To Loss Of Liberty For Those We Love–Wendell Willkie

    The Gotch


    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      Believe all women. Does that include Stormy Daniels?


      1. Mordecai The Red

        Stormy Daniel’s’ chosen profession clearly proves that she will do and say anything for money and fame.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

          just like your main man trump?


        2. Mordecai The Red

          Do you keep track of what I say and repeat on this forum? If so, do you have memory issues?


        3. Yes, Mordecai. They deserve each other.


        4. Mordecai The Red

          ”Yes, Mordecai. They deserve each other.”



    2. Mordecai The Red

      Progressives can’t tolerate any police supporters on the Madison Commonsenseless Council and will resort to defamation and libel to purge them. Just ask Paul Skidmore.


      1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

        That incident was…um…TRUMPed up Lefty bull$#!t!

        Skidmore’s son is our geothermal HVAC tech and his sister’s our neighbor; if he’s anything like them, he wouldn’t utter an expletive under his breath, much less on a hot mic.

        The Gotch


  3. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    OJ Simpson juror Carrie Bess interview:

    Interviewer: “Do you think there are members of the jury that voted to acquit OJ because of Rodney King?”

    Bess: Yes.

    Interviewer: You do?

    Bess: Yes.

    Interviewer: How many of you do you think felt that way?

    Bess: Oh, probably 90% of them.

    Interviewer: 90 %! Did you feel that way?

    Bess: Yes.

    Interviewer: That was payback.

    Bess: Uh-huh.

    Interviewer: Do you think that’s right?

    Bess: (shrugs)

    Despicably detestable Lefties The Law!

    The Gotch


  4. dborchardt1

    David, where did you find the quote from Armon? These charges have been
    flying around for a month now, and I never seen anything from any of the



      1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

        Only a truly special kind of @$$hole would hang their Father out to dry and twist in the wind on NeighborsNextDoor (THEY Report…YOU Decide!)

        The Gotch


  5. MMO

    I’d be happy if the rabid righties would expect the same of their gang as they expect from the lefties. There are scoundrels in all political parties.


  6. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    “(T)hree Democrats went on record today saying Believe All Women.

    You don’t say…?

    On that subject, didn’t a Time’s Up (#MeToo/Believe All Wymyn Evil Twin) CEO resign because she helped Serial Perv/Elderly Murdering disgraced EX-NY Governor Andrew Cuomo try to…um…skirt his despicable Perviness?

    Why yes…yes…a Time’s Up (#MeToo’s Evil Twin) CEO DID resign because she helped Serial Perv/Elderly Murdering disgraced EX-NY Governor Andrew Cuomo try to…um…skirt his despicable Perviness!

    Time’s Up Chief Resigns Amid Outrage Over Ties To Andrew Cuomo

    Ah Lefty; so MUCH despicable ignominy, so little time.

    The Gotch
