“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: Man on the Street

  • Mope on the Street interview

    What are YOU contributing to the Katoine Richardson bail fund? Katoine Richardson is the 19-year-old fella who pulled a loaded gun on police on State Street well after midnight despite court orders to be home by 10 p.m. and refrain from firearms. And three felony bail jumpings. Hero of WI State Journal columnist Esther Cepeda,…

  • Have you been vaccinated?

    Man on the Street interview Dane County WI is in year three of the great mask-up. Our unpaid intern accosted deranged progressives on the 25 mph streets of Madison to ask: Did you get the Fauci Ouchie? “Picked a bad time to quit sniffing glue.” “I hate spunk.” “Never mind Right to Life. I’m Right…

  • Should critical race theory be taught in our schools?

    Man on the Street interview After burning his face mask, the Policy Werkes sent our unpaid intern to out on the mean streets of Madison WI to ask the usual assortment of idiots and malcontents: Should critical race theory be taught in our schools? “I won’t answer any questions from privileged white people.” “[Sound of fingernails…

  • What to do with that state surplus!

    Man on the Street interview Republicans under Gov. Scott Walker crafted a balanced budget that cut taxes and encouraged economic development. That prudence is paying off with a $2.6 Billion surplus. The Policy Werkes told our unpaid intern to hit the hot pavement of Madison WI to ask the usual assortment of idiots and malcontents: What should…

  • Man on the 20 mph-street question

    No idea is too stupid for Madison WI Give the City of Madison credit (and a generous bar tab). The Emerald City is always experimenting. Streets in two neighborhoods will test lower traffic speed limits — 20 mph, down from 25 mph. The City is also closing portions of other streets to encourage pedestrians and…

  • What should the Packers do about Aaron Rodgers?

    Trade him or bench him? Professional football’s most valuable player is unhappy with management at 1265 Lombardi Avenue, Green Bay WI. So is one of the owners of the team who also owns a highly unprofitable blogging operation. O.K., Aaron Rodgers might have more leverage. It doesn’t help that Mr. Rodgers is the smartest guy in…