Jim Fenley photo: his dock in N. Wisconsin

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


‘Race to Equity’ is nothing more than another Woke guilt trip

Here we go again. Yet another study finds disparities between racial groups and confuses correlation with causation. A study conducted by “an anti-racist” think tank plays the herd-approved blame game: Majority white Dane County is systemically racist! Yawn.

The study asks: How else to explain that three times as many people with dark skin experience poverty compared to people with lighter skin? Attention: Epic, Exact Sciences, the State of Wisconsin, and all those bistros around Capitol Square: why are you refusing to hire black people? 

Who else but closeted Klan members discipline black students proportionately more than white kids? the study suggests. (A few years ago, 59% of the disciplinary procedures were wielded against boys, yet they constitute but 49% of Madison public school enrollment. Why are Madison schools biased against boys?)

Black people experience higher rates of hospitalization for diabetes, high blood pressure and heart failure, says the former WI Council on Children & Families, now called Kids Forward. That’s your fault, Whitey! So suggests its 10-year Race to Equity Report on Dane County.

“The lack of shared prosperity that impacts Black Dane County children and families will continue to influence the amount of control, autonomy, and opportunity they have access to if racial inequity and systemic racism continues to be embedded into the fabric of the community.”

— report lead author Carte’cia Lawrence
Some day (when unicorns blow brightly colored bubbles) some outfit brimming with federal grant dollars will study why people with yellowish skin and different alphabets win all the school spelling bees.

Nary a word about personal responsibility

Like that broken clock, Kids Forward correctly notices that black people suffer “negative stereotypes and different expectations.” Madison police and our news media are trying to counter the stereotypes by not (for one example), describing the races of the four shooters at The Harmony apartment complex this week. (Call out the National Guard if the shooters were white and the victims black.)

Lacking any sense of irony, Kids Forward itself plays the different expectations game. It recommends — wait for it! — more social programs. And paying teachers more money! Not giving teachers more authority to run their classrooms. Just more money.

Only $25 (cheap!)

What Kids Forward does NOT say cries to the heavens. Go to school, listen to teacher, do your homework, learn to read, volunteer to help an old lady, put down the Glock, leave the Kia alone. Abjure substance abuse. Develop a work history. Eat right. Girls, grow up yourself before bearing children. Boys, be a father in a two-parent household!

The Two-Parent Privilege makes the overwhelming data-based case that marriage and stable two-parent families matter monumentally to the life prospects of children — far more than the usually invoked suspects of race and gender.”

In 2019, “77% of white children and 88% of Asian children lived with married parents. The share among Hispanic children was 62%. Only 38% of black children live with married parents — a historically low share that reflects a downward trend over four decades.” 

— “The privilege hiding in plan sight

Blaska’s Bottom Line: The “Race to Equity” report is itself the problem. The damn thing postures an entire class of people as VICTIMS utterly dependent on the tea and sympathies of their white oppressors. We must do more, wails Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway. 


16 responses to “‘Race to Equity’ is nothing more than another Woke guilt trip”

  1. Kooter

    I’m waiting for the circular illogic and nonsensical response from Rollie!


  2. Steven Clark

    You forgot to thank LBJ’s Great Society…oh wait, Tim Scott just did that….


    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      LBJ…isn’t that Spanish for fellatio…?

      The Gotch


      1. Steven Clark

        that is a gay blow job. A BJ from a gal would LaBJ


  3. Dorothy

    You hit the nail on the head again!  Our liberal leaders need to learn
    how racist they are when they make decisions based on the color of ones
    skin instead of on their actions. Kids are not held accountable, some
    are crying for help but they are ignored by the MMSD or given excuses
    for their bad behavior.
    When they are adults they get a slap on the wrist until they end up in
    prison or dead.
    All because of white guilt.  I wonder what they did that they feel so

    How come you don’t send this to my Facebook page so I can share?


    1. Click the Facebook logo at the bottom of the blog itself, where it says “Share this.”

      Or copy html address line and paste into your Facebook feed.


      1. westsidesue

        You forgot to add about the Platinum Subscriber thing…I’m sitting poolside enjoying a colada from all the bennies that go with it.


    2. Steven Clark

      I get it off of Facebook.


  4. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    “ ‘The Two-Parent Privilege makes the overwhelming data-based case that marriage and stable two-parent families matter monumentally to the life prospects of children — far more than the usually invoked suspects of race and gender.’ ”

    Single Parent Households Are One Of The Greatest Indicators Of Future Poverty And Substandard Education.

    Diversity = Fewer White People
    Inclusion = Fewer White People AND accept/condone/validate idiots’ life choices.
    Equity = GIMMEE GIMMEE things I didn’t work for.

    What is your ‘FAIR SHARE‘ of what someone else has worked for?” Dr. Thomas Sowell

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Montgomery Scott

    Ever notice that these think tanks, committees, groups, et. al., always start with their conclusion and then come up with lame a$$ reasons that fits said conclusion after they blend, mutilate, and spindle whatever they discover while doing their research, all the while ignoring reality and facts?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Yesterday’s State Journal had a lengthy article on racial disparities in Madison specifically referencing the studies mentioned. They gave the following examples:
    While 63% of white households live in homes they own, less than 15% of Black residents do.
    While the annual median household income for white residents in Dane County rebounded and grew to $80,063 from 2006 to 2020, the median income for Black residents has not made it back to the pre-recession median income of $38,347, when adjusted for inflation.
    The median home in Dane County in 2020 cost 8.3 times the median income of Black households, compared to 3.9 times higher for white “.
    There is not one mention that 70% of the black “households” are single parent, as opposed to about 40% for white. That alone would explain a large part of the disparities.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      “That alone would explain a large part of the disparities.”

      Here’s more:
      Black America Before LBJ: How the Welfare State Inadvertently Helped Ruin Black Communities

      UNSPEAKABLE TRUTHS About Racial Inequality In America

      Perhaps the talented Rollie will set us straight…..?

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Mordecai The Red

      Two parent households aren’t privilege. Neither are parents who give a damn about raising their children. That’s what they’re supposed to and should be expected to do.


  7. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Has Big Gubmint serving as parent/s improved the lot of people of color?

    Not exactly.

    Blind To The REAL PROBLEMS Of Black America–Walter E. Williams

    Money Quote: “The Bottom Line Is That The Black Family Was Stronger The First 100 Years After Slavery Than During What Will Be The Second 100 Years.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

  8. […] disadvantage in learning.” Now, Kids Forward, blame THAT on “systemic racism”! (“Race to Equity is nothing more than another Woke guilt […]
