Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Paranoia runs deep and goes BOOM!

and it’s bipartisan

Fireworks are ‘about to start’

The latest conspiracy theory is that the Deep State set off the RV bomb in Nashville on Christmas Day 12-25-20 to deny Trump the presidency. God, they’re good!

The bomb went off in front of an AT&T switching station. According to the bitter enders, Dominion voting machines were being โ€œauditedโ€ there. Somehow. Why voting machines would be audited in deep red Tennessee, instead of a contested state, is a good question. Another question is whether AT&T audits voting machines at all. At a switching station. And who would have ordered the audits? But why would a news source as reliable as “Tiger Droppings” make up such a story?


Another intrepid conspiracist finds six degrees of separation that donโ€™t involve Kevin Bacon. “AT&T building that was bombed in Nashville has connections to Dominion.” Very tenuous connections. Russell Crowe in the movie A Beautiful Mind kind of connections. Using colored yarn. Consider the source: a website called Wanda We Love Trump.

In Nashville?

Our progressive acquaintancesย are no less paranoid. Spotted on Quora: “Could the car bomb in Nashville be the beginning of Trump’s plan to declare martial law and stay in power?”

More fireworks?

Meanwhile, question is which U.S. Senator (if any) on January 6 challenges the legitimacy of the November 3 results. Betting is on Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, who will be newly seated.

Second question is what does Vice President Mike Pence do as he presides over the Senate? โ€œTrump (supposedly) is pressing the veep to just declare Trump/Pence the victor. Which is beyond parody.

Allahpundit reports that โ€œPence is hoping for a low-key Jan. 6 and is not planning any unnecessary drama.โ€ He predictsย Pence will find an excuse not to preside over the session, leaving it to Chuck Grassley.

Ol’ Sparky’s prediction: In a 52-48 Republican/Democrat(ic) Senate (IF both Georgia Republicans win), Biden/Harris will be certified the winners.


34 responses to “Paranoia runs deep and goes BOOM!”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    As the New Year fast approaches, it would appear that The Gotch needs to evaluate his news feeds.

    He’s only read of these…um…developments in one (1) place thus far…here…something for which he’s eternally grateful; no one wants to be on the outside looking in, am I right?

    Anywho, on Day One of the fake, Race Hustling holiday extraordinaire (Kwanzaa), the timing couldn’t be any more deliciously ironic.

    ACCUSED TORTURER Ron Karenga: โ€œI created Kwanzaa […] People think itโ€™s African. But itโ€™s not. I wanted to give black people a holiday of their own. So I came up with Kwanzaa. I said it was African because you know black people in this country wouldnโ€™t celebrate it if they knew it was American. Also, I put it around Christmas because I knew thatโ€™s when a lot of bloods would be partying!โ€

    Ah Lefty; so MUCH emasculating tartuffery, so little time!

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. An apt term, Gotch -“Tartuffery” ! Cannot beat it with a stick. Tho best send a definition to Richard, AKA Dick, or he’ll think it’s complimentary to his cause…


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        FULL DISCLOSURE: If you ended up at any sorta kinda thingy, that’s where it was located; GREAT WORD, though, am I right?

        Anywho, should have included that Professor (?) Karenga is BOTH a CONVICTED TORTURER and an ACCUSED MURDERER

        Despicable Lefties!!!

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

        1. richard lesiak

          Sounds like a guy trump will give a pardon too. Kind of like those Blackwater pukes.


        2. Gotch – I DO use the ‘Net here and there but mostly rely on my memory/vocabulary from many (way too many) years past -I bore people sometimes. Prof. K. link is exemplary, BTW. It p’roly drives Richard nertz -another fallen angel = another batch o’ week old doughnuts 4 sale….

          Liked by 1 person

      2. richard lesiak

        Nice to see that I’m living in your head rent free. And gootchiee’s too.


      3. Cornelius Gotchberg

        JUMBO ALERT: Kamala Harris EXPLAINS how important Kwanzaa was to her family.

        Never a place that pulls punches, TWITCHY was havin’ nothin’ of it!

        Ah Lefty; so MUCH suffocating ignominy, so little time!!

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Gotch seems cranky since trump is holding out on the gummint free money he’s been planning on. Hang on gootchiee; Joe and Dr. Jill will help you out soon.


    2. Gary Kriewald

      Just for fun, how about uncovering the origins of other “fake, race-hustling” terms like “social justice” or “systemic racism” or “white privilege”? Something tells me they’d be just as bogus. Hope everyone celebrates Kwanzaa the way I will–by not giving it a second thought.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “White Privilege?” Too many examples of imbecilic White Lefties who are too intellectually enfeebled to leverage any advantage whatsoever from their dearth of melanin.

        The post right above yours puts this in a painfully harsh light!

        The Gotch


  2. I think the manor lord published this drivel to increase clicks and boost his holiday income.
    IMO, column was worthless.


    1. richard lesiak

      HEY..I generate more clicks on this blog by just being me.


  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Yoikes!!! Stunning example of the Dunning Kruger Effect above!

    “(P)eople with LOW ABILITY at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people’s INABILITY TO RECOGINIZE THEIR LACK OF ABILITY.” (bolds/caps/italics mine)

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      blah blah blah. Here; put this in caps…DECKHEAD


  4. Gg Mo

    The fandoys of OAN/Newsmax don’t get it. The net spread for complicity in stupid lies. I don’t not promote this channel in general , but agree that this is the GAME at play.


    1. Gg Mo

      * correction ” fan (shabbos) goys..”

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Umnnnhhhh…..yesterday my thought was some sort of internal attack which was a proof-of-concept that whacking an AT&T hob would create problems. Well, it did, but…….

    Turns out the suspected perp is “an IT guy” currently a contractor playing with PC databases/comms for Realtors.

    NOW I think the guy had a grudge against AT&T, but not for the FBI’s crock-o-crap line of the day about ‘5G fears.’ AT&T probably forced him out and replaced him with an H1-B for 1/2 the cost. FBI would love to make this guy into some sort of WHITE CONSPIRACY CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST WACKO, too.

    And Blaska would add “TRUMPIST DOG!!!”


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Any old pictures of him in Black Face?

      THAT would supply a…um…dad blame Lefty quadfecta!

      The Gotch


    2. richard lesiak

      He blew himself up in the RV listening to Petula Clark. PETULA CLARK?? Sweet Jesus.


      1. Gary Kriewald

        Here’s a little parlor game. If you were captured by terrorists who tied you up and strapped a bomb to you that was set to explode in five minutes and they gave you the choice of music you could listen to as your life ticked away, what would it be? My choice: Nat King Cole singing “Mona Lisa.” Second choice: Tiny Tim singing “Tiptoe Through the Tulips.”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          The Gotch would go in a different…um…DIRECTION

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

    3. AdamC

      I find the official story really hard to buy. Something of that magnitude is pulled off by a lone nut who conveniently is blown to bits while the officials shrug their shoulders and say “who knows”.

      Did anything ever come of that Vegas mass shooting in terms of who did it and why?

      Seems awful strange to have another enormously violent attack followed immediately by “move along, nothing to see here”.

      This kind of thing and the muted way it’s handled as if it were a cup of spilt milk is EXACTLY how and why conspiracy theories start and persist.


      1. You said: “Magnitude” ? I recollect right here in Madison, (Well, ya got trouble, my friend, right here, I say, trouble right here in River City), a few stoopid clowns, (not ignorant -stoopid…) created a similar HUGE explosion at Sterling Hall. I’m figgerin’ Anthony Quinn Warner, an IT guy, would come up with a better build -and he did. Nuthin’ conspiratorial goin’ on here.

        You say “… the muted way it’s handled” ? Comments like that should be reserved for non-existent newstories by the MSM concerning Hunter Biden…

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Madryan

    Wow you get a good post up with a view of both sides and all y’all do is pull each other wieners and dance in a circle and crap I left my wiener in the work truck


    1. you have no friends gotch.


    2. richard lesiak

      Now you in did it. Goooth just gave you a nickname. Watch your back.


  7. Bougie_Redneck

    I found this site after I searched “Nashville bombing bullshit theory” after I read this crap in a YouTube video comment thread. I had been eagerly awaiting such crap. Took them a minute. If “Q” knows so much, why did it take “Q” so long to share this with his/her/its followers?


    1. richard lesiak

      Why? Because crap runs downhill slowly in cold weather.


  8. ObviousFraudIsObvious

    Blaska … we watch CNN a little bit too ok?
    So if you want to lecture us about how the GOP should let MASSIVE ELECTION FRAUD go undisturbed, gfys.
    This imaginary world where the DNC doesn’t fabricate exactly the required number of votes to win 2 senate seats in GA is ludicrous.
    Join your fellow patriots in demanding voter id and quit acting like a loser bit**.


    1. Iam Pistoff

      Ditto that, OFO!


    2. richard lesiak

      The GOP hasn’t proved anything. That clown car of so-called lawyers couldn’t prove that water is wet. Funny that the only voter fraud found was by 3 trumpsters in Penn.


      1. ObviousFraudIsObvious

        You can read my reply below you ignorant CCP OP and I have to say TY DY for finally letting me post a goddamn relevant truth.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. richard lesiak

    News Alert… just posted that Rudy G. And the kraken lady have found pieces of voter ballots in the blown up RV. They estimate the vehicle held at least 25 million ballots. All for trump. Rudy quote; “the smoking gun we have been looking for has been found in the smoking ruins of an RV. Send me as much of your money as possible to process this new evidence.” Sidney Powell was quoted as saying;”!%$$^&*##@?????”


  10. ObviousFraudIsObvious

    For those of you stuck reading Blaska’s new liberal blog, here’s the evidence he failed to present to his readers at all while spouting MSM talking points like a parrot:

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