Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


The campaign to replace Madison’s cop-hating alders is on!

Madison is awakening!

It is a beautiful day in Madison and not only for the season’s first meaningful snowfall. Hope is in the air along with big fat snowflakes. Hope for a responsible Madison Common Council. The promise of a new slate of alders to replace the current bunch who blame crime on the police.

You can see that hope in the form of a big, bold billboard located on the Beltline at Park Street. It reads:

Shootings up 78%
Tag Evers’ response: DEFUND THE POLICE

Tag Evers is one of nine Progressive Dane alders who, along with Progressive Dane Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway, pillories the police as racist slave catchers. Both did, in fact, seek the immediate release of Devonere A. Johnson, the guy with the bullhorn and baseball bat who extorted money from downtown merchants in the name of BLM. (Read and weep!) The man was convicted, but not until after full-scale riots took down beloved statues of a Civil War hero who fought slavery and that of the aspirational Miss Forward, injured a state legislator, and fire-bombed the City-County Building.

All 20 aldermanic seats are up for election on April 3. The first day to circulate nomination papers is December 1 — right around the corner. Papers aren’t due until January 5. (See sidebar at right.)

The billboard is the work of  SaveMadison PAC (political action committee). It has a must-visit website at

Blaska is NOT behind this effort but he sure does support it. It is one of many independent efforts to save this city we love. We’ll let SaveMadison’s website tell its own story:

Madison has always been a safe city and one of the nation’s highest ranked places to live. But due to the failed leadership of our mayor, city council, and county executive, we are facing massive surges in crime.

Those who keep breaking the laws are going unpunished. A state senator was attacked downtown, a young girl murdered on East Washington, and a former school board member killed by a fleeing felon.

It’s time to step up and Save Madison. This isn’t a matter of Democrats and Republicans. The issues facing our city are bipartisan, and so are we. Save Madison is building a coalition to demand accountability and support competent, common sense candidates for local office.

“Venmo me the money” — Devonere A. Johnson

Letting shootings, home invasions, and car thefts go unpunished won’t lead to a better society. Failing to draw the line between peaceful First Amendment exercise and violent destruction hurts the causes of those who work everyday to make positive change.

Madison’s mayor and city council intentionally held back law enforcement while arsonists and looters destroyed our city. When a violent rioter extorted restaurants, they called for his early release. Local leaders should side with citizens, not criminals.

‘Radical listening’?

Tag, you’re it!

As for Ald. Tag Evers, the Vilas/Monroe Street alder recently held a public safety summit. Who does Evers invite as experts: lenient Juvenile Court Judge Everett Mitchell, Focused Interruption guy Anthony Cooper, Kaleem Caire, and Brandi Grayson of Urban Triage! Here’s Ald. Evers on his official, taxpayer-paid blog:

There is room for progress, and it starts with radical listening, as Brandi Grayson of Urban Triage so eloquently stated near the end of the summit. … Next steps include making sure the important work of non-profits like Urban Triage, One City Schools, and Focused Interruption Coalition are embraced within the revitalized violence prevention unit within Public Health.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: The support is there — financial and logistical help ready and waiting for good citizens to run for office. Don’t let the cop-haters win by default!

Who(m) are YOU encouraging to make the race!


22 responses to “The campaign to replace Madison’s cop-hating alders is on!”

  1. Amos Roe



  2. Kevin S Wymore

    I understand for a fact that Evers WILL get a reasonable, intelligent person running against him in the upcoming aldermanic elections.

    Madison deserves better than Tag Evers!

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    “When a violent rioter extorted restaurants, they called for his early release.”

    Funniest thing; when 19 year-old Waunakee resident Gabrielle M. Kokesh was arrested for looting and vandalism later that same night, no similar “early release” slobbering ensued.

    Wait a minute.

    She’s melanin deficient?

    Never mind.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 2 people

  4. common sense

    Please keep it up Madison… My home in Columbia County just increased in value again !!!

    Looking Good, Billy Ray !! Feeling Good Louis !!!


  5. Gary Kriewald

    I’m afraid it will take more than a billboard to convince me that the tide is turning in Madison. When you’re committed fully and fanatically to leftist ideology, a 78% increase in shootings is a small price to pay for living in a town whose leaders practice that ideology with unrelenting fervor. (Besides, the people who vote for Tag Evers don’t live in a part of town where shootings of any kind occur.) I might harbor a faint hope for Madison if there were a few sane souls to be found among its power elite, but the fact that the same fools get returned (often unopposed) to their posts in election after election tells me that no matter what the rise in crime rates, Madison will continue its pattern of collective self-delusion (“Look at all those lovely murals on State Street”) and skip merrily on down its self-descructive path.


  6. I hope Madison Conservatives can pull off an ideological shift in the April 3rd election, but let’s be honest, this Madison and, in this progressive bubble that’s full of irrational social justice warriors, just preventing a complete sweep by irrational social justice warrior progressives could be considered a big win for Conservatives. That’s not defeatist, it’s close to reality unless the Conservatives have a big pile of commonalities to work with where Madison’s generally intelligent moderate Liberal population will take note, join the Conservatives to vote out the extremists.

    Safety of one’s self, their property and their family is a really strong commonality that’s an easy nail to strike with a heavy Conservative hammer because the progressives extremist really don’t give a damn about safety of anyone or anything that’s outside their tunnel vision hive.

    I say give it your all Madison Conservatives and I’ll do what I can to help from my satellite bedroom community.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      That, and to keep your powder dry, is all we can ask, Steve.

      The Gotch

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Alberticus

    Are your cities set ablaze by Illiterate barbarians? THANK A TEACHER.
    DEFUND?! YES, It is time to DEFUND ……………….. Public “Schools”
    SUE the schools, unions & teachers for FRAUD and taking money under false pretences.
    For decades failed students have been “passed through the system”
    We are getting a full on display of the Liberal Educator concept of “DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, and TOLERANCE” Burning cities are their vision of the future.
    For decades the Nation’s teachers have been infusing false concepts of entitlement, oppression, as we see in Minneapolis, Seattle and Portland today. Teachers have been attacking the self-image, self-esteem of their White pupils with the Racist Hate message of mythical “White privilege”. Teachers have rabidly attacked the foundations of the Nation to sooth their “Daddy issues”.
    Gov. Gretchen Whitless has agreed to a settlement in a case, which sought a historic court order ruling students have a constitutional right to literacy. You do NOT have a “right” to literacy. That is S-T-U-P-I-D. You have to LEARN to read and write ….. you RETARDS.
    Well these teacher’s unions have been quietly stuffing their pockets with overly LIBERAL pensions and benefits at the expense of the oppressed People of Color. The Teachers were supposed to be guiding P.O.C. to economic stability and security. Instead they fed the P.O.C. garbage as Teachers stuffed THEIR pockets. Therefore in the spirit of Equality and Reparations which the teachers have LIBERALLY preached for so long it is only proper that 75% of those FAT union pensions be LIBERALLY distributed to the Elderly People of Color who were denied the opportunities the privileged teachers milked for all they could.
    The Teachers want SOCIALISM? SOCIALIZE their pensions & perks.
    The “Graduates” of American education should be suing their teachers and school administrators for fraud and MISeducation.
    As Charlotte Iserbyt claims in her book, ‘The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America’, our educational disaster is by design. ‘They’ do not want critical thinkers.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard lesiak

      WOW…and people want ME banned for just saying gotch is a dork.


  8. Batman

    Tag Evers’ story is simultaneously pathetic and typical selfish Madison virtue signaling. His neighbors do not exactly dislike him personally, more like lukewarm gratitude because they understand his self-preservative politics protect them as well. The several that Batman interviewed understand he supports the radical America hating SJW agenda mostly to keep the barbarians from his gate and his neighbors support whatever keeps them safe regardless of who else suffers in different/other neighborhoods. These are noble, altruistic, and inclusive, people after all and Tag is a hero who contributes to their high quality of life neighborhood, albeit rather isolated from the harsh consequences of his misguided, destructive, and dangerous policies. But hey, at least *they* are safe and isn’t that what really counts in politics.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Amos Roe

      Perceptive post Batman. Thanks.


    2. AdamC

      Tag is actually representing his best West side wealthy limousine liberal clientele. Mouth some platitudes, signal a few faux virtues, tsk-tsk about The System, put one of those idiotic We Believe…. signs in the yard.

      But the second a BLM mob with bullhorns were to tromp up the sidewalk of one of those lovingly restored Craftsman houses after dark to demand reparations, unmarked bills only, these folks would be screaming and crying for the police cavalry in 2 seconds flat.

      I mean, these are the same pearl-clutching precious snowflakes who are going to war over the local private school putting a few lights on their athletic field.

      They would not last 10 seconds in Penn Park.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “But the second a BLM mob with bullhorns were to tromp up the sidewalk of one of those lovingly restored Craftsman houses after dark”

        What if it was Sunday morning while they were (heh!) listening to NPR’s A Way With Words, Wait…Wait…Don’t Tell Me, or American’s Test Kitchen while slurping five adjective crappicchinos?

        The $#!t-to-Hempen Homespun britches ratio would soar off’n the freakin’ charts!

        Anywho, Lefty in Penn Park? Now THAT would be worth the price of admission AND standing in line to pay it!

        The Gotch used to play basketball with some of his home boyz there…not for the faint of heart; Lefty’d wilt like August lettuce.

        The Gotch


        1. AdamC

          Well Gotch, having played some no holds barred pickup myself backinthaday, complete with police presence, I agree that the precious near West side prog-left-tards would be shaking and quaking just driving by such a scene.

          And yes, a Sunday morning ‘house call’ from BLM Inc. to collect what they are owed would be quite the scene! LMAO at the thought of NPR live play-by-play narration of the doorstep demands which include changing all street addresses to BIPOC-approved nomenclature. Monroe-Vilas henceforth to be known as Angela Davis-Mumia Abu Jamal-BLM Inc. Neighborhood association dissolved and reconvene under a minimum 80% BIPOC control.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Where you from, AC; if Madison, which ‘Hood?

          The Gotch


        3. AdamC

          Madison…. and I think I have lived on every directional side of town including downtown.


  9. Not to suggest the “78% increase in shootings” is insignificant -but the increase in doxxing, vandalism and violent reactions by SJW’s to those who oppose them (and their candidates) will likely lead to NOT MANY decent folks applying for these offices. I hope & pray that I am wrong but the ongoing MMSD debacle, BLM’s strength and the early summer riots do not bode well for the upcoming election.


    1. Voters find courage in the privacy of the voting booth — if they have something to vote for.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Amos Roe

        “-if they have something to vote for.” Which was georgesson’s point. Alas, from everything I’ve seen, he’s right. How much more destruction will this city have to undergo before people finally say “enough is enough.” From everything I’ve seen, it will take a lot more. I think that the (lack of) response to our local government’s totalitarian Covid decrees, which have been far more destructive than the State St violence, speaks volumes here.


      2. Batman

        I believe gssson is alluding to the probability that when a middle to conservative candidate *campaigns for office* their person, family, home, job, car, become vulnerable to the strong-arm free speech stifling tactics of the SJW brownshirt fascists and unless city officials crush these America hating a$$holes precious few will assume that risk which is the whole point of allowing these goons to run amok in the first place.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Liberty

    Does anyone know who runs the Save Madison PAC? And what are the other initiatives you’re referring to, David?


    1. I have a good idea but they can come forward on their own. Other initiatives? People all over town recruiting candidates in their neighborhoods. Hope you’re one of them.
