Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Mayor Satya tries to make nice with police

Nice words; what deeds?

We reported on Tuesday that the Madison police union was considering holding a vote of No Confidence against Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway.

Rank and file police are disquieted by the mayor’s abject kowtowing to the racial justice warriors as they closed down busy city thoroughfares and justified the nighttime riots in downtown Madison and the property destruction and looting throughout the city as legitimate expressions of anger. 

“Thank you for being angry,” she told them.

Late Wednesday 06-03-2020 the mayor cut a video intended solely to make nice with the city’s 500 uniformed police officers. Although one police officer described it as a hostage video, the mayor does appear to be sincere or she is a better actor than we give credit. 

Well guess what? The video has been locked down. Police are telling me even they can’t get in. Why? Because Satya Rhodes Conway does NOT want her voters to learn that she actually said something nice about the police. Now she apologizes to the anarchists

A partial transcription:

Hello MPD family, Mayor Satya here.

Amidst unprecedented protests, violence and looting. … We are all learning as we go along … you must be exhausted … It must be absolutely infuriating to stand in heavy gear outside and listen to people constantly insult your chosen profession … to have rocks thrown at you and be in harm’s way constantly … and to work so long for so many years to build relationships around the city …

… I know you are working hard and doing an amazing job under unbelievably difficult circumstances and I thank you. … I’m here talking to you today because I have come to realize that I have not taken the opportunity to express my gratitude for your service … or to acknowledge the personal sacrifices you make during these incredible difficult times…

I was so focused on addressing the concerns of our community that I did not realize you need and deserve ….. recognition and appreciation. Please know how I appreciate your hard work, your courage, and sacrifice and your service …

Too little, too late?

One police officer told Blaska Policy Werkes:

“She has never said anything to us since she has been in office [for over a year].  This mayor is losing support; people see it for what it is. This looting and damage should have been called off from Day One. … We know that she is not on our side.”

Working against the mayor is that she drove Mike Koval, their beloved chief, into retirement by, for one thing, allocating zero additional police in her first budget (which the council amended to add three officers, far short of what the department sought).

Nor does it help that elected city leaders are busy layering ever-more second-guessing onto the working cop, in the form of a full-time police monitor and a citizen-review board — the latter mandated to include ex-offenders!

And during the protests and riots, by never countering the vitriol launched by the radical Left. Such as this statement by M Adams of Freedom Inc.:

“All actions against racist state violence are justified.”

Indeed, Satya Rhodes Conway (Progressive Dane) has piled on.  Her statement Monday 06-01-2020:

… perhaps those feelings of fear and vigilance will help people understand what it is like to live with the public health crisis of racism, which requires Black people and people of color to be vigilant every day of their lives to protect themselves from a world where they can be killed for jogging, driving, being at home, being outside – just living their lives; a world where they are all too often targeted and sometimes killed by police.

Nor has the mayor countered a statement from alders (most of them also Progressive Dane, like the mayor) denouncing the police for “a gross and unnecessary display of force” and demanding a shopping list of who the police injured, what was done to treat the injuries, what weapons did they use and who manufactured them, etc. etc. and etc.

⇒ EXTRA CREDIT: Police are backing off Joe Biden, Politico says.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Rank and file police may be learning they have more political muscle than any chief.

What’s the next shoe to drop?


24 responses to “Mayor Satya tries to make nice with police”

  1. Maggie

    Thank you for posting this. I wrote to her begging her to acknowledge what an awesome job the police have done risking their lives for her city in the past week and asked her to not send a thank you in secret (as she has done in the past) to them if she ever did get around to doing so . So, she did finally get around to thanking the officers…in secret again. Sshhh….no one must know that the police do anything good and noble. She can only publicly drag the police through the mud by saying things like “Tony Robinson should still be alive,” but a thank you for risking their lives while having bottles, chairs, bricks, and fire crackers thrown at thrown at them is hush…..secrets secrets

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Marge Bils

    If I were a police officer, I wouldn’t believe a word she said . Police officers have bent over backwards trying to work with the politicians & community & all they’ve gotten in return is insults/assaults & calls to defund or eradicate their positions. The last week of events has shown why we need police!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Marge, The Gotch encourages you, et al, to practice Random Acts Of Gratitude: Whenever you see an unengaged LEO, stroll on up and thank them for their service.

      They need to realize, and HEAR LOUDLY, that not every Madison/Dane County resident is anti-cop!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Marge Bils

        I already do this, whenever I have the chance . Also I have been known to thank firefighters too. Our emergency workers are the best.Dedicated to helping all citizens!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. madisonexpat

    ‘I was so busy appreciating the justified anger expressed in insults, rocks. bottles etc. that were hurled at you I didn’t have time to stand with you. Plus we continue to obey the quarantine rules we insist upon unless you are a looter, arsonist or victim of all the oppression Madison is known for.
    Thank you MPD, now go finish the 1,000 page report the alders asked for.
    I will check your spelling and punctuation.’
    Her Honor
    Da Mare

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Fr Gregory

    “I was so focused on addressing the concerns of our community that I did not realize you need and deserve ….. recognition and appreciation.” Who does the mayor mean by “our community”? The MPD is part of our community.
    And why is the video password protected? The mayor thanking the police for a job well done is a good thing that should be made public.


    1. patrickmoloughlin

      “The mayor thanking the police for a job well done is a good thing that should be made public.”

      Ha! Not to her base. Expect a public apology to follow soon. To the “community” that is. She will express contrition for praising the police. Maybe she was drinking that night.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Not to be cynical, but perhaps “the fat lady FINALLY sings” B/C: Louisville Cops Walk Out on Mayor


  6. Tom Paine

    Assume, in a moment of idle fantasy, what life in Madison might be like if all the victims of racism left for a year-long retreat to another location.

    Would Madison’s problems increase during that year, or would they decrease?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Batman

      You don’t quite get it so allow me to enlighten: systemic racism literally causes minorities to behave badly.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tom Paine

        What is systemic racism? Define please. Aside from special rights for tribal members who can prove lineage by blood, I know of no governmental action that objectively uses race to discriminate.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Jeepers Tom, do you just not get that wet streets cause rain…?

          The Gotch


        2. Assuming you get a reply, notice that it’s another variation of Marxist analysis, this one black v. white instead of the classic rich v. poor or male v. female.

          They cannot define it using any other analytical tool–because it does not exist in the real world. Racism is a personal thing, not ‘corporate’ or ‘systemic.’

          Bill Gates made a fortune with systems and that’s great–but now “systems theory” permeates everything. It asserts that humans are ‘systems’ that can be ‘fixed’ by replacing defective strings of code. So racism–rather than being a result of Sin, is merely a repair-able defect. See? SYSTEM!!!!

          That would be a great world to live in, no?


    2. White Hills

      We need raycism. Without it, we’d have nothing else to do. We’d go broke. Black powa!


  7. White Hills

    Hey guys! Sorry! I need your help. Some people are eating ice cream outside of their social distancing circle at James Madison Park. Please issue them a ticket. Thanx!


  8. Sprocket

    …be vigilant every day of their lives to protect themselves from a world where they can be killed for jogging, driving, being at home, being outside – just living their lives; a world where they are all too often targeted and sometimes killed…

    Funny thing, this sounds exactly like life in any black neighborhood, especially if you’re white, hispanic, or asian. The notion that blacks are somehow the victims of societal violence has to be one of the most successful pieces of gaslighting the left has accomplished. Blacks commit 70% of all interracial homicides and 85% of all interracial assaults. The violent racists aren’t a bunch of crackers flying the stars and bars from their pickups.

    Oddly, this is entirely invisible to the media, who can find racism in the slightest statistical differences between the races. Perhaps it’s because the they expect this kind of behavior as the norm from blacks (because of muh historical injustices). Perhaps they are afraid of criticizing the cultural norms of blacks, lest the mob turn on them. Perhaps they are dedicated leftist who see having mobs of violent retards at their disposal as useful to their long term goals. Perhaps the answer is all of the above.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Lars

    As much as it would be a scary experience, I would like to ask the police to strike for one week all over the country, especially Minnesota, then see if the lame brain leadership asks for them back.
    Locked and loaded, let happen.
    Make sure they Dox the political putzs.


    1. Batman

      That would be an interesting week: 911 what is your emotional emergency?
      Caller: Someone is trying to break into my home and I am all alone!!
      Dispatch: A social worker is in the area and on the way, stay on the line please.


      1. Batman

        The conversation continues under the new defunded police paradigm:
        911 what is your emotional emergency?

        Caller: Someone is trying to break into my home and I am all alone!!

        Dispatch: A social worker is in the area and on the way, stay on the line please and while we’re connected may I make a few suggestions—–okay I guess but I’m scared—-yes that is a normal response and something you can embrace—-okay I’ll try but now what—-well I generally coach my clients to remain calm, take deep abdominal breaths and if limber enough to assume the lotus position—-what is the lotus position?—-we’ll come back to that later but for now just assume a comfortable sitting position—-Dispatch hears screaming and the phone goes dead.
        Good times-


  10. […] Madison’s mayor wants to avoid that fate. That is why she took the bleach bit to a video praising the police. She recorded it in order to forestall a vote of no confidence. It was intended only for police eyes and ears. Fearful that her words of praise would leak out to her Progressive Dane constituency, she took it down hours later.  […]


  11. […] ventures to put in a good word for the city’s police officers and policing in general. Even the mayor will not do so publicly. Relevant, one might think, given the local Black Lives Matter coalition’s demand that police be […]


  12. […] PS: I’ve got the video from Mayor Satya’s eyes-only pep talk to the police, which has been locked down since. It’s here! […]


  13. […] intended for police eyes and ears only but less than 24 hours after posting she took it down (as we first reported.) Now we know […]
