Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Teens accused of murder: doesn’t get much colder

A case of unmet needs?

or ‘Victim’ Entitlement?

A jogger found Beth Potter the morning of March 31 lying aside a trail in the University of Wisconsin Arboretum. She was clothed only in pajamas and socks on a 30-degree night, not yet dead. Her husband, Robin Carre, lying nearby only in his underwear, was already gone.

Two good, community-minded Madison liberals, trying to live their sense of social justice. (Mr. Carre’s letter supporting the liberal WI Supreme Court candidate.) How had they failed their adopted daughter and her minority-race boyfriend? Or did their Madison progressivism fail them?

Police found .357 SIG shell casings around the bodies, “indicating a likelihood that the victims had been shot at that location,” according to the criminal complaint. Both had been shot point-blank in the head. A resident nearby heard gunshots at about 11 p.m. the night before. 

Beth Potter and Robin Carre, it appears, had been dragged out of bed, taken to the heavy woods of the arboretum, and executed point blank. For money.

The criminal complaint cites an informant overhearing a conversation in ceramics class (no less!) at Madison West high school between one of the defendants, Khari Sanford, and the murdered couple’s adopted daughter (who has not been charged as of this writing),  “of how they could get money” — that her parents were wealthy. (The criminal complaint names the second defendant as Alijah J. Larrue.)

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No lack of breaks

Almost more troubling is Chris Rickert’s report in the WI State Journal (“This was a brutal execution”) that Sanford’s attorney said she’s been contacted “by community leaders in Madison concerned about Sanford.” She did not name the community leaders. What ARE their concerns?

Rickert reports that Sanford (innocent until proven guilty) had been an intern in the council’s office last summer. The mayor of Madison on July 29 Tweets a picture posing with Sanford after a benefit to raise money for a basketball court. Beneficidary of mentoring, adult-organized sports, and “racial justice advocacy.” Still resulted in a “police the police” post on his social media site (now taken down).

Khari Sanford appears to have benefitted from every kind of consideration:

  • An internship at the Madison Common Council office;
  • Photographed with the mayor;
  • Mentoring;
  • “Social justice” advocacy;
  • Captain of high high school football team;
  • Deferred prosecution for car theft;
  • Well-off liberal parents let him shack up with their daughter and use one of their vehicles.
  • The murdered couple even paid rent to put daughter and boyfriend up in their own pad!

Sanford was living with his girl friend, the adopted daughter of the slain couple, in the parents’ home. The two young people refused to self-quarantine for the coronavirus pandemic despite the entreaties of her adoptive mother, a physician, who was especially susceptible due to a medical condition. Man, that is cold.

Blaska’s Big Question is directed at the “unmet needs” advocates:

What went wrong?


74 responses to “Teens accused of murder: doesn’t get much colder”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Car Thief is so…so accusatory!

    “Person accused of Operating Motor Vehicle Without Owner’s Consent (Class G Felony!) jailed in deaths of two in Madison.”


    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Charles Thulhu

    Read Robin Carre’s screed about “Right-wing judicial activists run court”. His idiocy and writing represent the typical Leftist pablum…anti-intellectual and self-preening. 11 days later….your ideology got you killed.

    For once…it wasn’t some innocent citizen being victimized by your Commie-thought circle-jerking!


    1. Charles Thulhu wrote, “Read Robin Carre’s screed about “Right-wing judicial activists run court”. His idiocy and writing represent the typical Leftist pablum…anti-intellectual and self-preening.”

      I’d like to read that, where can I find it?


      1. Link to Robin’s letter is in the blog.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The link which I missed earlier was to this…

          Right-wing judicial activists run court — Robin Carre

          Robin Carre, Madison wrote, “Four conservative justices of the Wisconsin Supreme Court have, in recent weeks, criticized candidate Jill Karofsky’s rhetoric in her campaign against Supreme Court Justice Daniel Kelly for the state’s highest court. They say her comments demonstrate her “outcome-driven judicial approach.”

          But the justices’ critiques of Karofsky seek an outcome: Her defeat and the election of fellow conservative Kelly.

          This is typical of the double talk and coded language customarily employed by conservative candidates to obfuscate and hoodwink voters to think that they will arrive at the court with no agenda outside of “interpreting the law as written.”

          This is laughably absurd, of course. Over the last few decades we have seen right-wing ideologues tout the virtues of the Federalist Society, of which Kelly is a member. When they are confirmed to the bench, they pursue an agenda of conservative judicial activism cloaked in the flimsy garb of “textualism” or “originalism.”

          The right has infiltrated the U.S. judicial system at every level and perpetrated a fraud on the American people.

          Robin Carre, Madison”

          As is the case with many consumed progressives, Robin Carre’s condemnation of the four Justices was an irrational smear.

          1. I saw Karofsky’s ads and the Justices’ were absolutely correct in their criticism of Karofsky’s ads showing an “outcome-driven judicial approach” which is exactly what some of her ads implied. Karofsky is proud of it; she was virtue signaling her judicial activism to the political left throughout the campaign and I voted for Kelly because of her outcome-driven judicial approach, we don’t need that kind of activism on the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

          2. Carre’s logic when trying to correlate the Judges criticism word “outcome” in the “outcome-driven judicial approach” to the “outcome” of the election is logically absurd. The two outcomes have absolutely nothing to do with each other. One outcome is the “outcome-driven judicial approach” which is actually unacceptable activism from the bench that bastardizes the law in ways to achieve a desired outcome instead of using the law as written to determine the outcome, any Judge that does this from the bench should be openly chastised by their peers and “the people” should remove that Judge from the bench. The other outcome is not correlated in any way. Carre was trying to manipulate stupid people with his nonsense.

          3. Carre’s logic in this statement is completely off the rails of reality, “This is typical of the double talk and coded language customarily employed by conservative candidates to obfuscate and hoodwink voters to think that they will arrive at the court with no agenda outside of ‘interpreting the law as written.’ “ The fact that Carre is oblivious to is that “interpreting the law as written” is actually what Judges are supposed to do, it is supposed to be the agenda of ALL judges but Judges like Karofsky appear to want to bastardize the law to get the outcomes they desire.

          4. This statement from Carre “The right has infiltrated the U.S. judicial system at every level and perpetrated a fraud on the American people” is intolerance from way out in left field and simply not reality. Carre’s stated opinion is basically that “interpreting the law as written” is a fraud; this is anti-right bigotry, delivered straight up without a twist.

          Bigoty: intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

          It’s very clear from this piece written by Carre that he was a typical Madison area totally consumed anti-right progressive.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. Batman

      According to Charles Thulhu,
      “Read Robin Carre’s screed about “Right-wing judicial activists run court”. His idiocy and writing represent the typical Leftist pablum…anti-intellectual and self-preening. 11 days later….your ideology got you killed.

      For once…it wasn’t some innocent citizen being victimized by your Commie-thought circle-jerking!”

      I presume you are upset and angry to the point of irrationality because to attribute politics as motivation in this case is ridiculous squared, and I am being polite.
      They were innocent victims Charles regardless of how you try and spin it to assuage the searing hatred that has hold of you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Charles Thulhu

        Listen, you underoos wanna be! I meant exactly what I wrote. Only some milquetoast priss would play a movie in their own brain to justify what they believe and NOT the reality of the situation.

        They were Leftists. Proud Leftists. They ACTIVELY supported the policies that get other people victimized, that force others to suffer and destroy the freedoms that other generations fought to preserve. Their POLITICS and IDEOLOGY got them killed. Period.

        Can you not read? Can you not follow the timeline of the massive cascade of naive to mind-blowingly stupid errors these people piled on top of one another to put themselves in a position to be MURDERED?

        I am only upset that stupid twerps like you (and Mr. Passive-Aggressive, Steve Witherspoon) make excuses for others. That is so Progressive of you.


        1. So it’s time to call others names because you disagree with them. Two can play that game.

          Charles Thulhu wrote, “Their POLITICS and IDEOLOGY got them killed. Period.”

          No dumbass, the direct actions of two immoral murderers got them killed!

          You are using the same kind of nonsensical illogical argument that anti 2nd Amendment activists have been using for years and it’s wrong.


        2. Batman

          Okay, I think I follow your logic here Thulhu:
          Long-standing progressive politics & policy generally are what created these monsters but we all know these specific murders were not politically motivated.

          Being politically naive/stupid and foolish parents does not translate into they deserved to be murdered as you suggest. Are you secretly happy they were murdered?

          Show where Batman has made excuses for these two as you assert.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Thulhu has a point. No one deserves to be murdered but their politics created the fertile soil for murder.


        4. Dave wrote, “their politics created the fertile soil for murder.”

          You and I are going to have to disagree on that point.

          If what you wrote is true then stating the following is just as true, “the politics of 2nd Amendment supporters creates the fertile soil for murder”.

          Ethically and morally your statement and my statement are “equivalent”.

          I firmly believe that both statements are false.


        5. Not at all. Apples and kumquats. Your analogy is like saying a driver’s license is license to drive drunk. You teach responsibility behind the wheel, at the trigger, and in life itself. Progressivism teaches victim hood and blaming “society.”

          Liked by 1 person

        6. To be honest and completely accurate I forgot to include a few words I was thinking when I wrote that comment. I included them in the following…

          If what you wrote is true then to an anti-2nd Amendment activist stating the following is just as true, “the politics of 2nd Amendment supporters creates the fertile soil for murder”.

          I understand your argument but I still disagree with “their politics created the fertile soil for murder.”


  3. Batman

    There are a $#!T load of proglibocrats that genuinely believe the Orange Master deserves to be murdered as long as it is someone else doing the murdering. Messy hands and all.


  4. fritzderkat

    .357 Slugs:
    If two shell cases matching a .357 Magnum were found by the bodies, they must have been fired from a .357 Magnum revolver, for there is no semi-automatic handgun chambered for that round. (Yes, there is .357 SIG made for semi-autos but that’s not the same cartridge.) So if it was a .357 Mag revolver that was used for the killing, why did the shooter eject the two spent cartridges? They didn’t eject automatically, they didn’t fall out of the cylinder by themselves, they had to be ejected manually. Was the shooter so stupid not to know this to begin with, or didn’t they care?


    1. My bad. The complaint did say .357 SIG. I will correct.


    2. Kirk

      You are no where near as well-informed on firearms as you think you are.

      There are actually at least three semi-auto pistols chambered in .357 Magnum, the cartridge you are playing “Gotcha!” over. One is the Desert Eagle from IMI, an other is the Coonan .357 Magnum, and a third is the LAR Grizzly Mark I. All are massive, expensive pistols, but the Desert Eagle is much beloved of the underclass who typically refer to it as a “Deagle”, or for one equipped with laser sights, a “Deagle wit beamz”.

      Based on the picture shown, however, it is much more likely that murder weapon was a Glock Model 31, 32, or 33 chambering .357 SIG. That’s an interestingly rare cartridge used mostly by police departments, a few Federal agencies, and even fewer cognoscenti among the nation’s firearms enthusiasts. Knowing precisely where that unusual pistol came from would tell us a lot. My guess is that it’s stolen, and possibly ex-police or Federal. Although, they did put a bunch out on the market when they were traded in.


      1. fritzderkat

        It was not intended as a gotcha question and I make no claims of knowing more about firearms than either you or I think I do. You’re the expert, obviously, and now I have been told there are semi-autos, however uncommon, that are chambered for .357 Magnum. Thanks so much for your gracious sharing of the information.


        1. Kirk

          You could have easily written a post stating that you weren’t sure of your information, but that something seemed off with the information in the post, which would have had the same effect and not aggravated the crap out of people who do know their ass from a hole in the ground with regards to firearms.

          Instead, you made a definitive statement on an issue you very obviously know nothing about, and now you passive-aggressively double down on it all by responding as though you were the one wronged.

          You want polite engagement? How about not posting as though you’re an expert on something you really don’t know much about, and then wasting everyone’s time by promulgating ignorance?

          You could have spent a moment with a search engine and learned for yourself that there really are such things as semi-automatic .357 Magnum pistols, but you didn’t bother to take the time. Instead you chose to create the cringe-inducing nails-on-chalkboard effect you did by making a totally wrong statement about an issue you now admit you don’t know a damn thing about.

          Like I said, you want people to be polite when they’re correcting your ignorance, don’t be an ass yourself. You earned the response you got–Cope with it.


        2. Hey, Kirk. Take it easy, o.k.? I run a tight ship here at the Werkes. In other words, lighten up, Francis.


  5. Steve Witherspoon: Is Madison progressive? Does it refuse to demand accountability until it is too late? Does it excuse anti-social behavior by ascribing it to the failure of “society” and not the evil-doer? Does it social-justice and race card anyone who demands personal responsibility? An Easter basket full of social welfare programs awaited young Khari. A liberal Madison family welcomed him into their home. Attended fund-raisers. Deferred prosecution for car theft. Made excuses. How did all that work out?


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “How did all that work out?”

      The Gotch will go out on a limb and say, not too well, all the way around.

      The daughter must be sweating…um…bullets.

      If she’s implicated, the Slayer Rule may come into play, compromising life insurance proceeds (little doubt they had plenty) & potential inheritance.

      The Gotch


    2. “Is Madison progressive?”

      Predominantly yes.

      “Does it refuse to demand accountability until it is too late?”

      In some cases, yes and it seems to be leaning more and more that way.
      Politicians In A Political Bubble

      “Does it excuse anti-social behavior by ascribing it to the failure of “society” and not the evil-doer?”

      Far, far too often, yes.
      Hordes of Anti-Social “Stupid” People Stomp Civility Into Submission!

      “Does it social-justice and race card anyone who demands personal responsibility?”

      Far, far too often, yes.
      The Indoctrinated Social Justice Hive Mind

      “An Easter basket full of social welfare programs awaited young Khari. A liberal Madison family welcomed him into their home. Attended fund-raisers. Deferred prosecution for car theft. Made excuses. How did all that work out?”

      As Gotch wrote, not too well for that family.

      We are in complete agreement that the social justice trends in the Madison area are leading society down a path of social destruction we just disagree on the validity of one single statement, “their politics created the fertile soil for murder”. You’ll get absolutely no argument from me that their politics have created a fertile soil for stupidity and social unrest, heck I’ve written about that until I’m blue in the face but a fertile soil for “murder”, nope, I think that’s unnecessary hyperbole and a rhetorical step too far and the use of the word murder in that context is really our only disagreement.

      Criminal murder in a society is not created, supported or condoned by politics, it’s a criminal choice made by violent individuals and it exists all over the USA regardless if the communities are progressive, Liberal, or Conservative.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. One eye

    So…the basketball picture with the mayor…one of the kids in the group picture looks like Shay Watson. His murder is still unsolved. Can’t help but wonder if this wasn’t Sanford’s first rodeo.


    1. I think you’re on to something…


      1. Clearly a connection there. July 29, 2019 was the basketball fundraiser and August 25, 2019 was the murder. Wonder if he was shot with the same gun.


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        The Community Policing, for which FreeDUMB Inc, Derail the Jail, YG & B, et al have long cluelessly advocated, would’ve solved this by now.

        Sanford’s innocent because…welp…just because.

        The systemic racism fostered by a Capitalistic White Supremacist Patriarchy pulled that trigger; the (to borrow a timely phrase) Easter basket full of social welfare programs AND surfeit of local White Lefty Guilt was simply not enough to prevent him from making the wrong choice.

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Reese

      Sanford is a kid who the morning after the murders, went to a friend’s house to call his accomplice, without knowing what the opinion of the friend would be about the murders.
      The friend is now the best state’s witness.
      So the idea that Sanford killed Shay Watson, who seems to have been beloved by a lot of people, and kept it secret … I don’t see it. Who knows? Maybe he’s also the mastermind behind the Teresa Halbach murder, and pinned it on Steven Avery. Maybe he’s the solution to all unsolved Wisconsin murder cases.
      I think this is ridiculous speculation.


      1. One eye

        Did Halbach have her picture taken with Sanford a month before her murder? Must have missed that.

        Speculation? Yes. Ridiculous speculation? No.


  7. johnB

    Long guns that fire the .357 sig cartridge are pretty unusual, so he probably used the Glock in his photo. Being under 21, how did Sanford buy a handgun? Doesn’t federal law prohibit that? Was it borrowed from the victims?


    1. All good points. There is method to prosecutors including in their criminal complaint the photo of Sanford with his Glock. Yes on the age limit, too.


      1. johnB

        I’m guessing Sanford did not obtain the Glock in .357 sig legally.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Balboa

    “When a man lies he murders some part of the world
    These are the pale deaths which men miscall their lives
    All this I cannot bear to witness any longer
    Cannot the kingdom of salvation take me home”

    Pure speculation above, there are plenty of thugs in the Madison Area and outside the area that could have done this but the picture shows they did meet at least once. Investigators need to do their jobs,hopefully the UW police are getting help from other experts to see other links in the area.


  9. Bob Dane

    If the story is true (must be proved) then Khari Sanford is a total psychopath. There is no cure:
    Hopefully he will never be released. If he is, he will likely kill again.


    1. We’ll see how this all plays out in the end. I’ll be curiously keeping an eye on the outcome and how they get there, this will be an “interesting” case.


    2. Patrick M O’Loughlin

      I don’t think he is a psychopath, just amoral. But I continue to point out that you do not kill your girlfriend’s “rich” parents, without her blessing, at least. And it’s much more likely that it was at her request.


  10. […] The mother says she needs one hundred grand to post bond on the $1 million bail set by the criminal court. As of noon today (04-09-2020), her site had collected $375. As we recounted earlier: […]


  11. Reese

    Thought I’d mention that Sanford’s mother outed the witness in a FB post. That’s a problem that I hope law enforcement is looking into.
    The witness’s FB is still up, and you can see that by the morning of 3/31, he was posting a cartoon of someone giving milk to a young cat, that grows into a lion and eats the guy, with the caption “be careful how you help ungrateful people.” Pretty interesting.
    He also posts several things that have since been removed, which I suspect related to the case, including one where the image is gone, but the comment remains — “Ts gone be you, Khari.”


  12. […] ⇒ The execution-style murder of a dedicated physician and her respected community activist husband alleged committed by two West high school students has shocked a smug, progressive community that badly needed some shock therapy. “It doesn’t get much colder.” […]


  13. […] ⇒ The execution-style murder of a dedicated physician and her respected community activist husband alleged committed by two West high school students has shocked a smug, progressive community that badly needed some shock therapy. “It doesn’t get much colder.” […]
