Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Madison school board: It ain’t working so let’s do more of it

And Kaleem Caire gets righteous!

Does this sound like the Madison school district we all know and love:

The Madison School Board is set to approve another three-year contract with Schools of Hope at the end of the month despite expressing disappointment with the program’s lack of identifiable success in improving academic performance.

Jennifer Cheatham
White Woman

“Lack of identifiable success” but we want more of it. That’s the Madison school district way!

Negassi Tessfamichael reports in The Capital Times on yet another of Supt. Jennifer Cheatham’s failures:

The Schools of Hope tutoring program provides literacy tutoring, primarily for students from low-income backgrounds and students of color. …

“It’s really difficult after all of these years to look and see no academic improvement in outcomes, and it’s not because people aren’t working hard or don’t have the right intentions or all of these things,” said board member Mary Burke. 

Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ …

Catching up with the May 20 Madison Board of Education monthly meeting because your Squire was floating down the Danube River.

One Mahnker Dahnweih, Freedom Inc.’s “community power-building coordinator,” is wearing a shirt that reads “Black Queer Feminist.” She gets thanked for her “service to the community” even though she refuses to relinquish the microphone after her allotted 3 minutes.

She informs new school board president Gloria Reyes that “I’ll sit down when I’m finished” and by Gawd, that’s only when she does — after 7 minutes and 13 seconds of F-bombing and demanding cops out of school because they enjoy “an imbalanced power dynamic.” (Well, yeah!) Can’t cut the microphone?

School Board can’t enforce its own rules at a meeting; no wonder the classrooms are in chaos.

Kaleem Caire’s righteous anger

Then yet another Freedom Inc. warlord is announced, that being gender justice coordinator Bianca Gomez. That is when Kaleem Caire demands, “as a father of five” that “the cussing has got to stop.”

New board president Gloria Reyes insists Kaleem sit down and shaddup and he does after some to and fro with a hostile audience.

Now at the microphone, Gomez vows  “No respectability politics” for Freedom Inc., an obvious dig at Caire. At least this time, Gomez didn’t shut down the meeting.

We posted Kaleem’s comments he posted after the May 20 meeting:

“I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! This evening, I sat in a Madison Metropolitan School District Board of Education meeting only to listen yet again to a number of young people in middle and high school curse out and demean Madison School Board members in front of an audience of 200 people, and do so to the applause of other adults in the audience. I thought I was in the twilight zone.”

Teacher calls out Ali Muldrow

Worth also seeing East high school teacher (whose name I took to be Amy Garvoille) call out new board member Ali Muldrow for accusing the average MMSD teacher of racism. (“A rotten year: Madison teachers report from the classroom.”)

“Me and many of my colleagues were offended by the broad generalizations.”


7 responses to “Madison school board: It ain’t working so let’s do more of it”

  1. Patrick M O’Loughlin

    “It’s really difficult after all of these years to look and see no academic improvement in outcomes, and it’s not because people aren’t working hard or don’t have the right intentions or all of these things,”

    She sounds surprised that intentions are inconsequential, and that results are true measuring stick. But for liberals, it has always been about intentions.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. George’s Son

    To borrow from the progressive “woke” playbook, (RE: a one line response w/ no facts), this meeting is a shame & a sham. Further: To invoke Tony R. as a martyr transcends belief. SMH…. I need time to wrap my head around this.


  3. Sprocket

    Watching the lefties get mauled by their house pets is the sort of entertainment money can’t buy.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cornelius Gotchberg

    The State Debate section of the Capital Newspapers weakly (sic) insert leads off its third paragraph breathlessly:

    Madison’s rightie blogger David Blaska reports

    Oy! They don’t even have the necessary respect to capitalize Righty.

    If you’re wondering why they’re ranked beneath second class fish wrap, wonder no more!

    The Gotch


  5. Anne R.

    What would everyone (Conservatives and Liberals) think if the MMSD simply said “F-it” and spent no money on at risk or minority students? You know, pick yourself up by your bootstraps and deal with it folks…none of the massive amounts of money we throw at education makes any difference, so if you don’t like how Madison handles public education, you can move away. We have rules and if you violate them, you’re gone. That is really the only way to force folks into behaving, performing, or dropping out.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Crazy enough it might just work! It is the message, the expectations. Right now, we have low expectations, excuse-making, blame settling, and victim building.


      1. Anne R.

        make no mistake about it- my kids received an amazing public education in the MMSD. They learned about diversity as well as their academics, they all went to great colleges and on to great careers. They constantly tell me that dealing with all races and cultures in school here made a huge difference as they work through life in the real world. But the last one graduated Madison East 5 years ago, and my how things have changed in those 5 years. But alas, Madison has changed demographically, and the problems faced by the schools have mushroomed. Money alone won’t fix what the MMSD has evolved into- an urban quagmire where the inmates run the asylum. And yet there are some amazing teachers out there, just doing what they love, and they are helping many at risk kids succeed. Sadly, that is still a very small percentage of at risk kids (of all races).
