Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Trust us, we’re professionally trained journalists

“Unbiased news does not exist.”

Dewey schlongsThe editor of Your Progressive Voice (the corporation that speaks as if it were a person) is up today with a plea to “main street Republicans” 

This, alone, is progress of a sort. Usually The Capital Times stereotypes Republicans as either martini-sipping country club types or illiterate inbred Klansmen.  

Paul Fanlund beseeches Republicans to respect the integrity of journalists such as himself. (Must restrain urge to use snotty quotation marks.) For they would never lie to us. Never twist a news story. Always report both sides. Trust us because:

Why would a professionally trained journalists lie or distort any more than a pharmacist would intentionally screw up a prescription or a lawyer purposely botch a will?

We give, Paul. Why? Maybe you should ask Janet Cooke. Or Walter Duranty, who papered over Stalin’s genocide for the New York Times. Or Rolling Stone and their University of Virginia fraternity rape story. Editor Fanlund continues:

The vast subset of Republicans … in their hearts know that what is going on — the lies and the assaults on institutions — is wrong, even anti-American. … They are even willing to say the press lies — that it is corrupt and hateful — rather than acknowledge the truth.

We question whether Mr. Fanlund knows what is in anyone’s hearts. But to the point: What truth must we acknowledge? 

That Republicans “win elections with racial dog whistles, then turn to an agenda of tax cuts and deregulation.”

Always, the race card. White privilege. Implicit bias. The neutrinos of identity politics. (We’ll plead guilty to the tax cuts and deregulation.)

I’ve looked at life from All Sides now

Professionally trained journalist Paul Fanlund cites a source for his borrowed insight. It is Paul Krugman, “the brilliant New York Times columnist.” Claiming an unbiased news media and then citing Paul Krugman! BRILLIANT!

logo-all-sides-bigWhich puts us onto a great website find called AllSides. The site ranks news organizations and prominent practitioners on the familiar Left/Right scale.  AllSides presents the same news stories as covered from the Left, the Right, and the Center.

“Don’t be fooled by media bias and fake news. Unbiased news does not exist,” it claims.


AllSides media bias ratings

Peter Strzok, unfiltered

“[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” Lisa Page texted Strzok.

“No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded.

No bias there. Just some pillow talk between illicit lovers. Who is the “We” and how will they stop it? Professional journalists won’t ask.

Before Strzok said a single word, professional journalists at The New York Times posted this headline: “FBI Agent at Center of Russia Probe Turns Tables on GOP.”

The Washington Post: “Peter Strzok just gave a hard-to-rebut defense of the objectivity.”

Blaska’s Bottom Line: At least Paul Fanlund and The Capital Times aren’t biased, right?


95 responses to “Trust us, we’re professionally trained journalists”

  1. I know you’re reading Paul. Enjoy.

    Paul asks, “Why would professionally trained journalists lie or distort any more than a pharmacist would intentionally screw up a prescription or a lawyer purposely botch a will? “

    Paul Fanlund is the epitome of bias that makes you stupid if he can’t answer that question in the exact same manner that follows.

    Paul it’s because there are absolutely no consequences to the unethical lies, innuendo, and unsupportable accusations that these so-called “professionally trained journalists” intentionally spew like there are for a pharmacist who intentionally screw up prescriptions every damn day or a lawyer that purposely botches things they do every damn day. That’s why Paul!

    The anti-Republican, anti-Trump, Political Antiology, and the blatantly obvious bias driving the predominately left leaning media is anti-American and they are making themselves an enemy of the people because instead of just presenting the facts of the news they have turned it into a Progressive propaganda machine and you Paul are part of that unethical propaganda machine. The predominately left leaning media has completely consumed themselves in the ends justify the means mentality and quite frankly Paul, your piece is the same damn thing. The media learned over time that what Malcolm X said is true, “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” and they are wielding that power unethically and immorally. They are fully consumed by Progressive Rhetorical ABC’s, that’s why Paul. The so-called “professionally trained journalists” in the left leaning media are morally bankrupt and Paul Fanlund is trying to unethically rationalize away their own propaganda problem.

    To be absolutely equal in my disdain; the small segment of right leaning media that exists opposing the overwhelmingly left leaning media does the same damn thing now.


    1. richard lesiak

      You sure do sound all uppity in your posts for someone using an illegal name. Zoltar Speaks is a licensed trademark of Characters Unlimited Inc. If you want to use their name contact at 709 Foothill Court Boulder City Nevada. 702-294-0563.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        @ZoltarSpeaks! is living in yer empty head rent-free.

        But shouldn’t youse be tending the donut fryer rather than ripping yer employer off while yer on the clock?

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          he’s breaking the law. I thought all youse trumpy’s were all about law and order. “Am I right?”


        2. richard lesiak wrote, “he’s breaking the law.”

          As I said before; I actually know the law, I’m doing nothing illegal.

          How about you prove your accusation with real facts smart-ass and then we can get back to the topic of this blog which you still haven’t bothered to commented about.


        3. richard lesiak

          By the number of posts that include my name and refer to what I said……I’m the one living in Zoltarpit’s head and goochieee’s too. Honey I’m hommmeeee.


        4. richard lesiak wrote, “By the number of posts that include my name and refer to what I said……I’m the one living in Zoltarpit’s head and goochieee’s too. Honey I’m hommmeeee.”

          Again, 100% ad hominem. I submit the quote above as proof that Richard Lesiak is a troll. That reply was a reply to a direct challenge for Richard Lesiak to prove his absolutely false accusation.

          Troll: Those that post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, often for their own amusement.

          It is my opinion that when you directly challenge a “Progressive” to prove their accusations, this is exactly the kind of fully consumed idiotic bull shit you get from their insidious little twit of a mind. These little twits, like Richard Lesiak, AnonyBob, and Old Baldy have made an active personal choice to take on the roles of Richard Noggin – Progressive Troll and destroy any possibility of civility in discussions related to politics, this shows their complete and utter moral bankruptcy. These are the kinds of people that are literally destroying all possibility of civility the USA one false accusation at a time, one intentional misrepresentation at a time, one twisted innuendo smear at a time, and one ad hominem at a time. The left wing media machine is absolutely full of these insidious little twits, or Jackass Journalist Jackals making the media the enemy of the people by spreading their mind-numbingly ignorant propaganda (fake news) which is specifically designed to gin up faux outrage and in the process they are destroying to the very core purpose of why we have the Constitution. Mark my words, if these anti-Constitutional twits had their way they’d do one of three things, lock up every single person that thinks differently than them in a Warsaw like ghettos with absolutely no rights and no hope, have those that think differently killed to permanently eradicate individual thought, or both. Progressives are the evil they claim to oppose.

          A Progressive cannot be proud to be an American because they have to occupy the same country with absolutely deplorable people that have different opinions than they do and that is so utterly offensive to them that it strips them of any possibility of patriotic American pride. A Progressive can’t tolerate any thoughts that challenge their all consuming totalitarian cult-like ideology (e.g. ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Khmer Rouge, Nazi, Ancient Egypt, etc) they must eradicate any thought that differs than their own; this is exactly where we are headed if these totalitarians are allowed to take control of the USA.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. richard lesiak wrote, “You sure do sound all uppity in your posts for someone using an illegal name.”

        Yet again, not one word about the actual content of my comment, instead a 100% ad hominem attack from the troll Richard.

        You people will resort to absolutely anything to attack those you disagree with even if it’s complete bunk. By the way, you don’t understand trademark or copyright law in the same way social justice warrior wackos don’t understand what racism is, just because you have the constitutional right to say it is so, doesn’t mean it is actually so. I actually have multiple copyrights and I do in fact understand those particular laws and contrary to your accusations, I’m doing absolutely nothing illegal so bite me Richard.

        My psydonyme is reflecting what some people I know have said about me for damn near 20 years. I quote, “Zoltar Speaks People Listen”.


        1. Dave can you please fix my bad editing misspelling of pseudonym?


        2. richard lesiak

          LAW BREAKER!!!!!!


        3. old baldy

          It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see I didn’t. So show the quote. Betcha can’t. And I betcha you can’t stop calling folks names. Name calling has been shown in numerous studies to be a function of low IQ and limited vocabulary. The current occupant is a great example.
          Have a great weekend.


        4. old baldy wrote, “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see I didn’t. So show the quote. Betcha can’t.”

          What the heck is this supposed to be a reply to? It makes absolutely no sense as a reply to the comments it’s stacked under.


        5. richard lesiak,
          Do try to remember which account you’re supposed to be logged into before you send your comment.


        1. old baldy,
          If you think that’s some kind of proof that I’m breaking the law then you’re woefully ignorant of the law. It’s ok to be ignorant like you are on such a topic, you’re not the only one out there ignorant about this kind of law, but please at least make a reasonable effort to read up on the actual law and be informed before you stick your foot in your mouth like Richard did.


        2. old baldy

          Where did I say you were breaking the law? You came up with that on your own. Feeling guilty?


        3. old baldy wrote, “Where did I say you were breaking the law?”

          Try reading again and this time try reading for comprehension.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg

          C’mon @richard lesiak, enforce the law with yer Howdy Doody costume and toy pistol.


          The Gotch


  2. madisonexpat

    Mr. Fanlund why did you eliminate Vox Populi, the voice of the people to the Cap Times editorial board? What are you afraid of?
    You still make content but can’t sell it.
    Your profession died, not of technology or market but because you were professionally trained to persuade rather than report. This was demonstrated by the Journolist of Ezra Klein fame.
    When you have to beg to be taken seriously its over.


  3. old baldy

    So the squire dummies up a great photo, pot, meet kettle.

    We have a POTUS that wouldn’t know the truth if it bite him (see recent claims made re NATO plus the 3200+ other lies since he gained office), and you can’t get past a 70 mistake, wow, just, wow. And Truman may tons of political hay with that headline and good for him. Now when the media reports another lie by trump, willful or due to ignorance, you all scream “FAKE NEWS” at the top of your lungs. Sad.


    1. Hey old baldy, you blithering idiot; just because Trump has lied doesn’t mean that the left leaning media is not spewing lies, unsupportable accusations & innuendo, blatant exaggerations and just spouting propaganda crap to gin up faux outrage.

      I thought this constantly off-topic blow-hard, rationalization spewing hollow shell airhead, and deflection emanating troll had been eradicated from this blog; I guess not, that’s really too bad.


      1. AnonyBob

        “…Trump has lied…” HAS lied? When the so-called leader of the free world brazenly shouts one outright lie, falsehood, and character assasination after another, and then often immediately contradicts himself, that’s OK with you because you don’t agree with the press coverage of it?
        And I had been hoping you and your hostile belligerence and personal insults had left this blog…


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Did youse like yer Doctor and plan enough to get to keep them both AND save ~$2500/year to boot?

          Or did youse get Grubered©™® to beat s#!t just like the rest of the eminently suckerable, Hopey Changey LUVIN’ Lefties

          “And I had been hoping you and your hostile belligerence and personal insults had left this blog…”

          TEXTBOOK Lefty; delegitimize and marginalize the Founding Principle of Dissent.

          Just because @Zoltar Speaks! OWNS your sorry @$$, you want him to fade away.

          Pick up a painfully clear mirror in the form of The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech by Kirsten Powers.

          The kicker? She’s a career Lefty!

          Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob wrote, “When the so-called leader of the free world brazenly shouts one outright lie, falsehood, and character assasination after another, and then often immediately contradicts himself, that’s OK with you because you don’t agree with the press coverage of it?”

          No you blithering idiot troll, that’s not what I said or implied. You and your intentionally lying misrepresentation can bite me. Are you and old baldy the evil spawn from the same Sasquatch Brain?

          AnonyBob wrote, “I had been hoping you and your hostile belligerence and personal insults had left this blog…”

          I see you two Commenting Butt Buddies are still at it. You two trolls drag the intellect level of this blog down a full 50 points; what a shame.


        3. AnonyBob

          Hm. That IS pretty much what you said and implied.


      2. Batman

        Trolls are like spores, not easily eradicated.
        Just ask anyone who has contracted C. diff.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “Trolls are like spores, not easily eradicated.”

          That’s because they thrive in excrement, which is verified by the few that frequent this blog.

          The Gotch


      3. old baldy

        I am neither blithering, nor an idiot. I don’t need to resort to juvenile name calling and made-up terms to prove a point. And unlike you, I still believe in free speech. You want to dispute a fact, fine, have at it. But you really don’t show much intellectual capacity, nor curiosity with the bluster and blather. Grow up a smidge.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. old baldy wrote, “I am neither blithering, nor an idiot. I don’t need to resort to juvenile name calling and made-up terms to prove a point. And unlike you, I still believe in free speech. You want to dispute a fact, fine, have at it. But you really don’t show much intellectual capacity, nor curiosity with the bluster and blather. Grow up a smidge.”

          HA! Typical idiotic blithering from a troll that’s intentionally trying to change conversations to stop others from voicing their opinions on the actual topic at hand.

          What a waste of a brain.


        2. old baldy

          Define “troll”, then compare and contrast with what makes me a troll, and not you and gotch. Be truthful, no name calling, use facts. Betcha can’t.


        3. old baldy wrote, “Define “troll”, then compare and contrast with what makes me a troll, and not you and gotch. Be truthful, no name calling, use facts. Betcha can’t.”

          This isn’t even a challenge, I’ve done it many times.

          Troll: Those that post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, often for their own amusement.

          You are a troll because you literally fit every aspect of the definition, period. I wouldn’t have used the word if it didn’t apply.

          I’m not a troll because I literally do not fit every aspect of the definition.

          The Gotch can speak for himself but I’ll say the same thing I’ve said many times before; Cornelius_Gotchberg is the architect of Shakespearean stylized rhetorical “poetries” endeavoring to school others on topics closely related to current events; either you get the style of writing or you don’t. Just because some people don’t “get” his creative writing style and it blows over their heads doesn’t mean it’s trolling.


        4. old baldy

          sorry z, but you are wrong. I didn’t change the subject, didn’t you and inflammatory language, and was on topic. You on the other hand, do all of that and more. I’d say you are dyslexic but that would be an insult to folks that actually are.

          I was right, you couldn’t meet the challenge. Ha.


        5. old baldy,
          I’m shocked! Your comment shows that you have a complete lack of common sense and the comprehension skills of a complete idiot.


    2. Batman

      baldo wrote:
      “We have a POTUS that wouldn’t know the truth if it bite him (see recent claims made re NATO plus the 3200+ other lies since he gained office)”

      Give the guy some credit. He be working hard to catch up with Obama and Billary.
      With refs counting words like bigly (when only mediumly) a lie, he may eventually eclipse the corrupt duo.


      1. old baldy

        Are Obama or HRC president ? Nope. Stay current.


        1. Batman

          baldy wrote: “b:
          Are Obama or HRC president ? Nope. Stay current.”

          Batman provides context as a public service.

          How do you feel about the tremendous bias against Trump by the MSM?
          You can read about the Harvard study that confirms.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “How do you feel about the tremendous bias against Trump by the MSM?”

          They were ill-prepared for a fact-based reality batting last, and thus chose a diametrically opposite approach to no longer being able to continuously fellate Hopey Changey.

          But @AnonyBob, @richard lesiak, & @hankdog/old baldy made arrangements for anatomically correct Hopey Changey talking dolls they can continue to worship & cuddle with.

          The Gotch


  4. Gary L. Kriewald

    What you take to be plain old lies is really part of Trump’s masterful plan to lure the MSM out from their hiding places, where they’ve comfortably practiced their duplicity and mendacity for decades. They haven’t figured out that the President is playing a whole new game whose rules were set by him, not them. And it seems that failure after embarrassing failure–along with a staggering loss of credibility–still haven’t taught them a thing.


  5. Dave,
    You do know that there is a very strong possibility that old baldy and AnonyBob are actually the same person using two different Pseudonyms.


    1. AnonyBob

      Dave can see our ISP addresses. They’re not the same, Oh Outraged Name-Caller. Our styles also differ. Conspiracist much?


      1. AnonyBob wrote, “Dave can see our ISP addresses. They’re not the same, Oh Outraged Name-Caller. Our styles also differ. Conspiracist much?”

        That’s what AnonyBob calls his superior intellect but it’s actually complete IT ignorance or an intentional deception.

        Here’s the actual factual truth. A person does not carry their I.P. address with them to each computer device they use, each computer device has it’s own I.P. address. Yes, that’s right, your desktop computers, your laptop computers, and each of your internet accessible cell phones all have different I.P. addresses.

        In conclusion: the reality is that one person can have more than one I.P. address when blogging under different pseudonyms here, in fact they can have ore than one I.P. address even if they are using the same pseudonym on different computer devices.

        AnonyBob, your argument is not just false is laughably false. Hey AnonyBob…


      2. AnonyBob

        I said ISP address, not IP. Do you think it’s likely we have more than one ISP? Not likely, Oh Arrogant One.


        1. AnonyBob wrote, “I said ISP address, not IP. Do you think it’s likely we have more than one ISP? Not likely, Oh Arrogant One.”

          ISP is part of I.P. address, Oh Idiot One. Most people have access to at least two ISP’s in their home and like all computer devices, they all obtain different I.P. addresses through the ISP. I have access to three ISP’s in my home. Your arguments do not prove that you are different people, plus your core method of trolling (among other things) show a lot more of a patterned connection than just riders on the same train.

          AnonyBob, your arguments are not just false is laughably false. Hey AnonyBob…


        2. AnonyBob

          Typical right winger: conspiracist nut. Did Alex Jones plant this bee in your bonnet? I suppose I do have a second ISP via my phone, but I never use it for commenting here. I’m sure Dave can reassure you that OB and I are separate individuals, but why does it matter? As I pointed out, Oh Foolish Tone-Deaf One, we have different writing styles.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “we have different writing styles.”

          Youse mean like one is monumentally moronic & the other is irredeemably imbecilic, am I right?


          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

    2. richard lesiak

      what about me name thief. send me a friend request on facebook and “youse” will find out how real I am.


      1. richard lesiak wrote, “what about me name thief. send me a friend request on facebook and “youse” will find out how real I am.”

        You’re kidding, right?

        That sounds a whole lot like the kind of threat a real world stalker would spout trying to bait their target. Why don’t you try to put your stalking abilities to the ultimate test; I have a nice assortment of beer, wine and spirits, I’ll pour you one if you’re up to the task.

        By the way; you aren’t my friend and Facebook is supposed to be about friends.


        1. richard lesiak

          I’m not the one hiding behind a fake stolen name. Send me your address I would love to sample your booze. Better yet; if your ever in the dells look me up. I know a couple of places that mix a good drink.


        2. richard lesiak wrote, “Send me your address”

          So you’re not up to the task, eh?

          Your new obsession about my pseudonyme is childish trolling, get over yourself. If you think I’m doing something illegal then I encourage you to turn me into the cops, that could be fun call for some unsuspecting Patrol Officer.

          richard lesiak wrote, “Better yet; if your ever in the dells look me up. I know a couple of places that mix a good drink.”

          The only time I get to the Dells area is to hit the Dell Bar for a good steak with my family once every couple of years but I’ll certainly keep it in mind if I’m going to be in that area on the motorcycle.


    3. richard lesiak

      The answer is “42”.


      1. AnonyBob

        Ho ho!


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          The favorite drink of @richard lesiak & @Anonybob is a 13.

          You know; 7-n-7…

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak

          “sigh”…What am I to do AB? Zoltar(stolen name) said he won’t be my friend. gooochette hates me. batboy won’t let me in his cave. The guy next door is mad because my dog chewed up his trumpy bear. Guess I’ll have to go downtown and have a tee shirt made to cheer me up. “Mueller is a hero” sounds good.


        3. AnonyBob

          Double Ho ho!


        4. old baldy


          You can have my MAGA hat (made in Nam) if your neighbor wants it. Stay strong.


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “gooochette hates me.”

          Can’t speak for gooochette, but The Gotch doesn’t hate you, despite your continuously earnest efforts to bring that about.

          Hate takes a far greater existential toll than guilt or worry.

          The Gotch


  6. richard lesiak

    why is faux even in that poll? In a Fld lawsuit their defense was that they are an entertainment network not a news outlet.


  7. Tom Paine

    Jayson Blair and Mike Wallace. Before that, Alex Haley. Or NBC’s fabrication of the exploding Chevy gas tanks. The enduring lesson of Vietnam — always trust the wisdom of the professional journalists. ( tis obvious )
    Of course we understand WHY the Cap Times no longer allows reader comments in response to editorial news that pretends to be journalism. For longer replies, we only need consult any number of those who are usually excluded from public debate –Jordan Peterson, Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Niall Ferguson or Mark Levin.
    Yes, professional journalists can explain bigotry. Well almost. They can’t explain Financial or Tax Bigotry where everyone is treated unequally. College admissions bigotry that masquerades as “justice.” Oops, they’re members of a “protected class” that, as we all know in the first footnote to the 14th Amendment, reifies bigotry as “equality before the law.” .
    I’ve always marveled at the demonstrated hypocrisy of union administrators whose salary/benefit packages are multiples of the brothers and sisters whom they ostensibly represent. Yes, Hollywood Socialists like Bernie, or Paul, or Nichols……proclaiming the virtue of socialist sacrifice and equality even as their personal incomes and wealth rival that of their capitalist enemies. Judge the socialists, not by what they say, but by their personal willingness to share their wealth and live among citizens on the lowest rung.
    Nope, t’aint brown frosting that coats the socialist desert. It is the common BS we’ve witnessed for decades. Yo, Jesse. Who boosted the wheels off your $70K Tahoe? Yo Paul, do you now rent on the corner of Aberg and Ruskin, or among limousine liberals in Bishop’s Bay? The homeless need you to share more.


    1. richard lesiak

      I’m in your head and crotchies too. And after looking around in there ; cut down on the gay porn man.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        “cut down on the gay porn man.”

        Soooooo, yer bigoted against non-participating heteros/alternative lifestyle enthusiasts enough to make a weak attempt at humor with gay-bashing?

        Tolerantly, of course.

        My Gay Sister would kick yer fat @$$, then high five her favorite Brother after doing so.

        FWIW, she packs SERIOUS heat, so youse better hope it’s just an @$$-kickin’.

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Easy crotch. You will get your BP up and out of control, have a stroke and then I’ll feel guilty. Because you know it’s all about me. Take a break, have some mineral water with lemon and order your favorite papa johns pizza because we all know that he’s not a RRRRRAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! You douche.


  8. Cornelius Gotchberg

    NPR & PBS are centrist?

    HAH! If that’s the case, then @richard lesiak is positively Mensan, I have a 32 ” (81.28 cm) waist AND a 12 ” (30.48 cm)…um…you’s get the picture.

    But @richard lesiak doesn’t.

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      Are you drunk and watching porn again? go to bed gotch you know how goofy you get when your tired.


  9. Paula Fitz

    The Christian Science Monitor is also a mostly-unbiased, respected publication.


    1. In today’s extremely politically charged environment I don’t think there is a politically unbiased news media outlet of any kind. It’s difficult to get the full story without visiting many media outlets.


  10. madisonexpat

    Thankfully we have ABob to tell us what we say and mean. He majored in Mendacity and minored in Imagined Nuance.
    ‘Hillary is the best qualified woman ever!”
    “Cub scout Comey is honest”
    ‘The whizzing hooker tape has been verified by CNN.’
    ‘The FBI, CIA, and the other 15 intelligence agencies agree that…..’
    ‘The CapTimes and other MSM are objective and unbiased.’
    ‘Chuck Todd has no agenda and insists that MSNBC is hard news.’
    ‘We lost four Americans in Bengazi because of a YouTube video. And Susan Rice did not lie.’
    ‘Peter Strzok is not biased.’

    OK, I’m guessing at the last one because even CNN couldn’t swallow that one.
    And OB, @12:28, you were blithering.


    1. AnonyBob

      “Majored in mendacity…” Points for alliteration, but demerits for your own mendacity. I’ve expressed few of those sentiments. “Thankfully we have ABob to tell us what we say and mean.” Then pay attention!


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        Howse about youse “prepped in prevarication,” “doubled down on duplicity,” or “trafficked in truthlessness.”

        All confirming you don’t lie, youse just tell yer version of the truth.

        The Gotch


      2. AnonyBob

        Whatsamatta Gootch, Splat get too much of my attention? Don’t be so needy.


  11. madisonexpat

    And my all time fave ABob effort at truth telling in one discussion went like this;
    ‘Trump is a National Socialist.’
    ‘Well he likes National Socialists.
    ‘OK but National Socialists like him.
    ‘OK then, he’s a nothing.’

    I think ABob majored in sophistry.


    1. AnonyBob

      Stringing together selective quotes out of sequence and context. Clever!


      1. AnonyBob

        Who exactly is the sophist?


        1. madisonexpat

          Your elision is remarkable in that cascade on Trump as a National Socialist, from assertion to weaseling. Its a good example of modern “journalism” in which the desire is to put the harshest charge on an opponents words while hiding behind denial (Peter Srzok, Hillary and Bill) and ‘context.’


        2. AnonyBob

          After you told me what I think, that Trump is a Nazi, I said:
          “Nah, I don’t think Trump’s a Nazi. He’s a nothing. He just doesn’t have a problem with Nazis. Richard Spencer and David Duke LOVE him.”
          Seems pretty clear.
          Trump has no ideology, no convictions, no morality beyond…Trump.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg


          If President Trump (say it with me!) could take a page from the Clintonista Grifter Playbook in order to dispel the idea that the eminently clueless think he’s a raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist.

          What’s that one thing?

          As you know, Hillarity was co-President when the Former-Serial-Predator-In-Chief signed the Omnibus Crime/3 Strikes & Yer Out Crime Bill into law, which led to mass incarceration of Blacks & other minorities.

          What did the Clintonista Grifters do when they were rightly accused?

          The Former-Serial-Predator-In-Chief leased office space in Harlem.

          Hillarity? For one thing, she went on speaking tours and used a hilariously phony southern accent.

          But the kill shot/coup de grâce? She let everyone know the ONE thing she ALWAYS carries in her purse, other than pictures of her special friend Huma, was Hot Sauce.

          On Hillarity Clinton’s Pandering: Hillarity Clinton’s remarks about hot sauce sparked controversy—but where is the line between pandering and authenticity?

          Hillarity wouldn’t know authenticity if it rose up and bit her on that big fat @$$!

          The Gotch


  12. madisonexpat

    Aaaaah-h. Make the smear THEN weasel out of it.
    We see what you did there.
    Now he’s a narcissist?


    1. AnonyBob

      No weaseling there, I was pretty clear and consistent.
      You think he’s not a narcissist??


      1. madisonexpat

        Egotist based on his past accomplishments. Obama was the narcissist as in the Naked Emperor.


  13. madisonexpat

    The over arching issue here from Fanlund, the media, educators etc. is that they set up a post Marxist ideology that aims to check freedom and liberty by attacking the pillars of western civilization. They attack definitions of family, marriage, logic, gender, science and morality as opinions that can be over turned by consensus which is accomplished by relativism which becomes peer reviewed “science” which changes as necessary. See Orwell’s “Animal Farm” as exhibit A.
    At its heart it is nihilism. There is no God so there can be no God given rights. If you insist on religion we’ll tell you what to bake and when…… and you’ll damn well like it.
    The Constitution has emanations and a penumbra that only the Left can interpret as our oracles.
    American exceptionalism is anathema. Racism in pursuit of fairness is not RAY-cism racism. Group is everything, individual is nothing.
    My vote for George W. Bush was not legitimate because the courts couldn’t overthrow it.
    My vote for Donald Trump was not legitimate because RUSSIA!
    Comes the moment… comes the man.
    It took an outsider like President Trump to make their hollow hopelessness obvious. The media, and you, Paul Fanlund, are the Gaderene swine.
    President Trump….. that Magnificent Bastard.


    1. AnonyBob

      The ”Fear of the World Changing” Trump voter.


      1. madisonexpat

        Oh no. Wrong yet again. I insisted on change via the Tea Party to the president. In fact I’ve never seen such fast paced changed in our history in all my life! I’m loving this change and all this winning.


        1. AnonyBob

          If looking back to the way things were when straight white Christian males ruled the roost is your idea of change, then you’re in luck.


      2. Batman

        bobo wrote:
        “The ”Fear of the World Changing” Trump voter.”

        Typical trolling from weaselbob.
        Billary smiled at him once so now he carries water for her, denouncing her basket of deplorables content his master looks on with approval.

        Not too bright this smug weasel who thinks all change is good so why be afraid, ignorant of the Holocaust.

        Hint: it took place in Germany along with a lot of other unsavory stuff.
        You can look it up.


        1. AnonyBob

          What are you babbling about? Holocaust?
          (Notice how I don’t call you names?)


  14. NPR/CBP are “neutral”?

    Maybe in the solar system with 3 suns.

    I listen to 3 hours of NPR every Sunday morning. There is no question that the NPR host/host-ettes are Lefty-biased. Just listen to the language they use, or how the Conservatives they interview somehow are either mouth-breathers or cannot make a cogent point. (Edit much?)

    Oh, well.
