Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Tag: Paul Ryan

  • Randy Bryce’s cop brother is voting Republican

    This is a game changer What is it about Democrats that they demonize the police, want to empty the prisons, and blame everyone but the miscreant? That’s what is driving the police-officer brother of Democrat(ic) candidate Randy “Iron Stache” Bryce to cut a video ad supporting the Republican candidate, Bryan Steil, to succeed House Speaker…

  • Democrats should blame Mark Pocan, not the Koch Brothers

    In Wisconsin’s fall they’ve sinned all. If our liberal-progressive-socialist acquaintances ever overcome their obsession with convuluted conspiracy theories they might actually get somewhere at the ballot box. Which is unlikely, now that the Madison Common Council has banned conversion therapy. Our acquaintances are all a-twitter over a new book titled “The Fall of Wisconsin: “The…

  • Paul Ryan: A smart and decent public servant

    “What I realize is, if I am here for one more term, my kids will only have ever known me as a weekend dad,” Ryan said. “I just can’t let that happen.” — Paul Ryan Our acquaintances on the Left are not the only ones exposing their bilious natures today at the retirement of Paul…

  • Paul Ryan’s goodbye spells trouble

    A decent man steps aside in the tradition of a citizen legislator The Paul Nehlen wing of the Republican party should be happy. To this noisy group of never-satisfieds, Paul Ryan was the problem, not the answer. Their reward could very well be U.S. Rep. Randy “The Iron Stache” Bryce. Say hello to ObamaCare on steroids, make-work…

  • WI Republicans got their faces slapped

    Is Brookfield in yet? Let the recriminations begin! Fingers, start pointing! Time to scorch some earth! Let’s all play the blame game after Tuesday’s crushing defeat. Because there’s plenty to go around. Not even close. Rebecca Dallet 56% to 44% for Michael Screnock in the state supreme court race. The unabashed, activist San Francisco-style liberal…

  • Man in hard hat and mustache plays Comedy Central in Wisconsin’s First District

    You want gimmicks? Randy’s campaign staff is unionized! Pitting mainstream Democrats against Paul Ryan in Wisconsin’s first congressional district hasn’t worked out so now our acquaintances are casting Hollywood stereotypes in a desperate bid to topple the Speaker. Say Hello to Randy Bryce, the guy in the hardhat and the 1970s porn ′stache. Randy’s candidacy…