“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: School Board Election 2019

  • A Madison teacher: ‘If I wrote up students for swearing at me, that’s all I would do.’

    What are we teaching our children? A 57-year-old man bicycling in Warner Park falls off his bike. Teenagers are near by. Do they offer assistance? No, they laugh at the man’s misfortune. He asks them to show some respect, they brandish a gun, chase him down as he tries to escape, and knock him to…

  • Straight White Man gets religion

    Now that the April election is over and the Madison school board is more liberal than ever Glory, glory halleluja! A mere two days after Blaska called him out for ignoring THE central issue in the local Spring elections, former mayor Dave Cieslewicz has come to Jesus. “Keep cops in high schools,” Citizen Dave writes in his most…

  • Greg Humphrey, man of courage

    Even school nurses want cops in schools! So why isn’t it happening? We explain Last week on her show, Our Ms. Vicki McKenna credited Blaska for possessing at least a pico-curie of courage in running for political office in the Emerald City.  What can one say but, Aw Shucks!? Which is what Blaska did say…

  • Post this on every classroom door in Madison

    And vote Blaska for Safer Schools on Tuesday, April 2  Visit www.blaskaforsaferschools.org On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlaskaforSaferSchools/

  • Sacrificed on the altar of identity politics

    Retired MMSD educator Jo Day tells me: Here is a screen shot of what is left of Rob Muller-Owens page at Whitehorse. So sad that he was made the scapegoat. He did nothing wrong and was penalized for DOING HIS JOB. His colleagues may appreciate Mr. Rob, the positive behavior coach at Whitehouse middle school.…

  • Whitehorse positive behavior coach is a man betrayed & hunted

    Changing his appearance because of tolerant Madison’s hate Kudos to the Madison Capital Times for getting Whitehorse middle school positive behavior coach Rob Mueller-Owens on the record. “Mr. Rob”had already e-mailed Blaska for Safer Schools on Tuesday: Thank you for pointing out some of the falsehoods of how my situation was handled. One thing I…