“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Category: School Board Election 2019

  • ‘What has skin color to do with who teaches whom?’

    David Blaska began his candidacy for Madison school board to open up a long-needed debate. My message is that we help no one by playing identity politics at the expense of expecting behavior and performance of all our students Some of the candidates for Madison school board are promising more African-American teachers. Blaska says “go for…

  • Stu Levitan, you’re making me cry

    When the WI State Journal’s remarkable cartoonist, Phil Hands, draws the prototypical Madison liberal, it sure looks like Stu Levitan. Which is only fair because Stu IS the prototypical Madison liberal. A reliable Democrat, progressive propagandist, city government insider, and occasional candidate. He’s also abrasive, caustic and irascible. He makes Paul Soglin look like a…

  • Make Madison schools (and school board meetings) safe again

    Hooray for Phil Hands of the Wisconsin State Journal! Blaska does not know where he will be sitting at the April meeting of the Madison Board of Education. The Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, it will be on the stage of McDaniel Auditorium elbow-to-elbow with superintendent Jen Cheatham and her guilty white privilege.…

  • A father’s advice: ‘School is free — get some education’

    We yield the floor here at Blaska Policy Werkes to Mr. C. Watson, who tells Blaska for Safer Schools: “As a black man and a father I try to get them to understand school is free — get some education and learn how to become a citizen not just someone black being told by friends…

  • Madison’s school super cried today

    I feel sorry for the lady, I really do. It’s tough to see someone’s closely held belief system come crashing down all around them. Madison’s school superintendent broke down in tears today (03-20-19) addressing Madison Downtown Rotary.  God knows, Jennifer Cheatham has walked through the valley of disruption. Three of the last six monthly school…

  • Some great people endorse my campaign

    ‘David, while working for me, helped on countless efforts that empowered parents and improved our economy. Be it improving school or workforce opportunities, building a first-rate University system, or the infrastructure necessary to support our growing economy, David demonstrated an ability to both communicate and listen while seeking common ground.’ — Tommy G. Thompson “We don’t have to…