Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Oh! My! God!

Voters are thoroughly screwed, blued, and tattooed!

We’re doomed! DOO-OOMED as Linus said in the Great Pumpkin. Trump v. Biden 06-27-24 was a debacle. A blot on history. A stain upon the Republic. A national 9-1-1. Neither of these two … individuals … should be anywhere near the Presidency. 

Thursday night’s televised debate was not Lincoln v. Douglas; more like a street corner mugging by an overweight punk on a cognitively disabled man. Joe! It’s bed check time at the home!

• “Time to go, Joe.” — The Atlantic

• “Biden performed so poorly that putting him on stage was pure sadism.” — American Conservativsm

• “He had one thing he had to accomplish and that was reassure America that he was up to the job at his age, and he failed at that tonight,” former senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said on MSNBC. — National Review

• “Biden’s struggle in debate alarms Democrats.” — New York Times page 1 headline

• “The best President of my life needs to withdraw.” — NY Times columnist Paul Krugman

• “Biden can’t make sense for two minutes at a time.” — The Nation

Blaska witnessed this 90 minutes of national shame in the company of Marc Eisen, former editor of Isthmus, at the Barrymore Theater on Madison’s hip east side among maybe 600 viewers — every one a leftie except (of course) your one and only. (One tee shirt read “Eric Hovde — for California.”) The Progressive magazine had a table. Mike Crute of the liberal Devil’s Advocate radio program served as emcee for a pre-debate panel.

When it was all over, one of the young people circulating sign-up sheets for Democrat(ic) party volunteers acknowledged that his candidate was only the better of two bad choices. The audience cheered Biden when they could but were subdued as they exited the theater. Outside on Atwood Avenue, a man who described himself as a Democrat(ic) policy adviser from Colorado said none of the above.

The answer to how did Biden win four years ago?
He stayed in the basement!


 Lost in America

Early on, poor old Joe, his voice shot, his visage frozen, stiff of gait, wandered off the grounds trying to answer a question on taxes, before concluding “We finally beat Medicare.” The audience at the Barrymore groaned. GROANED! After another attempt at cognitive awareness, unsuccessful, Trump commented,

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he did, either.”

The small surprise is that Trump didn’t repeat that observation. There was plenty of opportunity. Give Joe his due: he got in a goodly amount of zingers. Called his opponent a “whiner” and “a loser.” Recounted the Republican’s many assaults on womanhood — “this man has the morals of an alley cat.

 Your retribution, at work

Yes, let’s do Trump. Actually said members of the January 6 House Select Committee should be jailed. Said Biden was “the Manchurian Candidate.” To which Biden retorted, “This man is the criminal.”

If you did the drinking game — the Barrymore offered adult beverages in the lobby — you’d be sober as Judge Judy if you had Biden saying “Malarkey.” Said it only once. You’d be soused if you chose Trump saying “migrants.” It was his answer, it seemed, to every question. Prisons emptied, living in luxury hotels (his?), wrecking Social Security, taking jobs from black and brown folk. His larger point is correct, but why exaggerate?

Absurdly, when reminded for (something like) the fifth time to answer the question that was asked, Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, blamed Nancy Pelosi for January 6, 2021! For supposedly refusing his offer of the National Guard. A power she does not have but he does. To do what, one may ask? To defend the Constitutionally mandated counting of electoral votes from Trump’s own thugs. That’s like blaming the fire department for the arsonist.

CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash asked tough questions; they were fair and firm. The format: no audience, worked.

 → A CNN post-debate survey showed that viewers thought Trump won, 67 to 33%. Four years ago, Biden prevailed in the same poll 53 to 39%.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Think Kennedy v. Nixon 1960. Nixon had injured his leg, was fatigued, sweaty, badly made-up, furtive. JFK prepped by getting some sunshine at Palm Beach. Forget policy. Viewers of that first televised debate got a measure of a man who had been dismissed as a rich playboy. Joe Biden made Trump look good.

No need to invoke the 25th Amendment; the 81 year-old should be able to make it until January 2025. But that’s it. One gets over the common cold, which was blamed for his raspy voice. Cognitive decline can be slowed —but it is not reversible. This man cannot make it to the end of a second term if he was running for president of the retirement center condo board. Meanwhile, Kamala cackles off-stage. DOOMED!

PREDICTION: Fresh off the defenestration of Jamaal Bowman, Democrats will come to their senses and give their President that gold retirement watch. Republicans will be caught flat-footed and pay the price.

Is Jill Biden the key to saving Democrats’ bacon from the fire?

Did Bobby Junior just get a bump?


42 responses to “Oh! My! God!”

  1. Bob

    I have 2 questions.

    Who is running the White House and our government?

    What should we do to the press and politicians that have lied to us about President Biden’s mental capacity?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One Eye

      Honestly in the next debate Trump should just ask Biden who he’s taking orders from. In his addled state Biden might just blurt out the truth: “Barack Obama”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. patrickmoloughlin

        Worse than that, and more likely the truth, he blurts out “Dr. Jill Biden, of course!” It’s reminiscent of stroke victim Woodrow Wilson running the country from his bedroom where his wife would shuttle in and out to deliver his presidential decisions and orders. Nobody else was allowed in to actually see the president.


  2. Mordecai The Red

    Before the debate, I was afraid that China would blockade the Strait of Taiwan or that Russia would sling nukes over the Arctic circle if Biden got re-elected. Now, I’m afraid that both saw the debate and will take the opportunity to do it before the election.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anyone that’s using any kind of critical thinking can’t trust the Democratic Party anymore.

    As I’ve said many times before…

    “The political left has shown its pattern of propaganda lies within their narratives so many times that it’s beyond me why anyone would blindly accept any narrative that the political left, their lapdog Pravda-USA media, their woke consumed bureaucracy, or their activist supporters actively push?”

    There is a problem I’ve observed with the political left, the problem is with the core sheeple supporters of the Democratic Party. The party has a loyal flock of sheeple that will willingly step over the edge of reality and straight into totalitarianism by blindly voting for anyone that has a (D) after it without using a smidgen of critical thinking, and it’s been that way for about 60 years. I’ve talked to self-proclaimed left-centered moderate Democrats that mouth the words of party independence, like “I’d vote for a Republican if they had the best candidate”, and then turn around in the same breath and say something like “As a left-center moderate who votes for Democrats, I would like to see more Democrats win elections” and “I sometimes hesitate to identify myself as a Democrat, even though I always vote for Democrats”. These things are clearly in conflict with each other and show us that they cannot recognize the deeply rooted hypocrisy and bigotry within themselves. This sheeple core of the Democratic Party that “always vote for Democrats” would knowingly vote for the Antichrist as long as the Antichrist identified with the Democratic Party. Furthermore; the farther left that progressives drag the Democratic Party towards totalitarianism the more they demonize and eat their own while they openly alienate the self proclaimed moderates in the political center. The progressive left has turned on those that used to be considered moderate liberals and tar them as Republicans and fascists even though they still “always vote for Democrats”. Even if you “always vote for Democrats”, you better not openly oppose what progressives want or you’ll be subject to their wrath.

    From my mid-west perch I see the big difference between the political left and the political right in the 21st century is that the actual actions of the political left to fundamentally change the USA are anti-constitution and anti-democracy while they openly project their anti-democracy traits onto the political right who are actively trying to stop the left’s shift towards totalitarianism. We’re in a period of time where the political left is openly using the same kind of demonization propaganda tactics “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” that Adolf Hitler used to maintain and grow his power base and they’re throwing in the same kind of “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” pure weaponization of the judicial system tactic that Communist governments used/uses to suppress their opposition.

    The Republican Party does have a similar kind of voting issue but I’ve observed that it’s being driven primarily because of the socialistic tendencies and more recent blatantly anti-Constitution and anti-democracy movements of the progressive wing of the political left since the 1960’s. Card carrying Republicans don’t have much for options in the 21st century, they either vote their party into office to oppose the cultural and political shift that the progressives are trying to ram down our throats or they kowtow to it.

    No Jack, we can no longer trust the Democratic Party as a whole right now because it’s been consumed by extreme progressives that are hell bent on transforming the USA away from its Constitutional Republic roots.

    By the way; as a life-long independent I’m having a real problem these days trying to honestly maintain my previous stance to not vote for Trump. I’m very torn between that stance and the possibility of the election being won by the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. I said before that “It would take an unpredictable act of God, an extraordinary turn of events, for me to vote for Trump or Biden in the 2024 general election”, that extraordinary turn of events might cause me to vote for Trump as a pure protest vote against the trends I’ve observed in the political left. The outcome of the Democratic Party convention might be the extraordinary turn of events, but then again, the convention does give them an opportunity to choose a different path.

    I’m really torn these days.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. nemoofthenorth

    I can’t understand why everyone is in such a tizzy. To even the casual observer, Joe[tato]’s cognitive ability seems unchanged since he became President.


    1. Kooter

      I agree, Nemo. I hope the average citizen now sees the gaslighting that the mainstream media and the Democratic Party have done about Biden’s cognitive ability.


What do you think?