Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Oh! My! God!

Voters are thoroughly screwed, blued, and tattooed!

We’re doomed! DOO-OOMED as Linus said in the Great Pumpkin. Trump v. Biden 06-27-24 was a debacle. A blot on history. A stain upon the Republic. A national 9-1-1. Neither of these two … individuals … should be anywhere near the Presidency. 

Thursday night’s televised debate was not Lincoln v. Douglas; more like a street corner mugging by an overweight punk on a cognitively disabled man. Joe! It’s bed check time at the home!

• “Time to go, Joe.” — The Atlantic

• “Biden performed so poorly that putting him on stage was pure sadism.” — American Conservativsm

• “He had one thing he had to accomplish and that was reassure America that he was up to the job at his age, and he failed at that tonight,” former senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said on MSNBC. — National Review

• “Biden’s struggle in debate alarms Democrats.” — New York Times page 1 headline

• “The best President of my life needs to withdraw.” — NY Times columnist Paul Krugman

• “Biden can’t make sense for two minutes at a time.” — The Nation

Blaska witnessed this 90 minutes of national shame in the company of Marc Eisen, former editor of Isthmus, at the Barrymore Theater on Madison’s hip east side among maybe 600 viewers — every one a leftie except (of course) your one and only. (One tee shirt read “Eric Hovde — for California.”) The Progressive magazine had a table. Mike Crute of the liberal Devil’s Advocate radio program served as emcee for a pre-debate panel.

When it was all over, one of the young people circulating sign-up sheets for Democrat(ic) party volunteers acknowledged that his candidate was only the better of two bad choices. The audience cheered Biden when they could but were subdued as they exited the theater. Outside on Atwood Avenue, a man who described himself as a Democrat(ic) policy adviser from Colorado said none of the above.

The answer to how did Biden win four years ago?
He stayed in the basement!


 Lost in America

Early on, poor old Joe, his voice shot, his visage frozen, stiff of gait, wandered off the grounds trying to answer a question on taxes, before concluding “We finally beat Medicare.” The audience at the Barrymore groaned. GROANED! After another attempt at cognitive awareness, unsuccessful, Trump commented,

“I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he did, either.”

The small surprise is that Trump didn’t repeat that observation. There was plenty of opportunity. Give Joe his due: he got in a goodly amount of zingers. Called his opponent a “whiner” and “a loser.” Recounted the Republican’s many assaults on womanhood — “this man has the morals of an alley cat.

 Your retribution, at work

Yes, let’s do Trump. Actually said members of the January 6 House Select Committee should be jailed. Said Biden was “the Manchurian Candidate.” To which Biden retorted, “This man is the criminal.”

If you did the drinking game — the Barrymore offered adult beverages in the lobby — you’d be sober as Judge Judy if you had Biden saying “Malarkey.” Said it only once. You’d be soused if you chose Trump saying “migrants.” It was his answer, it seemed, to every question. Prisons emptied, living in luxury hotels (his?), wrecking Social Security, taking jobs from black and brown folk. His larger point is correct, but why exaggerate?

Absurdly, when reminded for (something like) the fifth time to answer the question that was asked, Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, blamed Nancy Pelosi for January 6, 2021! For supposedly refusing his offer of the National Guard. A power she does not have but he does. To do what, one may ask? To defend the Constitutionally mandated counting of electoral votes from Trump’s own thugs. That’s like blaming the fire department for the arsonist.

CNN moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash asked tough questions; they were fair and firm. The format: no audience, worked.

 → A CNN post-debate survey showed that viewers thought Trump won, 67 to 33%. Four years ago, Biden prevailed in the same poll 53 to 39%.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Think Kennedy v. Nixon 1960. Nixon had injured his leg, was fatigued, sweaty, badly made-up, furtive. JFK prepped by getting some sunshine at Palm Beach. Forget policy. Viewers of that first televised debate got a measure of a man who had been dismissed as a rich playboy. Joe Biden made Trump look good.

No need to invoke the 25th Amendment; the 81 year-old should be able to make it until January 2025. But that’s it. One gets over the common cold, which was blamed for his raspy voice. Cognitive decline can be slowed —but it is not reversible. This man cannot make it to the end of a second term if he was running for president of the retirement center condo board. Meanwhile, Kamala cackles off-stage. DOOMED!

PREDICTION: Fresh off the defenestration of Jamaal Bowman, Democrats will come to their senses and give their President that gold retirement watch. Republicans will be caught flat-footed and pay the price.

Is Jill Biden the key to saving Democrats’ bacon from the fire?

Did Bobby Junior just get a bump?


42 responses to “Oh! My! God!”

  1. One Eye

    How do you get an Alzheimer’s patient to do something they don’t want to do? Especially if they’re the most powerful person on the planet?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. westsidesue

    You’re a stronger man than I, Gunga Dave. My big mouth and frail mental state would have betrayed me had I been present at the Majestic. As it was, I could hardly drink my wine (solo), trying to sip it judiciously so as to numb the full effects of watching this debacle. I like your balance and take on this, though I secretly harbor the idea that this was a bloodless execution. Perish the thought of Harris. And Kennedy has a lot of good things to say, though important aspects of his platform horrify me. As you and Linus say, “WE ARE FLIPPIN’ DOOMED!” Though, Pumpkin Man (aka orange guy) might save us. Ya just nevah know. Savor the days we have left to play the fiddle and inhale smoke.


    1. As Bluto Blutarsky told the fraternity pledge at Animal House: My advice to you is to start drinking heavily.


  3. Jonathan Elihu Burack

    I am not sure the Democrats have any choice but to stick with Biden. Maybe they will have to shelve him anyway. But seriously, an open convention? The power of the cultural left is so enormous within the party that it is hard for me to imagine a Democratic candidate (Newsom, really?? Kamala, don’t make me laugh) and a leftist platform that can command any more votes than Joe will get. Will any candidate dare to call for closing the border? Biden was the only “normal” Democrat on the stage in the 2020 Democratic debates. Are there any others of that sort who could take his place. I think the party has doomed itself for 2024.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. One Eye

      Tulsi Gabbard was normal. So normal she left the Democrats.


  4. One Eye

    More thoughts:

    CNN did Trump a huge favor with the muted mics.

    CNN killed Biden with the split screen. He gaped the whole time Trump talked.

    Jill Biden is rightly being painted as a piece of crap human being.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jane A Blaska

      Hardly a Democratic debate if mikes have to be muted! Yes a favor for Trump since he cannot control himself. Relied on my expertise of non-verbal cues -jane


      1. Anonymous

        It isn’t a debate if one side won’t shut up. Thus the muted mics (not “mikes”). It is more democratic (small d) that way, as both sides can freely express themselves without interference from the other.


  5. I just now got finished reading the transcript of the debate, haven’t watched the video yet, and my initial impression is…

    “That cluster f**k of human beings is our major party choices for President, what the f**k have we become!”

    I’m guessing that watching the video won’t change that opinion.

    I think I’ll take a break before watching the debate video. Maybe I’ll go out and let the rain pound the sh*t out of me on a motorcycle ride, that’ll certainly be more enjoyable than watching the debate video.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. brynstane

    The President’s precipitous cognitive decline was obvious and indisputable to the world last night, as it’s been obvious to his cabal of advisors, sinecures, and toadies for months. Yet Dem power elite have, to a one, insisted and assured us the Mr. Biden is at the top of his intellectual game, knowing that to be a blatant lie. One will forget at great peril to our nation, the cacophony of lies these treasonous bastards have daily tried to poison us with. (51 intelligence experts want you to know Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation. 16 Nobel Prize winning economists say Trump will fuel inflation. Karine Identityhire says videos of her fumbling, bumbling disoriented boss are deep fakes…)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Have to say, Biden gave a powerful speech today in North Carolina. Admitted he was old, doesn’t “debate as well as I used to,” but said, “I still know the difference b/w right and wrong.” Of course, he had a Teleprompter. Didn’t have to think on his feet. Given at mid-day, not after 9 pm EST. But speech was vigorously given, to be fair. Problem for Biden is speech is given mid-day on a work day, not prime time with thousands of watch parties. Other take away: Jill Biden is egging him on.


    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      ” ‘debate as well as I used to,’ but said, ‘I still know the difference b/w right and wrong.”

      That is both improperly sequenced and an inaccurate quote.

      Verbatim: “Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to.  I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to.  I don’t deba- — debate as well as I used to.  But I know what I do know: I KNOW HOW TO TELL THE TRUTH. ” (bolds/caps/italics mine)

      Then came the “I know — I know — I know right from wrong.”

      DementiaJoKe even lies about telling the truth?


      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

  8. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    Now is the time for the democrats to draft Witmer at the convention. She would kick trump’s ass. DRAFT WITMER NOW.


    1. It’s Whitmer. If that matters.


      1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

        I stand corrected. It should be President Whitmer.


        1. bucksnort59

          The same Whitmer that banned selling garden seeds during the plandemic? That one?


      2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

        What’s WITlessmer best known for?

        Accomplishing something heretofore thought impossible; she’s less popular than Kamala BORDER CZAR Harris…

        The Gotch


        1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

          Right now 56% of her state approves of her. In the gubernatorial race against Dixon (R) she is kicking his ass by 16 points.


  9. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    If any of you have a Lefty pal, look in on ’em to make sure they don’t need coaxing in off’n a high altitude ledge or require being…um…untethered from a basement beam.

    FWIW, The Gotch spent his debate time wisely: Drinking beer on a floating dock on beautiful, spring-fed Iron County Weber Lake while glassing-n-listening to Loons-n-Bald Eagles.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 2 people

    1. One Eye

      Gotch for the win!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. kevinw111657

    God save the Queen, man!


    1. Anonymous

      Keep calm and carry on, man! 👸


    2. Serendipity

      I wouldn’t say that too loudly, Kevin. Some crazy lib will come out of nowhere and call you a colonialist, especially with July Fourth coming up.

      On second thought, exercise your free speech rights and shout it from the rooftops. It’s America where I’m at.

      God save King Charles. Give my regards to Camilla.


      1. kevinw111657

        My “God save the Queen” reference was to another of Joe Biden’s befuddling quotes, another non-sequitur of non-sequiturs. The context is below:

        Listen up: Let’s quit trying to give the benefit of the doubt to Uncle Joe. He’s clearly past his expiration date. I’m not completely happy with Trump, but he’s what our ham-fisted democratic process is likely to give us. An upside: It’s likely to smooth the path for DeSantis in 2028.


        1. Serendipity

          Thanks for the clarification, Kevin. For the past month or so I haven’t been attentive to politics and I skipped the debate. Thought you might be a Brit who was regretting the loss of Queen Elizabeth II. Now I find the “…save the Queen” remark was just loose nonsense coming from old Joe’s addled brain.

          Clearly America needs stronger candidates. Time for a lot of us to rethink our choices. I’d settle for someone who can walk and talk at the same time. I agree there are competent people on Trump’s side who are working to keep their party and the nation together…a huge consideration.

          Think I’ll give your link another read.


  11. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Hopeless Changey Alums SOUND THE ALARM After DementiJoKe Stumble

    MONEY QUOTES (from career Lefties! [bolds/caps/italics mine throughout]):

    Former Obama campaign manager David Plouffe: “(a) DEFCON 1 moment

    Former Obama administration speechwriter Jon Favreau: “Obviously that debate was a F***ING DISASTER,”

    Former Obama national security spokesperson Tommy Vietor: “It’s F***ING INSULTING to people who care deeply about the country and know how much is on the line,”

    Former Obama senior advisor David Axelrod: “I think there was a SENSE OF SHOCK, actually, at how he came out at the beginning of this debate. […] I think you’re going to hear discussions that I don’t know will lead to anything but there are going to be DISCUSSIONS ABOUT WHETHER HE SHOULD CONTINUE.

    And for the everLUVin’ coup de grâce/kill shot, we’ll toss it mover to Former White House national security adviser Ben Rhodes: “TELLING PEOPLE THEY DIDN’T SEE WHAT THEY SAW IS NOT THE WAY TO RESPOND TO THIS.”

    The Gotch

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      And for the everLUVin’ coup de grâce/kill shot, 2.0, Greg Gutfeld: Remember: the media Democrat complex is reacting in horror over Joe’s condition NOT BECAUSE THEY SAW IT–IT’S BECAUSE YOU SAW IT.”

      The Gotch


  12. Bob Dorn

    Meanwhile I will celebrate the Supreme Court overturning Chevron thanks to Orange Man bad.

    Oh – the guy from Ukraine is saying “we’re running out of time” – he knows Trump will make peace or are y’all happy shoveling taxpayer money into that money pit.

    Trump has been talking about migrants since he came down the escalator in 2015. Do you like that our country has allowed at least 2 million in since Biden took office? Trump will solve this problem. It won’t be the way you like it, though.

    To me, voting for Joe or any Democrat including Kennedy, is a vote for the status quo and an ever more drift leftward with it’s transoidism, racial wars, and increased crime.

    No establishment Republican is willing to take on these issues in the way they need to be taken care of. Donald Trump will – the times of the genteel Republican are over as we have a nation to save.

    And I know it’s a white whale, but polls are consistently showing more black people willing to vote for Trump. Isn’t that what Republicans want – a bigger tent????

    But will he accept the election results? Joe Biden has been the President for 4 years, so it looks like he did.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      How will trump solve the migrant problem? He never put forward a plan or answered the question. Maybe start by getting all the money back that Bannon scammed on this wall BS.


  13. fritzderkat

    Who does Eisen like?


    1. You can ask him.


      1. fritzderkat

        We have difficulties talking politics.


  14. Balboa Lives!

    Go get your shinebox!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      Go get your shinebox!

      Heh! Been a long time since The Gotch’s seen you post that, Balboa; too DAMNED LONG!

      The Gotch


  15. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Seeing despicable Lefty wants us to believe DementiaJoKe doesn’t lie, he TELLS STORIES; is that…um…true?

    Not exactly.

    From cringe-inducing…er…performance the other night, DemntiaJoKe said:

    *His tax plan would take in an additional 500 billion in a 10 year period. FALSE

    *That 500 billion would cover Trump’s debt. FALSE

    *You don’t need a degree to make $100,000/year making semiconductors. FALSE

    *That Trump wants to end Social Security. FALSE

    *He wouldn’t increase taxes on people earning less than $400,000. FALSE

    *No service members have died under his watch. FALSE

    *Trump told people to inject themselves with bleach. FALSE

    Other than that……

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

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