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Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


The plea deal that broke the Deep State

The biased news media and the deep intelligence state are Donald Trump’s enablers, as counter-intuitive as that may sound. Like Volodymyr Zelensky v. Vladimir Putin, the Road Runner v. Wile E. Coyote, the ex-president profits from readily identifiable villains. (The Whattabout defense: their warts are worse than mine.)

Even when the Fake News Media’s clock is right twice a day, Trump can cast shade on the whole shebang. It started with the always far-fetched Russian Collusion hoax, launched by the Democrat(ic) party, fueled by the FBI, and disseminated by eager Maddows and Blitzers. The same institutional liars dismissed Hunter Biden’s incriminating laptop as Russian disinformation.

“Even once that was disproven,” writes W. James Antle III,  politics editor of the Washington Examiner, “and the DOJ investigation of Hunter Biden heated up, the IRS whistleblowers testified that they were blocked from interviews they would normally conduct and rebuffed in recommendations for further charges.”

If cheating the government out of $1.5 million in taxes is a misdemeanor, what does it take to rack up a felony? The Left bangs the drum loudly about “common sense gun reform” until a certain well connected drug abuser lies on his gun permit application.

The Fake News Media is pooh poohing Judge Maryellen Noreika’s refusal to rubber stamp the younger Biden’s plea deal. It’s not working. Real people (Blaska generously includes the peanut gallery in this category) know something is rotten in the state of Denmark Delaware. Antle v. 3 writes:

Voters who will decide the next GOP presidential nominee are not wrong in thinking that something about Hunter Biden’s treatment doesn’t sit right. It’s not surprising this is then channeled into suspicion of the legal cases brought against Trump. While Trump isn’t always an innocent victim, many Republican voters are no more inclined to believe what a Justice Department run by a Biden appointee says about Trump than a news media they deem anti-Trump.

— “Judge’s rejection of Hunter Biden’s plea deal vindicates Republicans.”

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Which explains why some Trumpbots insist that January 6 was either a candy or a breath mint, but not an insurrection. Doesn’t excuse it but helps explain it.

Going all Pulp Fiction-medieval on Hunter (with a pair of pliers and a blow torch) and tagging his influence peddling on The Big Guy could deflate the Trump grievance campaign and restore confidence in our institutions.

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8 responses to “The plea deal that broke the Deep State”

  1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Time to nail the Big Guy!

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      I agree…nail tRump now!


      1. Cornelius_Gotchberg


        1. richard lesiak



      2. Normwegian

        Follow the (BIDEN) money.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. richard lesiak

          Follow the (Rogers) money. Gave back 35 million? Wow. There’s a poke in the eye for you packer fans.


        2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

          “Follow the (Rogers) (sic) money.”

          The comically illiterate Lazy @$$ Blogge Idiot TROLT can’t even spell Rodgers?


          Whaddya expect from a fan of THE worst team in football, the Bi-Polar bares.

          The Gotch
