Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Has a presidential inauguration ever been this fraught?

The joke — if you will pardon some gallows humor — is that, after Wednesday’s siege of the Capitol, Mexico has agreed to pay for the wall.

Did Nancy Pelosi attempt her own coup?

The NY Times reports:

Pelosi said she had spoken with Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, about “preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes.”

Some Defense Department officials have privately expressed anger that political leaders seemed to be trying to get the Pentagon to do the work of Congress and Cabinet secretaries, who have legal options to remove a President.

Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief, and unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal, they cannot proactively remove the President from the chain of command. That would be a military coup, these officials said.

Twitterer in chief, no more

Now Twitter has deleted Trump’s account, denying the President access to 89 million followers, on news that Trump won’t attend the January 20 inauguration of Joe Biden/Kamala Harris. (The first President to boycott his successor’s party since Andrew Johnson (also impeached). Twitter interprets this as a “signal” that domestic terrorists are free to attack. Due diligence after Wednesday’s insurrection or a case of nervous nelly-ism? Capitol Police are being excoriated for not enough truncheons, shields and boots on the ground. After liberals like Ald. Rebecca Kemble blast over-policing.

(Unlike the Act 10 siege of Wisconsin’s Capitol in 2011, two people died from injuries sustained in Wednesday’s attack. The female protester and, just today, a Capitol police officer.)

Raises free speech issues. The First Amendment prohibits the government from curtailing your speech but does not (for example) enjoin your employer (if it is job related). Although neither Twitter nor Facebook are government agencies, are they a utility? Can Alliant Energy shut off power to Blaska Stately Manor because it doesn’t like this blog? (They would not be the only ones.) Apple and Google have delisted the Parler app, to which Facebook users are fleeing. An example of which:


Blaska’s First Bottom LineGosh, those Antifa moles are clever!

‘Trump’s shameless minions must go’

The WI State Journal is demanding Sen. Ron Johnson, newly elected Congressman Scott Fitzgerald, and Rep Tom Tiffany resign! Blaska Policy Werkes (Republican In Name & Fact) disagrees. O.K., calling for a commission to investigate claims of election fraud was a fool’s errand. In less than two weeks it never would have had time to do anything meaningful. Nor was it warranted because no state submitted competing sets of electors, which the enabling statue required. The Commission would not have assuaged Trump’s supporters with anything short of over-turning the election. Finally, the 15-member Commission (five of whom would be proposed by Pelosi, another five by Chief Justice Roberts) was superfluous, given that something like 60 court cases, federal and state, and 50 state legislatures, many of them Republican, ratified the Electoral College results. Add former A.G. Bill Barr’s finding of no meaningful, systemic election fraud.

Blaska’s Second Bottom Line: But their proposal was never seditious, certainly not treasonous, just bad policy. In truth, they were trying to allay concerns (however ineffectively). There were legitimate election irregularities — just none as fantastical as fomented by the President, who did egg on his own Resistance. (See Ann of Althouse’s “Trump’s seven most violence-inciting statements.”)


45 responses to “Has a presidential inauguration ever been this fraught?”

  1. Anonymous Reader

    Trump has been banned not only from Twitter but from Facebook, and Jack Dorsey of Twitter claims that he can ferret out millions more Trump supporters for some sort of special treatment or other.

    Twitter alternative Parler has been deleted from the Apple app store and also I believe from Google Play. I expect that they’ll find payment impossible soon, as PayPal is a SJW converged platform.

    The permanent government is very busy trying to shut down communications, save through approved channels where censorship is extremely tight.

    Mr. Blaska, do you back up this site, and have you an alternate host?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liberty

      Did you catch the comment from ABC News about calling for the “cleansing the movement of Trump supporters”?

      As someone whose relatives were victims of Hitler’s reign of terror, this sends chills down my spine.


      1. Gg Mo

        Ugh, Give it a rest. We can’t all be vengence seeking “victim”s. My distant relatives (civilians) were melted into the pavement during the allied Hellstorm bombings, and other distant relatives were Orthodox faithful shot in the head with monks, and preist, or sent to the gulags. F**k VICTIMOLOGY and SELF-branding as a (Particular;( there’ve been SEVERAL holocausts across the world this century). Hollywood, Holocaust “survivor” It is pathetic.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. richard -lesiak

        The comment was made by a republican.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      The breathtakingly imbecilic moron claiming that ABC News Director Rick Klein (a career Lefty!) is a Republican should probably establish a court-appointed conservator to feed him, from a safe distance, with a long-handled spoon.

      The talented Herr Klein, in an incuriously since deleted tweet:

      “Trump will be an ex-president in 13 days. The fact is that getting rid of Trump is the easy part […] CLEANSING THE MOVEMENT HE COMMANDS IS GOING TO BE SOMETHING ELSE.”

      There Is No Sin Accept Stupidity Oscar Wilde

      The Gotch


  2. pANTIFArts

    Welcome to “Annus Horribilis Redux”.
    With all Liberals now going “Full Mental Jacket”, they have become that little kid who has finally “poopied in the potty” successfully, and now demands that every adult in the house come look at it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard -lesiak

      Wrong. We are tired of having trump poop all over the nation. Four years of trump and what did you guys get? House, Senate, Presidency LOST. The capital in ruins and 5 dead. Congrats on that. The stable genius, best deal maker, etc etc really took care of you. Four years of this a$$hole and what do you have? A trumpie bear, an undrinkable bottle of cheap wine and a big repair bill for the capital.


    2. Liberty

      Good one, Pantifa.

      They’re so out of touch with reality and so blinded by rage that they can’t consider even for a fleeting moment, how insane they look to the rest of us.

      If they think that attempting to shut us up will convert us over to their way of thinking, they’re even more bat s*t crazy than first suspected. If anything, this has galvanized every patriot who resents the h*l out of having their thoughts and speech monitored.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        If you think you already have the numbers, you’re not interested in conversion, you’re out for blood. It’s worth pointing out that all the outrages catalogued above are taking place BEFORE the new regime is installed. Just imagine what they’ve got planned for you once they have all the reins in their hands–then try and get a good night’s sleep.


  3. richard -lesiak

    Fitzgerald and Tiffany should resign. Both voted to disenfranchise two states worth of voters. The first to go is fitz. He hasn’t been there long enough to figure out where the bathrooms are and already he’s looking like a fool. And Johnson is just a boot-licking grifter who has done NOTHING for our state. All three were ready to throw Wis. under the bus if they got the chance. I, for one, am sick and tired of hearing about how 74 million people voted for trump and they lost. Well 81 million voted for Biden so suck it up snowflake. You lost; get over it. Following trump around cleaning up his hamburger wrappers and listening to his insane rants should now be over for you.


  4. Liberty

    To leftists gloating about the attack on independent free speech: Know that you are not immune. You may be safe now, but the moment you dare to dissent from the group, you too, will understand what it feels like to have your thoughts and words silenced.

    Remember these?

    “When civility leads to death, revolt is the only logical reaction.” Colin Kapernick

    “Protesters should not let up.” Kamala Harris

    “If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant . . .you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them . . .and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Maxine Waters

    But these are allowable on social media, as are anti-American statements from overseas dictators and calls from leftist anarchist groups to incite violence, right?

    This is not about protecting the country. It’s about silencing conservative voices and demanding complete control.

    There was a time when this would have outraged principled liberals.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      That time has long since past; GenX SoyBoy beta male pussies and 75 year old wannabee useful idiots now comprise the Post-Modern-Neo-Left.

      They travel in packs in order to have a collective I.Q. above a shoe size and they couldn’t fight their way out of damp, one-ply @$$wipes. They have no grey matter, just a CNS so they can do the bidding of their craven handlers.

      The Gotch could get behind Classic Liberals ala Claude-Frédéric Bastiat, but that would require adhering to the fact-based Universe, which simply can’t be accomplished when you’re a rank, stumbling/bumbling/mumbling moron and limited to 280 characters.

      Glass half full?

      Lefty will overplay their hand; always have…always will!

      The Gotch


  5. Liberty

    Rebecca Kemble must have forgotten about the riots perpetrated all summer by leftist groups that resulted in carnage, the murder of police officers, attacks on civilians, arson, and destruction.

    Difference between leftists and conservatives: We acknowledged that Wednesday was wrong and call our own out. Leftists will protect their warped sense of “right” at all costs, Toxic people.


    1. Madison1218

      I welcome the fact that you say this was wrong. However, you say that ‘we’ acknowledge that fact. I haven’t seen many people here say this was wrong without following it with a ‘but’ and a huge dose of ‘what about ism’. Why can’t we all simply call out a wrong and follow it with a ‘period’ instead of a ‘but’? Going forward I’m going to work on that for myself and would encourage others to do so as well.
      There are plenty of people on the far right that “protect their warped sense of right at all costs”. No side has a monopoly on virtue.


      1. wipam

        Ann of Althouse said “Trump’s seven most violence-inciting statements.” were a big, fat nothing burger.


      2. George Parrino

        But, but the racists are afraid they’ll lose their privilege. Then there’s the matter that each and everyone of the insurrectionists and those who condone and instigated this terrorist act essentially spit on the graves of everyone aboard Flight 93 who gave their lives to protect our Capitol.


    2. madisonexpat

      Some riots are more equal than other riots.


  6. Gg Mo

    “what do you think ?” Well, I think that the engineers put their straw-dog puppets in place before the cameras as usual. And that both warped “Team” fetishists are TOOLS ,and useful-idiot puppets ,and parrots for their chosenite “leaders” . Problem/Reaction/ Solution. How to crush, and divide ? How to distract, and market for THEIR final solution ? Noahide Laws through the Great Reset/IMF/UN , a Greece (Goldman Sachs ) Destruction of the economy , and THEIR “Order out of chaos” , Break-eggs, make Noahide omelets out of ALL the angry goy. Cubicles in Tel Aviv are FULL of their EMPLOYED dis-info agents. Hell, at least one of them comments on this blog regularly. Claiming Patriotism “Liberty” , they steal your country, Claiming anti-facism, they steal your country, Claiming “black lives matter” , like the Hollywood “italian” Mafia (Adelson etc ) back-door-brag , what they mean is ONLY their lives matter goy. That is what I think.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. madisonexpat

    Siege my ass. Who, besides the Squire, is making this street theater into the Reichstag Fire?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. madisonexpat

      And the Reichstag fire was immediately followed by restrictions on speech, travel, occupations, marriage and opinion.


    2. Gary L. Kriewald

      Here’s a little historical parlor game: imagine what might have happened if German patriots had stormed the Reichstag on the day in 1933 when Hitler was appointed Chancellor. Instead, they shrugged their shoulders and muttered platitudes about the democratic process. Something to keep in mind as Jan. 20th looms.


      1. Gg Mo

        The Banker backed Communist ANTIFA in Germany did attempt to “storm the Reichstag”. DUH ! And Communism, and mass imigration has absolutely WON in Germany. The slow-drip of “success”, and “victory” .Look it up.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Gary L. Kriewald

    Nice to see the WI State Journal is adapting so nimbly to the New Order. I sincerely hope millions will heed the call of Col. Perez and arrive in D.C. in (well armed) numbers that will cause the MSM to sh*t their collective drawers and make the events of last Wednesday look like a Sunday school picnic.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard -lesiak

      are you going?


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Will donuts be made available to attendees, and if they are, will there be a guarantee they aren’t rancid.

      Because we all know that NOTHING inspires a protester to Burn Loot, and Murder, I mean peacefully protest, more than consuming free-of-charge rancid donuts!

      The Gotch


      1. AdamC

        LOL!!!! Can’t get the image of a tired old dumpy unshaven slob in a dirty stained threadbare bathrobe, shuffling along in predawn darkness in a shabby old efficiency apartment, to go “make thuh donuts.” LMAO

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Heh!! Gut Laugh Leader Board entry with_a_vengeance, AC!

          The Gotch


        2. AdamC

          “MISTER President Biden dear sir, and you too Lady Mack Vice President Sistah Sho-Nuff, I have carried water for you in Madison WI and have traveled for days on a Greyound bus to come to bow before you.
          I am but a humble donut-maker and I come bearing the best crullers I could bring. They are iced and are liberally sprinkled with green and black and yellow to represent both the Green New Deal and your, Lady Mack Veep’s Jamaican roots. I salute, and thank you. Hail to the Chief and the Chief-in-Waiting!”


        3. richard -lesiak

          FU and everyone like you.


      2. richard -lesiak

        Well; I guess he’s not going and neither are you. For your information the business is now closed. Covid and a sh%t gop response to small businesses have finally taken it’s toll. Laugh all you want gotch. I’ll be smiling as trump goes down the road. The only thing better is seeing the repuks eating their own. Hang Pence?? You people have all lost your minds.


      3. richard -lesiak

        Are you going to wear your 6MWE shirt when you and Gary go to Washington?


      4. richard -lesiak

        Like one of the best bits on BOB AND TOM IN THE MORNING. BLOW ME…blow mea little kiss…BLOW ME…as hard as you can… JUST BLOW ME…. everybody sing!!!!!. For the entire song go to you tube; in the mean time….BLOWWWW MEEEEEE


    3. richard -lesiak

      Well? Are you finally getting out of your mom’s basement or not?


    4. Cornelius Gotchberg

      It would appear that you’ve inspired the wrath of a pathetically hate-filled, homophobic despicable old Lefty, Gary.

      ‘Course, Lefty’s seething HATRED for all things non-Lefty will always bubble to the surface of their pitiable veneer; they’re (in the immortal words of Major Powers [Everett McGill] in Heartbreak Ridge) “too old, too prideful, TOO STUPID to change.”

      The Gotch


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        “Answer not a fool according to his folly lest thou be like unto him.” –Proverbs


  9. George Parrino

    Has a presidential inauguration ever been this fraught? Shouldn’t this read “Has a presidential term ever been this fraught?” As for trump getting his ass kicked of social media, I’m sure each of these sites has in their user agreement a prohibition of instigating violence or insurrection. Yes, each and every politician who added credence to the false claims of election irregularities, election fraud, or what ever the heck they’re claiming was the reason trump lost should lose their position of public trust. Why has no one called out the instigators of the attack on America? The fact that my own 5th Congressional District representative feels my vote has no validity is an affront to our democracy.

    IMPEACH the Mutha Effer already!


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “Why has no one called out the instigators of the attack on America?”

      Attack on America?? Lighten Up Francis!

      Your pal sincerely hopes there’s a swooning divan near your computer desk.

      Anywho, The Gotch still anxiously awaits your totaling up all the deaths, gutless murdering ambushes, looting, mayhem, destruction, arson, etc., from both the George Floyd, et al, FIERY But Mostly Peaceful Protests and those from Wednesday…AND_THE_EFFING_DURATION_AND_COST_OF_BOTH…and getting back to us.

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AdamC

        $2 billion in damages and I believe 28 dead including a few law enforcement officers, a few Trump supporters and even a few young African Americans…. including 2 killed by CHAZ dwellers in Seattle.

        But that doesn’t matter to proglodytes.


  10. LEO



  11. lEO



    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Leo…buddy; either smoke crack or take pulls off’n the Everclear Jug.

      Never both and ferchrissakes NEVER before Cocktail Hour.

      And consider looking into spellcheck©™®…

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

    2. bill


      Put down that crack pipe.

      Just slowly put it down. Nice and easy now, put it down.

      It’s okay, no-one wants to hurt you. Just go to sleep and when you wake up it will be all better.

      I promise.


  12. AdamC

    Oh brother….the ALLCAPZ and TPYO brigade has arrived.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. georgessson

    Compared to Richard AKA Dick, ImhO, LEO poSts BeTTeR anD MOre, MuCh MOre, cLEarLy. Always neece ta HeEr FRom hiM aGaIN.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard -lesiak

      Are you going to DC girl? Going to put on your 6MWE shirt and hang Pence? Let me know. I’ll make you a bag lunch for your trip. But; I know your a gutless twit, sitting in your mom’s basement, posting crap and eating Pringles. You haven’t the balls to go outside and get the mail yet alone show up at a protest. Just invite crotch over, have your mom bake some cookies for the two of you and then curl up with your trumpie bear. Tomorrow you might try to take out the trash for your mom; remember; “WORK BRINGS FREEDOM” you dink.
