Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Brenda Konkel demands: Stop reporting crime news!

Marginalize the police, cover up crime reports,
pretend your Leftist politics aren’t to blame

Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Progressive Dane Brenda and Sayta
Brenda Konkel, far left in orange; Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway is holding the Progressive Dane banner at right.

When late-19th Century muckraking cartoonist Thomas Nast exposed the crooked dealings of the Tammany Hall machine, Boss Tweed cried, “Stop them damn pictures.” Brenda Konkel, co-chair of Madison WI’s far-left Progressive Dane political party, has updated that demand. 

Stop them damn crime stories! 

For a social media post, Konkel compiled several news media reports of criminal activity and commented:

“So tired of news updates that look like this. Is there no other news in the city? I think there is but the police (and fire) make it so easy to regurgitate their press releases. In the City of Madison they both have full-time public information officers. Most departments do not.”

Brenda’s social media post:

Brenda anti-police

The clear implication is that Brenda Konkel would strip police and fire of the ability to inform the public of criminal activity. 

⇒ The irony is that it is Progressive Dane’s upside-down philosophy — that perpetrators are victims of (multiple choice) society, capitalism, racism, poverty, Republicans, police brutality, you name it — that itself enables criminality.

Comment, respond, what do you think

Konkel chairs public safety!

Madame Konkel has some influence on the process, given that she chairs the City of Madison’s Public Safety Committee. She was appointed to that position by Satya Rhodes-Conway, elected mayor with Brenda and Progressive Dane’s endorsement and foot leather.

The mayor in her first budget proposed an increase of zero additional police officers. Nada, none. And pushed through a $200,000 full-time police second-guesser. Police Chief Mike Koval resigned in disgust. The council eventually shoehorned in three additional when Koval documented a need for 31 additional. Prog Dane, of course, was an ally of Freedom Inc. in the No Cops in Schools disruptions.

Rest assured, only a fraction of crimes reaches the mainstream news media. For a better picture, subscribe to the police department’s daily blog, which is assembled by respected former TV news reporter Joel Despain.

For further study:Abolish the Police? A dangerous new idea is inspiring some criminal-justice activists.” — City Journal.

New York’s Thickening Cloud of Violent Crime — A surge in horrific incidents is unsettling the city — but elected officials keep making it easier for criminals to operate.” — City Journal.

What do YOU think?


40 responses to “Brenda Konkel demands: Stop reporting crime news!”

  1. Ian

    Madison deserves these ass-hats. Konkel and SRC (and many others in PD) should concentrate on eating salads instead of eliminating law enforcement.


  2. As a former radio news reporter, I can say with assurance, that people want to know on a daily basis what is going on in their neighborhood and communities. Yes, there were larger stories to report about the need for a new bridge or how to stop certain streets from being places where speedsters hang out at night. But people are connected to the places they live and want to know about crimes and fires. It is not that such news is of a ‘rip and read’ type that makes it easy for news rooms but rather the role of a reporter is to inform what is happening in the place they cover. Konkel seems to forget that Trump dislikes much of the news coverage about himself as it hits too close to home. Same can be said now for what she is lamenting. Reporters are not doing their job if they worry about anything others than the facts the citiznes need to have about their community and world. She should know better.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      ”She should know better.”

      She does, but slobbers her imbecilic bile notwithstanding.

      That’s hardly the worst of it; she has the Mayor’s ear!

      The Gotch


    2. For the most part I agree with you; however, that was a nice not so subtle tangential deflection about President Trump in an otherwise non-partisan comment. Most of the news I read and hear about President Trump is terribly biased opinions, what’s coming from the police is simply the facts.

      NOTE: I see you still to this day refuse to properly address your President as President Trump, this failure by you and many others is signature significant.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        The Gotch’d give the Dekester a solid 7 on the Trump Derangement Syndrome Scale; not past the Point Of No Return, but you can see it from there.

        OTOH, AnonyBob has careened past 11 and is staring down 12!


        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

        1. dekerivers’ blatantly overt bias against President Trump is documented on his blog and is well past 10 but he just hasn’t allowed it to completely consume 100% of his consciousness and fall off the cliff into derangement. It’s a really, subtle difference between overt bias and derangement and a very thin grey line, if President Trump wins reelection in November it might be his, and many others, last straw.


    3. “She should know better.”

      This is a gross understatement. She has an agenda and she will promote her agenda using the usual progressive morally bankrupt the ends justifies the means tactic.


  3. James Lee

    I’m just wondering how long the Good citizens ( and I emphasize citizens ) of Dane county are going to allow this type of socialist behavior to continue ???


  4. George’s son

    Brenda & Satya… Two gals who put the “Eww” in motorboating.


  5. patrickmoloughlin

    If you don’t read it in the papers, it didn’t happen. Great way to reduce crime!


    1. If you don’t read it in the papers, it didn’t happen.

      It’s intentional lies by omission.

      It’s morally bankrupt.


  6. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Shoot; the talented Ms. Konkel is merely taking the Lefty media’s approach of ignoring certain…um…ASPECTS of criminal activity reporting and dialing it up a notch to eliminate reporting it PERIOD.

    The Gotch


  7. Gary L. Kriewald

    Not reporting crime is the prelude to the real lefty goal of eliminating crime altogether. Not by eliminating criminal activity, mind you, but by redefining crime as the predictable result of mental illness or institutional racism or capitalism. They got away with redefining drug addiction as an illness (news flash, folks, it’s a bad habit), thereby eliminating a whole category of crime. Why not try the same thing with every other type of crime?


    1. The left’s bastardizing what is and isn’t crime is enabling crime. This will begin to go terribly wrong when citizens choose not to be directly abused by criminals.


  8. George’s Son

    I agree a little, RE: Local news reporting could be improved… Generic article header photos, lack of details, and they miss 80% of what the Chief reports daily. What next? No binary description, much less race. Yepper, let’s just keep them buses rollin’, the County/City has all the Po-leece it will ever need.

    BTW, concerning my previous post: Yes, “Eew” IS in the Scrabble dictionary. Go for it !


  9. Diane L Burgbacher

    And let us not forget her theory that the media reports “only crime” to keep white folks afraid of black folks, thereby promoting racism. What color is the sky in her world?


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “What color is the sky in her world?”

      A pathetically sad shade of blue!

      The Gotch


  10. Batman

    Isn’t that group pic just a little too white to be considered progressive.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      The same could be said–and is–about the front-runners among Democrat presidential candidates. The upside is that they can indulge in endless hand-wringing about how white they all are.


      1. Batman

        Well, at least them thar pale-face hypocrites can take instruction from the master hand-wringer himself~~~>bobo.
        Plus it makes him feel useful and is a distraction from his self-loathing for being white.

        Let us pray


    2. AnonyBob

      You see about as well as a bat in daylight. I count at least 8 AA adults and others of various shades of brown (oh no, the browns!). What percentage do you decree as appropriate?


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        And you’re as WOKE as a bat in daylight.

        “What percentage do you decree as appropriate?”

        Percentage is a social construct that marginalizes, dehumanizes, is exclusionary, and is, of course, racist, just like MATH.

        The manner in which you tallied things up? You do the…um…ah, what’s the point.

        Anywho, your suffocating White Supremacist Patriarch Privilege prevents you from acknowledging that some of those pictured might just identify differently, ala Rachel Dolezal or Shaun Talcum X King; this might skew the…welp…you get the picture.

        Gender? Oy gevalt! With 58 and counting there are barely enough pictured to make this a truly welcoming, inclusionary, and diverse group.

        Crickey; if any two of them are the same? Fuggeddaboudit!!

        Pretty 0CRAZY0-Cortezed up, am I right?

        Your people AnonyBob, your consequences!

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          You sure take a long time to say nothing.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          The Gotch said plenty; small wonder you claim otherwise.

          The Gotch


      2. madisonexpat

        Only a Prog would bother to count skin color much less accord it any significance. Diversity is not a strength, it is tribalism. Assimilation is our strength.


        1. AnonyBob

          See: Batman 11:22. To you he’s a prog?


      3. AnonyBob,
        I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t bother to count the caucasians in the photo to make any kind of real numerical comparison, that kind of math must be beyond your fingers and toes counting method. Progressives have shown us that they won’t accept anything less than equal representation of caucasians vs blacks, or caucasians vs browns, or caucasians vs any other identity group when they see it they scream white supremacy or racism. This photo, as Batman pointed out, shows us that progressives are all about ramming their ideology down everyone else’s throat while they themselves can’t practice what they preach. Progressives thrive on their morally bankrupt double standards.

        Your two handed finger counting wasn’t an adequate argument to contradict Batman’s overall observation. As usual AnonyBob, you’re a failure.


        1. AnonyBob

          As usual, Ditherspoon, lots of condescending bluster, little content.


        2. As usual, AnonyBob lunches into his usual ad hominem sophomoric bastardization of my last name and then calls that which he lacks the intelligence to refute “little content”.

          FYI AnonyBob…

          “Progressives have shown us that they won’t accept anything less than equal representation of caucasians vs blacks, or caucasians vs browns, or caucasians vs any other identity group when they see it they scream white supremacy or racism. This photo, as Batman pointed out, shows us that progressives are all about ramming their ideology down everyone else’s throat while they themselves can’t practice what they preach.”

          …is not “little content”, it’s specific facts about progressives that you cannot logically refute.

          It’s real clear that…

          “Progressives thrive on their morally bankrupt double standards.”

          …and AnonyBob thrives on trolling Blaska’s blog.

          P.S. Internet trolls like AnonyBob that intentionally act like blithering idiots have earned condescension and have not earned a shred of intellectual sympathy. Their trolling goals are to deflect and they’re good at it.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”Internet trolls like AnonyBob that intentionally act like blithering idiots have earned condescension and have not earned a shred of intellectual sympathy.” (bolds mine)

          Glass half full?

          ♫Nobody does♫ It Better♫!

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

  11. Batman

    Become familiar with the meaning of sarcasm bobo, to emerge from your fog of misunderstanding.

    PS. group photo still too white~~~> (oh no, the whites!)


  12. madisonexpat

    ABob……… Batman did not count races. But YOU did so as to correct him. Yes that makes you a racialist Prog which is redundant.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Nothing makes progs happier than counting races (and genders), then seeing if the tallies accord with their own arbitrary notions of appropriate ‘representation.’ I can’t think of a more blinkered, reductive, mean-spirited way to look at humanity.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Batman

    bobo also managed to insert another one of his not so subtle smears of racism “(oh no, the browns!)” toward those who prefer legal immigration over illegal entry and all that entails.
    What a dick.


    1. AnonyBob

      “What a dick.” Nice debate style. You Trumpsters are SO smooth, just like your idol.
      “A little too white to be considered progressive.” Nah, no dog whistles there. What’s a group photo of Prog Dane got to do with immigration, legal or otherwise? I counted colors, Splat, because Batty brought it up. You, on the other hand, favor assimilation because it means everyone should want to be a WASP. Y’all need man up and own up to your fears and insecurities about the dwindling white majority. What are you so afraid of – that the coming brown majority will treat you as badly as the old white majority treated them? And there was nothing subtle about my insert.
      What’s next for you, Bats? Torch lit chants of “Browns! Will not! Replace us!”?


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “Y’all need man up and own up to your fears and insecurities about the dwindling white majority.”

        Oooooh, White Fragility (the latest Social_Construct_That_Doesn’t_Count_As_A_Social_Construct_Because_Lefty) on top of the Already In Place soul crushing White Lefty Guilt-n-Self-Loathing!

        AnonyBob’s been paying close attention to the laughably sinister direction of his handlers; that’s a good boy!

        He, et al, hysterically think that if the White Lefty Wet Dream Du Jour (the Browning of America) occurs, that he, et al, will be given a pass because, you know, like, just because.

        Got news for you; if that ever comes about, no, and The Gotch means NO, Whities will be extended special dispensation.

        But you go ahead with your imbecilic pipe dream. The Gotch, and he’s not alone on this, would just LUV to see a WOKE AnonyBob being hauled off to the Reeducation Gulag while slobbering pathetically:

        “Hey, not me; loooooooooook, I’m wearing a Black Lives Matter T-Shirt!!!!!”

        The Gotch


      2. Batman

        Your continual labeling of those who think differently than you as racist is not a debate style, it’s trolling, your specialty.
        Just for funsies, try making arguments without your default of— racism rules this blog, except for me, claptrap. It’s not true and intellectually lazy. What a dick.


        1. AnonyBob

          “What a dick.”
          Lazy snowflake.


  14. madisonexpat

    ABob projects his raison d’wet the bed du jour.
    I am not phobic. Not of any race, either gender, any political belief or any legal immigrant. Not of small places, open spaces, heights, aliens, global warming, climate change/crisis/catastrophe or foreign country.
    My country is prospering, correcting many of its institutions, courts and media back towards the center. Our globalist foes, foreign and domestic, are weeping and rending their garments. I appreciate our president more as time goes by and I see him discomfiting our enemies.
    I’m not afraid o’ no ghosts Abob. You are.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Glass Half Full?

    AnonyBob & Mensan Brain Trustee Colin Kaepernick are on the same page.

    Wait a minute.

    Kaepernick’s such a blithering addlepate that he thinks Iranians are considered P‘sOC, so that’s actually a Glass Half Empty?

    Never Mind

    The Gotch
