Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


‘Drawing conclusions that are simply wrong’

Where does the Whitehorse middle school educator go
to get his reputation back?

No charges against the positive behavior coach at Whitehorse middle school, says district attorney Ismael Ozanne. (More here.)

Madison Police document dump here. Eleven-year-old says to educator demanding she accompany him out of the classroom, “Leave me the fuck alone.”

Blaska is not surprised. Neither are the mother and grandmother of the black 11-year-old girl who was supposedly manhandled by that white Madison educator. For different reasons.

In a press conference closed to all but accredited news media, Ozanne stated: 

“I am aware of public narratives about this incident. Some members of our community have coupled this information with their own experience, drawing conclusions that are simply wrong.”

Where have we heard that before (Ferguson, Missouri; Baltimore Md)?

Afterwards, mother and grandmother told the assembled news media and this blog that Ozanne’s decision was just another cover-up of white racism in Madison, even though the district attorney himself is of mixed race.

Ozanne actually asked Madison police to forward the case to him, even though MPD never established probable cause to make arrest. Ozanne interviewed mom, kid, grandparent and the pastor and the teachers at Whitehorse. 

“I do not believe a crime was committed,” Ozanne concluded at a 1 p.m. press conference today (03-05-19).

No charges? More proof of racism!

After the press conference, the mother of the 11-year-old girl acknowledged her daughter should have obeyed the lawful commands of the teacher but contends that positive behavior coach over-reacted. 

The Blaska Policy Werkes acknowledges that what may not rise to the level of a criminal offense could well be a violation of school district procedure.

Even so, we continue to believe that superintendent Jennifer Cheatham was premature to castigate. Before she ever spoke to anyone at Whitehorse, Cheatham put out a statement that:

“The most recent incident at Whitehorse Middle School was especially horrific. No matter what comes out of the police investigation, there was a failure on our part. We will review every fact to understand what happened so that we can take aggressive action.” 

We try to talk reason when all else fails

Stop by my Facebook page to experience the parry and thrust of missionary work here in the Emerald City:

Max Miller: What does “Return control to the teachers and administrators mean?” Allow them to expel children at their discretion? Call police to have children arrested? Corporal punishment? Again I ask you, What are you actually proposing, what control should the teachers and administrators have?

David Blaska for Safer Schools: To remove children from the classroom to restore order. Do you disagree? To defend themselves against violent students. Do you disagree? To call the police when they feel a physical threat (and as mandated by Wisconsin Act 143). Do you disagree? To not be thrown under the school bus by Doyle administration bldg BEFORE administrators even talk to the educator actually on the ground. Do you disagree? 

Now please describe to me what actually occurs in the Restorative Justice Room? … Thank you, Max Miller. Me neither.

Max Miller: Thank you for answering the question.

Reeves Smith:  What are you going to do after you lose the election?

David Blaska for Safer Schools:  Pour myself a nice glass of cabernet sauvignon and watch more parents leave the school district, I suppose. You?


31 responses to “‘Drawing conclusions that are simply wrong’”

  1. Bob Dorn

    Here’s a thought – how about Mr. Mueller-Owens sue the school district for damages for Ms Cheatham’s “horrific” comments and the loss of his job. Would MMSD learn something, though???Sadly, no. Wish he would sue YGB for whipping everyone into a frenzy, but with a pansy name like Mueller-Owens, probably doesn’t have the nads.


    1. Cheech

      Oh no! Don’t advocate that. Ms. Cheatham demonstrated excellence in education, administrative brilliance, and fealty to historic principles that made this nation great. Guilty as rumored; guilty as charged. No need to voice unwritten code: youngsters are always right.
      The real tragedy is the inability of the teaching staff of MMSD to demonstrate their support and admiration for Ms. Cheatham by an affirmative vote of confidence. Rumor is that as an expression of unwavering faculty support, she will he presented with a plaque during of graduation ceremony.


  2. Ana

    Dane County DA Ozanne, in discussing the Whitehorse Middle School incident, showed the qualities that Madison needs in its leaders. He made a decision based on facts while keeping two concepts in his brain at the same time. He respected the emotions of people who have a history of being marginalized, but  based his decisions on facts. Instead of jerking his knee to the perpetually aggrieved and their guilt prone enablers, he made a decision only after examining the report of Child Protective Services, witness statements, medical records, the schools use of force policies, and video surveillance of the incident.
    Doesn’t Madison deserve similar leadership from its school board members and superintendent?  Two concepts presently are competing in our schools: Teaching and learning cannot take place in chaotic classrooms and children who continually disrupt need help. At present, school administrators seem able to deal with one concept only. They are choosing to favor the disrupters. Though some disrupters improve by using a smiley face/frowny face behavior sheet, or the admonition to “make a better choice buddy”, others continue to be so disruptive as to severely compromise the learning of others. Isn’t it time for a leader who can ensure safe and disruption free classrooms,by removing the repeat disrupters to a facility that truly might help them? A real leader is one who can deal with more than one concept.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. madisonexpat

    You ain’t seen nothing yet. There is an increasing number of young racists being taught that they get rewarded for racial insults, obscenities and aggression. All racists will see a lot of RAYcism here.
    This is not racial, it IS tribal. One tribe can behave badly,fail to learn and prevent others from learning. Why is that Madison? Why now?
    Parents, why would you expose your kids to this?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. coolkevs

      because Evers won’t expand the school choice program and Queen of Peace is pricy


  4. Cornelius Gotchberg

    ”Some members of our community have coupled this information with their own experience, DRAWING CONCLUSIONS THAT ARE SIMPLY WRONG” (bolds/caps mine)

    Whaddya bet Mommy & Gammy’s main concern is their anticipated payday getting derailed? Another easy money bet: think the 11 year old child has a, shall we say, pattern of behavior?

    Serious question; is it policy that yer supposed to call CPS to deal with feral youth outbreaks in MMSD facilities? What are they trained/equipped to do…take notes and make recommendations?

    Wouldn’t SRO’s be better equipped/trained to handle this type of…um…incident?

    Or should the self-segregated Community handle things in their own way?

    Can hardly wait to see how the UNJustified Anger plays out.

    The Gotch


  5. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Positive Behavior Coach received “specific training” in how to deescalate “situations.”

    What kind of training do you’s think the 11 year-old has received from Mommy & Gammy, who are watching their much hoped for and anticipated BIG payday go up in smoke?

    Mommy says child has learned about White Supremacy at an early age.

    CPS should have been called…they still SHOULD be called…to investigate the child’s home environment!

    The Gotch


  6. Ken Miller

    This is why my children attend St. Maria Goretti. There, they can learn, and this type of behavior is not tolerated by the teachers, administration, and most importantly, the parents. This is also why every student I have spoke to who leaves SMG and goes to Memorial is shocked by the behavior of many of the students, as well as how easy the academics are. No wonder, the teachers spend too much time on discipline and not enough time teaching.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Penrod

      Sounds like the teachers aren’t allowed to spend enough time on discipline! The need ought to be minimal, and eventually would be if the SJW’s weren’t working against it.

      It seems to me that once-legitimate criticisms have long since degenerated into outright mental illness and power seeking. The idea that the Madison schools are filled with virulently racist white supremicist teachers and admin doesn’t rise to the level of a polite response.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. […] support coach did nothing wrong. Our mixed-race district attorney agreed. The allegers were “drawing conclusions that are simply wrong,” he […]


  8. […] “Where does the Whitehorse middle school teacher go to get his reputation back.” Peter […]
