Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Obsessed with ‘Equity’ but not voters

Under furious pursuit, Democrats on the wagon train
are throwing dead weight over the side!

There comes a time, as life’s movie reel spools to its end, when one exclaims, in the shock of sudden awareness, “My God! What Have I Done?!” as did the colonel played by Alec Guinness in Bridge On the River Kwai.

One likes to think the despots of history reached a similar catharsis before their demise, Hitler in his bunker, Gaddafi in the drain pipe, Ted Bundy in the chair. But not everyone is given the gift of total consciousness at their denouement, like the Dalai Lama promised Carl Spackler.

Liberal columnist Nicholas Kristof isn’t waiting for the grim reaper. He is up in Sunday’s New York Times with a full confession, signed and notarized. “What have we liberals done to the West coast?

As Democrats make their case to voters around the country this fall, one challenge is that some of the bluest parts of the country — cities on the West coast — are a mess.

Well, not just San Francisco, Portland, and Seattle, Nick Kristof. Just ask Donald Trump about Milwaukee! Kristof talks about a Freedom Fund that bailed out a woman beater who qualified for the free pass because he was “of color.” Once again at large, the perp finished the job on his girl friend (also “of color”). Sound familiar, Madison? You want culture wars?

Oregon took money from the tight education budget to put tampons in boys’ restrooms in elementary schools — including kindergartens.

 Biden trails in every voter poll

for policy reasons, not just his addled age. Here in Wisconsin, the Left’s antipathy toward “the carceral state” is making Shawshank prison look enlightened. Dane County dithered replacing its own Sing Sing and doubled the costs in so doing and are still building it too small!

•  New York City considered a congestion fee — because fewer workers are risking unsafe public transit.

•  Transferring college loan repayments from grievance study majors to hard-working blue collar workers is class warfare — and an insult. 

•  Progressive, cancel-culture universities like Harvard, Penn, Columbia, and UCLA are credibly accused of anti-semitism, less so here at UW-Madison (but not completely). 

•  Women are fighting back to reclaim their sports from media-valorized trans-men. 

• Woke schools fear reporting weapons in backpacks if the student is the disproportionate demographic. (Aw, hell! Let’s just say it! If the kid is black.)

•  Throwing money at the economy in the name of all that is Covid succeeded only in cheapening the dollar and wrecking municipal budgets, including Madison’s.  

•  As a public accounting looms on November 5, Democrats are desperate to close the borders. Eight suspected terrorists with possible ISIS ties were arrested after crossing the U.S. southern border from Tajikistan. Tajikistan! (Can you even get there from here?)

Blaska’s Bottom Line: As death forces a reckoning; so does looming electoral defeat. Democrats — some of them, anyway — sense they are electing Donald Trump. For all his faults, stupidity isn’t one of them.

Pull the fire alarm!

Is Jamaal Bowman the real face of the Democrat(ic) party?

4 responses to “Obsessed with ‘Equity’ but not voters”

  1. westsidesue

    Love the porch painting. At least you have good taste in art. I like that about you. Anyhoooo, when the chickens come home to roost, it’s usually sundown. I’m not sure, in this case, though, if we can put on our slippers and kick back in the recliner just yet. It’s like trying to clear a house of squishy rodents who can have babies faster than you can fork out dollars for an exterminator.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Is Jamaal Bowman the real face of the Democrat(ic) party?”

    On the subject of the Forgiven Felon (falsely pulling a fire alarm is a misdemeanor, obstructing an official proceeding would be a federal felony charge), who’s getting smackdaddied in the polls, is engaged in a hilariously high profile HISSY FIT with Hillarity NEW JOWLS Clinton.

    Lefty-on -Lefty Cage Match…DIG IT!

    The Gotch


  3. Marginal

    Thanks David, good article! You voiced what many are thinking.


  4. madisonexpat

    “Sometimes there is no getting through to the highly perceptive,”

    P.J. O’Rourke


What do you think?