Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Tag: Scott Walker

  • The latest Democrat(ic) hoax: voter repression

    Ramming speed! Since the demise of Build Back Better, our Progressive … acquaintances have moved past Doomsday for the Planet. Like weirdos on street corners, they now predict The End of Democracy As We Know It! Republicans are going to steal our elections and put Bull Connor or some other segregationist Democrat on a postage…

  • Let’s invade Michigan’s Upper Peninsula!

    Now, while we’ve got the muscle! Irredentism most noble  Thank you, Donald Trump, for voicing what We Deplorables have been thinking for Lo these many years. The United States must have Greenland! It is our manifest destiny. Go northeast, young man! To a new time zone! Denmark is playing tough in the negotiations. Trump should…

  • Official Madison’s war on diversity

    No thousand points of light here! One sees those “DIVERSITY” stickers on every other Prius bumper here in the Emerald City. But Madison is a community that demands rigid conformity to the approved liberal dogma. Stray off the plantation and fear the consequences. Fear being called a racist for running against an incumbent alderman, who is…

  • Or we could boycott the N.Y. Times

    More than mere opinion, the NY Times espouses political action for partisan gain without having to report their in-kind political campaign contribution! If there’s one thing the mainstream news media fears more than paying news paper deliverers a living wage, it is the threat of an economic boycott.  But that doesn’t stop the New York…

  • Scott Walker will sign special session bills

    Will Gov. Walker veto the “power grab” legislation enacted last week by the Republican legislature. No. That was never going to happen. We said that the optics of that legislation was horrible. The national liberal news media got way out ahead of the Republicans with accusations of “anti-democratic power grab,” “lame duck” and other epithets.…

  • Dems blame poor legislative showing on those damn maps

    Here there be dragons! After last week’s election, our liberal-progressive-socialist acquaintances are pouting. They finally unseated that Republican golem, Scott Walker, but still lost the state legislature to Republicans. Got to be cheating! What else would explain the imbalance except that ol’ devil Gerry Mander? How can Democrats sweep the statewide offices but lose 63…