“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Tag: Koval

  • Subscribe to Chief Koval’s blog

    Police Chief Mike Koval is the brightest political figure in Madison who doesn’t work at the state capitol. Putting out the day’s police log via his on-line blog is genius in a bottle. He had been sending the recap to the mayor and common council members ever since the night from hell April 27 when…

  • An impertinent question: peer support for the Culver’s burglary victims?

    Will the Focused Interruption Team be contacting the Chris Kneubuehl family in the wake of his death during an armed robbery at the Culver’s restaurant? Madison’s elected alders recently awarded $75,000 to address “racial disparities, violence, and division between communities.” The money was ear-marked for funeral arrangements, temporary housing, bus passes, food cards, smartphones, and…

  • Madison residents appreciate their police as shootings proliferate, Council dawdles

    “These acts of graciousness go a very long way of giving us a booster shot and we certainly need it.” — Police Chief Mike Koval photos and video by Norm Sannes You know, when we sit at the greeting table and shake hands with each of the officers and thank them, they — to a person —…

  • The people spoke, the Council did the right thing by its police chief

    Congratulations, people! We did it! A rare victory! Your e-mails, your comments and your testimony persuaded the Madison Common Council to do the right thing and recompense Police Chief Koval for all of the $21,953 he ran up defending himself against laughably frivolous charges that he called someone acting like a raging lunatic “a raging…

  • Chief Mike Koval was just fined $22,000

      UPDATE: Mayor Soglin and Ald. Skidmore have introduced a measure to reimburse Police Chief Mike Koval for the $22,000 he spent defending himself before the Police and Fire Commisson. The Madison Police and Fire Commission finally — FINALLY! — ruled on the Progressive Dane/Sharon Irwin complaint against Police Chief Mike Koval. (The PFC heard…