Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Faking a hate crime is a hate crime

Progressives wrote Althea Bernstein’s lie.

One of life’s enduring mysteries is how a con artist like Al Sharpton gets a news and commentary program on cable television (albeit MSNBC). Sharpton promoted the Tawana Brawley hoax, which destroyed careers and prompted a suicide. The race huckster has never apologized for it. Far from it, his flogging of that fake hate crime launched a career worth millions of dollars. (Pay your taxes, Al.) 

Everyone connected to the Althea Bernstein hoax needs to apologize, starting with the young woman herself. She won’t heal — Madison won’t heal — until she makes a public confession of her guilt and begs our forgiveness.

Until then, we call on U.S. District Attorney Scott Blader to prosecute. Althea Bernstein is an adult. She knew what she was doing. She with malice aforethought fanned the flames of racial hatred as surely as any Klansman. 

So must Michael Johnson apologize. He is the Bernstein family’s spokesman and CEO of the Boys and Girls Club. Madison’s Al Sharpton. Said he couldn’t think of a more obvious example of a hate crime.

“Here’s a young lady that was minding her own business and somebody decided to set her on fire, and it’s unacceptable,” Johnson said. “Somebody tried to cause bodily harm because of the color of their skin.”

So must Madison Mayor Satya atone for her official statement that “This is a horrifying and absolutely unacceptable crime that I will not tolerate in Madison.”

So must Capital Times emeritus editor Dave Zweifel, who swallowed the improbable tale whole and — incredibly! — in a nakedly partisan attack blamed Republican legislators for condemning the riots that night [06-23/24-2020] but for “saying nary a word about the white guys who threw lighter fluid in the face of a Black young woman stopped at a traffic light and set her afire.”

So must former Progressive magazine editor Ruth Coniff: “Worst of all was the horrifying attack on Althea Bernstein, a bright, loving young woman …” In forgiving her attackers, Coniff wrote, “Bernstein’s open-heartedness seems almost superhuman.”  

So must the two most stupid people in the United Kingdom, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who signaled their privileged wokeness by promoting this obvious deception.

So must Good Morning America, which aired a sympathetic interview with the non-victim. So must Wisconsin Public Radio and other “news” outlets who reported the lurid fable without even the hedge word “allegedly.” Their eager credulity fed hyperbole like this one:

“Attack on Althea Bernstein seems linked to Boogaloo Boys”

Althea Bernstein: ‘F* * * these white people.’

Some were never fooled

A few weeks after this non-crime, Blaska Policy Werkes concluded that “This hoax is for progressive folks.” (Only in the English language would “hoax” rhyme with “folks.”) It never passed the smell test for a host of reasons — the four frat boys on a shut-down campus — carrying charcoal lighter fluid down State Street!, the lighter that stayed lit, the 24/7 cameras coming up empty, etc. All on the same night of the riot in Downtown Madison that tore down statues and tried to immolate the City-County Building.

We wrote then, after Jussie Smollett, that some of us have learned to hold our fire until the facts are in. After Michael Brown (“Hands up, don’t shoot”) was found to be an urban myth five years ago. It’s why kids in Madison public schools make up stories about racial hate, like that bratty girl at Whitehorse middle school who got Mr. Rob fired. Even the Breonna Taylor and Jacob Blake stories are crumbling.

These narratives are critical to BLM/Antifa/Progressive Dane and other Marxists to Defund the Police, to Derail the Jail, to demonize white people, and to excuse criminality.

Racism works both ways

Michael Johnson was correct about one thing: “This is an escalation of racial tensions felt all across the country,” he said when he was promoting a story he so desperately wanted to believe. To convince people that America is racist, as Dennis Prager said, you have to fake it.

Blaska’s Bottom LineSadly, progressives yearn to believe any cockamamie story that alleges the worst about America. Their AmeriKKKa is irredeemably, institutionally racist. (1619 Project, anyone?) No wonder impressionable people like young Ms. Bernstein try to become heroes by pretending to be victims.

Should Althea be prosecuted?


62 responses to “Faking a hate crime is a hate crime”

  1. Bill

    I think she should. Actions have consequences.

    In a perfect society all people are held to the same standard. All are judged in the same manner. The consequences of their actions are equal in nature.

    Many have held that in the past for whatever reason there have been some in society that escape the consequences of their action based on the color of their skin, their race, their religion, their families identity within their race, (think the Italian or Sicilian Mafia), their political affiliation or their socio-economic status within the society that they live in.

    All these things were correctly decried as being wrong as no one should be held to a different standard than the rest of society and no one should be above the law. That these things were an example of racism, sexism and elitism just to name a few, within our society. And I would agree with that notion.

    However, we now live in an age where people think that because of their race or political affiliation they can get away damn near anything they want to do to include rioting, looting, burning down whole city blocks and tearing down statutes of abolitionists.

    These actions are all bought and paid for by the richest of the rich on the left and co-sponsored by those in the media who are also bought and paid for by the same rich on the left who will parrot anything they are told to parrot in order to get a paycheck no matter how wrong it is.

    This is also backed up by those in government at all levels and those in universities and public schools all across this once free country.

    This all makes me so sad. It reminds me of the Adagio from Rachmaninov – Symphony No. 2 Op. 27 III. which is his love song to his native Russia as it collapsed into the nightmare of the communist revolution and the horrors that followed it.

    If after listening to this while thinking about what is going on in our country today does not bring tears to your eye’s, then you are deaf to what is really going on in this country and people that I love.

    God please forgive us. God please forgive us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amos Roe

      Bill, thank you for that post. The only thing I’d disagree with is the idea that “these actions are bought and paid for by the richest of the rich on the left.” On the surface, this is true (Soros/Zuckerberg/Besos etc.) But in reality I think it’s the poor who are actually footing the real bill in a much more meaningful way. See my comments regarding Dylan Brogan’s 8/25 excellent report on the State St riots entitled “No Bad Protesters. No Good Cops.”
      (which I read only after David called attention to it in his blog.)

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Serendipity

      Bill: Calm yourself. Related trivia… Frederick Chopin wrote his fiery “Revolutionary Etude” for piano while living in Paris during the early 19th century. The catalyst was the Russian invasion of his native Poland. An angry and noble piece.


      1. Bill


        Thanks for the excellent suggestion. I will have to listen to it as soon as I get done listening to Schubert’s Serenade that I am currently listening to as I write this.


      2. Amos Roe

        Actually I think you may be confusing that etude – which which was subtitled by someone else – with his Polonaise in Ab, Op 53. Listen to the middle section in E, which depicts the Polish cavalry coming over the hill!


        1. Serendipity

          Amos, The so-called “Revolutionary Etude” in C minor, opus 10 no. 12 is an actual Etude, not a polonaise. A polonaise is a slow, stately dance. They were often performed in early 19th century European drawing rooms. Chopin wrote amazing polonaises.


  2. Bill

    And speaking of the Polish cavalry, has anyone seen this on youtube? Poland crushes the Soviet invasion on Europe, 1920 * Europe saved from the nightmare of GUlag

    A great watch as it shows just how perilously close we came to having Communism take over Europe and perhaps the rest of the world in 1920.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amos Roe

      Serendipity, sorry, but speaking as a piano teacher, I think you may be confused. Anyway, just check out his Op 53 and you will hear what I mean regarding the middle section. This was first brought to my attention back in the 70’s by some fantastic performer, forget his name, who gave a performance entitled “Chopin Lives.” The whole program was an account of his life, spoken in the first person, which of course was filled with his music, all impeccably played. It was one of the most memorable performances I’ve ever heard. His intro to this particular piece involved an account of a Polish home being invaded by Russian (not Communist) troops, where the last surviving resister in the house was an old man (doctor I think) who positioned himself down in a chair with two loaded pistols. That was his final resistance. Then the Polonaise in Ab (NOT a slow stately dance in this case) was played. The hairs on my arms are raised just thinking about this.
      OK, enough wonkish music talk, not fair to hijack David’s blog too far afield by dangling meat in front of a dog. Stop it. 🙂


      1. Serendipity

        Amos, I am not confused. You were confusing Chopin’s C minor Etude with his “Military” Polonaise in A flat major, opus 53? As dances, polonaises had a march-like cadence to them…processional. I took piano lessons for five years. I’ve listened to the Opus 53 often. Yes, we should not wander off topic, but I will not be called “confused”.


        1. Amos Roe



        2. Serendipity

          Correcting my above post: Chopin’s “Military” Polonaise is Opus 40, no. 1 in A Major. His Polonaise in A-flat major, opus 53 is a different composition of genius.


    2. Amos Roe

      “Soviet invasion on Europe?” Don’t need to watch it to know that it must be another case of bad propaganda if it indeed this watch “shows just how perilously close we came to having Communism take over Europe and perhaps the rest of the world in 1920.”

      Yes, the Bolsheviks were intent on overthrowing the capitalist system in Europe, but their sights were largely focused on fomenting a worker uprising in Germany, which they deemed as ripe for revolution due to its advanced industrial state and the consequences of WWI.
      Meanwhile, it was the West which was attacking Soviet Russia in an attempt to overthrow the Bolshevik regime. This failed because of Trotsky’s military acumen and the West’s exhaustion from WWI in making the kind of effort success would have required. For an excellent detailed and balanced analysis of this extremely important event in modern history, see Wikipedia’s “Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War.”
      Then Lenin died in 1923, s power struggle ensued which ended up with Stalin taking power and Trotsky being exiled. They were sworn enemies and Stalin finally succeeded in doing Trotsky in, although the Fourth International survives to this day and has virtually no adherents at all.

      Stalin, one of the most brutal dictatorships in history, and zero interest in spreading communism throughout the west. Period. All he wanted was absolute personal power and was willing and capable – thanks to the ideological foundations of Bolshevism – to do anything to retain it.

      After that, I think that it is western imperialism (including Hitler, whose sights were on invading Soviet Russia and who had no interest in going to war with England) which defines almost the last 100 yrs of modern history. Vietnam and US brutality in Central America doing the 80’s were just causes in a struggle against “Communism”? I see much more threat to this country from totalitarianism coming from within, starting with our schools and of course our unbelievably powerful modern media.

      Relentless propaganda, appealing to ignorant fear, is a powerful thing and I think we are paying for it in spades.

      Just my two cents and signing off now, as it seems that further discussion on this issue pretty much always just turns into a massive time suck with no productive results.


      1. Bill


        You are entitled to your opinion. History on the other hand teaches us a far different lesson. The people of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany would all beg to differ with you.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Gg Mo

          Have you read Gerry Docherty and Jim Macgregor’s “Hidden History”. James Corbett has a riveting 3 part doc. on the subject at Corbett Report (“Why/How Big Oil Conquered the World” , etc fame) massive, Sourced ,documentaton w/ that guy)


        2. Gg Mo

          * WWI


  3. georgessson

    I almost forgot this one…. Wonder what happened after Ben Shapiro called it out….

    HATE CRIME HOAX: Oregon Politician Claimed He Received Racist Letter. He Wrote It To Himself.


  4. One of THOSE

    In other news, Devonere Johnson was sprung from jail. Supposed to stay home at all times and wear GPS. Good luck with that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. georgessson

      Agree, but it’s better than nuthin’ (RE: Dane County & limitless “bail-jumpin’…) If’n he messes up, he’s likely to be back in stir.


  5. sleeperd

    ‘Another Smollett Hoax’? Police Find ABC’s ‘Hate Crime’ Story Is FAKE NEWS
    Tim Graham
    October 4th, 2020 10:52 PM


    1. Gg Mo

      What do Smollerr and Berstein have in common , besides hoaxing “


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        They’re both mixed race, and they (IMO) have been conditioned to hate their EVIL White side.

        Why? It compromises the ability to monetize/commodify an easily exploitable VictimHoodie persona.

        The Gotch


        1. Gg Mo

          Why is it that when it’s convenient to one narrative one can say “white” , or to another “jewish” ? I had a friend (I had moved several years ago, and returned recently) of an identical composition, who I discovered had of late , called on “white allies” to link arms to protect the rioting black protesters; to stand at the frontlines, and sacrifice themselves to any heat the PO might try to inflict on the rioters. I have noticed also that alot of the “white” guilt and ownership of “white privelege” on display by “liberal” academia etc. comes from people who, out of the other side of their mouths pronounce their pride in their Jewishness and their solidarity (Holocaust 75 years ago) with their fellow “victims”, the “slaves” (155 years ago). They support “immigration” to the US ,but never call out the ethno-state , right-of-return to Isarel, politics of their leaders like Pelosi , who has said , “I have said to people when they ask me, If this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain would be our commitment to our aid, I don’t even call it our aid, our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we are.” Israeli American Council National Conference 2018
          Schumer was there as well. “If this Capital crumbled to the ground…”


  6. JoBu

    I read the entire police report. Whatever happened to her happened either inside her boyfriend’s apartment or outside her boyfriend’s apartment. There is a very telling part of the report where the police inform her that there is no evidence that corroborates her story and that they know her injuries didn’t happen as they said she happened. She asks the police officer if they found any security footage outside of her boyfriend’s apartment. When the officer says “No” that there was no video footage found outside her boyfriend’s apartment, she goes right back to being 100% sure that frat boys threw lighter fluid on her.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Very interesting!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. pANTIFArts

        Like I said —-WHOOOMP!!!!


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg


      The Gotch


  7. Dexter

    Should Althea be prosecuted?

    It wasn’t enough for poor Althea to tell her hate crime lie on Good Morning America or to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. Or to then headline her lies through a bullhorn at the night-time BLM protests/riots on the square.

    Now, poor misunderstood Althea made a TikToc video “When police be making up stories in your case report” that she thinks is funny.

    Please forward to any friend in MPD and US Attorney’s office. I doubt they’ll be amused.

    See Facebook video here:
    If link doesn’t work, raw video is here:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. pANTIFArts

      Fame is a drug. She went from anonymity to world figure. She is equating the closing of her case with the end of official scrutiny. She now feels free to use any means necessary in order to stay in the spotlight. If she is not held to account, this behavior will continue, and she will take her place in the Hall Of Fame for the “cause”.


  8. […] changed since the James Comey’s FBI went after Michael Flynn (after setting him up)? (“Faking a hate crime IS a hate crime.”) After all, the young woman’s spokesman, Michael Johnson said at the time (in order […]
