‘The Homecoming’ by N.C. Wyeth

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


When we said ‘Defund the Police’ …

We didn’t actually mean ‘Defund’!

Who could have predicted the war on cops would result in more crime?

The Sunday New York Times landed with a thud on the pavement leading to Stately Blaska Manor, home to the head groundskeeper of the Blaska Policy Werkes. 

“America is ungovernable,” it states. Now they tell us! We’re guessing the (failing) New York Times has espied some polling that shows Trump winning. Or that its editors have returned from two days in Chicago, Portland, Baltimore, or Minneapolis, where the George Floyd riots started.

You may remember back in June (seems like years ago!) the Twinkie City’s council unanimously to completely gut its police department and replace it with an undefined “Community Safety and Violence Prevention Department.” This pious progressive posturing was publicly proposed on a Wednesday and passed unanimously on a Friday. No public hearings. That’s life in a Progressive utopia.

Readers will never guess what happened next: “a surge in gun violence.”

⇒ “Police stats shows spread of violent crime across Minneapolis this summer.”

Again Saturday night at Vets Museum
Again Saturday 09-25-2020 at the Veterans Museum, Madison WI

Always the last place you look

Another local news outlet reports: “With violent crime on the rise in Minneapolis alders are now asking Where are the police?

The meeting was slated as a Minneapolis City Council study session on police reform. But council members told police Chief Medaria Arradondo that their constituents are seeing and hearing street racing which sometimes results in crashes, brazen daylight carjackings, robberies, assaults, and shootings.

“Residents are asking, ‘Where are the police’?”

Sound familiar, Mayor Satya?

Progressives speak for the minority community

They just don’t represent them very well. The New York Times attests:

Cathy Spann, a community activist who works in North Minneapolis, which is home to many of the city’s Black residents … is in favor of more police officers. “They didn’t engage Black and brown people,” Ms. Spann said, referring to the City Council members. … Instead you leave this community and me unsafe.”

Now, one of those unanimous Minneapolis council members tells the Times he meant the No Cops legislation only “in spirit.” Another contends it was “up for interpretation.” Oooh! 

Blaska’s Thin Blue Bottom LineThe Policy Werkes hereby interprets progressives in every city as “ungovernable.”

By how much do YOU think Madison will defund its police?


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18 responses to “When we said ‘Defund the Police’ …”

  1. gorwell

    Always remember: wealthy, well connected people (mostly white, but being rich and/or connected is the most important factor) will ALWAYS have some kind of security and protection. It’s the POOR, invisible and unwashed masses, and who are usually mostly POC, who suffer the most with fewer police.



    1. Amos Roe

      Such a simple truth. But when you live in a city of self-centered and
      entitled elites, whose entire sense of justice is how it makes them feel
      about themselves, that understanding is always just too far a row to hoe.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gary Kriewald

        “… whose entire sense of justice is how it makes them feel about themselves” and whose entire understanding of the concept of justice can be expressed by planting a BLM sign on their carefully manicured lawns.


    2. John Popanz

      Gorwell, there’s also a lot of ‘poor, invisible, and unwashed masses’ who are not POC and we suffer as well. But we’re NOT rioting and we’re not being ‘represented’


      1. gorwell

        Oh, I agree. My comment was a bit ham fisted and inarticulate. It’s definitely those of lesser means who need a strong and “present” police force, and that certainly includes a lot of whites, too. Since the wealthy and elites will always manage to have their own security, either by private means (or in the case of egocentric SJW politicians, as provided by government), as Amos Roe says above, their “entire sense of justice is how it makes them feel about themselves” and why they can be so cavalier in removing the very police presence that those in poor neighborhoods so desperately need. It’s truly shameful, but then again, they have no shame.


  2. Alfred E. Newman

    Where have Police Department budgets already been cut? Aren’t they still operating under last fiscal years funding? Seems it could be some police, like republican politicians don’t want to do the job they’re paid to do. Just taking and looking forward to that potential “disability” Golden Parachute.


    1. Amy

      Disability is no golden parachute, from one who knows. Further, PTSD is a diagnosis that I fear many of our officers nationwide will suffer if they haven’t already.

      Liked by 5 people

    2. madisonexpat

      So you are against defunding the police?

      Liked by 1 person

    3. John Popanz

      You sir, seem to be delusional, but that’s just a laymans opinion.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Laymen display Horse Sense, John.

        Lefties egest Horse $#!t!

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

        1. John Popanz

          Well Gotch, having grown up on a farm with work horses they seemed, in retrospect to have a lot of horse sense..

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Which County/Township?

          The Gotch


        3. richard lesiak

          off topic.


        4. John Popanz

          Rock County / Magnolia Township. Thanks for asking

          Liked by 1 person

        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Passed through there many-a-time; the northern edge of the Rock Prairie?

          The Day’s Feed Service (Brodhead) people were long-time clients.

          The Gotch


  3. Good Dog,Happy Man

    “This pious progressive posturing was publicly proposed on a Wednesday and passed unanimously on a Friday. No public hearings. That’s life in a Progressive ‘paradise’.”

    Nice. Those ps really pop.


  4. Please protect the graffiti and keep it where it is. It definitely explains where this city comes from! Cover it with plexiglass


    1. Batman

      People on the street are calling the plywood scribbles, “Satya art.”
      Impressive legacy of the Big Boss.

      Liked by 1 person