Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Blaska reveals shameful photograph

Cultural appropriation?

Blackface once was an entertainment industry trope. Al Jolson’s Jazz Singer is the most notable example. 

Not that many decades after the old minstrel shows, Fred Astaire (in Swing Time), Shirley Temple, and Judy Garland went black, too. Some critics regard their performances as being culturally respectful. Laurence Olivier did Othello in blackface, although one supposes it’s not a requirement. Others were more in the Amos n’ Andy vein, painful to see through today’s eyes.

Wikipedia lists 300 entertainers performing in blackface, among them Frank Sinatra, Paul Muni, David Niven, Mickey Rooney, and Carroll O’Connor! Ken Burns’ don’t-miss series on country music shares still photographs of some early stars posing in blackface right alongside actual African-Americans.  (A recent blog reproduced one of Joan Crawford but child psychologists have petitioned Blaska Policy Werkes not repeat that image.)

Going Orange for Trump

Lest The Capital Times get even with its severest (and most well intentioned) critic, the CEO of Blaska Policy Werkes and occasional Trump apologist concludes that it is better to get out in front of bad news than to react to it. Therefore, we reproduce this shameless photograph, taken at a past Wisconsin Republican Party convention, wherein Blaska tried to ingratiate himself to the delegates by appearing in Orange-face.

Anyone remember Dan Ackroyd in Trading Places? It seemed to make sense in the context of the movie. So did Robert Downey Jr. in Rolling Thunder. How is Billy Crystal going to parody Sammy Davis Jr. — a personage who invites parody — if not darkening skin and pomading hair? But he was criticized for doing so anyway. How does one categorize Eddie Murphy doing “Buckwheat” from the Little Rascals?
All those named so far did blackface in the context of art. Ted Danson at that private party, not so much. But we notice he’s still working.

⇒ Rosanne Barr should be so lucky. But then, she suffers from the wrong politics.

Canada in a dither

Comment, respond, what do you thinkAll of which is to say that Justin Trudeau has company, although he is the first head of state to be caught up in today’s Gotcha! culture. The widely shared photograph of Hillary in blackface is Fake News. The next best Gotcha! is Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, who seems to have disappeared from view. He’s a Democrat, if that helps.

Trudeau is also the first to be captured in brown-face. That’s a new one. Elizabeth Warren claimed to be Native American, but she never put on the warpaint (DAVID!!!) or appeared in red-face.

We have no doubt that the researchers at the New York Times and CNN are pouring through the archives in search of images of Donald Trump at his prep school re-enacting Gone With the Wind — perhaps in the role of Prissy, who ain’t never birthed no babies. Especially now that a federal judge has blocked their inquiry into his past tax returns. There’s got to be something. That Russia thing backfired bad.

Rochester? Or Brett Kavanaugh?

Blaska’s Bottom Line: We expect the New York Times to come out Sunday with a 3,000-page essay on how various Democratic operatives remember seeing Brett Kavanaugh doing a grade-school impersonation of Jack Benny’s butler, Rochester.

What do YOU think?


6 responses to “Blaska reveals shameful photograph”

  1. Tom Paine

    And the photo is?

    Some poor bloke taking it in the……arsx as though there is consensus about the highest order of human experience?


  2. Gary L. Kriewald

    “Context” is one of the left’s favorite terms … until they find it used–deservedly–against them as you do so ably here. You can be sure that they’re going through every one of those 300 Wikipedia entries to see how many they can add to their list of degenerate art (and artists)m which they can then piously declare off limits to the rest of us. Goebbels would be proud. Speaking of Buckwheat (the original, not Eddie Murphy’s impersonation). I remember watching–and loving– reruns of the Little Rascals on TV as a kid. I don’t remember a single instance of Buckwheat being ridiculed, shamed or marginalized because of his race; nor was he obliged to act in a “stereotypical” manner. Come to think of it, including a black character in a series from the 1930s is pretty remarkable in itself.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. N.Y. Business

    Racist pricks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Thanks. Come again.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @N.Y. Business;

      “Racist pricks”

      Whaaaaaat? Have Ralph Northam, Justin Trudeau, Jabberin’ Joe Biden, Hillarity, Ayanna Pressley, Ali Muldrow, et al, been lurking about?

      The Gotch


    3. I put a “Like” to (send him your best) because it illustrates perfectly the progressive penchant for name-calling and vitriol rather than facts and argument.
