Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


The ruling on the field is confirmed: Kavanaugh is safe at home

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Is l’affaire Kavanaugh where identity politics hits its apogee before crashing to earth? Democrats, is everyone a victim? Why does the Left misrepresent that the protestors represent ALL WOMEN?

Anyone else think Brett Kavanaugh is going to surprise his adversaries and disappoint his supporters in his first few rulings from the bench? He won’t be David Souter but neither will he be Roger Taney.

Guess who witnessed Brett Kavanaugh’s oath of office Saturday evening as the idiots were acting out on the steps of the Supreme Court building: Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Elena Kagan! The last two, as liberal as they come. Retired Justice Kennedy also participated in welcoming his replacement.

Who are the Senate heroes of the confirmation process? Would you have guessed Susan Collins, Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell, and Jeff Flake? Yes, Jeff Flake, whose demand for another FBI probe stripped the last remaining fig leaf from Democrat(ic) obstructionism. (“What’s important is what is not in the report”!!!! — Diane Feinstein.) The Squire wants no more prattle about RINOs from the cheap seats.

MSNBC reporters described the small protest in front of the Supreme Court building in terms not heard since the storming of the Bastille. In Madison WI it would be called Saturday afternoon.

Fox News carried Lindsay Graham’s floor speech live but switched to talking heads while Diane Feinstein (DiFi) spoke. Classless. Hooray for C-Span2.

We turned away from MSNBC’s Chris Matthews when he interviewed Al Sharpton. Believe all women? Tawana Brawley hoax, anyone? Bill Clinton, what say you?

Repeat after me, school boarder Dean Loumos, county boarder Sharon Corrigan, and hizzoner Paul Soglin:

The sergeant at arms will restore order.
The sergeant at arms will restore order.
The sergeant at arms will restore order.
The sergeant at arms will restore order.

One more time: Susan Collin’s address Friday was devoid of rhetorical flourishes. No “Tear down this wall.” No “fear itself,” “I’ve been to the mountain,” or “ask nots.” But her well reasoned exposition built relentlessly to the same kind of dramatic punch as those other speeches. It will be studied by future generations.

Rip off the bandage stupid? Didn’t realize the House of Reps had a judiciary committee, also. Its ranking Democrat, Jerold Nadler of New York, promises to reopen the investigation into charges against Kavanaugh if voters give his party a majority on November 6. Republicans, pass the word!

Nadler described the impeachment of Bill Clinton as a “partisan railroad job” and held hearings on impeaching George W. Bush.


Republicans want Chuck Grassley to hold hearings to ferret out
which lawmaker leaked Christine Blasey Ford’s name to the news media. The chairman says he’d rather put these past two weeks in the rear view mirror.


More importantly: Will the Brew Crew lose two in the mile-high city so the indentured servants at Blaska Stately Manor can catch the deciding game Wednesday at Miller Park? Does anyone know?


47 responses to “The ruling on the field is confirmed: Kavanaugh is safe at home”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Also deserving of mention?

    Lefty hero-du-jour porn shyster/@hankdog/old baldy FAVE/2020 democrat POTUS hopeful Michael Avenatti for giving a voice to grifter/criminal/lunatic Julie Swetnik.

    This is what you’s get when you’s drag a $100 bill through a psyche ward.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Kevin Wymore

    In a spirit of continuous improvement, could the Senate perhaps consider perjury charges against accusers making evidence-free gang rape statements? That would help make the nomination process great again.


    1. richard lesiak

      I hop[e they do. Then we move from a hearing to a trail. Whole different ballgame. They would never risk it. The scam worked so they won’t rock the boat now.


      1. richard lesiak

        trial. Better fix it now before gotch writes 5000 words about it.


  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Can you’s smell it?

    No, not Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore’s Napalm In The Morning or Joel Goodsen’s (Tom Cruise in “Risky Business”) dog$#!t.


    Lefty and Le Resistance yet again did not have a Plan B. And just like with their mightily epic Casey At The Bat whiffs in 2016 election and the Russian Probe, they’re left to scratch their collective keisters while suckin’ hind teat!

    Stephen Colbert writer Ariel Dum@$$ provides us with a marvelous example of what happens when misdirected anger and monumentally moronic finger-pointing are coupled with being a deranged Lefty: EPIC FAIL!!!

    Quoth the talented Ms. Dum@$$: Whatever happens, I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life

    Seemed like a good idea at the time? Probably. After time for reflection, and an instantaneous tsunami of reality?

    Not so much.

    WOW! Stephen Colbert writer so ASHAMED of Kavanaugh tweet she deletes it and LOCKS DOWN

    SUCKS to be a Lefty!

    The Gotch


  4. madisonexpat

    Next nominee is on deck.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “Next nominee is on deck.”

      Not so fast there. To no one’s surprise, the rapidly declining RBG has the unequivocal support of Mensan Brain Trustee @richard lesiak.

      Matter-a-fact, he claims she can curl more than The Gotch.

      This means that at a bare minimum she can curl 4 times as much as the spaghetti-armed donut maker because…welp…just because.

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        RBG confirmed 96-3 best ever in history of the court. She’s a justice and your an “independent contractor” delivering newspapers. Big talk from a fraud that hides behind made up names. I think you write under gotch, batman and zoltar. Multiple personality disorder?


  5. Grassley and Blaska combine to bury Truth, Justice, and the American Way under a baseball stadium. I’m sure they’re proud.


    1. AnonyBob

      Do tell more, Dad.


    2. madisonexpat

      Truth is that Ford lied at least about flying and not wanting the publicity. She offered zero back up for her assertions. Justice is weighing evidence and the presumption of innocence. Ford, the media and her enablers also tried to lynch justice along with Judge Kavanaugh.
      When we want incoherent non sequitors we look to poor richard.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. richard lesiak

        Do your touchdown dance now because Nov will have you in a depression.


      2. richard lesiak

        Yep; she went out of her way to walk out in public, put up with the name calling, move and go into hiding because of RWNJ threats just for kicks. You want justice? Let’s have a trail. No more BS hearings. Let’s call the people the FBI couldn’t call and have at it.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Yep; she went out of her way to walk out in public, put up with the name calling, move and go into hiding because of RWNJ threats just for kicks.”

          That is so easily and demonstrably disproven it’s laughable.

          Wait a minute; that’s only abundantly clear to those occupying a fact-based Universe and with minimum synaptic connectivity.

          Never mind.

          The Gotch


      3. Gary L. Kriewald

        “Zero backup for her assertions” is the core principle of the harpies in the #MeToo movement.


    3. richard lesiak

      Be careful Dad29 or you will receive the Wrath Of Gotch. One can NEVER deviate from the conservative party line on this blog without paying the price. You think Ford got worked over? You ain’t seen nothin’ like goootchie and friends. If you go too far they will white-page you and post pics of your wife, kids, house, where you work. You are entering “The RWNJ ZONE.” You have been warned.


  6. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Lost on intellectually neutered, ideologically imbecilic career Lefties?

    Newly minted (say it WITH me, Lefties) Supreme Court Of The United States Justice Kavanaugh presided on committees with one Hopey Changey nominee.

    The name Merrick Garland ring a bell?

    It gets worse (better, from where I’m sittin’ leastways)

    Justice Kavanaugh joined Garland in 93% of the opinions reached.

    Using LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand Logic, Garland is a de facto sexual abuser/drunk/laughing/boofing/Devil’s Triangle Playin’/entitled/White Supremacist/gang rapist…and so MUCH more!

    Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

    The Gotch


    1. AnonyBob

      Gootch: just as magnanimous as you’d expect.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        I offer up a legitimate issue, the Kavanaugh/Garland collusion connection, and youse slobber No Comment?

        THERE’S a shock! All things considered, I can’t say I blame youse.

        Anywho; don’t despair, Cory I Am Spartacus Booker is in IA.

        Unless he starts identifying an X-Chromosomal Unit (acceptable to Lefty INC), his chances of being seriously considered for the position he desires are slim-n-none…and slim jus’ lef’ town!

        Watching Lefty flail embarrassingly is absolutely cringe-inducing, almost too painful to watch.


        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Kavanaugh/Garland collusion? Do tell us more Oh Great Alex Jones Clone. We are all eagerly waiting for the goootchie multi-deck slobber of insults, name-calling and no substance.


        2. AnonyBob

          Comment? Garland wasn’t a longtime partisan hack with temperamental issues who, to put it gently, severely strained credulity under oath.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Wouldn’t you’s know the DEADBEAT donut maker wouldn’t be able to wrap an empty head around reality.

          Yet you’s two are incuriously joined-at-the-hip; go figure.

          Anywho: “Garland wasn’t a longtime partisan hack with temperamental issues”


          Kavanaugh, Garland voted together 93 percent of the time

          “According to (Senator Ted) Cruz, Judge Garland joined 27 out of 28 opinions written by Judge Kavanaugh, while Judge Kavanaugh joined 28 out of 30 of Judge Garland’s rulings.


          Oh my!!! Lotta similarities to their approaches; talk about you’s Inconvenient Truth and the antithesis of The Lefty Way, am I right?

          That’s why Lefty hates Justice Kavanaugh so much; he won’t allow the Lefty’s one-trick-pony-political-lifeblood (Identity Politics) to sully his interpretation of The Law

          Save up yer energy; you’s’ll in order to gin up proper (read: FALSE) outrage to combat the next Lefty disappointment, which looms large!

          The Gotch


    2. richard lesiak

      So what’s your point? More verbal slobbering with no substance. Like a trump rally.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg
        1. richard lesiak

          Cruz told you that!!! BAAAHAAAAHAAAAA. That’s rich.


  7. Paula Fitz

    The Progressives do not speak for all women; they most certainly do not speak for me!

    Grassley needs to hold those hearings! Anyone who nefariously subverted the process needs to be held accountable to prevent this from happening in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Batman

    This was never about Ford/Kavanaugh but rather perceived loss of power and an insane searing hatred of Trump. If Lefty genuinely cared about Ford, they would be all over the discovery of who leaked Ford’s letter to the press.


    1. richard lesiak

      It was Don Jr.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “they would be all over the discovery of who leaked Ford’s letter to the press.”

      An investigation looms. I say get Trey Gowdy on it; he’ll harry-n-assail DiFi and her Lefty shysters likes the rodentia they are.

      Small wonder those rats are heroes of the DEADBEAT donut maker!

      The Gotch


      1. *Cough*

        Gowdy is the world’s most televised punch-puller. Please suggest a prosecutor who doesn’t quit before he lands one blow…..


        1. richard lesiak

          It’s a toss up between him and Rand Paul. Paul crawls all over TV yapping and acting outraged then falls in line and votes for whatever the turtle wants.


      2. richard lesiak

        Harold Gowdy isn’t seeking re-election. Cruz is in a fight he may well lose. Please try to keep up.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Folks, this is what happens when you’re (sic) hyper-partisan bias makes you STOOPID, it affects an already compromised cognitive ability.

          It makes you think that being DOWN 6 points is a good thing.

          Wasn’t there a 96 % certainty that Hillarity would win?

          Doesn’t matter, back to how being STOOPID should hurt.

          STOOPID makes you’s back a convicted criminal. Why? Because STOOPID realizes all you’s need to SEE is a D to makes you’s choice.

          The Gotch


  9. Batman

    The Left reminds me of the Borg, except that resistance is NOT futile.


    1. richard lesiak



  10. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Does observing Lefty (most, not all) requires a permanent suspension of disbelief? It surely demands you’s abandon all logic, clear critical thinking, and residence in a fact-based reality.

    To wit:

    First they LUV James Comey, then they LOATH him…then they LUV him again.

    First they LUV the FBI, then they LOATH the FBI…then they LUV the FBI again.

    Heck, even the resident DEADBEAT donut maker thinks that Dr. FELONY FIBBING Ford wanted to be outed, when it’s clear (welp, clear to the lucid) she wanted no part of it.

    The Mensan Brain Trustee even wants a trail (sic) whatever that means.

    If it means investigation, we’ll be getting one; DiFi and her shyster lawyers will be grilled for outing Dr. FELONY FIBBING Ford.

    You’s better hope top notch prosecutors like Ted Cruz & Trey Gowdy aren’t on that panel; there won’t be anything left of those epic POS‘s but feathers-n-bones.

    The Gotch


    1. Batman

      “You’s better hope top notch prosecutors like Ted Cruz & Trey Gowdy aren’t on that panel; there won’t be anything left of those epic POS‘s but feathers-n-bones.”

      and gristle.


      1. richard lesiak

        Like I said above Goofy Gowdy isn’t running for re-election. Try to keep up. Cruz is in a toss up race. The Benghazi hearings made Harold look like a dope. Harold is his real first name just in case your ever on a quiz show.


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg


        This just in from STOOPID Land:

        A Toss Up Race Is When You’s Are 6 Points Up Against A Convicted Criminal That’s Trying To Pull An Elizabeth “Lieawatha/Fauxchahontas” Warren; faking ethnicity to further your career prospects.

        Pretty gosh darn STOOPID, am I right?

        But hardly unexpected, ESPECIALLY when you’s consider who’s saying it!

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          It’s a little sad to see you embrace misogyny.


        2. AnonyBob

          Whoops, that was supposed to go under Batpunk‘s comment below. But I’m sure it applies, in general, to Gootch.


  11. Fred Milverstedt

    The Gotch & Lesiak Show


  12. madisonexpat

    Gee ABob, how could Merrick Garland concur on 93% of the rulings by such a monster as Judge Kavanaugh unless, of course, Judge Garland must also be a rapist. AND he’s privileged white male.
    Were you aware of that?


    1. richard lesiak

      It’s FAKE NEWS; Do you really believe (cough gag) Ted Cruz.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      The intellectually infantile/emotionally emasculated/philosophically feeble think if they just close their eyes, Inconvenient Truth will juuuuuuuuuuust go away.

      Is it wonder that Lefties (most, not all) can be herded glassy-eyin’ lock-steppin’ & unquestionin’ in ANY direction their handlers choose?

      If there remains a shred of doubt, look no further their new democrat Socialist Mensan Brain Trustee hero Alexandria TWO STATE SOLUTION/EVERYONE’S WORKING TWO JOBS/WE SHOULD FACTOR FUNERAL EXPENSES INTO HEALTH-CARE COSTS/$42 Trillion Solution Ocasio-Cortez.

      The Gotch


  13. Dan B.

    “Lock her up!” they shout whenever prompted by the president, directing their oath at whatever female he happens to be mentioning at the time. “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!”


    1. Batman

      Nice to see you are beginning to come around DanB., as in allowing your common sense to prevail.
      Hillbilly and her rapist husband SHOULD be in jail but Lefty shamelessly looks the other way.
