‘The Homecoming’ by N.C. Wyeth

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


A Vietnamese woman was too diverse for Madison

Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele checked the wrong box: conservative

Who knew inclusionary would be so exclusionary?

We have been saying that identity politics divides and separates — unlike the Maidenform brassiere — without lifting.

Madison is seeing that play out with the Gay Pride Parade this weekend. (Soon to be renamed the Gay Paranoia Parade.) The group governing the parade disinvited the police from the march, bowing to the insistence of the Most Woke among the identity politicians that police are using LBGTQs for target practice (or something). So now the Madison fire department says count us out, too. 

In light of the disappointing decision by OutReach to rescind the invitation to the Madison Police Department to participate in this years’s Pride Parade, the Madison Fire Department, in solidarity with our women and men in blue, must respectfully and regretfully decline to participate in this year’s parade.  

This is the Madison Fire Department in which Mahlon Mitchell serves — he being a person of color and second-place finisher out of eight candidates in Tuesday’s Democrat(ic) gubernatorial primary.

The conformity of diversity

Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele

In his last prize-worthy blogge, your Squire praised former mayor Dave Cieslewicz for breaking from Democrat(ic) party dogma on identity politics, for questioning its slavish devotion to Capital D Diversity in such ephemera as skin color and gender while demanding lock-step uniformity in political thought.


At his current roadside stand, the former mayor wrote:

The essence of being a liberal is to be open to different ideas and perspectives — ironically, even conservative ones. So, I would like to see at least one strong, articulate classic conservative in the [mayoral] race. Someone who would make a principled and impassioned case for smaller government, less regulation and more personal freedom.

In Mr. C’s eight years at the helm of The Emerald City, however, we could recall no conservative appointed to any commission, committee, task force, or special panel. We had forgotten, in fact, the May 2009 defenestration of the Stately Manor’s former alder, Thuy Pham-Remmele. (H/T to Cornie Gotchberg for reminding us of “The Exile of Thuy Pham-Remmele.”)

Now here is a woman and Vietnamese, to boot. Sadly, she is happily heterosexual but no one is perfect. But she is also conservative!

Mayor Dave had booted this diminutive spit fire from the consequential Community Development Block Grant Commission. That’s the body that doles out dollars to experiments like the “wet” homeless apartments at Tree Lane and Rethke Avenue. Knowing Thuy (the Squire was a principal in her campaigns) she would have pulled the emergency brake on that one.

Thuy’s defenestration was payback for forcing Cieslewicz to abandon his folly with trollies. With the mayor and police chief Noble Wray in attendance, Thuy had packed a parochial school auditorium with 900 angry constituents demanding more police instead.

Thuy was exiled to the food cart committee. Vietnamese, y’know.

A totalitarian ‘us versus them’

The white lab coats in the Research Department stumbled upon the delightful byline of Froma Harrop, a syndicated columnist who captures this point of light in the great beer bottle of truth:

The problem with left-wing movements isn’t so much “the left-wing” as it is the “movements.” Movements sometimes have a totalitarian edge that cannot abide dissent, or even a hint of it. They’re “us” versus “them.” In the case of left-wing movements, the “them” is often fellow Democrats.

Harrop (harrumph!) recalls Ralph “Recall” Nader and his ilk siphoning enough votes from Al Gore to elect George W. Bush.

… Here is how Barbara Ehrenreich put it in The Nation: “What I fear most about a Gore victory — yes, I said victory — is its almost certainly debilitating effect on progressives and their organizations.” Celebrity agitator Michael Moore was bouncing on and off stages in liberal cities urging audiences to vote for Nader. “A vote for Gore is a vote for Bush,” he bellowed. He BELLOWED! ♥♥♥

Vermont’s visionary progressive

That’s why Stately Blaska Manor encourages socialist provocateur John Nichols in his work  of purging moderates like congressman Ron Kind, D-La Crosse. On the Pages of The Nation, our Comrade salivates over the ultimate prize of identity politics:


Christine Hallquist Isn’t Just the First Transgender Candidate for Governor — She’s Also a Visionary Progressive!

And a breath mint, too! This particular Chris is also expected to lose to the Republican incumbent. In Vermont, possibly the bluest state in the Union. To a Republican.

Party of crazy, your table is ready

Under the pen name of “David Blaska,” your Squire writes in the upcoming September issue of InBusiness magazine  that “Republicans would be their own worst enemies if it were not for Democrats.”

We had in mind the upset victory earlier this year of socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez over an incumbent Democratic centrist in NYC.  The party of JFK, Bill Proxmire, and Clem Zablocki is now the party of Bernie Sanders, Maxine Waters, and Tammy Baldwin. More Comrade Nichols:

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Effect:
The Democratic party’s new rock star is storming the country
on behalf of insurgent populists.

We quote Sen. Chris Coons, D-Delaware, as lamenting his party’s “relentless race to the left.” So Mark Pocan moves to abolish immigration enforcement. Wisconsin Democrats vow to empty out half the penitentiaries.

“If the next two years is just a race to offer increasingly unrealistic proposals … it’ll be difficult for us to make a credible case we should be allowed to govern again,” Coons cried.



58 responses to “A Vietnamese woman was too diverse for Madison”

  1. Gary L. Kriewald

    Identity politics contains the seeds of its own destruction. Once you divide the population into categories you deem acceptable, someone will come along and subdivide those categories, and then someone else will come along and … well you get the idea. And of course the one incontrovertible demand of every category is that they be guaranteed the “right” to go through life never seeing or hearing anything whatsoever that they deem “offensive” (all the while loudly proclaiming their allegiance to inclusivity). And of course guilty white liberals tie themselves in knots accommodating said demand. Exhibit A: The bogus charges of racism against Porter Butts and Fredric March that resulted in their reputations being sullied and their names being removed from venues in Memorial Union. Exhibit B: the sanctimonious little pricks at OutReach demanding that cops be excluded from the Pride Parade. (One encouraging note: Madison firefighters have withdrawn from the parade in solidarity with the disinvited cops.) Everyone with an ounce of sense can see that identity politics is a formula for divisiveness, intolerance, and, yes, hatred. Everyone except liberals, of course.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. madisonexpat

    ‘We here at OutReach say you are not invited.’


    1. richard lesiak

      If your not part of OutReach shut up before you are sued.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        ”If your (sic) not part of OutReach shut up before you are sued.”

        THAT has got to be one of the most shockingly ill-informed posts I’ve read yet, a classic example of removing all doubt.

        Glass half full? We may now add civil law to the ponderous list of subjects about which you know less than nothing, yet feel compelled to slobber about nevertheless.

        The Gotch


  3. richard lesiak

    One should remember that identity politics is an issue on both sides. The Washington Monthly did an article on Roy Moore and pointed out the Absolute support from big name Republicans even as more and more info was being released. Having an “R” behind his name meant everything. Because of trump’s lack of action the gop is now the sole owner of the “tiki torch crowd”. It seems that right now every difference of opinion ends up with a death match in Thunderdome. I believe that most of this is brought about by the culture of corruption in our government. It’s been going on for decades and is growing daily. Take an honest look at what has happened in just the last two years. This moves the conversation from “we disagree and need to find a solution” to “your a crook and we are sick and tired of being screwed”. See you court or on the street is now the norm.


    1. Dammit, Lesiak. “You’re a crook.” Not “your.”! Christ!


      1. richard lesiak

        It’s been a life long problem; even Sister Mary Jean couldn’t beat it out of me. I do have a post it by my ‘puter now.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”It’s been a life long problem”

          Slow lob begging me to go yard!

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak

          what the hell is go yard? are you drunk again?


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “what the hell is go yard?”

          My post asks a ridiculously low number of I.Q. points, a number you fail to muster.


          “are you drunk again?”

          Nope; what’s yer excuse?

          The Gotch


        4. Gary L. Kriewald

          If there were more Sister Mary Jeans in today’s schools, there would be no need for security guards. (Full disclosure: It took me longer than I’d like to admit to master the its/it’s distinction. As Sister would say, “Practice makes perfect.”)


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Gary L. Kriewald;

          ”It took me longer than I’d like to admit to master the its/it’s distinction.”

          The Former-Serial-Sexual-Predator-In-Chief had a similar distinction difficulty.

          The Gotch


  4. Gary L. Kriewald

    Hummmmmmm… That “visionary progressive” tranny who’s running for Governor of Vermont bears a striking resemblance to Caitlyn Jenner. Maybe if you go to a surgeon for your “transition.” you get to choose from a selection of types like people who have rhinoplasties get to choose a certain type of nose. And how exactly does her trendy new gender make her so eminently qualified to run a state?

    One strain of the toxic virus that is identity politics is rapidly infecting the world of the arts. Not long ago, there was an exhibit at the Chazen, the theme of which was art done by the mentally challenged (I’m not making this up). It used to be that if you were an artist, you got your work exhibited because it was exceptional, if you were a poet, you got your poetry published because it was exceptional, if you composed a piece of music, it got performed because it was exceptional. Now the first thing we’re supposed to care about is the race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, blah, blah, blah of the artist, writer, composer, etc. The musical “Hamilton” is a prime case. OK, gang, let’s put on a play about the founding fathers but make them all black or brown. My God, what a stroke of genius! Can anyone hum a few lines from one of the songs in that production? Now try it with “Oklahoma!”.Or “The Music Man.” Or “West Side Story.”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AnonyBob

      Can you hum a few lines of ANY musical from the last few years, cast all white or not? The ones you cite are 60-70 years old. Make your comparison about Hamilton when it has similar vintage. (By the way, West Side Story dealt with immigrants, too.)


      1. Batman

        “Can you hum a few lines of ANY musical from the last few years, cast all white or not? The ones you cite are 60-70 years old. Make your comparison about Hamilton when it has similar vintage. (By the way, West Side Story dealt with immigrants, too.)”

        Hamilton will never have similar vintage bobo and that’s why it’s so forgettable.

        No one even considered the legality of the non-white characters in West Side Story.
        Now why is that?


        1. AnonyBob

          Because they were Puerto Rican immigrants. They’re automatically legal, Mr. Theatre Critic. Sorry you don’t find Hamilton up to snuff, most do.


        2. richard lesiak

          After trump’s announcement today you won’t be humming that classic show tune “I love a Parade.”


    2. richard lesiak

      The new Pearl Jam poster has a small group of conservatives upset, but their music is pretty good. But; not as good as my man MEATLOAF.


    3. Gary L. Kriewald

      Yes, “West Side Story” had Puerto Ricans in its cast. But that’s my point. They weren’t cast because the writers decided they wanted to “celebrate diversity”; they were cast because the script called for Puerto Ricans to play Puerto Ricans; the gang rivalry would have been far less dramatic if both the Sharks and the Jets were white. In other words it made artistic sense for some of the roles to be played by people with brown skin. (And it didn’t hurt that they were extraordinarily talented singers/dancers/actors). A play like “Hamilton” was written for the sole purpose of replacing white actors with black and brown ones (i.e., what “celebrating diversity” really means). As for the comparison with the older musicals: the reason people still revere them is that they’ve become classics, and one reason a work of art becomes a classic is that it appeals to the widest possible audience generation after generation. Fifty years from now, people will still be humming tunes from “West Side Story.” Will they be humming anything from “Hamilton”? I doubt it.


      1. AnonyBob

        Come, come Professor. There have been many productions of Shakespeare made in various historical, ethnic, etc. settings, all in the name of artistic license, not just to “celebrate diversity.” Let’s not judge “Hamilton” too harshly or too quickly.


  5. Whatever happened to Roy Moore’s accusers???? *crickets*


    1. madisonexpat

      Same thing as happened to Gloria Allred’s choir of 14? Trump accusers.


    2. richard lesiak

      They kicked his a## and moved on to the next abuser.


  6. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Local Lefties called her a raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist because she made the accurately verifiable observation that some parents were more concerned with their children’s coifs than them being prepared for school.

    Then they remembered their narrative** that minorities can’t be referred to as raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacists because, welp, just because.

    **We see that right now with the NYT editorial board seeing fit to hiring Sarah Jeong, a virulent raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist but not really because she’s a minority. And a dips#!t, but that’s a clear majority amongst career Lefties.

    I digress.

    Anywho, Lefties were stuck with seeming hypocrisy by referring to Thuy as such, it created dissonance amongst the epically clueless.

    They had to switch gears, so in order to marginalize and demean her, they started calling her “crazy” because, welp, just because. It’s called Magical Lefty Thinking; infantilized Lefties get an idea in their head and poof, it becomes a “reality,” such as it is.

    Anyone that’s ever talked or worked with Thuy will attest that she’s anything but crazy, quite the opposite.

    I remember talking with her after BikeShorts got whupped by fewer than 800 votes in 2011. The subject of poetic justice came up, but she refused to trash him or relish his defeat. She may not have needed to, I was doing a pretty fine job of doing so myself.

    Still reeling from the realization that Kathleen Falk was the real power and he was just a spongy, endorphic, afterthought knave, BikeShorts’ petty bitchiness cost the 77 Square Miles Surrounded By A Sea Of Reality a committed public servant that really did put Madison and its citizens first.


    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      Gas up your weed-wacker Dave and put in a new string, because you have a lot of work to do.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        The lucid will note that the Humble Squire expended most of that gas and wore down most that string deleting the idiot posts of one regular commenter in particular.

        Guess who?

        The Gotch


    2. richard lesiak

      Here is a little piece of friendly advice gotch. Stop all you cutesy word-smithing. You may have something that is really on topic and is informative, but in you presentation you just plainly go off the rails. What you think is entertaining and high-minded becomes annoying. By the end of your post anything of importance has been swallowed up by all your long-winded nonsense. I remember sitting outside with my old man. We rolled a couple of fatties and popped a beer. He looked at me and said;”son, remember this, a lot can be said with one or two words”. Like when that German dink asked the Americans to surrender at the Bulge, he said “NUTS” and went down in history. And after reading most of your posts two words come to my mind and they are not F orever Y ours.


      1. AnonyBob

        Seconded. Though I have to admit, I just don’t bother reading any of his banal “word smithing” longer than a paragraph. Too much work for too little reward.


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak & @AnonyBob;

        Taking advice from either of you’s two would be like taking culinary tips from Jeffery Dahmer, or investment counsel from Bernie Madoff; both (heh!) career Lefties, might I add!

        Please note you’s two are the only ones wasting bandwidth carping. I could dumb it down to accommodate your shocking lack of base-level cognition, but it ain’t gonna happen.

        “I just don’t bother reading any of his banal ‘word smithing’ longer than a paragraph.”

        Yet youse feel qualified to weigh in? Guess what Forest Gump would say to that?

        The blind leading the blind; ain’t THAT a sorry sight!

        The Gotch


    3. richard lesiak

      “I digress”. So true. So sadly true.


  7. AnonyBob

    So Dave, is “prick” an allowable ad hominem? If so, I see plenty of use for it here.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      Leaving aside that youse had to read the entire comment to get to that reference, shredding more of a dwindling credibility that was woefully lacking to begin with.

      How would youse appropriately refer to the way that petty PRICK BikeShorts treated an X-Chromosomal minority, one that he slobberingly extolled to begin with, only changing his tune after she began speaking truth to power?

      The Gotch


  8. Batman

    weaselbob wrote?
    “Because they were Puerto Rican immigrants. They’re automatically legal, Mr. Theatre Critic. Sorry you don’t find Hamilton up to snuff, most do.”

    Actually they’re U.S. citizens and therefore not immigrants. Your entire premise is nonsense.

    You never attended the Hamilton production so how do you know its quality?


    1. richard lesiak

      Since your so informed about the Puerto Ricans please call your congressman. My cousins would really like someone to help them get the power on.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        Wow; your (sic) just SO concerned; are youse wearing an “I’m Dialed In” awareness bracelet, a “Look At Me” lapel ribbon, or have a “Gosh I’m Nice” bumper sticker on yer Toyota Pious like most Lefties?

        If your (sic) so concerned about Puerto Rico, why don’t you send money & go down there and help out. We all know you haven’t done squat; talking about it and thinking about it are the extent of you’re (sic) involvement HYPOCRITE!

        Decades of poor leadership, mis-management, & graft had nothing to do with THEIR responsibility for the response to their situation.

        Funniest thing; no power and complete chaos yet San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz finds a way to get numerous catchy GIMMEE GIMMEE t-shirts to glam for the cameras.

        THAT sure was helpful, am I right?

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Just wearing my “Impeach trump” tee shirt.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Just wearing my ‘Impeach trump’ tee shirt.”

          To no one’s surprise, all those around youse are wearing an I’m With Stoopid t-shirt.

          The Gotch


    2. AnonyBob

      Batty: I realize they are citizens of a U.S. territory. You’re getting hung up on semantics and being petty. And how do you know which theatre productions I have or have not been to? You clearly haven’t seen Hamilton. Your entire response is nonsense. As usual.


      1. Batman

        GLK has now generously explained it all for you twice bobo.

        Mentioning immigrants (who aren’t) in the first place was just stupid.
        You can do better.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “You can do better.”

          Can he @Batman, can he really?

          The Gotch


      2. richard lesiak

        “hung up on semantics and being petty.” He learned that from Qotch.


  9. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Aretha Louise Franklin 03/25/1942-08/16/2018

    First Lady of Soul</b–RIP.

    The Gotch


  10. Batman

    Well, Batman being Batman, always extends a helping hand to his fellow citizens, and especially to the least among us.


  11. Batman

    Batman invites Dave Cieslewicz onto this site to explain his treatment of Thuy Pham-Remmele.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      The Gotch


      1. AnonyBob

        Why would he bother?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “Why would he bother?”

          Gosh, certainly NOT because it’d be the right thing to do; that’s not in Lefty’s skill set.

          The inescapable hypocrisy? Were BikeShorts a Righty and Thuy a Lefty, you’s would be engaged in spittle-flecked shrieking from the Capital Rotunda after pushing aside the Singalongers (for obvious reasons, aptly dubbed The Rotundas**) whose regular gig calls for them to be screeching wildly in the Key of Me (H/T @Norwood44)

          **The Rotundas lead singer:

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob

          Classy as always.


      2. richard lesiak

        send it in writing and let us know his response.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @H H H;

      I saw that. She’ll probably pull a Joy Reid and say she was hacked.

      Li’l Lefty LEEEEEWSERS have become increasingly emboldened, thinking they’re teflon.

      Why? It begins with never being told no, progresses through Higher Indoctrination vis-a-vis Common Core where you may demonstrate stupidity by supplying stupid,
      wildly incorrect answers so long as you…um…explain why they’re stupid, and devolves to having their handlers convince them they can say anything they want.

      As you can see, it promotes crippling infantilization, yet accomplishes what it intends; producing ovine ungulates that can be herded en masse away from a fact-based reality and toward serfdom.

      Need proof? I invite youse to read any post by @richard lesiak.

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        Herded away from fact based reality? I guess you never watched a trump rally. Biggest crowd in history. Mexico is paying for the wall. It was only about adoption. Trade wars are fun and easy. Poll #’s higher than Honest Abe. Only hire the best and brightest (but he didn’t say honest.) All BS and the crowd goes wild. And YOU talk about stupid?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “And YOU talk about stupid?”

          When I talk about youse, I do!

          The Gotch


    2. AnonyBob

      So, blacks can be racist toward Asians. Big whoop. People of any color can be racist toward others. You old white guys haven’t cornered the market on that.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        “People of any color can be racist toward others.”

        Ruh roh!! Didn’t youse get the memo?

        Minorities can’t be raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist PERIOD!!!!

        Just ask the NYT; whose recent hire and subsequent slobbering defense of Sarah Jeong’s virulently raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist (per YOUR definition) tweets says exactly that.

        White Lefty Guilt proudly boasts that the White Power Structure assures us that minorities engaging in raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist rhetoric and behavior really aren’t raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist after all because, welp, just because.

        I expect youse to report to the Diversity/Reeducation Gulag voluntarily for immediate-n-thorough reprogramming; DON’T make the Lefty Thought Police hunt youse down!

        Speaking of reeducation, I recall Thuy telling me about a South Vietnamese relative that wasn’t thinking correctly was forced into a reeducation camp for ~ 8 years; he died there.

        And you just KNOW that Lefties (most, not all) LUV the idea of punishing wrong thinking by reeducation. Look no further than what some Lefty morons (forgive the redundancy) recommend for those that haven’t swallowed whole the Global Warming That’s Here And Worse Than The Models Predicted.

        Calls to punish skeptics rise with links to climate change, hurricanes


        Let that sink in: Lefty wants to punish THE most basic aspect of scientific inquiry.

        For him (the improver of natural knowledge), skepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin.” – Thomas Huxley

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          I’m living rent free in Qotch’s head with a 99 yr lease. I love it.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          Your (sic) delusional, The Gotch doesn’t accept Section 8 vouchers.

          The Gotch


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Speaking of living arrangements, how does a person get kicked out of a $40,000 Dells condo.

          Wait a minute.

          You got foreclosed.

          Never mind.

          The Gotch
