Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Madison WI marches in lockstep to identity politics

Just ask a guilty white Madison liberal to apologize.
They will before asking “what for?”

A fiery meteor is headed for Earth. The Washington Post headlines, “Sources say world to end; Congress to recess.” The Wall Street Journal: “World to End; Stock Market Plunges.” USA Today: “IT’S OVER! (No weather map today).” New York Times: “World to end; women and minorities hardest hit.”

A foolish Madison liberal named Beth Harper unwittingly recycled that old joke in her letter in the current Isthmus weekly newspaper:

Every time Dave Cieslewicz complains about “identity politics,” I wonder what political topics he thinks are NOT affected by one’s race, gender, sexual orientation, ability status, or other important aspects of identity. Economics? Environment? Public safety? Tell that to … communities of color who are disproportionately hurt by air pollution and toxic waste.

Huh? More air pollution in Meadowood than in Orchard Ridge? No garbage pick-up on Badger Road? Fast forward to an arresting essay on the front page of Sunday’s New York Times opinion section. Author Kwame Anthony Appiah gives dispensation to the worried liberal trapped in the congealing amber of identity politics.

Not every opinion needs to be underwritten by your race or gender or other social identity.“Go Ahead, Speak For Yourself.

Kwame Anthony Appiah is a professor of philosophy who is coming out with a book The Lies That Bind: Rethinking Identity. He writes:

The very word “identity” points toward the trouble: It comes from the Latin idem, meaning “the same.” Because members of a given identity group have experiences that depend on a host of other social factors, they’re not the same.

Here’s Chris Rock, talking about his life in an affluent New Jersey suburb: “As a black man, I’m against the cops, but as a man with property, well, I need the cops. If someone steals something, I can’t call the Crips!”


All White People are alike

The school to stupidity pipeline

Our Madison school board is living the lie of identity politics. Because a noisy group billing itself as the Freedom Inc. Youth Squad claims that police in schools creates something called the “school to prison pipeline” the guilty white liberals dominating the ad hoc committee on EROs kowtows to the race shaming. 

Does Freedom Inc. speak for all minority families? Not even for the Urban League or the NAACP.  Where is the ad hoc committee’s empirical evidence that students of color are being disciplined for chewing gym in the hallway while white students are given a free pass to beat on minorities? That evidence does not exist.

Or the Gay Pride Parade disinviting the cops. For the identity politician, every day is the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama, or the Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, or Diary of a Mad Housewife.

“Our community is facing complex, unprecedented times, where power is a fleeting commodity for our most vulnerable members, especially queer and transgender persons of color,” OutReach board president Michael Ruiz said. …

“Those whose voices are silenced due to gender and sexual orientation, as well as the intersections of race, class, ethnicity, gender, ability, immigration status, age, and lack of institutional power, need us to amplify their voices,” Ruiz continued.

Disinviting the cops is going to amplify voices? He doesn’t think there are any women, LBGTs, or racial minorities on the cop squad?

Appoint a token conservative, be amazed!

Back to Cieslewicz. He is one of the very few Democrats who has taken on identity politics (while, lamentably, holding his tongue on cops in schools).  The former mayor writes:

The essence of being a liberal is to be open to different ideas and perspectives — ironically, even conservative ones. So, I would like to see at least one strong, articulate classic conservative in the [mayoral] race. Someone who would make a principled and impassioned case for smaller government, less regulation and more personal freedom.

ExplodingHeadSmallSo would we, not that such a dream candidate could get elected in The Emerald City. But Dave C. was mayor for two terms; don’t recall him appointing any conservatives to the myriad citizen commissions that clutter city government. 

We know because your intrepid Squire donated $1 to Mayor Dave’s re-election campaign with the expected quid pro quo that this David would be appointed to something juicy. Our $1 bribe (“more where that came from”) was refunded in the return mail.

In any case, we’ve added “appoint philosophical diversity” to The Policy Werkes’ recommendations to the Task Force on Government Structure.  Don’t worry, they won’t prevail but shouldn’t policy makers at least be exposed to a different viewpoint? An opinion the majority here in The Emerald City likely has never heard expressed? 

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Can you think of anything more racist than assuming that all black/Asians/hispanics/whites/disabled/LBGT think alike? 


59 responses to “Madison WI marches in lockstep to identity politics”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Were it not for Identity Politics Lefty, a one trick gelding in a barn no one cleans, wouldn’t have any politics at all.

    Look no further than the nearly bankrupt DNC 17 victimhoodie groups.

    (bolds mine throughout)
    The latest iteration (Chair Tommy Perez) of the Brain Trust of a cascading failure better known as the nearly bankrupt DNC waxes hysterically philosophical: “the party needs to go to the suburbs, the exurbs and rural America, and talk to people.”

    Yet this same party: “Scroll down the Democrats’ home page and you’ll find a dull party platform with 93 bullet points and a list of links entitled ‘People.’ Each link leads to a subgroup: Women. Hispanics. LGBT people. ‘Ethnic Americans.’ There are 17 different groups, and a different message tailored for each.”

    My best sense tells me these tailored messages can be boiled down to demographic specific more More MORE high quality/quantity free s#!t.

    That’s a lotta groups, am I right? Think that 17 includes the White working class, or donut makers?

    Me either, but marvelously consistent, am I right?

    One of the myriad lessons Lefty refuses to learn? You’s don’t get equal rights until you’s give up you’s special rights

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Fortunately, the white working class isn’t as dumb as Dems think. They know perfectly well they were abandoned for decades while Dems fawned over every minority group under the sun (including several they invented themselves) while morphing into the party of arrogant coastal elites. Now factory workers in Indiana are expected to regard as sincere the Dems’ newly rediscovered sympathy for them?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @Gary Kriewald;

        “Now factory workers in Indiana are expected to regard as sincere the Dems’ newly rediscovered sympathy for them?”

        To their credit, the handlers of the NEW</b< face of the democrat Party, Ocasio-Cortez, have been vary careful about where they send her.

        As a Not-Ready-For-Primetime playah, sooner or later she’ll face a crowd she ain’t ready for, and THAT will be great Box Office!

        When that happens, she’ll make Hopey Changey trying to wing it sans teleprompter seem positively Churchillian.

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

        1. richard lesiak

          GO OMAROSA!!!! Spill the beans on this corrupt, unhinged tumor that is growing in the WH.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “GO OMAROSA!!!!”

          THIS is how far Lefty has sunk.

          Last week they were swappin’ spit with the erstwhile EVIL Koch Brothers, over the last ~ two years they’ve LUVEDHATED the ethically challenged Jim Comey, and now this.

          It gets worse.

          Remember how Lefty HATED tape recorder/recordings when Linda Tripp did it to one of MANY victims of the Former-Serial-Sexual-Predator-In-Chief?

          Is it any wonder many of them need to be strait-jacketed, in padded cells, and fed through the bars with long-handled spoons?


          The Gotch


        3. richard lesiak

          I repeat GO OMAROSA!!! Stick it to ’em.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “I repeat GO OMAROSA!!!”

          I repeat THIS is how far Lefty has sunk.

          Have they gone as far down as they could?

          Not exactly.

          Clasping the onerous anchor of pandering, they continue plummeting into the Mariana Trench of relevance.

          You Heard It Here First: Omarosa will hook up with Hillarity who, armed with pandering hot sauce, will slobber Lefty Platitudes in her hilarious southern accent, or whichever one she deems appropriate.

          And Lefties will lap it up in true Ovine Ungulate fashion.

          The Gotch


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Should read: “Look no further than the nearly bankrupt DNC’s 17 victimhoodie groups.


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        Only 17? New York City officially recognizes 31 genders–now that’s an epic case of subdividing your minority group.


    3. westsidesue

      Yeah hellztothebells yeah…what about the donut eaters?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        “what about the donut eaters?”

        It’s painfully clear donut eaters should be classified as a protected group/privileged class.

        Why? ‘Cause @richard lesiak is a donut maker, and if his proficiency at making donuts is anywhere near that of his commenting inclinations, that means donut eaters will suffer disproportionately.

        And if donut eaters suffer disproportionately, that means the terrorists have won…

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Your embarrassing yourself again Qotch.


        2. You’re (you are) …


        3. richard lesiak

          We all know you have a problem with minorities. Since the working poor and minorities are the greatest population of food services workers it only follows that your acting like a (no need to say it, because we all know you are one.)


    4. richard lesiak

      I see your still harping about “free s$#t. State and local subsidies to GM 1.7 billion. Shell, Ford, Chrysler, etc !billion each. Federal subs. to Amazon, Microsoft 200 million each. The rest of the corps. split up another 100 billion. Federal taxes breaks get their rates down to 13%. Special breaks for hedge fund operators , a 15% rate, costs 83 billion in taxes. Fast food industry wages are so low the taxpayers kick in around 243 million for public benefits for them. Home mortgage deduction costs 70 billion. Wall St bailout was 68 billion. Need to take over Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was 180 billion. The last “emergency tax Legislation and energy tax breaks 67 billion. Corp. jets write offs equal 3 billion. Second home write offs 8 billion. 50 billionaires are listed as getting farm subsidies. 1.5 trillion in tax cuts left 13 million Americans uninsured and millions paying higher rates. DeVos has a 40 million dollar boat that flies a foreign flag so she doesn’t have to pay fees to the “gummint” that she gets a check from. This is just for starters, but every time someone wants to give granny an extra 5 bucks on her snap card your bowels turn to water.


      1. old baldy


        You forgot the $billions$ to Foxconn


    5. richard lesiak

      “am I right?” still looking for someone to validate your rantings?


  2. Gary L. Kriewald

    I’m old enough to remember when a cop could be fired on the spot for being gay (or just rumored to be so). Obviously this means nothing to the arrogant, morally bankrupt hypocrites at OutReach, who loudly proclaim their devotion to “inclusivity” while cheerfully excluding anyone they deem unworthy. (I wonder whether they would allow a group called ‘Gays for Trump’ to join in their little love-fest–something tells me no. Presumably any cop who chooses to march in the Pride Parade is either gay or gay-friendly. How exactly do they pose a threat to other marchers? It was reported in the WI SJ that armed, uniformed police will be stationed along the parade route to provide security and crowd control. I suggest these officers call in sick on that day and let’s see how safe the sanctimonious little pricks at OutReach feel then.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Tom Paine

    If you are interested in dangers of Afrocentrism , I strongly recommend two articles by Kwame Appiah of Harvard. The first is on microfilm of the (London) Times Literary Supplement, Feb. 12 issue I think, of 1993, starting about page 24. He also has another article “Beware of race-pride.(Afrocentrism)” The American Enterprise Sept-Oct 1995, v6, n5, p50(1)

    Read both of the articles, more than a decade ago. Down hill ever since.


  4. Batman

    One fringe benefit about gender malleability is that if you’re a mediocre male athlete you can identify as female and become a star while competing against biological females. Tough luck for the real females because they’re not a favored class and besides they could do with a little more diversity anyway.

    If too off topic just delete.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      ”If too off topic just delete.”

      Howse about: “wipe clean, like with a cloth?”

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

    2. AnonyBob

      Not too off topic, just too inane. How often do think this happens?


      1. madisonexpat

        Once is too many.


        1. Batman

          In response to expat and bobo:

          bobo said the exact same thing when I commented on the violent crime committed by illegals. I think he used the word ludicrous.
          Apparently it’s a numbers game with the annoying one, just not sure what his threshold is before he awakens from his deep slumber.

          I am aware of several cases and so are many prominent feminists who have publicly criticized the practice.
          Why ask the question bobo when you can exert a little effort and look it up.


      2. Batman

        “Not too off topic, just too inane. How often do think this happens?”

        bobo is probably cool with trans high schoolers showering with his grand daughter after crushing her on the track.

        P.S. I’ve seen a number of yard signs that say “Science is real” blah blah blah.
        Guess that applies to global warming but not biology.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Youse’ve actually hit on a subject that could use it’s own blog post. And watching Lefty & Gender (as opposed to “Equity”) Feministas stammer their collective way around pure-n-simple discrimination would be wonderful to tell.

          Plenty of examples of staggering Lefty hypocrisy find their way here thanks to Mensan Brain Trustee @richard lesiak, who now hilariously LUVS the Koch Brothers, James Comey, Sarah Jeong, & Omarosa for no other reason than it gooses his End Stage Chronic/Acute Trump Derangement Syndrome & monumentally self-loathing White Lefty Guilt.

          Imposing Gender Equality Rules in Sports: Discrimination or Necessary Evil?

          “Boys may not participate on a girls team in MHSAA (MI High School Athletic Association) sponsored postseason meets and tournaments. Schools have adopted this position to preserve participation opportunities for the historically underrepresented gender.”

          But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but isn’t there something known as Title IX?

          Why yes, yes, I believe their IS something known as Title IX.

          To wit: 1972 Education Amendments predicates from Title IX state unambiguously that ”no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in…any educational program or activity.

          The lucid wouldn’t think that’d leave too much wiggle-room, am I right?

          But career Lefties (most, not all) immersed in cultural Marxism and inculcated to believe that some animals are more equal than others, ergo, some discrimination (Hello Affirmative Action!!!) is A.O.K.

          So long as the right group is discriminated against.

          Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

          The Gotch


  5. Cornelius Gotchberg

    The subject of Identity Politics is a timely one.

    Blacks seek new party in NYC to address the democrat’s exploitation of minorities

    And they aren’t aiming for EVIL White Male Conservatives?


    Some Blacks are finally tiring of having their support taken for granted by the democrat Party.

    ” Expressing frustration that urban issues are not being sufficiently addressed in New York, members of the hip hop community are looking to form their own party line for the coming state elections.

    ”The line, which would be called the New American Party, is being pushed by Jineea Butler, founder of the Hip Hop Union and a Republican congressional candidate against Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-Manhattan).”

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      You know nothing about blacks in the Democratic Party so just shut up.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        “You know nothing about blacks in the Democratic Party so just shut up.”

        Looks like I know something about some NYC/State Blacks that have had enough of the democrat/Lefty Plantation and are planning to s#!tcan it; heck, who would blame them?

        Anywho, classic textbook example of Liberal Magical Thinking (H/T @Zoltar Speaks!)

        When a thought (I use that term advisedly) enters a Lefty’s head, no matter how inanely imbecilic, it becomes truth.

        I’ve forgotten more about Blacks and the devolution of the democrat Party of HATE, WAR, RACISM, & DEATH than you’ll ever know.

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          I introduce you to some of the minorities that are part of my family and you have that chat with them.


        2. richard lesiak

          No where near the numbers of white women dumping the goobers on parade.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”I introduce you to some of the minorities that are part of my family and you have that chat with them.”

          Wow, just WOW! @richard lesiak is so desperate that, in true career Lefty look at how tolerant I am form, he marginalizes, bastardizes, and tokenizes members of his own freakin’ family just for the appearance of some non-existent street cred.

          Anywho, not interested; if they’re a part of your family, they have their own problems with which to deal. If they have any smarts, they’ve already disowned youse.

          And I have my own family upon whom to focus. Two nieces, three grandnieces, and a nephew-n-law were all at The Gotch Family Picnic and got to rub shoulders with EVIL White Conservatives @Zoltar Speaks! & @Batman.

          All yer losing simply HAS to look like winning to youse, am I right?

          If not…Whoa Nellie!!!

          The Gotch


        4. richard lesiak

          “I’ve forgotten”. As in where my keys are, what day it is, where the bathroom is.


    2. richard lesiak

      I wish them all the luck in the world.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        “I wish them all the luck in the world.”

        Agreed! Minorities, especially Blacks need to s#!tcan the democrat Party that’s taken them for granted for over half a century.

        AKA the democrat Party of WAR, DEATH, RACISM, HATRED, of the KKK, Slavery, Jim Crow, Eugenics, Woodrow Wilson, George Wallace, Lester “Ax-Handle” Maddox, Bill “Three Strikes” Clinton, Hillarity “Bring Them Super-Predators-To-Heel” Clinton, Anti-Civil Rights/Voters Rights, etc., etc., etc.!

        Sheesh, with a track record like that, who could blame them.

        The Gotch


  6. richard lesiak

    Spoken like a true right-wing apologist Qotch. Claim to defend their position, but all you do is insult everyone who doesn’t agree with you. Edit and then quote someone else’s work and then claim it fits your right-wing fairy tale.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @richard lesiak;

      ”all you do is insult everyone who doesn’t agree with you.”

      Not everyone.

      Just the bespawling addlepated fopdoodles.

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        “not everyone.” you mean anyone.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          ” ‘not everyone.’ you mean anyone.”

          Nope, I meant what I typed, and taking grammar lessons from youse would be like taking diet advise from Michael Moore.

          You’ve demonstrated times too numerous to mention that English isn’t yer 1st language.

          Give us a hint; is it even in the Top Five?

          The Gotch


  7. richard lesiak

    Well; that answers a lot. Family picnic of gotch, batman and zoltar. The 3 Q-Anon amigos. Bet you served well done steaks, choc. cake and vanilla ice cream in honor of the golden idol you worship.


  8. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Identity politics by career Lefty and stupidity-on-steroids do not a good match make..

    Chicago: Illegal alien runs down lefty ‘bike safety’ activist, who then sends the illegal on her merry way

    ” ‘I did what I had to… because NO person should be begging for their life and family,’ Green wrote. She grabbed the woman’s hand and pulled her off the ground, spilling blood on her yellow dress, then helped her back to the wheel of her car and turned the ignition key for her. Green wrote that as the woman drove away, Green began sobbing.

    “ ‘I am… diehard believer in [justice for cyclists] to the fullest extent of the law,’ she wrote. But she added that she chose not to report the crash and press charges because ‘my silence became my only weapon against a much bigger war [over] invisible borders carried out and perpetuated by our careless world leaders.’ ” (bolds mine)

    Sooooo, being illegal trumps the BIKIE safety she volunteers to promote & uphold?

    Got it!

    Thanks to Green and her peculiar views on justice and the law, this illegal is still illegally in the U.S. and driving illegally. When, not if, WHEN this illegal mows down another BIKIE, I hope Green gets sued for every last Spandex ensemble she owns!

    Ah Lefty; so MUCH staggering stupidity, so little time!

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      So what? If you are involved in an incident and decide to not press charges that’s your business. I’m sure if it was you within 24 hours there would be a battalion of lawyers, doctors, neck braces, canes, crutches and a staggering amt of money asked for. Because that’s the gotch way. Drive carefully; you may run into someone like you and they will own you lock, stock and maga hat.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesaik;

        “If you are involved in an incident and decide to not press charges that’s your business.”

        The list of things about which youse know less than nothing grows to include LE.

        Illegal U-turn, no DL, no insurance, failure to yield, failure to maintain control of your vehicle, accident causing bodily injury, etc. Yet youse contend that if the crippled White Lefty Guilt Suffering BIKIE said she didn’t want to press charges, the illegal wouldn’t get ticketed?


        I used to think that you were just acting monumentally stupid.

        Sheesh!!! It’s now painfully clear that no one, and I mean NO ONE is THAT good of an actor.

        The Gotch


  9. Gary L. Kriewald

    Former Madison Mayor Dave C. says, “I would like to see at least one strong, articulate, classic conservative in the [mayoral] race.” To which I say, “Amen, Brother Dave. Amen!” And who better to answer the call than our very own strong, articulate, classic host, Dave B? VOX POPULI beckons, O noble Squire!


    1. Batman

      Well if not the Squire then perhaps you GLK. You are retired after all and are “at least one strong, articulate, classic conservative.”
      And by running you will never have to say: I coulda been a contender.


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        Thanks for the endorsement, Bman. But I lack the Squire’s name-recognition and stage presence. If he’s elected, however, I would consider applying for the position of Power Behind the Throne.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Find a Conservative that wants to know more about the past of his family & friends and encourage them to run; by the time the election rolled around, Lefty’d have dug up everything they’d ever want to know, and them some.

      I remember when Mayor BikeShorts pushed for my pal/former District 20 Alder Thuy Pham-Remmele to run for CommonSenseLess Council. His slobberings about how the former Fulbright Scholar/longtime MMSD employee would promote diversity are the stuff of legend.

      He subsequently found out she not only wasn’t yer garden variety Lefty, but a common-sense/shoot-straight-from-the-hip Conservative.

      She actually listened to her constituents about crazy things like quality of life & crime issues, etc. and NOT BIKIE infrastructure, Trollies, Light Rail, Public Markets, Sister Cities, Edible Effin’ Landscapes, etc.

      After organizing an OR neighborhood meeting in 2006 where BikeShorts got his @$$ handed to him, he never forgave her and demoted to some seat-filler position. The petty bitch did all he could to marginalize her after that.

      The Exile Of Thuy Pham-Remmele

      In 2011 Mayoral Election Soglin beat BikeShorts by fewer than 800 votes, Pham-Remmele got ~ 1000 write-ins (one of them form yours truly!)


      Long story short; I’d LUV to see a Conservative Mayoral Candidate stick it to Lefty, but wouldn’t blame them if they’d rather forgo having every orifice probed.

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        In a rather telling indictment of his popularity statewide, Soglin really got his @$$ handed to him.

        Based on the following, this may not be his last rodeo.

        ” ‘Asked whether this was his last campaign for public office, he said: ‘I didn’t hear that last question and don’t bother asking it again.‘ ”

        Anyone else get the idea from Roys’ campaign ads that the BIG issue for her was her daughters having unfettered access to abortion?

        The Gotch


        1. A great quote. The only thing better than a sore loser is a sore winner.


        2. Gary L. Kriewald

          You mean the supper club strategy failed? Shocker!

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Gary L. Kriewald;

          “You mean the supper club strategy failed? Shocker!”

          Good one! Just like milk comes from the store, Soglin’s only qu’ils mangent de la brioche idea of Supper Club is as a Capital Brewery lager offering.

          I’d LUV to see Hizzoner’s pompous smile get wiped from his smug puss when he walked into the Kimball Inn or the Bell Chalet in Hurley expecting them to be as welcoming as Stalzy’s, the Old Fashioned, or the Great Dane.

          Hurley’s Iron Horse Inn & the Full Moon Saloon, or the Saxon Pub in lovely downtown Saxon? Fuggeddaboudit!!

          He claims the rest of the state OWES Madison, am I right? Ask him to travel north of Hwy 64 or Hwy 29, heck Hwy 10 or Hwy 54 even, and see what they have to say.

          The Gotch


  10. By the power invested in the Squire by the Treaty of Locarno and a steady Diet of Worms I have arbitrarily and indiscriminately taken a weed cutter to the overgrown thicket of comments on this blogge. To the prohibition on vile language and ad hominem attacks we now ban tit for tat, so are you, and you’re another.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. One fun Twitter tidbit from last night’s election (hat tip @_hollister_99)
    Republicans turned out a HIGHER % of voters than they did in 2014, and even more so than Democrats

    -Republicans share of the vote went up from 43.5% to 45.6% since 2014, while Democrats *decreased* from 56.5% to 53.7%

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard lesiak

      that was 2014. the Star Tribune wrote; voter turnout highest since’02. but; 456,007 gop votes for gov. vs 537,840 Dem votes in an 8 way race. Leads one to assume that the Dems were more engaged in this race.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @ichard lesiak;

        ” Leads one to assume that the Dems were more engaged in this race.”

        Have they…um…smoothed-n-adjusted for the Cemetery Vote and all the IL “volunteer motor voters” that Scottie Foval bussed in, and that Lefty has been bussing in for over half a century?

        The talented, albeit big-mouthed, former DNC employee Foval:

        (bolds/caps mine throuout)
        “It’s a very easy thing for Republicans to say they’re bussing people in. Well you know what? We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you f***in’ @$$holes for fifty years and WE’RE NOT GOING TO STOP NOW. WE’RE JUST GOING TO FIND A DIFFERENT WAY TO DO IT.

        “I think backwards from how they would prosecute if they could, and then try to build out the method to avoid that,” (Foval) says about organizing voter fraud by bringing people from state to state to vote illegally. “Let’s just say, in theory, if a major investigation came up of major vote fraud that way, how would they prove it? And who would they charge? Are they going to charge each individual with voter fraud? Or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy, which they could prove? It’s one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars. If there’s a bus involved, that changes the dynamic… You can prove conspiracy if there’s a bus, but if there are cars, it is much harder to prove.”

        Voter fraud? there ain’t no stinkin’ voter fraud!

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          Oh yeah, Project Veritas’ deceptively edited videos? No problem with the truth there…


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “deceptively edited videos?”

          Soooo, Americans United for Change and Democracy Partners summarily fired his sorry @$$ for “deceptively edited videos”?

          Got it!

          Another selectively edited, I mean, verbatim quote from Scottie (a local boy!): “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker.”

          Taken out of context?

          I give you credit for having a modicum of synaptic connectivity, but this isn’t like yer heroines Stormy-n-Omarosa claiming to have something.

          These are verbatim quotes he spake while he was being recorded…as in, they’re ON TAPEFULL STOP!!

          Watch the video (starts ~ 40 seconds) and then report back to us that you don’t believe yer lyin’ eyes OR yer lyin’ ears.

          Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

          The Gotch


  12. […] his last prize-worthy blogge, your Squire praised former mayor Dave Cieslewicz for breaking from Democrat(ic) party dogma on […]


  13. Batman

    Whupped em again Josey…”buzzards gotta eat…same as worms.”
