Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


The Iron Stache has made some mistakes

But he takes responsibility, as if he had any other choice

Smokey & Bandit

Child non-support, drunk driving, driving without a license (three times!), and failure to appear in court. That is the rap sheet on the Iron Stache, ol’ Randy Bryce, unmasked by CNN (of all news sources). Not a Wisconsin news source? 

Time for some political triage. John Nichols offers cover: “Randy Bryce takes responsibility for his past mistakes.”

What a mensch! Guessing his brushes with the law will only add to his appeal as a Merle Haggard kind of outlaw.


Went to Sauk City and Lake Wisconsin instead of the motorcycle ride Saturday with the Madison H.O.G. group. Instead, took the Lovely Lisa for a ride, top down in the Fiat 500C through western Dane County, over to Sauk City for lunch at the former Leystra’s on Phillips Avenue. It’s now under new management as the Sauk-Prairie Grill but same great selection of pies and comfort food. 

Sauk City is always crawling with motorcycles when I’m there, even though they lost the Harley dealership due to consolidation with the Madison outlet. From there up 78 to Merrimac for a ride on the ferry. Stopped for one beer in Okee on the south shore of Lake Wisconsin and then explored the side streets and various cul de sac inlets to look at the houses.

Wouldn’t you know it! Sunday night HGTV featured a “hardworking firefighter” looking for a permanent home on that very lake “where he can unwind.” The real estate agent showed four homes and he chose the largest but on a channel to the lake. All for well under $300,000.


About the WI State Journal’s homicides series under Dean Mosiman’s byline. 

Withholding judgment but so far what jumps out is simply this: “Cops ain’t the problem.” Still recites the victim narrative although not as egregiously as The Capital Times, which the Squire thought posed it as “Somebody is killing all the black men of Madison but we can’t say whom because that would be politically incorrect.” 

Mosiman’s series still has three installments in the hopper. What are the chances he spoke to a conservative about the R word (stands for Responsibility)? Heather Mac Donald? Jason Riley?

Shots fired calls are up so far this year. Police Chief Mike Koval reports 13 shots fired calls for service last month.  Through the end of June 2018, 101 shots fired. For the first 6-months of last year 95 shots.


No guns voteIf you own a gun you voted Donald Trump — unless you live in Vermont where even Bernie Sanders supports gun rights. They voted Hillary. Only in West Virginia did voters who owned no guns vote Trump. (Not enough data for Wyoming.) A deep data dive at the New York Times.

Vote Jesus Aguilar to the All-Star game

Trump’s pick tonight is Raymond Kethledge of Michigan. Just a hunch.


95 responses to “The Iron Stache has made some mistakes”

  1. Gary L. Kriewald

    The phrase in the WI State Journal headline that says it all is “unaddressed trauma.” In other words, the same liberal claptrap that’s been bandied about for decades. People only commit crimes because they’re poor, or neglected, or underserved, or victims of racism, or yadda, yadda. Even as far back as the late ’50s this attitude received a pitch-perfect parody in one of the immortal songs, “Gee, Officer Krupke,” from West Side Story: “Dear kindly Sergeant Krupke/ Ya gotta understand/ It’s just our bringin’ upke/ That gets us outa hand/ Our mothers all are junkies/ Our fathers all are drunks/ Golly Moses, naturally we’re punks. . . My daddy beats my mommy/ My mommy clobbers me./ My grandpa is a Commie/ My grandma pushes tea/ My sister wears a mustache/ My brother wears a dress/ Goodness Gracious, that’s why I’m a mess!” Like all great art, it’s timeless. And liberals are still peddling the same snakeoil they were 50 years ago.

    As for the Iron Stache, that working-class Democrat image is about as believable as that stunt with Dukakis driving a tank was in the 1988 campaign.

    As for Bernie and the gun issue, I’d love to see that grumpy old socialist debate that obnoxious little prick, David Hogg, on the gun issue. Talk about must-see TV.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Gary L. Kriewald;

      “In other words, the same liberal claptrap that’s been bandied about for decades. People only commit crimes because they’re poor, or neglected, or underserved, or victims of racism, or yadda, yadda.”

      Would underserved depict the new standard ingeniously posited by the talented District 3 Alder Amanda Hall:

      Their Needs Aren’t Being Met!

      The Gotch


  2. Tom Paine

    Nice photo………but add a few Brown Swiss.


    1. richard lesiak

      Now you did it. “BROWN” cows? There will be 36 posts on that before nightfall.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        “There will be 36 posts on that before nightfall.”

        Doesn’t being wrong all the time get old?

        Wait a minute.

        You’re a career Lefty, youse simply MUST be used to that by now, am I right?

        Anywho, fuggedabboudit, let’s talk about something light; like (heh!) how Hillarity won the popular vote.

        Or how Senate Lefties are now being laughably painted as hypocrites for wanting to stall NOW when they wanted to rush Merritt Gardener through THEN.

        Watch Chuck Todd (no Righty he!) get under the pasty white skin of Dickie Durbin (Demented-IL) and worry him like the rat he is by calling him a hypocrite.

        Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Go to bed gcrotch; you know how cranky and confused you get when tired.


      2. madisonexpat

        Especially if the cows remind OB of Stormy Daniels.


        1. Gary L. Kriewald

          Well, their udders are roughly the same size.


  3. Patrick M O’Loughlin

    I say it’s Amy Coney Barrett. Breaks the Ivy League stranglehold on SCOTUS seats (Notre Dame), has seven children, including one adopted from Haiti, and is guaranteed to drive liberals absolutely crazy trying to attack her and not look downright mean. And it’s that last part puts her over the top. One of the only good things you can say about Trump is that his instincts on what makes the left go nuts, are spot on. He really knows how to yank their chain.


  4. Cornelius Gotchberg

    These 5, count ’em FIVE! incidents are “brushes with the law?”

    The bad news? they all fall within the new Lefty standard: The Paula Deen 27 Year Look-Back Period.

    The good news? glassy eyin’ lock-steppin’ unquestionin’ Lefties will be predictably (read: cluelessly) forgiving.

    The bad news 2.0? he’s an EVIL White Male.

    The good news 2.0? Hopefully it’s not too late to check the right box ala Elizabeth Lieawatha/Fauxchaontas” Warren.

    Plus, he’ll secure unremitting support from the likes of @AnonyBob, @richard lesiak, @hankdog/old baldy, @gene, et al, for four reasons:

    1- He’s a pro-illegal immigration career Lefty.

    2- He doesn’t support requiring parental notification or consent before an abortion is performed on a minor.

    3- He’s anti-2nd Amendment

    4- He has that Ron Jeremy ’70’s porn ‘stache goin’ on, and THAT’S someone those guys really look…um…UP to!

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      Not to be confused with the “glassy eyein’ lock steppin’ unquestionin’” rwnj’s. What do you care anyway. You wouldn’t vote for Jesus if he had a D behind his name.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        ”You wouldn’t vote for Jesus if he had a D behind his name.”

        I might if’n he had Alou after his name.

        I’ll bet I’ve voted for a LOT more D’s than you’ve voted for R’s.

        I’m an Independent. That means I look at the issues and not the letter after the name; you should try it sometime.

        Wait a minute.

        That approach requires synaptic connectivity which would include rudimentary cognition and the capacity for abstract thought.

        Never mind.

        The Gotch


        1. Batman

          That one definitely left a mark.


        2. richard lesiak

          left a mark? did you bang your head going into your bat cave.


        3. I’d vote Jesus if it was Aguilar.

          Liked by 1 person

        4. richard lesiak

          Independent? Look at the issues? BAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. That’s as funny as trump meeting putin. We’ll be lucky to still have Alaska after that confab.


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          You wait nearly 22 hours and that’s the best youse can come up with??

          Have youse been taking moron lessons from @AnonyBob & @hankdog/oldbaldy?

          I BEG you to get therapy STAT!!!!!!!!!

          The Gotch


        6. richard lesiak

          Is there a time limit now? I know you get an alert every time someone posts here so you can jump in with your version of drunk history. Get a life gootch.


    2. old baldy

      Sorry gotch, but you missed on all four counts on me. But then facts have never been a hindrance to you in the past.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @hankdog/old baldy;

        “Sorry gotch, but you missed on all four counts on me.”

        Then, not to put too fine a point on it, you aren’t ALL IN, the required condition (manifest cluelessness) from which all Lefties MUST suffer in order to further the narrative.

        “But then facts have never been a hindrance to you in the past.”

        And I do mean MA’AM!

        The Gotch


        1. old baldy

          Looks like all these years you been lying about me being a “lefty”. Maybe you been fabricating other stories as well. Who woulda thunk?


        2. richard lesiak

          You forgot to add your usual groveling line. “Am I right?” “please tell me I’m right. I need to hear that I’m right. ” sad. very sad.


      2. richard lesiak

        He does believe in all of trump’s “factual tweets.”


    3. Gary L. Kriewald

      Dems apparently think that all those working-class voters they’ve been looking down their elitist noses at for the last 30 years will come rushing back to the party just because they’ve packaged this guy as some ham-handed parody of what they think Democrat voters were like in the 1970s (that may also explain the “70s porn stache”). They’ve allowed themselves to become the party of coastal elites; now they’re about to face the day of reckoning for that decision.

      Just read that Sen. Tammy has declined to get on board the anti-ICE bandwagon driven buy that noxious little toad Pocan (of course, if this weren’t an election year, she would’ve hopped aboard long ago). I imagine the upper-middle-class white Madison liberals that make up her base are furious. Meanwhile the faultlines (and never was there a more appropriate term) in the Democrat party widen by the day. Haven’t heard much about the fabled “blue wave” lately, have you?


      1. richard lesiak

        IF; and it still is an IF; trump gets the SC to blow up Roe/Wade the Goobers On Parade will get their asses kicked. There aren’t enough conservative bible trumpers in the country that can save them. And THAT you can take to gootchs bank.


    4. richard lesiak

      the goootch…1. witch-hunt. 2. pee tape. 3.. pu@@y grabbing. 4.bullet-proof phone booths 5. Kids in cages. 6. Media is the enemy. 7. the banning of bike lanes. 8. old white guys telling women what they can do with their own bodies. 9. trade wars are good and easy to win. 10. Everyone needs a trumpy bear. Just a few of the things gotch batman zoltar support.


      1. Batman

        lonely boy still looking for someone to come out and play with him.
        Been doing since he/it was an undersized mutant child but all he gets are epic smackdowns.
        Life is good.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          I must confess, this is getting a tad cringeworthy. C’mon, he’s coming in here holding his delicate widdle donut-making hands back and BEGGING to get pasted.

          It’d be poor manners not to oblige, am I right?

          Makes one wonder if @richard lesiak is snorting too much yeast at his executive donut manufacturing gig.

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak

          Here’s a smack for ‘ya batdung. Month of May; wisconsin lost 5300 jobs and 54 dairy farms closed. And that’s what walker will own up too, so you know the numbers have to be higher. Foxconn 3 billion. Now we are up to giving them 4.5 billion. Now they are saying the facility will be smaller than planned. Throw in trump’s trade war that is hurting our state and you and gotch will be using those hated bike lanes because that will be all that’s left.


        3. richard lesiak

          Still waiting for that box of trump steaks to arrive?


        4. richard lesiak

          If this is all that’s good in your life then your just a sad, little, hateful man.


      2. old baldy


        You missed one: MAGA hats made in Viet Nam. What a dishonor to the 58000+ that didn’t come home.


        1. richard lesiak

          I agree. Lost several buddies there and a couple that were crippled for life. Got a picture of my old man standing next to a sign that said 25 japs buried and the date. Island hopping in WW2 sucked. He limped on a wounded ankle and foot all his life and got a bigly disability check from the army for 35 bucks a month. Now we have general bonespurs wanting to throw himself a military parade. All of donny’s and Ivanka’s crap is made in Asia.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @hankdog/old baldy;

          “MAGA hats made in Viet Nam.”

          Looky here, folks; this is what an effin’ moron posts when they think they’re being clever!

          That is seriously the stupidest thing I believe I’ve ever read, I feel brain cells scurrying away just because it darkened my screen.

          Using this epically imbecilic illogic: no German cars, no Italian olive oil, no Japanese electronics, no Spanish machinery, no Philippines vacations, etc., et., etc.

          And didn’t we have some sort of skirmish with the British a while back? So anything from there would be a “dishonor.”

          Good God, the magnitude of the depth of yer stupidity is absolutely breathtaking!


          The Gotch


        3. old baldy

          I saw a great quote today and it fits you perfectly, ” your stupidity is relentless”. At least you are consistent.


        4. Batman

          You mean dishonor by providing jobs to Vietnamese whose country and people we devastated.


  5. Paula Fitz

    (Copied & pasted from my Facebook post)

    On Iron Stache . . .

    If it was just a couple of harmless incidents from his youth, I could forgive it as a lapse in judgment and a lesson learned. But being arrested nine times, including for failing to appear in court, seems to me more like a pattern and lack of respect for our laws. Then he has the audacity to blame it on the system. Being delinquent on child support (deadbeat) is also not ok. We shouldn’t make excuses for this type of behavior from any politician, regardless of party affiliation. So sad to me that we’ve lost our moral compass.

    On Journal series . . .

    Interesting, multi-factorial topic. There’s no denying that childhood trauma impacts our adult lives or that it changes (sometimes permanently, per some studies) brain chemistry. Every child deserves to be loved, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Fortunately, our brains are complex and neuroplastic, which means, with adequate support and personal motivation, we can change this chemistry.

    That said, I also think, however, that childhood trauma is just one part of the equation; that it can help explain someone’s behavior, but shouldn’t excuse it. I also don’t think it’s fair to those who’ve overcome similar circumstances.

    Look at people who have been traumatized through history – who’ve been victims of poverty, violence, and oppression, yet haven’t resorted to criminal behavior. Some of these same people have used their adversity to not only survive, but thrive.

    With everything else being equal, what is it that makes someone commit crime and another work to better themselves? I think we’d find variables like strong family unit, faith, and attitude, contribute.

    Also, some people are just prone to criminal behavior. Some people don’t have consciences, unfortunately. There are those who come from the best of circumstances yet are deviants.

    One thing I think the Journal is spot on about is that the onus for bad behavior is unequivocally on each of us. Treating people like victims when they’re not, and not holding them accountable, is not helpful to them or society.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Given Randy’s criminal record, I wonder if his mother was a junkie or his father was a drunk. Did his daddy clobber his mommy, did his mommy clobber him? Golly Moses, naturally he’s a punk!


      1. richard lesiak

        Climb some iron with him and see who’s the punk.


  6. old baldy

    Well, at least Bryce take responsibility for his past actions, so unlike the current occupant.

    I own lots of guns of various configurations, (no AR-15s or M-16s, had enough of those) and I didn’t vote for trump. So there.


    1. richard lesiak

      I voted against trump here in Wisconsin then drove to Chicago and voted against him a second time.


      1. Batman

        Nobody cares troll boy.
        Start a journal and spare us the minutia of your insipid life.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Heh! Gut Laugh Leader Board material, congrats!

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak

          hey Batdung…haven’t seen ‘ya around lately. goootch finally bail you out?


      2. madisonexpat

        How’d that turn out?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “How’d that turn out?”

          He got an I’m With Stoopid t-shirt to give to anyone standing next to him, some Hillarity playing cards to put in his BIKIE spokes to make it sound like a motorcycle, a real real neat transistor radio with only two preset channels (WORT & WPR), and a couple of snickers bars.

          For someone that sets their sights so low, THAT’S hard to top, am I right?

          @hankdog/old baldy couldn’t make it, scheduling conflict with his Stormy Daniels “groupie” gig….

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak

          where are the babies?


    2. Gary L. Kriewald

      Ah, yes. Taking responsibility. The get-out-of-jail free card for the left. (Of course, if it were up tho them, every black and brown criminal in the country would be given a handful of those cards.)


      1. richard lesiak

        And all of trump’s criminal friends get pardons, tax breaks and carve outs in his trade war. His kids panties business isn’t subject to tariffs? what??????????????


        1. Gary L. Kriewald

          Maybe they just need a dose of good ol’ restorative justice. I hear it’s worked wonders on the vicious little thugs in Madison.


      2. richard lesiak

        Maybe you should ask for get out of jail cards for all the toddlers who are appearing in court without lawyers. trump and sessions belong on trail for crimes against humanity. But; I guess all you trumpsters never see that since all you watch is hannity.


        1. Batman

          Why do you defend illegal immigration troll boy.


        2. richard lesiak

          I’m not defending illegal immigration. I’m defending human rights. Ever lose track of your kid at the mall or the supermarket? How did that feel? Nothing wrong with a 3 year old sitting in front of a judge with no lawyer and ill fitting headphones not understanding a word about what’s going on? If your ok with that then I feel sad for you.


        3. Gary L. Kriewald

          Ever notice how when a leftie is backed into a corner, his knee-jerk response is to wrap himself in some gauzy, high-minded abstraction like “human right’ in a desperate attempt to deflect attention from his (indefensible) stand on a specific issue?


  7. Patrick M O’Loughlin

    The one thing you will not see cited in the homicide series is culture, as opposed to race. I know a number of black people who are neighbors, friends and relatives of mine. But they do not come from the African American Gangsta culture that dominates the black community in this city. Several of my black friends are actually African, and from the African cultures of Mali, Nigeria, Liberia and Zambia. They can’t relate to these gangstas.

    Read Thomas Sowell’s book, Black Rednecks and White Liberals. Ironically the black gansta culture came from the white rednecks in the south, but originated with the white highlanders in Scotland.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Unfortunately, there’s a good chance that the children of your friends from Africa will get sucked into the “gangsta culture” that, as you rightly note, dominates the black community in this city. Meanwhile, hallowed institutions of higher learning like UW-Madison offer courses in the history of hip-hop, in which that toxic aberration is treated with (unearned) respect and the “culture”–I can remember when that word had a very different meaning–that produced it is held up as just another expression of the wonderful “diversity” of black culture.


      1. richard lesiak



  8. Patrick M. O’Loughlin

    Well we both wrong Dave.


  9. Went to Fitz’s on the Lake in Okee on Saturday myself – beautiful area. Did I almost run over you with my minivan? 🙂


    1. Sunny Schubert

      Best lake perch ever!


      1. We’ll have to try some.


  10. Batman

    Gotch says and worth repeating:
    “MAGA hats made in Viet Nam.”
    Looky here, folks; this is what an effin’ moron posts when they think they’re being clever!
    That is seriously the stupidest thing I believe I’ve ever read, I feel brain cells scurrying away just because it darkened my screen.
    Using this epically imbecilic illogic: no German cars, no Italian olive oil, no Japanese electronics, no Spanish machinery, no Philippines vacations, etc., et., etc.
    And didn’t we have some sort of skirmish with the British a while back? So anything from there would be a “dishonor.”
    Good God, the magnitude of the depth of yer stupidity is absolutely breathtaking!
    The Gotch

    A simultaneous epic smackdown of baldo and baby richie.
    This is so much fun, and it’s FREE!!
    God bless America…


    1. richard lesiak

      So your repeating goootch’s nonsense? Federal Trade Commission says to be Made in USA a product has to be “all or virtually all” of the product must be made in USA. The hats are stitched together in LA , everything else is foriegn made. Two employees, including a top salesman, testified that the hat fabric, bills and stiffeners are all imported. Once again your wordsmithing and insults get in the way of facts. Worried about american jobs? Then why is trump trying to hire 45 people from outside the US to work at Mar-A-Lago? Alexa; who’s the biggest douche on the internet? answer; it’s a tie between gotch and batman. Gotta love that interweb thing.


    2. richard lesiak

      All of trump’s crap including the junk his kid sells is made overseas. Didn’t you learn anything at trump university?


    3. Cornelius Gotchberg


      You shouldn’t be so harsh on @richard lesiak, @AnonyBob, & @hankdog/old baldy.

      They’re hard workers. At least Ben Franklin would’ve thought so; he had just them in mind when he penned:

      “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.”

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        Typical gootchy blab. No comment on the subject. Just a lot of flap and insults. What’s wrong; did I burst your bubble about those hats? That they don’t meet the Made in America gov’t standard. No reply about trump hiring 45 foriegn workers? Head in the sand.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak is working hard, just like Ben said.

          The Gotch


  11. Batman

    baby richie says:
    “I’m not defending illegal immigration. I’m defending human rights. Ever lose track of your kid at the mall or the supermarket? How did that feel? Nothing wrong with a 3 year old sitting in front of a judge with no lawyer and ill fitting headphones not understanding a word about what’s going on? If your ok with that then I feel sad for you.”

    Let’s see; people swarm our borders, bad things happen, U.S. citizens are to blame and should feel guilty. Oh compassionate Lefty; tell us about the family you are sponsoring when not spewing your bilious lies.


    1. richard lesiak

      I help my youngest son and his family to sponsor, bring to the US, and have live in their home a student from overseas each year. They are here for 6 months and teach, learn and experience life in our country. And you???


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        ”I help my youngest son and his family to sponsor, bring to the US, and have live in their home a student from overseas each year.”

        The AFS-USA program and illegal immigration sponsorship are so effin’ different that even one of those three-year-olds you’ve conjured up and about whom you slobber endlessly would discern the difference, yet it escapes youse?

        Got it!

        And how do youse help yer son, by providing stale donuts you stole from yer employer?

        And youse ought ask some of the sponsors of the Mariel Boat Lift, the brainchild of the democrat demigod Jimmah Carter, how that worked out.

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          yep; I “got it.” Your a douche.


  12. Batman

    Nice that you help your son out richie, but I notice you won’t allow even a single foreign student into your house.

    You and your Lefty comrades are always screeching about open borders and separated babies
    so why not sponsor those same families/babies for say, the next three years. No taxpayer assistance because that would be cheating. That way you can insure the 70% court date no shows follow the rules for a change and begin the formal process.

    And while you’re busy with your new project, you clanging Leftys can pressure legislators to fix the dysfunctional immigration system instead of condemning the rule of law.


    1. richard lesiak

      and just what have you done?


  13. Batman

    You asking Batman that?
    Guess you don’t get out much, read the papers, or watch the news.

    Enough with the incessant complaining and begin fixing.
    Your mental health will improve too—promise.


    1. richard lesiak

      so tell me more about how famous you are.


      1. Batman

        What is your solution to our broken immigration policy troll boy?
        Typical Lefty; all hat no cattle…and endless whining.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          ”What is your solution to our broken immigration policy troll boy?”

          @richard lesiak has an alter ego: Irwin Kass

          Open borders will restore our nation — Irwin Kass


          I swear, it is by far THE most monumentally clueless, ill-informed, untethered to anything resembling a fact-based reality LTE I’ve EVER read!

          One highly unlikely explanation? He’s testing it for submission to The Onion.

          Otherwise, the breathtaking imbecility in this benighted screed is positively staggering.

          The Gotch


      2. AnonyBob

        Batty has turned into a Peter Lorre character here. He once showed promise, but has regressed into a supporting, second string commenter, aggressively piling on and egging on the more verbose, yet pointless, commenters like Gootch, or the barely controlled rage commenters like Squeaks. Batty adds little and is not worth responding to. He’s worth ignoring.


        1. Batman

          I meet people where they are bobo.
          Why waste pearls before swine.
          I know you understand.

          PS. you’re only irritated because Gotch and Zoltar are manifestly smarter than you.


        2. AnonyBob



        3. Batman

          bobo says: “Batty has turned into a Peter Lorre character here.” blah blah blah.

          My what a substantive comment.

          What is your solution to our broken immigration policy bright guy?
          Interminable complaining doesn’t count.
          This is your chance to shine.


        4. AnonyBob

          Had to look up Peter Lorre, didn’t ya.


      3. Gary L. Kriewald

        Open borders, which will be made infinitely easier once the country adopts the helpful suggestion by that noxious little toad Mark Pocan to abolish ICE, is only the first step in the left’s crusade to found the new utopia. At least 2 Democrat candidates for governor of WI have pledged to cut the state’s prison population by one half (if you’re black or brown, move to the head of the line). At least all the “migrants” swarming across what was once the border could be housed in the newly empty prisons–after they’ve been refurbished to resemble something out of Architectural Digest, courtesy of US taxpayers.

        What a delight to see the Dems outdoing one another in coming up with “policies” (aka lefty wet dreams) tailor-made to push centrist voters toward Republicans. At this rate, we’ll be seeing a red tsunami come November, followed by a Democrat meltdown that will eclipse even the epic hissy fit they threw after Trump’s triumph in 2016.


        1. Batman

          Careful GLK; keep describing Pocan that way and you may just earn the faux outrage of annoyingbob.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “so tell me more about how famous you are.”

      Welp, unless you can simultaneously claim you make lousier donuts @ less than minimum wage, don’t know the difference between your & you’re, AND are more of an Idiot Savant than @richard lesiak, I’m afraid he gets the nod.

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        your batgirl said I don’t get out much, watch the news or read the papers. Sounds like a claim that bathead is someone famous or at the least a mover and shaker worthy of notice by the public. Enlighten me with some of your “headlines”.


      2. richard lesiak

        Like I said gotch; your just a douche. A mean spirited, hateful little man with nothing of substance to say. A guy who goes to church only on xmas and puts an empty envelope in the collection basket because your afraid your one dollar may be spent to help someone. A guy who would kill his neighbors dog just so he can watch the mans kids cry. I think you get online to talk stupid and insult people because if you did it at home your wife would slap your little cuchold butt till you cried. To quote you; “am I right?”


  14. madisonexpat

    Blue Wave? Pantsuits Nation? Why aren’t Dems ahead 50 points you ask?
    Peter Stzok, ‘Sure I forgave Hillary the 22 felonious security breaches on her home brew server and the wiener laptop because security is hard for the most qualified girl to run for the presidency and OK I demonstrated my bitter hatred for candidate trump,all his smelly supporters and looked for a non crime with Russians but you can’t prove bias.”
    This is why President Trump.


  15. Batman

    phonybob in attack mode:
    “Batty has turned into a Peter Lorre character here. He once showed promise, but has regressed into a supporting, second string commenter, aggressively piling on and egging on the more verbose, yet pointless, commenters like Gootch, or the barely controlled rage commenters like Squeaks. Batty adds little and is not worth responding to. HE’S WORTH IGNORING.” Caps mine.

    Bobo is now part of the ubiquitous trend>>> Just another Lefty calling for the diminution of opposing ideas. Doesn’t mention numero uno troll boy richie because he identifies with his thinking and tactics>>> 20% sincere, 80% garbage.

    Zoltar rarely posts anymore because of the sickening trolling by richie and bobo. At one point Zoltar called them out each time and phony bob’s response was that we all troll each other and to quit whining.

    I realized several weeks ago that to sincerely dialogue with phony bob is a total waste of time. I choose not to ignore him entirely because ridicule is often appropriate. Trolls always deserve disrespect. It is always open season on trolls.

    P.S. the only time bobo dialogues in good faith is with DB when the subject is WI politics.
