Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Run for your lives! The Republicans are coming!

Milwaukee’s racial paranoids get their 15 seconds!

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel went fishing for the pro-Biden campfire scare story it wanted to tell in the run-up to the Republican National Convention in their fair city next month. The newspaper found enough chickens little to quake on cue at the prospect of Republicans scything like hooded night riders through their troubled neighborhoods. 

“It’s still hard for me to get over the psychological effects of all this, knowing our first black mayor is rolling out the red carpet for people that hate us,” said Angela Lang, the executive director of Black Leaders Organizing for Communities in Milwaukee.

If Rep. Byron Donalds, Dr. Ben Carson, or U.S. Sen. Tim Scott hate you, Ms. Lang, it’s not because you’re black. It’s because you are stupid. The Journal Sentinel segues into a variant of the lazy journalist’s “experts say” trope:

Research has shown far-right violent extremism is rising, and communities of color are feeling it. Darryl Morin, the national president of Forward Latino, agrees. 

Of course he agrees. It’s his job as a professional victim! Speaking of assumptions:

[Morin] said Hispanic and Latino families were already worried that their appearance, their accents, or speaking Spanish in public would make them a target.

“Because I can tell you we have not seen one hate crime victim who has told us they were stopped and asked about their immigration status before they were attacked,” he said. “It just occurs and the assumption is made.”

Don’t tell Marco Rubio or State Rep. Rachael Cabral-Guevara, R-Appleton — both of whom have been known to speak Spanish in public. If Mr. Morin has seen any hate crime victims, they weren’t Republican delegates, who won’t hit town until the week of July 14 – 18. I’d be more worried about race-baiting newspaper reporters.

A New York Times poll finds that 23% of black voters are going with Trump, a reputed Republican. The same poll shows Trump with a 6-point lead over Biden among hispanics.

Mounted police with traffic control devices at GOP convention in Cleveland 2016

 More police than delegates

Your Head Groundskeeper has attended two Republican national conventions — one as a newspaper reporter, the other as an alternate delegate. The 50,000 delegates, news hounds, and hangers-on to hit town will live in a convention bubble surrounded by a Secret Service-directed “secured convention perimeter.” 

Delegates will spend most of their time at Fiserve Forum for narcolepsy-inducing speeches and at their convention hotel for state delegation events with special speakers. (At the Cleveland Hilton, we heard from pollster Frank Luntz and John Ratzenberger (Cliff Claven of TV’s Cheers), among others. (Good Times!) Delegates will be ferried in vans and buses to the nightly parties around town and back to their hotels, nearly comatose.

Streets will be rerouted and barricaded with steel fencing and radio-controlled traffic-stop devices. If Milwaukee is anything like Cleveland, police, sheriff’s deputies, state patrol, and federal agents in dark suits will patrol on foot, in marked cars, vans and urban assault vehicles. Uniformed officers will ride on horseback, bicycle, and motorcycle. Law enforcement will put eyes in the sky with drones and helicopters. Sharpshooters will peer down from rooftops with binoculars and scopes on high-powered rifles.

Hard to burn crosses with that kind of surveillance.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Can’t blame MAGA for the Juneteenth shootout at Washington Park. Let’s face it — the Republican National Convention will be safer than a Bucks playoff game.

Is too much Joy Reid bad for one’s mental health?



15 responses to “Run for your lives! The Republicans are coming!”

  1. One Eye

    The BIG question – will there be enough WHORES for everyone?


    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      I thought the republicans were all too GODLY for hookers. We know Donny and Gaetz will bring Boebert; situation solved. Will they set up a gallows for Vos at trump’s request?I heard trump is arriving in a gold chariot driven by Clarence Thomas. Let the good times roll my conservative Christian friends.


  2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    A New York Times poll finds that 23% of black voters are going with Trump, a reputed Republican. The same poll shows Trump with a 6-point lead over Biden among hispanics.”

    Latinos and Blacks have wised up the manifest uselessness of the democrat Party, the Party of War, Death, Hatred, and RAYcism!

    Despicable Lefty shows up every Leap Year promising them the moon and beyond, only to incuriously vanish after the 1st Tuesday following November 1st.

    Hate crimes? Per the bedrock Conservative Newsweek: Hate Crimes Documented By Police Disproportionately List Black People As Attackers: Report

    Et tu, Newsweek…?

    Ah Lefty; so MUCH unresolved self-loathing and misplaced hatred, so little time!

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      fake news


    2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      Single Parent Households Are One Of The GREATEST INDICATORS Of An IDIOT’S Future Poverty And Substandard Education.

      The Gotch


      1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

        Again? Your material is as old as your Prius.


  3. Dan B

    Milwaukee friends; keep an eye out for these MAGA types:

    They look like college frat boys and might very well throw lighter fluid on you. They will yell a racial epithets like “This is MAGA country”. There’s a good chance they’ll throw an “unknown chemical substance” on you and have a small rope handy to wrap around your neck. They will wear red hats. Worse yet, they will fight you for your Subway sandwich. Stay vigilant my friends!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Solid advice! Warning signs: Many of them will also be seen going to work in the morning, taking the dog out for a walk in the evening, mowing lawns, and coaching soccer.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

        The (democrat) Party Is EXTREMELY UNPOPULAR Right Now

        The Gotch


      2. David Gerard

        You may want to warn your granddaughters to stay away from Trump, Giuliani, Nauta, Lewandowski, Porter, Sorensen, Puzder, Stone, Bannon, and Manafort in Milwaukee.


    2. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      That all depends if you want to be in the “outer circle” or at the “inner circle.”


  4. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    What a great end to the week. The Supreme Grifters of the United States of “Merica ruled that people who abuse their spouse should not have access to a gun. I don’t know how it happened, but I heard the NRA couldn’t afford the upgrades Thomas wanted for his all expense paid trip to Monaco. I’m sure that there are hidden exceptions and loopholes that will cause decades of debate and cost billions, but I digress. Congrats to all those appointees who wear the famous blackout curtains. Clarence; be sure to say hello to Ginne for me.


    1. Mordecai The Red

      Or maybe this Court is actually a reasonable, even-handed one that rules according to legal and Constitutional precedent. But you’d never know that listening to the psyop being put on by Democrats and their big media sycophants who are trying to delegitimize it. Need to make people vote out of anger and fear when your policies and ideas are hot garbage.


      1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

        Are you going to buy one of trump’s gold bump stocks? It’s the gift that keeps on giving.


        1. Mordecai The Red

          Not big on bump stocks. The weapons I have are enough to deal with most civilian miscreants. Including those who burned cities in summer 2020 over a drug-ridden petty criminal that had one too many run ins with the law.

          Liked by 1 person

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