Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


We’re slimed with too much rain and …

My Allis G won’t start!

The mock orange bush outside my window fills world headquarters of Blaska Policy Werkes with subtle and calming fragrance this beautiful June morning in fascinating Madison WI. Requires extra effort to work up the spittle-flecked outrage you’ve come to know and love but here goes:

Kudos for Mayor Satya asking for a 5 percent cut from all agencies; ODUKS if she doesn’t prioritize. Worse, she insists everything be seen through the lens of racial equity. Please do not 5 percent the $509,000 Police Civilian Oversight Board! Reduce it to zero-point-minus-zero!

My old boss at The Capital Times Dave Zweifel kvetches that “the school choice program is no longer limited to that altruistic approach championed by Thompson in 1990,” that being limiting participation to the poorest of the poor. Dave, you were opposed to Tommy’s altruistic approach even in 1990! BTW: The program is still income-limited.

Another supposed fly in the ointment, Dave sez, is that voucher schools can prevent students from being exposed (Dave’s word) or subjected (Blaska’s word) to Woke ideology. That’s a feature, not a bug, Dave. He writes:

Since the days of Thomas Jefferson, America provided public education to its citizens.

Still does, thanks to the voucher program! No mention of Milwaukee’s scandalous public schools, which do NOT provide public education to its citizens.

 Kiss the ring

Shaking hands for an up-close meet and greet with Donald Trump before his speech in rural Racine Tuesday 06-18-24 were Eric Hovde, Tommy Thompson, Scott Walker, Brian Steil, Derrick van Orden, State Assembly candidate Jim Piwororczyk, and his fellow Right Wisconsin journalist Jessica McBride. Who was missing? Maybe Robin Vos?

A fungus is among us

Woody Allen spoofed the game show What’s My Line with “What’s My Perversion?” Am texting producers Mark Goodson and Bill Todman with Blaska’s latest surefire hit game show: “I’ve Got a Fungus.”

I’ve always wanted to be a panelist, along the lines of the dyspeptic “personality” Henry Morgan (not Harry Morgan of M*A*S*H). Perhaps nursing a hangover, this Henry Morgan once went after fellow panelist Bennet Cerf for telling yet another long and boring story — and when it counted: during the live broadcast of What’s My Line! (As in, “line of work,” a formulation now extinct.)

Imagine my shock at seeing what looks like spoiled oatmeal atop the Irish moss the Head Groundskeeper embedded into the long decaying stump of a silver maple. Probably due to the fact that it rains every day. (We blame China.) The Lovely Lisa identifies this mold as Slime Mold. Sounds about right.

Funniest thing all week: Elvis without dubbing and the post-performance music fill.

Blaska’s Bottom Line is a life lesson: Air conditioner is out in 90-degree weather. (Worked fine in January!) My little Allis Chalmers G tractor won’t start. Rains every day. Apparently, with the gift of mock orange the Experimental Work Farm must accept a little slime mold.

Know anybody in town who can rebuild a 6-volt starter motor?

6 responses to “We’re slimed with too much rain and …”

  1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    The Lovely Lisa identifies this mold as Slime Mold.”

    Dubbed Primordial Gelatinous Ooze by an (arguably) brilliant neighborsnextdoor (THEY Report/YOU Decide!) denizen.

    Without a discernable “brain” it fascinatingly, if unconventionally, displays intelligence, memory, and capacity to learn, abilities The Gotch has yet to find in Lefties reportedly WITH brains…

    The Gotch


  2. David asked, “Know anybody in town who can rebuild a 6-volt starter motor?”

    I’d call Electro Tech Inc. (formerly Electric Motors Unlimited) at 608-271-2311 or just show up at their door at 1000 Johnathan Drive during regular business hours. Over the years I’ve had them rebuild all kinds of A/C and DC electric motors when I was a service tech servicing HVAC, boilers, exhaust fans, walk-in coolers & freezers, commercial kitchen equipment, etc. I’ve only had a couple of motors rebuilt since Electro Tech Inc. took over and they did a good job.


    1. There’s also EMS Industrial Inc. (formerly Electric Motor Service) that I did a ton of business with years ago. They used to be off Wright St. years ago but I think they’re now out on Prairie Dock Drive close to Femrite Dr. on the East side. I have absolutely no experience with them since I switched careers and they moved.


  3. Falk’s Folly

    Can’t wait for the municipal unions to agree to layoffs using the lens of racial equity by throwing a basic tenet of unionism, seniority, out the window and keeping recent hires on the payroll.


  4. Eric Z

    Had to replace the start capacitor for the compressor in our air conditioner Monday afternoon. Glad I bought one a couple of years ago to have on hand. The Chineseium ones don’t seem to last that long.


  5. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    Shaking hands with trump? Did you still have your watch and ring when you walked away?


What do you think?