Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Tag: CNN presidential debate

  • Please don’t take away my keys!

    My computer keyboard keys, that is. A particularly insolent field hand remarked that your host is the oldest ever to serve as Head Groundskeeper of Blaska Policy Werkes. So we’ve been looking over our shoulder, ready to fend off would-be alpha males in the herd. While the Catholic Church limits to age 70 the voting…

  • Oh! My! God!

    Voters are thoroughly screwed, blued, and tattooed! We’re doomed! DOO-OOMED as Linus said in the Great Pumpkin. Trump v. Biden 06-27-24 was a debacle. A blot on history. A stain upon the Republic. A national 9-1-1. Neither of these two … individuals … should be anywhere near the Presidency.  Thursday night’s televised debate was not…

  • Imagining the Trump/Biden debate

    … as a Vince McMahon barbwire cage match! Switchboard operators at Blaska Policy Werkes are not accepting in-coming phone calls Thursday (06-27-24) from 8 to 9:30 p.m. CST. Door-to-door missionaries, we found Jesus and he was doing well, last we checked. The Head Groundskeeper is tapping his b&w Philco into our neighbor’s cable for the…