Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Progressives plead guilty to suppressing free speech

The Nation fesses up!

There can be no more denial, no more prevarication. We have our guilty plea. Progressives have been stifling free speech on our university campuses. 

A law student — at Harvard, no less — admits on the pages of The Nation (one of the most earnest enablers) that progressives are guilty of Stalinist suppression of constitutionally protected political speech. Why this mea culpa? Because, the law student contends, progressives supporting Hamas are getting a taste their own medicine. (Not that Hamas allows dissent, Gays for Palestine!)

We excerpt from that Harvard Law student’s confession in The Nation:

“It’s time for progressives to recommit to academic freedom”

In recent years, we … encouraged the suppression of conservative voices on our campuses. Now, the same justifications we once offered to restrict conservative speech are being used to silence us. It is time for progressive students to reclaim our commitment to academic freedom.

For most of the last century, the commitment to free inquiry and expression was an important principle of the progressive cause. … Then, over the last several decades, a new generation of progressives lost sight of this commitment. We detailed the ways in which words can hurt us. …

In response, universities adopted hate speech codes. … a survey conducted last year asked students whether “shouting down a speaker to prevent them from speaking on campus” was acceptable. A majority of “very liberal” students answered it was “always” or “sometimes” acceptable. Only 17% of “very conservative” students felt the same way.

In 2017, when I was a student at Pomona College, my classmates physically barricaded and shut down a speaking event with author Heather Mac Donald, whose core argument was that black people are safer with more police around.

Protestors try to silence Ben Shapiro at UW-Mdison 2016

Some of us remember the speech codes delineating what may be uttered and what is forbidden speech. Prof. Donald Downs, now retired, led the way out into the sunshine. During the Too craze, the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin was populated with drop boxes where cowards could wreck professors’ reputations with anonymous allegations. Young totalitarians disrupted disfavored speakers or vandalized landmarks.

 → Which is why Republicans held hearings on campus free speech last year.

 → The WI Institute for Law & Liberty conducted this 2020 review of free speech in Wisconsin higher education.

The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression now ranks UW-Madison a decent 60th nationally with a score of 53.57, giving it a grade of “average.” Harvard is the most inhospitable to free speech; its 0.0 score ranks it a dead last on the FIRE survey. It’s speech climate is “abysmal.” 

Blaska’s Bottom Line: We’ll know free speech is alive and well when anyone to the right of Barack Obama schedules a speech at UW-Madison.

Is the takeover of Library Mall at UW-Madison
or Hamilton Hall at Columbia protected speech?

22 responses to “Progressives plead guilty to suppressing free speech”

  1. Peter Anderson

    Give my dear liberal friends hell, Dave. God knows they deserve that. Sometimes, I suspect Charles Koch has sent secret agents to poison the intellectual well of the left, because those I know and love could not, unto themselves, so badly lose all connection to our proud progressive roots and now oppose free speech, support the worst McCarthyesque abuses, dismiss aligning the interest of poor white folks and black folks who share the same suffering and indifference regardless of the color of their skin and thereby set back racial progress, etc etc etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      you guys on the right seem to have a large supply of poison on hand yourselves.


      1. Peter Anderson

        Yup, there’s certainly been enough of that insanity poison to go around to both sides!


  2. westsidesue

    After living in Madison for 17 years, I learned very quickly to keep my mouth shut. I wasn’t afraid of one-on-one discussion, but more often, in pretty much any group (I hung out with musicians and academics, what did I expect? hah!) I would be outnumbered and bullied. When I moved to Florida, it was so refreshing to be able to just talk to anyone. Yes, plenty of folks disagree, but they don’t go for the throat so much here. There are some to be sure, who would gag anything that doesn’t agree with their pre-conceived notions, but most of the time, we disagree and sort of laugh at each other. Props to all the conservatives I know still living in the gulag. They are brave men and women, and some of them are truly battle-scarred just for uttering a thought.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mordecai The Red

      A visit to Florida has always been a breath of fresh air to me for the reasons you mentioned. A few fanatics aside, most are down to earth and will agree to disagree. Most count their blessings, are thankful for what they have, and seem less miserable in general.


      1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

        A visit to Florida has always been a breath of fresh air to me for the reasons you mentioned. A few fanatics aside, most are down to earth and will agree to disagree.”

        Sanity lies far closer than that, MTR. Get north of State Highway 70; the weather may be unpredictable, but the people aren’t.

        The Gotch


  3. Kooter

    I agree WS Sue. Similar experience for me. moved to the Madison area in 1994 and quickly discovered people were intolerant of opposing views. Not that I’m a political Zealot or anything but if someone asked my opinion I would give it straight up. We found ourselves being increasingly socially isolated which sucked at the time but was actually a blessing in disguise as I’ve now surrounded myself with not necessarily similar-minded people but people who are willing to entertain opposing views in a respectful manner. My first introduction to the Madison welcome occurred within about a week of moving there and I went to the Willy Street Co-op at a coworker’s suggestion. I got the rudest response from the clerk when they discovered I was not Co-op member. At that moment I coined the term “fascist hippie”. I guess I was prescient

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      did you join the co-op?


      1. Kooter

        No of course not.


  4. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    I’m all for free speech as all my friends. The rub is the hate and calls for violence. Both sides do it. Trump-bloodbath. Bannon-all hell will break loose. Kari Lake-need I say more. You can run your yap all you want, just tone it down.


  5. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    This well documented in the talented Professor Downs seminal treatise: Restoring Free Speech And Liberty On Campus.

    Published nearly two (2) decades ago; do you think things have gotten better, stayed the same, or gotten worse?

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      Everything he said was lost now that two states are forcing public schools to teach the bible and ten commandments. Anyone who wants to fight about religion should just move to the middle east. Those people got it down to a science.


      1. Bob Dorn

        It’s only fair when 50 states allow “My two dads or my trans mom” to be in all schools. Oh my goodness, an 8 x 11 piece of paper on the wall that says “Do not lie” – the horror!!


        1. Anonymous

          Nothing wrong with posting Christian dogma on the walls of public schools as long as other organized religions are included: The Satanic Temple, for example, enjoys tax-exempt IRS status as does the nature religion WICCA. Oklahoma and a few other states would probably not be a good venue for these religions to operate, as members might get barbecued tied to a stake.


        2. rvtl1947hotmailcom

          It’s called freedom of religion Bob. You assume all kids come from “Christian” families. When are they going to post the Quran, Torah, Vedas, Tripitaka, Coada, Tenrikyo, Zoroastrianism. All religious books with a following. Let the lawsuits begin.


        3. Peter Anderson

          Dave, could I use Bob Dorn’s riposte to the separation-of-church-and state adherents — which, even though I am one of them, I have to acknowledge has some legitimacy — in order to encourage the combatants on both sides of this debate to pause, take a deep breath and come to recognize that we are all but ephemeral common passengers on an infinitesimally small speck of dust in a vast universe. Can we not, after so many decades of culture wars that, like the trench warfare of WWI, has achieved no progress for either side other than a massive loss of productive time from our brief lives on this planet. At least might we attempt to constructively LISTEN to the other first, before blasting away with our respective shibboleths , in order to see if, among the reasonable, mutual respect and possibly actual points of accommodation might be found.

          Let me try to start that ball rolling, taking Bob’s point that why should the right back off on extreme red-state mandates to teach the Christian Bible in public schools (putting aside the furious internal disputes among the many different Christian sects over what is the true doctrine, when the left allows “’My two dads or my trans mom’ to be in all schools.”

          I’m listening Bob.

          Could I give you some feedback from my perspective offered with an open mind in case you’re of a mind to listen back?

          Yes. There is lots of stuff coming from the left on sexuality (and later on race) where I can see the validity of what you’re saying. Because the zealous left controls the commanding heights of culture with the most extreme race/sex identity politics, things have gone far beyond encouraging a live-and-let-live understanding of folks who are homosexual or transgender to demanding obeisance to those extolling those differences, like the City of Madison’s employment requirement that every official having to include their pronouns with their signature. Similar the fight of whether stores selling personalized bakery goods have to prepare cakes with gay messages. Ditto any attempts to go beyond understanding to indoctrination of young children in non-traditional life styles, like the so-called the gender affirming care movement that actively pushes puberty blockers without bothering to first sort out little kids litany of exploratory impulses, and which more and more liberal countries in Northern Europe have rejected on compelling medical grounds, and which has nothing integral to do with the entirely separate point of just asking for some reasonable and balanced accommodation and even respect for adult transgenders seeking to live normal lives.

          I agree that these McCarthy-like (in reverse) left-wing attempts to enforce adherence to controversial and sometimes wrong-headed views are not only wrong, they are counterproductive, just as gay leader Harvey Milk — I should note — long advocated that the path to cultural peace was for everyone who was gay to come out of the closet so regular folks could see that they were otherwise as regular of them, and not The Other, which is precisely how in the short space of 20 years at the turn of this century polling showed that attitudes peacefully flipped from 2 to 1 opposed to gay marriage to 2 to 1 in support with hand-to-hand culture war combat.

          But to next ask you to consider that, if we strip out repulsive left-wing demands for enforced conformance to what really lies at the nub of the matter, could I ask whether, in that context, you might come to see that showing children that families with two moms is just another way that families come and that is just fine, without pushing it as superior, that is something that you could come to accept. This is personal for me.

          Like Dick Cheney, my wife and I have a gay daughter, and the common love Cheney and I share for our child (regardless of the chasm between my political views and Cheney’s) transcends any anxiety on the right that that life style is not THE norm or, in the past, was vilified in some cultures.

          I ask you this question, and eagerly await your answer, because it could adumbrate a possible path to listen and find some points of accommodation on which both sides at war with each other in this country, which occupies less than a tenth of land on that tiny dust speck, and return to our common humanity, to demonstrate to whatever wiser civilization that may exist in this universe that homo sapiens are not an irredeemable species.

          In closing to return to the biblical injunctions that those right-wing states are seeking to impose on innocent children as enforced doctrine, I have a better idea than for my side to fire back, as they are doing, with both guns blazing with the rousing words of Jefferson and Madison about the need for a wall of separation and a cascade of lawsuits.

          Instead, this could be a teachable moment to go back to first principals why Jefferson and Madison — both careful students of history — felt so strongly on this issue. And that is the hundreds of years of wars in Europe that decimated the continent and the lives of its peoples over just the slightest nuances of religious detail (is God a single God or a trinity, how many angels can fit on the head of a pin)

          It was precisely to avoid that colossally destructive then-recent history that led our founding fathers in the new land starting civilization afresh to write a constitution that attempted to avert a recurrence of that insanity here.

          Think of what will happen to this country if in towns where Muslims, Hindi, Hmong or even Wiccan are in the majority they follow Louisiana’s model and all decide to impose their particular religious views on the others in minority in their community, on God fearing Christians. Where will that lead.

          When we think back to the lessons of history, I think all reasonable men, woman and all varieties in between can come to agree that that would be the death knell for a functioning society in America, even though I can agree with you that I can understand why the extreme demands of the left that today control culture’s commanding heights could have provoked them because no one will listen or give any credence to the concerns of the other side.

          Can we not find some way to climb ourselves down from the precipice?

          Oh, and thanks for listening!

          Best. — peter


    2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      Single Parent Households Are One Of The GREATEST INDICATORS Of An IDIOT’S Future Poverty And Substandard Education.

      The Gotch


      1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

        Two parent households who raise spoiled, self-centered children is an indicator as to why we have a bunch of old fools ruining the country.


  6. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Lefty would LUV to suppress anything approaching an accurate description of DementiaJoKe catastrophically disastrous showing last night.

    How bad was it?

    Even the reliably RAYcist Lefty shill Joy Reid was unable to put any lipstick on that Lefty pig:

    “(Lefty is) on the verge of a ‘FULL FLEDGED PANIC‘ after Biden’s ‘EXTREMELY WEAK‘ performance

    It’s almost too much to take…….almost,,,,,

    The Gotch


    1. One Eye

      I disagree. I think last night was a setup and lefty has knives out for Biden. It’s going to be very entertaining to watch them rip him to shreds.


  7. Kooter

    I’m shocked, just shocked Biden looked old and incapacitated. The MSM kept telling us how “strong and vigorous” he is. Oopsies.

    My glee from last night has turned to anxiety: who’s running this country? Clearly Biden is incapable. My other concern is if the Democratic party drops him they may scrounge up somebody that’s more electable. As is Biden is unelectable. I wouldn’t hire the guy to shovel my driveway!


  8. Bob

    Joe, Kamala, or Hair Gel? Let the fire works begin!


What do you think?