Jeffrey T. Larson

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Kids are shooting each other on a ‘day of peace and unity’

Why are progressives afraid of teaching values?

The indentured servants at Blaska Stately Manor did not observe Juneteenth, a federal holiday that marks the day the Emancipation Proclamation actually kicked in for most slaves. If any of you platinum subscribers did, you’re better people than we are. (An admittedly low bar.)

But neither did our children shoot each other, which is what too many young people in Milwaukee were doing at that city’s “Juneteenth Peace Day” event Wednesday evening (06-19-24). A 17-year-old boy — shot dead. A 15-year-old boy was injured. The shooting began when 50 young people began to rumble near the Washington Park playground, cutting short the event. Eight firearms have been recovered.

The event had been billed as “a day of peace and unity” and a chance “to give Milwaukee youths a safe outlet,” according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

 → Multiple people shot, officers hurt during Juneteenth gatherings in Oakland CA.

Chapel at Holy Name, Madison

 If it ain’t working, can we fix it?

We keep giving young people safe outlets, excuses, gift guilt passes, and transferable blame packages like so much swag at a teachers union convention. Maybe we should start giving them — I don’t know — CHORES! Duties! Volunteer work! Part-time jobs! Rakes and shovels!

The 17-year-old accused of the shooting had been previously arrested for felonious possession of a firearm but had been freed on $750 cash bail. Anyone suspect concern for “disproportionality” was at work?

We’d like to know what school did this frequent flier attend (or was supposed to attend)? Because we are guessing that this walking embarrassment is not a graduate of Holy Redeemer Christian Academy or any of the other religious schools eligible for Wisconsin’s parental choice voucher program that Democrats so wish to snuff out. 

Because religious schools teach what our public schools under Gov. Tony Evers and his Department of Public Instruction are forbidden to address. It is the most important lesson of all: values. Diligence, responsibility, accountability, cooperation, truthfulness, respect, and sacrifice. Get those things right, and you’ll probably learn how to read and do figgers despite modern pedagogy. 

Which is why we’re pleased that St. Ambrose Academy here in Madison is dipping its toe for the first time in Wisconsin’s Parental Choice Program. The private school “built on core values” this fall moves into the former Holy Name Seminary and its capacious grounds. St. Ambrose expects enrollment of 220 in its 6-12 grades next fall — up from about 180. All choosing, not being mandated.

 Check the right boxes

Contrast that with a public school system here in Madison in which so-called safety monitors try to prevent police from removing pistol-packing pupils from the hallways of La Follette high school in the name of diversity, equity, and inclusion. (Read & Weep!) 

In the spirit of transparency, our new superintendent of schools gave an interview to our favorite local morning newspaper in which he manages to talk much and say little. Asked about Jennifer Cheatham’s Behavior Education Plan, however, Joe Gothard acknowledges:

“People would like to support a complete upheaval and change … but I haven’t been directed by the board and I certainly haven’t heard it as a priority.”

Blaska’s Bottom Line : And you won’t hear it as a priority if you’re a new hire who reports to the likes of school board members Ali Muldrow, Savion Castro, and their allies at Progressive Dane and Freedom Inc.! 

Blaska’s Bonus Bottom Line: As we told Dave Zweifel of The Capital Times in the last thrilling episode, not exposing students to Woke ideology is a feature, not a bug.

How about we track criminal arrests by school
along with reading test scores?

14 responses to “Kids are shooting each other on a ‘day of peace and unity’”

  1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    Chisel the ten commandments in the hallway walls. That will help. “Thou shall not kill.” But; “ya all” can buy all the bump stocks you need. Both sides need to get on the same page and stop pandering for votes. Want to start fixing this s#$t? Start with the courts. Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one. If a seriously ill mother to be dies isn’t that murder because you took away her options for care? You want the public schools to fix these problems? Then stop taking them to court. Every time people try someone gets offended and the party supported lawyers join the fray. Yeah; that’s you WILL. You want to fix this crap then stop spending millions on lawsuits then you will have the money to get stuff done. Where did they get the guns? Take a guess. A better question would be how we stop them from GETTING guns. But; then again that’s another lawsuit that will only make the lawyers richer and go no where.


    1. I get so tired of this progressive balderdash. “Take away the guns.” !!! It’s illegal for a 17-year-old to have a handgun in the first place! What are you going to do? Put giant magnet into orbit and suck up all the hardware in America? The kids at St. Ambrose aren’t shooting each other. What money do you want to get what done? Not in favor of mandating Ten Commandments like Florida but there are worse ideas like, namely, Jennifer Cheatham’s Behavior Education Plan.


      1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

        example; Vos gave 2.1 million to Gabelman who pissed it away and got nothing back except trump’s anger. Better to pick a bridge and fix it. You guys have been preaching this law and order crap for decades and what do we have. NOTHING. Every time I hear this “thoughts and prayers BS I want to puke. I really hope the Supreme Grifters of the US give trump immunity. That would set a president for all future presidents. Run that scenario in a post trump future.


    2. Mordecai The Red

      “Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.”

      Good. Don’t like guns? Don’t buy one. Fair?


  2. Gary L. Kriewald

    You neglected to mention that during LAST year’s Juneteenth “celebrations” in Milwaukee, gunshots also rang out; several were wounded but no one killed. It this sort of thing happens next year (and why wouldn’t it?), we might as well just shrug and chalk it up to tradition. This should give the Trump supporters some ammunition in their effort convince the world that their leader’s remark about Milwaukee being a “horrible” place was meant to refer to its crime rate. I went to a parochial (Lutheran) school at a time in the dim and distant past when the only qualitative difference between church-affiliated schools and public ones was that one spoke openly about religion and the other didn’t. Now public schools are in thrall to a toxic left-wing ideology that cares nothing about education and even less about personal values; their sole purpose is indoctrination. Madison is (predictably)on the far end of the spectrum, but even small town schools are becoming infected, with so-call “anti-racist” curriculums and trans-awareness days and countless other manifestations of progressive lunacy. I doubt it’s possible for an eager young teacher-wanabee to get a license without being immersed in an ideology designed to do maximum damage to the kids in their care. (Exhibit A: UW Madison’s School of Education)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    waaa, Waaaaaah WAAAAAAAAAAH…can’t you see…it just isn,t their fault!

    What a bad BAD joke!

    Only a despicably detestable Lefty would slobber an epically inane “but, but’ but, but, but, but” defense of generational criminality, likely a pitiably pathetic projection of THEIR OWN wasted life filled with poor choices.

    The Gotch


    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      How about less of your gibberish and give us some solutions. You never seem to have any concrete ideas; just blah blah blah, lefty, blah blah blah.


      1. Kooter

        Dick give it a break already. You make no sense. I get it that The Squire keeps you around for comedic relief but you’re tedious as hell.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

          Bravo Indigo November Golf Oscar!

          The Difference Between Genius And Stupidity Is That Genius Has Its Limits.” A. Einstein

          The Gotch


  4. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Blaska suggested: “rename some more schools” Yeah…THAT’S the ticket!

    Glass half full?

    The BEP will endure some (possibly RAYcist) attention…from the unlikeliest of PLACES

    That there renaming Jones remain unfulfilled?

    We GOT SOMETHING for that…

    The Gotch


  5. Lynn Halliburton

    I grew up 3 blocks from Washington Park, Milwaukee during the 50’s-60’s. Catholic neighborhood; many, many children within a nuclear family. We were outside day and night without a worry. Now it’s an area of Fatherless boys. How do you change that? These boys are not joining the Boy Scouts.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      The Gotch’s Dear late Mother was raised on N. Sherman, within spittin’ distance of the Steuben Monument; a once proud neighborhood gone to complete $#!t!

      The Gotch


  6. […] Bottom Line: Can’t blame MAGA for the Juneteenth shootout at Washington Park. Let’s face it — the Republican National Convention will be safer than a […]


  7. Anonymous

    “Kids are shooting each other..”? No s–t. Now I understand why members of non-human primate societies segregate young males. They’re lucky they don’t have guns.


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