Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Where have we seen this movie before?

Four teens with loaded gun crash a stolen car!

A loaded gun was recovered after a stolen vehicle crashed into a tree on Madison’s west side Thursday afternoon 03-23-23.

Officers were dispatched to the 11000 block of Gammon Ln. around 4:40 p.m. for a report of a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot of an apartment complex. The vehicle leaves the complex and crashes into a tree near Moraine View. Five people ran from the scene, four were taken into custody nearby.
The vehicle was stolen out of Cross Plains earlier this week. A loaded gun was found inside the vehicle.

A 14-year-old male was arrested for resisting arrest, operating a motor vehicle without consent (party to a crime), and possessing burglary tools. He was taken to the Juvenile Reception Center.

A 15-year-old male was arrested for resisting arrest, operating a motor vehicle without consent (party to a crime), and for being in adjudicated delinquent in possession of a firearm. He was taken to the Juvenile Reception Center.

Another 15-year-old male as arrested for resisting arrest, obstructing, authorized use of identifying documents, operating a motor vehicle without consent (party to a crime) and criminal trespass. He was taken to the Juvenile Reception Center.

Maurice J. Morris, 17, was arrested for resisting arrest and operating a motor vehicle without consent (party to a crime). He was taken to the Dane County Jail. The Fitchburg and Cross Plains Police Departments assisted with this call.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Maybe if our schools weren’t the products of white supremacy, like Madison school board candidate Blair Mosner Feltham says, these things wouldn’t keep happening.

Don’t our schools teach driver’s ed any more?


17 responses to “Where have we seen this movie before?”

  1. “Burglarious”, ehhh? Was that the perp’s name or what? If not, it should be.


    1. Should have said this was taken word for word from the MPD report.


  2. ref: “A 14-year-old male was arrested for resisting arrest, operating a motor vehicle without consent (party to a crime), and possessing burglarious tools. He was taken to the Juvenile Reception Center.”

    “Burglarious”, ehhhh? Was that the kid’s name or what? If not, it should be!


  3. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Jeepers Blaska, winter’s winding down; might this just be that these gosh darn bored, zany teens ( WITH_UNMET_NEEDS) are pivoting to outdoor after-school activities….?

    The Gotch


    1. I wonder if the gun was already in the car when it was stolen (what’s the demographics of Cross Plains), and that hadn’t found it before the crash? Otherwise, could they have been so irresponsible as to stupidly lost the only protection they had again the “fry-em like bacons”


      1. Demographics of Cross Plains? Not good!


        1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

          Demographics of Cross Plains? Not good!

          Coupla The Gotch’s clients on Stagecoach Road, south toward Pine Bluff, NW on CTH KP, north of Salmo Pond on Scherbel Road, and the indefatigable Kurt Schlicht are all 2A supporters, but would never leave ’em in a vehicle…unlocked OR locked.

          Townies packin’ heat? Not so much.

          AP does raise a fair point though, however unlikely.

          The Gotch


  4. Bob

    They were just having some after school fun. Come on now, boys will be boys. I’m sure they are above average students in school. They will be released and be on their merry way to have more fun.


  5. Crash Bandicoot

    I’m wondering if they need to change the name of the video game from
    “Grand Theft Auto” to “Operating a motor vehicle without consent”

    Just doesn’t have the same pizazz . . . ..

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      H/T, CB; Gut Laugh Leader Board entry!

      The Gotch


  6. Gary L. Kriewald

    How can you blame these lads for their little peccadillos when it’s clearly the fault of the car manufacturers for not making their vehicles impervious to theft. Apparently Milwaukee has joined Madison in its grift of suing Kia and Hyundai. When will parents start suing the MMSD for gross negligence?

    And why do we never get to hear how long these little POSs stay in the “Juvenile Reception Center,” where no doubt they’re cooed over by a bevy of social workers who assure them that it’s really systemic racism that’s to blame.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bob

      They’re probably out the same day or next, as soon as someone signs for them. The seventeen year old probably signed his name today after appearing before the court commissioner. Soon Dane county should have night court so they don’t have to wait till the next day.


  7. I woulda guessed that “Cross Plains”, judging by the evangelical-sounding place name, was a hotbed of gun-crazed MAGA knuckledraggers (you know the type)who absolutely need to have their phallic gizmos taken from them. Permanenty. Lest somehow they fall into the hands, inadvertantly, of youts who could wave them around and get theirselves murdered by the cops. Just like St. George Floyd and whaziname, the St. Hands Up Don’t Shoot.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. from NYTimes, Sat 25 March… “In 2020, over half of all gun thefts were from cars, according to the gun control group Everytown for Gun Safety, which analyzed FBI data.”


  9. Landon Perkins

    The city should plant stronger trees.


  10. […] Does she really think the young teens aged 14 to 17 who wrecked that stolen car with a loaded gun (explored here) are “fighting for their very existence”? How about studying one of the STEM disciplines (if […]
