‘The Homecoming’ by N.C. Wyeth

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


The party’s over

We won’t have the late Hugo Chavez to kick around much longer.

LBJ said he knew he lost the Vietnam War when he lost Walter Cronkite.

⇒ Donald Trump lost Tucker Carlson on Fox and, thus, Trump Nation. 

My conservative friends (for they are my friends) can dress in camo, migrate from Facebook to Parler, Fox to One America News, and stockpile freeze-dried mushrooms — but Farm & Fleet is out of ammo and so are hopes that our guy can overturn the reported 2020 presidential election results. 

Tucker Carlson is the hottest hour on news/commentary television. Thursday night 11-19-20 he related that the attorney for President Trump (as well as for General Mike Flynn) claimed that rigged voting machines switched millions of votes from Trump to Biden. Carlson asked for evidence. That is what a real journalist does.

‘We asked the Trump campaign attorney for proof of her bombshell claims. She gave us nothing’

When we kept pressing, [Sidney Powell] got angry and told us to stop contacting her,” Carlson reported. “When we checked with others around the Trump campaign, people in positions of authority, they told us Powell has never given them any evidence either, nor did she provide any today at the press conference.”

Seems a little crazy

A conspiracy too crazy for prime time

Yes, yes, they’re still recounting votes here in Dane County. Does anyone believe greater Madison didn’t vote 75% for Biden and in record-high numbers? Will Wisconsin’s results be overturned on a legal technicality? Not even Judge Roy Bean would dare.

Remember Bush v. Gore 2000? Despite Comrade Nichols’ best efforts at spin, George W. never trailed in the Florida vote count. Always was in the lead. Even then, the difference was 524 votes, not 20,608 as in Wisconsin, 12,000 in Georgia, 155,000 in Michigan. The Wall Street Journal this morning (11-20-20) headlined: “Georgia certifies: Donald Trump lost. A recount changed little, as the evidence of ballot fraud fails to appear.” As for heretofore Republican Arizona, maybe Trump should not have trashed John McCain, a Republican his state elected to Congress in eight elections!

Admittedly, Jonah Goldberg is a Never-Trumper. You could start a cable TV outlet with all the good conservatives who never got on the train. (Still want to ride Mitt Romney out of the party, as if you could? We’re going to need his vote in the next Congress like we did for Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation.) Anyhoo, Goldberg writes (in his e-mailed post, thus no links):

[The theories] Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell laid out [Thursday 11-19-20] made Adam Sandler’s speech [in the movie Billy Madison] seem like the Gettysburg Address and Demosthenes’ Third Philippic rolled into one.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time explaining why any theory that hinges on the cutting-edge computer know-how of Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela is going to have problems; (see our fact checks here). I’ll just note that even if you sat there watching that thing and said, “This sounds plausible,” it doesn’t change the fact they offered no proof of what they were alleging.

The sound of another shoe, dropping: Remember those Michigan state legislators Trump invited to the White House? They’re saying “No reason why state’s vote would change.” Don’t tell us Hugo Chavez got to THEM, too!

Blaska’s Bottom LineRemember Dandy Don Meredith on the original Monday Night Football? When it was apparent the game been decided, he’d sing, “the party’s over.”

How many of YOU are bitter enders?


55 responses to “The party’s over”

  1. AdamC

    The real joke is this: If anyone believes Basement Joe legitimately got nearly 80 million votes, more than 10 million higher than Obama’s massive 2008 landslide, then you are buying the biggest farce ever. What is he offering other than hourly gaffes, memory lapses, and being a barely-warmed-over octogenarian whose first name isn’t Donald?? He didn’t campaign and no one really knows what he stands for. And you expect people to believe he actually got 80 million votes???

    COME. ON. MAN.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. One of the sidebars at this here blogge states that Joe Biden is a null character. In other words, he was a place holder. All he needed is not be Donald Trump. Are you really under-estimating the absolute loathing of Trump among our liberal-progressive-socialist acquaintances? Sure, fanned on by the biased corrupt news media. And the various Deep State hoaxes. Q. Was it unfair? A. Big Time! But it was still how people voted. It did not help that Trump took every bait, punched down below his weight class, tweeted too much, and alienated would-be allies. (John McCain is just one example.) Nixon, for that matter, would be regarded as a near-great president were it not for …

      Liked by 2 people

      1. AdamC

        Three words: massive mail fraud.

        Is it that hard to believe that people who actually think Trump iz Hitler and his supporters are kard-karrying KKK members and acshual Nazis would refrain from the opportunity to shovel millions of fraudulent ballots thru the mail with zero verification that they are legit?

        Or is it more believable that basement-bound Biden would be “The One” who inspired 10 million+ additional voters than The Obama??

        Come on, seriously, which scenario is more ludicrous?

        Liked by 3 people

        1. FoodForThought

          It’s actually extremely easy to believe 80 million people voted to remove Trump from office. Blaska is correct that Biden is very simply “not Trump.” It was probably smart of the left to pick the blandest possible candidate so he could play that role well and permit many conservatives who don’t like Trump to vote for Biden. Look no further than the WOW counties, Racine, or Kenosha Counties, where GOP candidates down-ballot racked up much larger numbers of votes than Trump did.
          The percentages of votes by county mostly varied very little from 2016, usually just a few percentage points in one direction or another, and turnout was up almost everywhere.
          That is far more believable than that literally tens of millions of votes were fraudulent.

          Further, the population of the country is constantly growing and turnout was a lot lower than normal in 2016. The country already has right now 25 million more people than it did in 2008 during Obama’s first election, plus virtually no one on the left cast 3rd party protest votes this time around, even in states where the Green party was on the ballot.

          There’s no questioning that Trump made a huge error by downplaying the virus and politicizing mask wearing, among a number of other self-inflicted gaffes such as those Blaska mentioned. If he’d simply embraced mask-wearing it’s very likely a large number of people who have died in the US would still be alive, because his many of his followers quite literally trust him with their lives. At the very news conference in early April where the CDC recommended wearing masks, Trump immediately said the he personally wouldn’t and didn’t want to wear one – and instantly it became unnecessarily politicized and not wearing mask became a symbol of “freedom”, “backing Trump”, and sticking it do the Dems. He never finally wore one until three months later. The virus surged at the worst possible time for him too, particularly in Wisconsin and the rest of the Midwest where nearly every hospital was then and is still now currently overflowing. That turned large number of voters off.
          Take small examples like Green Lake County. While most of rural Wisconsin voted even more strongly for Trump this year vs. 2016, Green Lake County voted 2% less for Trump. I have no proof, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that was correlated with the fact their middle-aged healthy school district superintendent died of COVID in October: https://www.wbay.com/2020/10/08/markesan-superintendent-dies-after-three-month-battle-with-covid-19/

          On top of that, because of COVID people have been largely stuck in their houses and paying for more attention to current events and politics than normal as a result which likely also drove up turn out significantly.


      2. I said it early and I said it often…. Hate is the apex motivator. Turnout, turnout, turnout….

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Thanks for the supplemental common-sense, David. As you said awhile ago, and many (including me) reiterated, Trump was stepping on his tie bigtime –when all’s he had to do was dummy up to gain a second term. I look FWD to some peace-and-quiet coming up, relatively speakin’…. BTW, Tucker is honest here, as is (IMHO) Bill Maher occasionally.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. would-be allies. (John McCain

        The very same John McCain who pushed the “dossier”? THAT McCain?

        Oh, yah. He could be an ally. The very same John McCain who shoved his Savings-and-Loan finger up into the air and spiked ObozoCare relief.


        Liked by 2 people

        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Yer on FIRE, dad!

          Unconcerned with triggering DECKless snowFLAKES…?

          The Gotch


      5. “Q. Was it unfair? A. Big Time! But it was still how people voted.”
        What about the Equal Protection Clause in the 14th Amendment? How can an election be legitimate if it was unfair? How can you just roll over? Don’t you care about the liberty of our posterity?

        Millions of sworn veterans remain ready to defend our constitution from those who attempt to subvert it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. FoodForThought

          The Constitution doesn’t require the media to be fair, in fact it actually protects their right to do so. And it certainly doesn’t require voters to judge their candidates fairly when filling out their ballot.


      6. Good Dog,Happy Man


        “Carlson asked for evidence. That is what a real journalist does.” Yes, quite right. And then any journalist, worth his salt, would try and investigate the story and find the evidence himself. If you’d reported this poorly, Miles McMillan and Murph Wolman would have had your hide.

        Investigative journalism is dead. Most journalists have become, slow, fat, lazy, ideological mavens of misinformation. In order to be credentialed, they’ve all swim (swum?) in the same J-Skool waters and been indoctrinated and assimilated into the Leftist Borg.

        Yet, these purveyors of proglobotic propaganda and pusillanimous pap would claim to be “fair and balanced”. 96% of jurinalists are biasd and lean toward the proglobotic portside. Having been dipped in looney-toon Leftism their entire careers, they’re unaware of their own perceptual screens. A fish doesn’t know he’s wet, either.


        We don’t need no stinkin’ sources. Without any proof, they’ll simply repeat the mantra, the Lefty lie, “there’s no evidence of widespread voter fraud.” These are the same reporters who, as Kenosha was burning behind them, and bodies lay on the ground, blindly reported, “these are mostly peaceful protests.”

        Voofda! Who you gonna believe, the hive-minded Ms. Media or your own lyin’ eyes?

        Perhaps the greatest media malpractice is when they use “source journalism”. They’ll plant an opinion with a “friendly” media, they endlessly repeat it as if it were Gospel truth and it becomes the story.

        With inconvenient truths, Rudy Guiliani and Sidney Powell raked the Deep State over hot coals. This is all just a prelude to legal action and should be seen for what it is; an opening statement. Stay tuned, Dave-dawg. There’s more to come. Eat Cheese Or Die!,



        1. No one is more critical of the “woke” press than Blaska. But you are misdirecting. Sidney Powell said she had proof. Tucker Carlson asked her to share some of that proof. She told him to quit bothering her. You call what Rudy Guiliani and Sidney Powell alleged as “inconvenient truths.” No, they are inconvenient allegations — without proof and completely unsourced. Yet you swear by them as “truths” because you want to believe them. Now tell me who is intellectually lazy.

          Liked by 1 person

      7. Gary Kriewald

        Speaking of Nixon, he may very well have been cheated out of the 1960 election by the norotiously corrupt Democrat machine in Chicago that deprived him of Illinois’ electoral votes. He decided not to challenge the election outcome “for the good of the country” even though Kennedy’s victory was razor-thin. Trump made a very different decision as is his right. I doubt that any of his tactics will bear fruit (as in changing the outcome in any of the states his legal team is targeting) but I believe that it’s a way of calling attention to an election that was an unprecedented farrago of perfidy and incompetence.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          an unprecedented farrago of perfidy and incompetence.

          Good call!

          On the subject of JFK, he managed to FLIP Ol’ Blue Eyes to the…um…RIGHT side of the aisle!

          The Gotch


        2. patrickmoloughlin

          As a side note, it’s well documented that both Kennedy and Nixon did business with the Mob, specifically with Chicago boss Sam Giancana, with whom Kennedy shared a mistress. When it became obvious that there was voting fraud in Chicago, Nixon checked with his contacts there. It was Giancana who TOLD Nixon to let it go. He didn’t do it for “the good of the country.”


    2. richard lesiak

      I hope that trump finds better lawyers after leaving office. He’s going to need them.


  2. wipam

    I have no idea why everyone thinks that Sidney Powell should share all her proof (if she has it) before she presents it in court. That Tucker asked was great, that Powell said “no” should not be such a big deal. I never hear all the proof in a murder case before it gets to court so why should I get it now? Because Blaska, Tucker, Goldberg and every other Never Trumper demands it? I ask, what makes you and your friends so special that you deserve it?
    This election will not be overturned, but, I do believe there will be shown to be malfeasance on the part of election officials. And, I concur with the other commenter, there is no way 80 million people voted for Biden without election interference.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Presenting the evidence in public does not vitiate its worth in court. This is not a criminal prosecution, after all.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. wipam

        You are correct in that but you never give your opponent all your information before you need to. Do the Packers present their playbook before a game to their opponent before their games? And that is a h*ll of a lot less important than voter fraud or election interference.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Both criminal and civil cases allow “discovery” to allow the other side to review whatever facts you have. As for the playbook, Giuliani and Powell already disclosed their strategy. Just not the facts to support that strategy.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. patrickmoloughlin

          There are two courts here, and right now the court of public opinion is the one of far greater importance. If Powell has evidence that she is not sharing for strategic reasons as you suggest, she is a fool. Public opinion will swamp any legal technicality she may be banking on. If she has actual proof of fraud she needs to put up, or shut up.


      2. Suggest you tune in to “Life, Liberty and Levin” this Sunday nite on Fox. A genuine lawyer will ‘splain “evidence” in “civil proceedings” for the uninitiated.

        Is it meaningful to you that Dominion employees are disappearing from offices all across the US and deleting their Dominion experience from (e.g.) LinkedIn? Or that Dominion failed to show as promised for a hearing in PA and sent lawyers instead?

        Is it just possible that Powell has forwarded information (“EVIDENCE!! PROOF!!!) to the Att’y Gen’l and was asked to sit on it for a while?

        Inquiring minds, not MSM “reporters” would like to know.


        1. Big fan of Levin. Will watch. But the LinkedIn deletions are due to harassment from Trump supporters. Not that deleting LinkedIn accounts should matter anyway. Yes, it is possible that Powell has forwarded information (“EVIDENCE!! PROOF!!!) to the attorney general but she would and should say so if she had. Finally, if Dominion had thrown the election to Biden, why didn’t they throw more senators and congressman to the Democrats, as well?

          For what it’s worth: https://www.dominionvoting.com


        2. Liberty

          I love Levin and saw the show you’re referring to! He was worked up, and rightfully so!

          “it is possible that Powell has forwarded information (“EVIDENCE!! PROOF!!!) to the attorney general but she would and should say so if she had”

          She probably doesn’t know whom to trust. We all know how the complex contorts.

          “Finally, if Dominion had thrown the election to Biden, why didn’t they throw more senators and congressman to the Democrats, as well?”

          Conversely, why would all those seats go red (no blue wave) if Trump had truly lost? I find it hard to believe that the people who voted for R representatives ALSO voted for Biden. This election was in part about rejecting socialism and anarchy. Biden represents the antithesis of this.


        3. Sidney Powell “doesn’t know whom to trust”??? !!! It doesn’t matter whom she does not trust. The lawyer still has to recourse to the very few courts with jurisdiction, as they exist — trust them or not! Or does she plan to stash her “proof” in her trousseau? As to your second point, you may have heard of ticket splitters. Like many voters, yours truly held his nose because he loves the job Trump is doing but hates his narcissistic personality. A good many Republicans (they say suburban women) couldn’t stand 4 more years of crazy.

          BTW: How does the complex contort?


  3. Bill

    We are SCREWED!

    Big TIME!

    Kamala Harris as your next President.

    All we can do now is Pray to God in Heaven that in the end the innocent won’t suffer.

    I know that not everyone grew up with the Catholic faith instilled in them. That is fine. If you are a believer in God in Heaven you need to pray daily, hourly, pray by the minute. The time is near. The hour is at hand.

    There is a Catholic prayer from the rosary that goes like this.

    “Oh my Jesus forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Thy mercy.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Hope this doesn’t make you feel any worse Bill, but when any of your Lefty pals start slobbering effusively about how Kamel ‘Ho is Lefty Nirvana, have them watch this TATUMREPORT:

      Kamala Harris Is A Dirty Snake But Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

      A real pandering POS, she!

      The Gotch


      1. Batman

        Not only is Ivanka twice the woman that heels-up-Harris is and smells better but also a helluva lot smarter too.
        For example; witness her complete dismantling of dum-dum Jake Tapper today over Co2 emissions and after Ivanka is finished others join in the utter humiliation of Mr. Smug.
        Godallmighty life is good.



  4. wipam

    “Discovery” only happens when it LEGALLY needs to happen.
    If you read my comment completely I said “before you need to”.
    THAT is why I have no problem with any lawyer, even one I want to succeed, withholding information until LEGALLY REQUIRED TO.
    From both the Biden supporters, cities, counties, states AND Never Trumpers until necessary.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard lesiak

      Being so well versed in the law; maybe you could help out Rudy. I think right now the gop is 0-28 in court. The same machines and programs were used in Utah were trump won. Suck it up snowflake; trump is toast.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. richard lesiak

        three more tump lawsuits bite the dust today. bite on that one gootchie.


      2. richard lesiak



  5. richard lesiak

    Trump and every elected official and his lawyers should all be arrested and charged with sedition.


    1. georgessson

      Geez, Richard-May-I-Call-Ya-Dick, yer proclivity fer barmy and gormless posts may be acceptable by other deck-envious ankle-biters but… NOT grown-ups. Puh-leeze: stand down & stand by. Relax ! Nap-time and a blankie are never too far away.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “NOT grown-ups.”

        Deck-Envy sufferers are not, the lucid will confirm, grown-up.

        “Puh-leeze: stand down & stand by.”

        Oy! Were it only that simple.

        “Relax ! Nap-time and a blankie are never too far away.”

        No cartoons…?

        The Gotch


  6. Bill

    How to steal an election.

    1. Tell everyone there is an incurable virus that is killing everyone it affects when it is really b.s.
    2. Rig the voting laws at the last minute to allow for absentee ballots that are not filled out properly.
    3. Allow for more and more voting irregularities to happen unquestioned.
    4. Destroy any and all evidence of these irregularities as soon as possible.
    5. Don’t allow for all sides to monitor the election process.

    We are fast going down the road to ruin in this country. Listen to the words of Dr. Paul Kengor

    We are now at the end of the road. Joe Biden has sold his soul to the devil and our country to the Chinese and anyone else who would give him money. Kamala is no different. I don’t see old Joe lasting much more than a year or so before being declared mentally unfit or dying.

    But don’t you worry not one little bit about the Biden family. No sir. Once Joe gets to putting an end to oil and natural gas being produced here in the U.S. and we are purchasing all of our oil and natural gas from Russia and China through companies that Hunter has invested in, we will all pay to make sure the Biden’s do rather well while we all freeze in the dark.


    1. wipam

      You speak the truth.
      But you have depressed me big time tonight.
      Thanks a lot! (Sarc 🚨)


      1. Here’s Anderson (CIA) Cooper “crying” about “What’s really important” in all of this….Notice the “covid” CASES (whatever the H*** they want that to mean) line up perfectly with our skyrocketing DEBT… https://www.bitchute.com/video/jUF1KJ6BfcI/


      2. Be of good cheer, WiPam! We’re only in the 2rd inning here. “Nooz” people who don’t know much, and “opinion” people who may know even less, are irrelevant to what’s really going down. Yes, a server was seized in Germany, yes the Attorney General is on the case, and yes, many rats are deserting the ship.

        We don’t really care about the rats, do we?

        D’Souza asks a very good question: “Are voting machines subject to manipulation?”

        Somehow, “nooz” people–and “opinion” people, have not asked that question. Seems kinda basic, doesn’t it?


        1. richard lesiak

          there was no server taken in germany by anyone.


        2. Liberty

          I recommend people listen to dad. He speaks the truth!


  7. Good Dog,Happy Man

    If you believe there was a 90% participation rate in the election in Milwaukee County, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. Cheap. Even though Lefty hate for Trump was a yuge motivator, there’s no way. It simply doesn’t pass the smell test.

    I’ve been asking myself this question, “Why would anyone vote FOR Biden?”
    The simple answer is they didn’t, …. they voted AGAINST President Trump.

    The deeper answer is that the Deep State, unelected government bureaucrats, lobbyists and the #GetTrump media/industrial complex, (beware of), wanted to preserve their gravy-train and the corrupt government status quo.

    The more Biden’s mental health deteriorates, the easier it is to control him. Ditto for his sleazy foreign entanglements, which simultaneously show that he knows how to play the game and he can be compromised. Harris is an ideal nonentity as a V.P., utterly without executive or foreign policy experience, and so the perfect proglobotic puppet for lobbyists and swamp-dwellers.

    Powerful companies don’t want a level playing field; they want the advantages they paid good money for. They don’t want fewer regulations because they wrote the regulations themselves!
    And the weaker the executive, … the better they can control him.

    When Trump says he want to drain the swamp, he’s threatening both the Rockefellar Republicans and dystopian Democrat dreamers. What he’s really saying is that he will take millions of hard-earned lobbying dollars out of the pockets of major corporations that are expecting billions of dollars of influence in return. These companies have spent decades building up this influence. Trump will negate all that. No wonder they stopped at nothing to take President Trump down.


  8. richard lesiak

    You guys are so much fun to watch. Pacing out on your decks, upping your blood pressure meds, watching this merry band of legal grifters charging the RNC millions of dollars for BS. All the while trump only has one thing to say…FORE. Even that crook Christie came out and said this bunch couldn’t hit their ass with a gavel.


  9. richard lesiak

    update… while being surrounded by “the best and brightest” barf legal puke team gag. trump is now 0-36


  10. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Anyone believe that it could possibly get any more pathetic than when a septuagenarian Lefty’s laughably non-existent self-worth is pitifully validated by a stumbling/mumbling/bumbling dementia patient and a ‘Ho?

    Didn’t think so!

    Despicable Lefty!

    The Gotch


    1. AdamC

      His kind will get shouted down and run over soon enough…. maybe it’s already happened, who knows.

      Prog-left-tards are TERRIFIED that Crazy Bernie and/or Pocahontas will get passed over for Biden Cabinet positions. They and the left feel ENTITLED to Labor and Treasury, respectively. (And one can see their point.)

      HOWEVER the rumor mill in D.C. is that Lucy is gonna snatch that football away.

      The shrieks and howls of protest from leftist quarters once they realize they’ve been had (again) are going to be apocalyptic.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I dunno, David. Sworn affidavits are not “evidence”? And–whether Carlson admits it or not– Powell stated several times that she had, indeed, attached an item (or more?) that had not been released to anyone else in the “nooz.” Think she’s lying? Why would she?

    There are two different operations being run by the Trump camp. One is the piddly-diddly stuff like the Wisconsin ‘recount.’ Those are the shiny objects. There IS a strategy to losing certain cases in court, as you know, and as you ALSO know, the Pennsylvania action is already at SCOTUS’ door. That will go very badly for the Democrats in that State. But it’s not going to be the only cause of action at SCOTUS.

    The second is a truly grand and far-flung operation which has been underway since at least 2017; it includes but is not limited to the ’18 EO about ‘election interference.’ Please remember that Trump can obtain FISA warrants (he’s familiar with them, ya’know.) and he didn’t write that EO because he needed practice. He really is NOT stupid. Nor is Bill Barr.

    Yes, we have that server from Germany. Yes, there are carefully-worded non-denial denials from Dominion, voiced today by an ex-Jeb!! mouth who also worked for such luminaries as Boehner and Ryan.

    This is NOT an episode of Law & Order where the resolution is reached in 48 minutes plus P&G and Coke. Let’s all stop treating it as that, eh?? And it’s entirely possible that some of your Democrat and Republican “friends” are about to hear a knock on their doors.

    Stay tuned.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard lesiak

      Sidney Powell just found out how right you are Dad. Thursday; shot het mouth off, stood up for trump’s BS and for that kicked to the curb. Good luck on your future as an attorney Sid. Your going to need it.


    2. Liberty

      dad, right on!!!

      On Maria Baritoromo’s show, Sidney said that she DID give Tucker an affidavit to look at, and that he was the one being rude. I love Tucker, but am inclined to believe Sidney.

      I have a hard time believing someone of her caliber would jeopardize her career if she didn’t have evidence. And this evidence will be presented in a court of law, NOT via media.

      Besides, she probably doesn’t know who to trust. You know that anything she’d utter would be manipulated and used against her case by the dirtbag alliance (pols, media, big tech).


      1. If Sidney Powell intends to present her evidence in a court of law she better hurry. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Nevada have certified their elections. As to “She doesn’t know whom to trust,” once again — her facts (if they are facts) are facts. At some point, they have to be presented in public, to an open court of law and the court of public opinion. Or, have you seen them? Can Sidney Powell trust you, Liberty?


  12. madisonexpat

    Come what may in the aftermath of this phoney baloney election this much is true. The Democratic Party is verschtupt. Geriatric Pelosi is hanging on her her toenails. Congress is virtually 50-50. The Senate remains Republican. Joe can’t talk. The Ho can’t govern.
    Minority voter gains by Trump are irreversible given a reasonable candidate.
    BLM turns off the non Woke AA’s. Antifa turns off every one.
    If Joe and the Ho get in…… no one is going to like it.
    There are a lot of people who will miss Trump a great deal because of his many accomplishments despite the ankle biters who don’t like his impolitic impulses. Many of us believe that is more of a feature than a bug.
    Stupid threats against him are laughable. He has withstood the best of them some time back.
    On the other hand, where is the Biden pay to play story?
    If it comes to that, Trump may yet have four more years.


  13. […] rightie blogger David Blaska says it’s time for Donald Trump to throw in the towel. He says there’s no way that the Nov. […]


  14. Alfred E Neuman

    Unlike Althea Bernstein, the trump campaign lawyers knew it was a felony to actually report a fake case of voter fraud to authorities. That’s why they withdrew so many suits.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Voter fraud is a myth, right?

      Not exactly.

      Formerly employed Lefty Scottie Foval: “It’s a very easy thing for Republicans to say they’re bussing people in. Well you know what? We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you f**kin’ assholes for fifty years and WE’RE NOT GOING TO STOP NOW. WE’RE JUST GOING TO FIND A DIFFERENT WAY TO DO IT. (bolds/caps/italics mine)

      “I think backwards from how they would prosecute if they could, and then try to build out the method to avoid that,” (Foval) says about organizing voter fraud by bringing people from state to state to vote illegally. “Let’s just say, in theory, if a major investigation came up of major vote fraud that way, how would they prove it? And who would they charge? Are they going to charge each individual with voter fraud? Or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy, which they could prove? It’s one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars. If there’s a bus involved, that changes the dynamic… You can prove conspiracy if there’s a bus, but if there are cars, it is much harder to prove.” (bolds mine)

      BUSTED! couldn’t have happened to a couple of nicer Lefty morons (forgive the redundancy)

      “Scott Foval and Robert Creamer, two little-known but influential Democratic political operatives, HAVE LEFT THEIR JOBS after video investigations by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action found Foval entertaining dark notions about how to win elections. Foval was laid off Monday by Americans United for Change, where he had been national field director; Creamer announced Tuesday night that he was ‘stepping back’ from the work he was doing for the unified Democratic campaign for Hillary Clinton.”

      It gets worse.

      Lefty miscreant Bobby Creamer was a WH guest over 340 times (close to every ~ 10 days Hopey Changey was in office), 47 (~ once every 2 months) of those with a personal audience with the self-anointed 4th Greatest President EVAH who was tasked with overseeing the Most Transparent Administration EVAH!

      Mercy me!! Taken out of context…?

      The Gotch
