Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Thank God for William Barr and ‘Catholic paranoia’

The secular Left is apoplectic about his attack
on the ‘soft despotism of government dependency’

“We have no Government armed with Power which is capable of contending with human Passions unbridled by … morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other.” — John Adams 1798.

It’s a beautiful Indian Summer day in Wisconsin, if that term can be safely used the day after Indigenous Peoples Day. 

Does anyone know whether the Freedom From Religion atheists are picketing the Jesus Lunch kids and their parents at Verona high school again today?

For “Today’s secularists are decidedly not of the live-and-let-live variety,” William McGurn writes in the Wall Street Journal, in something of an understatement. Teenagers saying a prayer over their hot dogs? How … DIVISIVE!

Socialism: the opiate of the Left

Once upon a time, the political Left preached tolerance. Now they demand conformity. We’ll be watching CNN (sound of fingernails grating on the blackboard) to determine if any of the 12 Democrats at tonight’s (10-15-19) presidential debate utter the word “God” or prayer. Haven’t heard it so far.

The Constitution prohibits establishing an official, favored government religion contra the U.K., where the Queen is the head of the Church of England. But the Freedom From Religion party has largely succeeded in turning that freedom upside down. The day is coming when Capitol guards will demand you deposit your rosary with any firearms you may be carrying.

an00578455_001_l“Beto” O’Rourke, for instance, demands religious adherence to the Democrat(ic) party platform. Denounce same sex marriage at risk of a knock on the door from the IRS.

Religion? At a Catholic school?

Attorney General William Barr gave a speech at Notre Dame, that Catholic university in Pete Buttigieg’s village that has the Left writhing in conniption fits.

Of Barr’s speech, McGurn writes that the waning of religion’s influence in American life has left more of her citizens vulnerable to what Tocqueville called the “soft despotism” of government dependency.

“The secular project has itself become a religion, pursued with religious fervor,” Barr said. “It is taking on all the trappings of religion, including inquisitions and excommunication. Those who defy the creed risk a figurative burning at the stake — social, educational and professional ostracism and exclusion waged through lawsuits and savage social media campaigns.”

Mr. Barr blamed secularism for social pathologies such as drug addiction, family breakdown and increasing numbers of angry and alienated young males.


Subsidizing irresponsibility

“Whereas religion addresses such challenges by stressing personal responsibility, Mr. Barr argued, the state’s answer is merely to try to alleviate “bad consequences.”

Comment, respond, what do you think“So the reaction to growing illegitimacy is not sexual responsibility, but abortion,” he said. “The reaction to drug addiction is safe injection sites. The solution to the breakdown of the family is for the state to set itself up as an ersatz husband for the single mother and an ersatz father for the children. The call comes for more and more social programs to deal with this wreckage — and while we think we’re solving problems, we are underwriting them.

Barr’s apostasy undermines the entire Bernie/Warren/Pelosi/Satya/Maduro enterprise. (Full text of his speech)

How the heathens do rage!

Bernie fanboy John Nichols’ colleagues at The Nation are livid. Writer Joan Walsh pulls out all the Catholic conspiracy libels. “William Barr Is Neck-Deep in Extremist Catholic Institutions,” The Nation screams. Barr’s “extremist talk body-surf[ed] the fever swamps of Catholic paranoia.” 

Barr is “a paranoid right-wing Catholic ideologue who won’t respect the separation of church and state.” Barr holds “global grudges.” The attorney general didn’t warn, he “intoned darkly.” 

Those “extremist conservative Catholic institutions” include the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty (perhaps best known in recent years as the firm behind the Hobby Lobby case) and (believe it or not!) the Knights of Columbus, a fraternal order of Catholic men. Golly, so was Blaska’s dear departed father! (Newfound respect for the Old Man!)

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Walsh’s most recent book is titled What’s the Matter With White People? Bill Barr provided the answer, if you would but take to heart his speech at Notre Dame.

Pray tell, what do YOU think?


35 responses to “Thank God for William Barr and ‘Catholic paranoia’”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    ”Does anyone know whether the Freedom From Religion atheists are picketing the Jesus Lunch kids and their parents at Verona high school again today?”

    Could be, they’re tanned, rested, & ready after successfully admonishing HoR Ilhan Omar when she…um…intoned lightly:

    Yes, God has obligations to all of us. But God expects us to do the righteous work. SO GOD DOES NOT EXPECT YOU TO VOTE FOR PEOPLE who will ultimately hurt you and other humans around you.” (bolds mine)

    Wait a minute.

    Nary a peep from the FFRF on God, one may assume hers, wanting us to vote a certain way?

    Never Mind

    The Gotch


  2. Gary L. Kriewald

    I for one wouldn’t be surprised to hear the Democrats utter the word ‘God’ during tonight’s debate. For example: “God damn it, we’re coming for your guns.” Or “God damn it, you’d better get used to paying higher taxes.” Or “God damn it, what makes you think you’re capable of choosing your own health care?” Well, you get the picture. And of course the left is writhing at Barr’s speech for the excellent reason that it exposed in no uncertain terms the fanaticism, intolerance, vengefulness, and hypocrisy of their secular religion–one that makes the original Puritans look like Hollywood Babylon. If Trump wants to win in a landslide, he’ll deliver Barr’s speech–or a close variant–every day from now until election day 2020.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Having just lunched on a K of C pork-chop feast in Roxbury, here’s fair warning: if the FFRF, or the Democrats, intend to stop that particular fund-raiser, they had better be very well-armed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. George’s Son

    Barr merely suggests some of the 10 commandments in a circular fashion. Thus he invokes the concept of distinguishing right from wrong. Big mistake. There’s no right or wrong in the progressive mindset, only have-or-have-not. O’Rourke gets a free pass w/ his bigtime money-losin’ & totalitarian edict RE: Churches & what they should espouse.

    On a smaller but just as important stage, Dane County libs seem to excoriate those who would ALSO like some biblical response/recognition to ever expanding local crime, be it kids running wild or felons w/ records given “one more chance” ad nauseum.

    Guess the local pols got their wish, the new budget allows nothin’ much for citizen safety, nor is the MMSD poised for reality. The two new alders, Freedom Inc and Brandi will continue to profanely reinforce that posture.

    We’ll just hafta see. As the Gotch poignantly observed, “Somewhere over the Rainbow…. “


  5. geo_

    The conservative posts here really offer nothing of substance, just a plethora of misinterpretations of what they think is liberal thinking. How about we take Sec. Pompeo to task for not honoring that wall between church and state. Pompeo billed the taxpayers for travel to Nashville to deliver a speech to “Christian” organization. Then he had the State Department put that speech on the Official Department website. A clear violation of church/state separation no matter what “god you worship. Who paid for Barr’s trip to Notre Dame?


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      Glad you’re still alive-n-kicking, ol’ buddy; just not as high, am I right?

      Anywho: ”The conservative posts here really offer nothing of substance,”

      Oooomph! Present company excluded…?

      “just a plethora of misinterpretations of what they think is liberal thinking.”

      How’s this for liberal thinking, the ultimate oxymoron:

      The People Pushing Hardest For Trump’s Early Removal ARE MORE DANGEROUS THAN TRUMP.” (bolds/caps mine)

      Who said it; Russ Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Rudy Giuliani, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Lindsey Graham,….The Gotch??

      None of the above, rather it was Never Trumper/Career Lefty/Rolling Stone Columnist Matt Taibbi!

      By their own choice, Lefties (most, not all) are living in Interesting Times!

      The Gotch


      1. geo_

        From day one Trump was violating the emoluments clause of the Constitution, or so it appears, the republican controlled congress had no interest of finding the truth.


        1. George’s Son

          Jeez, “Geo”, kinda thinkin’ ya got an axe to grind. Your comments seem out of touch. Just sayin’….


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Yawn! The Donald will NEVER surpass the catch all/end all to crony capitalism; the Clintonista Slush Fund, I mean, the Clintonista Foundation!

          The Gotch


        3. Bob Dorn

          never heard of this emoluments clause of which you speak before Trump came into office – why is that?


        4. AnonyBob

          Well, Dorn, maybe because no one’s ever violated it so willingly, blatantly and corruptly. The prez usually puts his assets into a blind trust someone else manages. Not Trump. He is bound and determined to personally profit off the office he holds. He doesn’t get the concept of public service and he’s not interested in it. Which leads one to ask, who exactly is he working for? (Hint: it’s not YOU.)


        5. AnonyBob

          Dorn, no response to reality? To you and all the other Trump Cult Clowns: coward.


        6. AnonyBob

          Oh, and speaking of corrupt, today he awards a big fat govt. contract to: himself. The G7 leaders will be forced to meet at his ratty, infested, money losing, and inappropriate for the confab, Doral club. No conflict of interest there, no outright corrupt violation of the emoluments clause there. Chalk up yet another article of impeachment. What’s it gonna take for you guys?


        7. Cornelius Gotchberg

          TRANSLATION of the pathetic slobberings of @AnonyBob:

          Waaah everything me & my idiot Lefty compadres Waaaaah have tried to do in order to Waaaaaaaah overturn the democratically and constitutionally sound Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah election of PRESIDENT TRUMP Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah has failed!!!

          How many more straws can we pitifully grasp that won’t make us look like the pitiable SORE LOSERS that a fact-based reality so plainly and clearly sees???

          “ratty, infested, money losing, and inappropriate for the confab”

          Citation, or STFU!

          A possible diversion; you’re ideally suited as a lapdog groupie for Chelsea Clinton for…whatever, am I right?

          The Gotch


        8. AnonyBob

          Gootch, try to talk like an adult, would ya? Not that facts are going to make any difference to a middle school Trump Cult Clown, but:

          “The resort’s main kitchen has seen its share of problems — such as in 2015, when it was ordered temporarily closed after an inspector found 20-30 “live, small flying insects” in the kitchen and dishwasher room, in addition to “20-25 live roaches on the walls, baseboards and floors” near a food prep area. It didn’t help that several foods at the buffet that were supposed to be cold, including cheese, pork, fish and eggs, were served at temperatures more than 20 degrees too warm.”

          The resort’s revenues have dropped 70% in two years and June is it’s second slowest month, so the Prez awards himself a fat contract, like a corrupt 3rd world strongman. “But,” his supporters bleat, “he’ll do it at cost.” Oh? And who determines what “at cost” is and what’s the value all the publicity? Regardless, the President. Is. Not. Allowed. To. Steer. Govt. Business. To. Himself.


        9. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Unlax @AnonyBob; seems there’s another thing coming down the pike to make you specifically, and Lefty generally, wet your/their collective hempen homespun.

          As if they haven’t beaten THAT dead horse enough, it appears to involve those pesky RUSSKIES again!

          Hillarity Clinton Says Russians Are ‘Grooming’ A 2020 Candidate For Third-Party Run.

          Tulsi Gabbard, perhaps? The Gotch wouldn’t mind seeing more of that mega-babe, especially with the sea of weeds that Lefty’s been pushing.

          Anywho; wouldn’t be just another Lefty SMOKESCREEN with other…um…externalities coming home to roost, would it…?

          38 People Cited For Violations In Clinton Email Probe

          Ah Lefty; so MUCH criminality, so little time!

          The Gotch


        10. AnonyBob

          Shorter Gootch: deflect!!! Admit you lost another one.
          But I will agree Tulsi is easy on the eyes, though she could be another third party Jill Stein spoiler. Of course the Kremlin loves an isolationist like her.


        11. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “But I will agree Tulsi is easy on the eyes,”

          The Gotch & @AnonyBob in agreement? Time to buy a lottery ticket!

          “though she could be another third party Jill Stein spoiler.”

          Heck, this is just gettin’ started; we got a certifiable BI**HFIGHT brewing!

          Gabbard hits back: ‘(Q)ueen of warmongers‘ Hillarity is the “personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party.”

          A blushing The Gotch is positively smitten!

          The Gotch


        12. AnonyBob

          Gootch loves him a Kremlin stooge!


      2. Gotch, there’s no gain in arguing with Crazy, no matter how old an acquaintance.


    2. Quick quiz for Geo: Are Christians denied American citizenship? Do we have to revisit JFK before the Houston ministers?


      1. geo_

        Not that I know of? Are LGBTQ denied rights of Americans?, are women being denied their constitutional right to abortion?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “are women being denied their constitutional right to abortion?”

          Good question, it certainly has been limited in at least one area; Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s former practice.

          And if there were any females among the (at least) three…um…post-fetuses born alive, then murdered (choiced, if you prefer) by Gosnell during botched abortion procedures, they’ll be denied that opportunity in the future.

          Dr. Ulrich Klopfer unavailable for comment…

          The Gotch


        2. If you SERIOUSLY think that there is a “right” to do evil, pal, you are daft. Think about the possibilities you are handing to the eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil Conservatives!

          Well, yes, I asked you to “think.” That’s hard, I know…


    3. Gary L. Kriewald

      The problem is that liberals don’t think, they feel. Their boundless compassion for the “marginalized” and downtrodden results in hordes of homeless degrading public spaces and feral teens stealing cars and being released from custody over and over again to do the same. The flip side of their compassion is visceral hatred of law enforcement and anyone who has used the traditional freedoms and values of this country to succeed without their help.


  6. patrickmoloughlin

    Gotta keep your eye on those Knights of Columbus. They’ll have a fish fry as soon as you turn your back!


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Don’t you mean those Knights of Indigenous People?


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “They’ll have a fish fry as soon as you turn your back!”

      Glass half full?

      If you lack the will power to push yourself away from the trough early (like before your third helping AND dessert), it’s simply not your fault; and you’ll never guess whose it is?

      Rutgers University Women’s/Gender Studies Professor Brittney Cooper:

      We are living in the Trump era, (a)nd look, those POLICIES kill our people.”

      One look at the talented Professor Cooper strongly suggests that the possibility of her being svelte, even mildly porcine, prior to 01/20/2017 simply HAS to strain the credulity of even the staunchest Lefty, doesn’t it?

      Hey! Why not blame the fact that their football team sucks on The Donald, too…?

      The Gotch


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        How could you have failed to notice that during Obama’s reign, every black woman in America had the physique of a runway model?

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Leo

    As one television commentator put it recently .”There are only two types of people who work for
    Donald Trump. One is those already in prison. The other are those on their way to prison.” We
    are going to need a new federal prison with a “Trump wing” to hold them all.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      Please list the crimes President Trump has committed; be specific.

      Oh; and if it’s missing emails from an illegal private server, precedent has been established that deleting electronic communications, even after they’ve been subpoenaed, apparently isn’t a violation of the Federal Records Act.

      Thank you in advance.

      The Gotch


  8. Balboa

    Indigenous people, you mean the invaders from Bering Strait Land Bridge. Did they just appear in north and south america spontaneously? Their is no evidence they evolved from the lesser primates that lived in North and South America. I will not celebrate indigenous peoples I am still angry at the Saxons and Romans invading my ancestral homelands. Wait my ancestors invaded the land prior to them. Selective outrage always leads the way with Lib..rds

    All I hear is that you do not like the first Italian American or do not like the director of “Home Alone”
    take your pick because both live your fantasy lands


  9. madisonexpat

    I think that if ABob has had to recycle Emoluments so soon after the Whistleblower Ukraine walls are closing in after so many bombshells then the Dems are running on empty.


  10. Batman

    Tulsi Gabbard crushed the entire Dem field of candidates arm wrestling and looked good doing it. Beto (neverworkedadayinhislife) was caught attempting to escape the contest so Gabbard allowed the manchild to use both arms but he departed in tears nonetheless.

    Let us pray.
